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Fandom One Piece: New Age of Pirates


Nerd of All Trades

The World Government gain strength through out the years and was able to repress the Revolutionary Army, and wiped out many of the pirate crews that populated the seas. Years later, a new generation of pirates are forming and the start of a new Golden Age for Pirates! Will they work together to accomplish their dreams, fight for what they think is right, join the Marines and rise in the ranks, or find the One Piece!?

Will you follow your dreams?

"Hey captain, where are we heading? We have been sailing on this small boat for days now, I'm about to go mad!" Reyals says @Probix

Reyals is currently tinkering with some contraption. The two pirates have been sailing from island to island for the past few days now. It is currently sun rise, on a clear day. They are currently in a small boat that's not worthy to be called the Golden Pirates Ship, it creaks loudly and takes in water every now and then.
Finn was laying back, laying on his elbow. His eyes were hovering over the object that Rey was tinkering, "we should be heading toward an island known as 'Hinge town'. We could get a real ship, but we would have to steal it." Finn sat up, and took in the small row boat that they occupied as for now.
"Hinge town? Never heard of it, but whatever. As long as I can get some new parts for my toys, and i'm gonna need some more tools too while we are at it." Reyals was just finishing the last touches for his contraption he has been working on. "By the way Cap, how much money do we have? I mean i'm broke, but do you have some beli?"
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Finn smiled as he digged his hands into the pockets of his jeans, "I'm broke." He sighed, "I'm taking a nap. Wake me when we get there." He laid on his back and slowly closes his eyes.
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After a long while they were finally close to Hinge town. "Hey Captain, get up we are finally here! And man am I starving, lets see if we can find some free grub or something." Reyals gave a light kick to Finn to wake him up. "Uh...Finn, there is a Marine ship docked at the port." Reyals grabs a telescope and looks towards the port and sees 8 Marine soldiers standing the the docks. "Hey, what do we do?" Reyals looks at Finn for answers.
Seraletta sighed as she sat on top of a house, she didn't even know who owned it but she just loved the view from the top of it. She had been in the town known as Hinge town for about a month now where most of the time she had been learning all about the species known as men. As Seraletta was born and raised on Amazon Lily the first men she saw were the marines whose ship she stowed away on to get to the island in the first place. Seraletta's minimal interactions with the men mostly involved a few words from them normally complementing her or asking her to buy something to be honest she didn't see the difference. Standing up on her feet Seraletta's eyes locked onto the sea or more clearly the marine ship and the small boat approaching, a slight smile covered her face as she jumped off the roof that marine ship would just be another ship that she would stow away on and travel elsewhere.
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Finn groan as he stretches his arm over his head, "the marines huh. Well, we don't really have time, and we should try to go unnoticed here for now." Finn stood as he snatch the telescope from Rey, "there's not too many, but I still think we shouldn't cause conflict just yet." Finn shoved the scope back to Rey. Finn's eyes laid toward the marine's ship in the distance, his hand clench at the thought of his father and mother being murder from the likes of them. 'Calm down Finn. Stay cool.' he thought.
"well ok cap, if you say so." Reyals puts the telescope up and starts to stand up as the small boat docks at the port. Reyals whispers to Finn "Hey, what do we do if they try to stop us for some reason?"
Finn shoved his hands into his jean's pockets, "Just act natural, people travel to islands on boat all the time." Finn continued walking off the boat and onto the dock, his eyes looking around his surroundings. "Such a good day for travel" Finn's eyes looked toward the group of marines who are taking cargo onto there ship. Finn smiled, "dumb ass marines" he whispered as he continued to walked toward town and away from the marines.
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Reyals slowly follows Finn with his head down. "hey cap, where are we going first? Are we gonna eat, get equipment, or look for a ship?" Reyals says to Finn as they walk. "Personally I want to head to a shop and get some tools and scrap, I'm starting to run out of materials." Reyals pulls out a piece of paper when a list of items on it. "I wonder if they have gunpowder, gold ore, and gears here?"
Finn's eyes travel to all the faces he passed. They were all wasting there lives. Finn shook his head, "you do your little shopping, while I find us a ship. We can meet back at the docks in one hour." Finn started moving away from Rey and headed to a different direction.
"Ok cap, see ya in a hour" Reyals starts his way towards the market in the middle of town. Reyals looks at all the fascinating objects at the stalls. Reyals stops at a shop with a bunch of miscellaneous items ranging from scrap metal to books. He looks through the arrangement of the items and finally came across one of the things from his list. "Finally, I found some gears which are the perfect size!" Reyals said that louder then he thought he would. The merchant looked at the customer with a greedy grin. "Do you like the gears? I can give you a special price that I wouldn't give to anyone else." the merchant says while still grinning. "Oh really, whats the price then?" Reyals says even though knowing that it doesn't matter because he didn't have any beli to purchase the gears anyways.
As Seraletta moved closer and closer to the docks she stopped suddenly, why was she going to the docks right now, the marines ship didn't look like it was leaving so stowing away right now but just be dumb and make it easier for her to get caught. Instead she should look around, even after a month this place still fascinated her, she began to wonder just how different places around the world was. Seraletta aimlessly began wondering about as she just simply spun about in the street like an excited child at a funfair, however her fun soon stopped after she felt like she bumped into someone or thing and a slight coat of red covered her face and she looked for the individual and found it to be a black haired man that was just shorter than she was. "Sorry bout that." Seraletta said bowing to the individual she heard that's what people do to apologize normally.

Finn was walking through town when he got slammed into by an unknown individual. He noticed it was a female, who was taller then he was. She immediately apologize and bowed. "It's fine." Finn studied her. Was she a marine? Could she be working for the World Government? "Just watch where you're walking next time." Finn continued walking, his hands shoved back into his pockets. Finn really hoped that she wasn't some undercover marine or something.
Seraletta stood back up upon hearing the man say it was fine, she began to inspect the man. He was smaller than she but not scrawny it seemed like he had been in a fight or two and most likely lived since he was still here, Seraletta investigated the man slightly more before coming to a slight conclusion he could be a pirate which mean he could have a crew and if so a captain which means she might be able to join. At at least she would have if it wasn't for the next thing to come out of his mouth and the fact he just walked away. It caused Seraletta to turn around and stare at him, maybe that's just how people were. "I suppose that's one thing the Kuja have over most people the fact that we are humble." Seraletta said louder than what she meant to, she wondered what she would have been doing now if she was back on Amazon Lily thinking of the date it would be a competition.
The merchant says"500 beli each." Reyals flinched when he heard the price of the gears, he cleared his throat "ha ha, wow that is a very special price." Reyals glares at the gears still firmly held in his hands, a bead of sweat started it's way down his face. Reyals suddenly pushes a bunch of random items on the counter at the merchant and started to run down the street. The merchant started yelling thief at the top of his lungs as reyals runs out of sight. "Am I being followed, or did I lose him?" Reyals says with a heavy breath. Reyals stops at a corner and hides in an alley, he was able to steal several gears. "Whoa, I can't believe I just did that. Maybe I should leave the market area just in case, but where to go?"
Finn halted, his ears perked up, eyes widen. 'Did she just say Kuja?' he thought. His head turn slightly back. Finn heard of Kujas before. They were a tribe of women that lived on an island known as Amazon Lily. Finn's father spoke with other sailors that told him about the stories of an island inhabited by women. But, Finn's father always told Finn that these were just stories, and nothing more. Finn turn completely around and stared at the female. "Did you say you were a Kuja?" Finn asked curiously.
Seraletta watched as the male walked away only for a few seconds later after the words that she was meant to keep to herself escaped her mouth for him to turn around. It seemed what she said had been heard and that the man heard her meantion the Kuja, from what she had heard and asked about most people thought of the Kuja as nothing more than a myth after all a tribe of beautiful warrior women is like a mans heaven...or so she had been told. Upon being questioned on this Seraletta stood up straight and placed on hand on a metal pole with a spike on her back after all you can never be too sure. "I didn't say I was a Kuja." Seraletta said before she relaxed a little. "But since I guess your wondering I am." Seraletta added as she kept a hand on the poll.
While Reyals was contemplating on where to go, a few Marines started to walk by the alley and noticed him. One of the Marines said "Hey isn't that the guy that merchant was talking about?" Another Marine says "Ya, I think it is him." The last Marine says " Should we fuck with him a little?" he chuckles. They all gave nods to each other then walked up to Reyals. One of them says " Look what we have here, a little thief just sitting in an alley." The other Marines started to laugh a little. Reyals looks up and realizes that there were three Marines in front of him. He jumps up and tries to run, but as soon as Reyals moves one of the Marines reaches out to grab his arm. But the Marines freaked out when they saw that the Marine that was trying to grab Reyals's arm just phased right through Reyals. They all yell "He is a Devil Fruit User!" Reyals was able to run, but the Marines started to chase after him. One of the Marines used a transponder snail to warn all the Marines in Hinge Town that a Devil Fruit user is in town, the Marine also described Reyals appearance too. In only 15 mins of running, Reyals now has over 40 Marines chasing him down the streets of Hinge Town.
Finn saw the stance she made. His hands clench, ready his hands if needed. Finn noticed that she relaxed and answered his question. "Really? I thought they were just a myth." Finn did a quick look around his surroundings, seeing if anybody is listening to Finn and the female's conversation. "Why is a Kuja here?" Finn questioned quickly, "Why travel far from home?" Finn's hands relaxed slightly. She didn't seem much like a threat.
Seraletta watched as he got into a fighting stance but noticed that upon her relaxing he did the same, that was only natural for one to get into a stance just in-case. It seemed the man wanted to know more about her as he asked her two questions in quick succession, she also noticed that the man seemed to be keeping an eye on his surroundings only backing up what she originally thought. Seraletta simply looked up to the sky before looking back to the man and smirking. "Adventure." Seraletta said a slight red-ish tint covering her face as she said something like that aloud. "and..." Seraletta quickly added before stopping maybe she shouldn't mention about the one piece to a man she barely knew. "Well as fun as the Kuja life is after 18 years anyone would get bored."
Reyals started to head for the Docks in hope of finding Finn "Must find Finn, he will know what to do!" The Marines are right behind Reyals, they try to cut him off every chance they get but fail every time. Soon Reyals was getting close to port and can see two people standing in the street in front of him. Reyals realizes that one of them is Finn. Reyals yells out to him "Hey Captain! It's time to go!"
Finn was about to reply to the kuja when he heard Rey call his name. He looked away and saw him...with a huge number of marines behind. "What the fuck?" Finn looked toward the female. He still had questions, questions that he asked as a kid, and never receive a true answer. Finn grinned, "looks like we got a fight on our hands. Say...what's your name, if I may ask?" Finn's left hand clench, and soon morph into a Sharp weapon-a sword.
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Seraletta sighed as she saw the huge number of marines run around the corner chasing after one man, it just so happened that the one man seemed to know the person she was talking too which mean by accompaniment she would get in trouble as well so just like the man said they had a fight on their hands. Seraletta simply looked towards the man who asked her name and was visibly shocked as his hand turned into a sword. "Wait can all me...Oh my name Its Seraletta Julia." She said before dropping to all fours like a animal would fight. "I'll get yours after." Seraletta said before her form quickly began shifting from that of a human to that of some sort of large cat upon it being completed she took the form of a huge saber-tooth tiger she fought better this way anyhow.
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