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Fandom One Piece the New Era

We ready to start?

That awkward moment when you didn't know the roleplay had already started.
ah pretty simple. crew gettin togeather

Name: Woody the tree

Age: 48

height/Weight: 6'2 170 lbs

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-18_19-49-46.png.13c40b575b853648439493cf1610aba4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62701" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-18_19-49-46.png.13c40b575b853648439493cf1610aba4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> without the coat or the birds

Gender: Male

Race:(Human, fishman, other) Human

personality: He is a rather arrogant Pirate, seeing himself as already the pirate king

Role(cook, doctor, shipwright, etc.): Captain of the new leaf pirates

Devil fruit/skill: tree tree fruit: Oak model. I'm making plant zoans a thing. Half form gives him hard bark like skin and good regeneration, and the ability to grow branches from his head.

Background:(at least 3 sentences):



  • upload_2015-7-18_19-49-46.png
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Name: Emile Durvhast

Age: 19

height/Weight: 5'11"/ 198 lbs



Gender: Male

Race: Human

personality: Emile generally is very sarcastic, kind but more importantly, enigmatic. He is a loyal being but a lot of his choice are questionable until everything comes together.

Role(cook, doctor, shipwright, etc.): Astrologist- able to keep the ship in the right direction at night by way of the stars

Devil fruit/skill: goro goro no mi-

  • Has the ability to temporarily turn to electricity to travel along metal
  • Can turn body parts into lightning at willn Jo
  • Fast Reflexes
  • Up to 100 million volt "Impulse" discharge
  • Quite useful for starting fires
  • Pretty to look at.
  • Can reshape metal by sending enough electricity through them

Background:(at least 3 sentences): Emile used to be a slave to the Celestial Dragons until they forced him to eat a devil fruit for their own sick entertainment. Jordan escaped one afternoon when they decided they wanted to see his "tricks" and he electrocuted his way to freedom, as it turns out, he could slip the neck-bomb by turning to lightning, though he quickly found out that he can't do it for long because it completely confuses every sense in his body. Emile stopped running and burned the symbol off, replacing it with four lightning bolts intersecting. He has a slight aversion to PIE
Name: Dru

Age: 17

height/Weight: 5'5" 135 lb



Race:(Human, fishman, other) Human

personality:Dru is a nice person at heart under layers and layers of asshole. If he sees no reason for an order or he doesn't respect the person giving him the order he is likely to disobey it or do it in a way that will piss off the person who gave him the order and make them question why they gave him the task in the first place. Dru is usually an upstart deviant but thanks to the fact that he is making it out into the world he is deciding to part with the deviant title as much as he can. If he thinks an idea is stupid he will gladly speak up because he doesn't believe in sugar coating things just to keep someone happy if people don't like him then it happened oh well. One of the few things he has been able to do very well even since a child is understand people. He speaks a few languages and there aren't many languages he can't pick up just by watching people use it and getting a baseline. Dru likes to read anything and everything he can get his hands on (this also helps him understand languages better) so when he isn't being a pain he is usually sitting in a secluded place reading and improving his knowledge. (there I hope you are happy)

Role(cook, doctor, shipwright, etc.):Jack of all trades, Linguist

Devil fruit/skill: Ape Ape fruit model monkey (3 forms ) His half form has a tail sharper teeth with feet that are hands. The full form is a monkey that is slightly smaller than his normal height and has bigger hands sharper teeth with a long strong tail.


Background:(at least 3 sentences): Dru has always been a trouble maker causing trouble in his home city. He decided to become a pirate because he wanted to explore further and didn't want to stay cooped up in that city. After stowing away on a pirate ship to get out of his town he was discovered and dropped off forcing him to have to ship hop until most recent ship, little did he know that this group of individuals were special.
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Name: Ryan Omnibus

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Weight/Height: 6'3 210lbs


Race: Human

Role: Cook

Personality: Loves to flirt with girls but loves to cook even more, very relaxed and rarely gets serious in fights.

Back story: A used to be CP9 member exiled after turning on the leader and beating him to a pulp, but if you ask him he says he quit or retired from it. After being in exile forso long he was counted as a pirate with a 800,000 bounty on his head so he decided to be a pirate. He's been through a couple sets of nakama but now of them seem to catch his interest sohe leaves or takes them over and disbands the crew entirely, those who refuse die. (Will think of more later)

Devil fruit: Namari-Namari no mi (lead fruit, is logia)

Skills: Great in hand to hand, extremely fast, most of his strength is in his arms, great swordsman, and uses a set of two handed swords.

Name: Morgol Jack

Age: 29 PIE

Height/Weight: 6'5, 230 Pounds


Gender: Male

Race: Human

Personality: Morgol is very devoted to the Marines. He is loyal and strict, and he is a hard worker. He hates slackers, and hates pirates.

Role: Navy Admiral

Devil Fruit/Skill:

Morgol consumed the Inu Inu no Mi,Model: Inugami. This devil fruit can transform him into a Inugami hybrid or an Inugami. In hybrid form, Morgol takes on a wolfish humanoid form with white hair and two tails, with blue flames lightly surrounding the tails. In this form he can breathe fire and his strength and speed are highly increased. In this form he can also use the blue flames, which absorb the energy of the victims it burns. In his full form, Morgol takes on the Appearance of a two tailed white wolf with blue runes on his body, blue flames surrounding his paws and tails. In this form, Morgol is able to have complete mastery and manipulation over the blue flames, and he is able to phase through walls and walk on water, but not able to phase through attacks. Morgol is also an expert at Armament Haki. He has the standard devil fruit weaknesses.

Background. Morgol used to lI've in a navy base close to the grand line. His mother and father were both Marines, and they always treated Morgol with love and care, training him in being a marine in an early age. Morgol loved the idea of being a marine, seeing many of the marines passing by him, inspiring him to become a Marine. Sadly, on Morgols birthday, the entire base was ravaged and invaded by pirates. Almost every single person was killed, and the ones who weren't were imprisoned. Morgol spent two years of his life as a slave to a pirate name Shol. Shol was cruel and and evil to Morgol, whipping him and punishing him for the smallest of things. When Morgol was lying on the floor of his prison cell, exhausted from the work and beatings he got that day, a drunk pirate gave Morgol his food. Luckily for Morgol, that drunk pirate accidentally gave him a devil fruit, a mythical Zoan type called the Inu Inu no Mi,Model: Inugami. Morgol quickly learned the basics of his abilities and broke out of the cell, taking out the pirates and freeing the other slaves before heading to Shols. Morgol killed Shols slowly, letting his hate for him burn as long as it could until Shols died of burns. Morgol directed the ship to a Navy base and was considered a hero by the Navy. He was taken in as a a marine and climbed up the ranks to Navy Admiral, his dream of taking out all the pirates coming closer to fruition.
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@Drumonkey you have posted in the rp and are not yet accepted. Secondly, zoans have 3 forms but you have 4, This is probably a mistake based off choppers multy forms. Chopper can do this via the rumble ball, do you have rumble balls? if so you need 7 and one monster forms. You have not got 3 sentences of background and I see no evidence you have read the rules.

@LucianGrey7971 we aren't allowing logias off the bat.

@las0r0o7 no logias right now and you haven't read the rules

@National inu-inu fruit is taken.
pbtenchi said:
@Drumonkey you have posted in the rp and are not yet accepted. Secondly, zoans have 3 forms but you have 4, This is probably a mistake based off choppers multy forms. Chopper can do this via the rumble ball, do you have rumble balls? if so you need 7 and one monster forms. You have not got 3 sentences of background and I see no evidence you have read the rules.
@LucianGrey7971 we aren't allowing logias off the bat.

@las0r0o7 no logias right now and you haven't read the rules

@National inu-inu fruit is taken.
As for everything else I fixed it As for the transformations "However, through training, it is possible for Zoan users to unlock different transformations (for instance, Marco, who could transform individual parts of his body, and Chopper, who could transform into at least seven different forms even without the use of a Rumble Ball)" http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Zoan
pbtenchi said:
yes. But that is new world level strength. Which we do not yet have.
Fine ill change it only to change it back later if I'm accepted because at some point he will have to gain a second transformation)
well, nothing but a few points have been written for personality and you could describe your characters appearance and fix the punctuation for history.
(personality doesnt have to be more than a sentence and I put enough traits in there to make more than a sentence otherwise Ill fix it.)

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