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Fandom One Piece l Private RP

Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Luna has fallen asleep in her mother's arms as Rina placed Luna down in the crib to sleep. She walked over to the bed as he got into the bed with Law. She cuddled into him before falling asleep herself.

Robin smiled as she joined him she hope tomorrow would be fun and great for training. She fell asleep soon after.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

In the morning, Law would still be asleep as usual since he was never the kind to get up early unless it was needed to. Plus, he had gotten up a few times during the night to check up on Luna and to do his various duties.

Reaper on the other hand, was up bright and early so he could practice for when Rayleigh eventually arrived. He was focusing on how long he could sustain his (Armament) Haki for, to see if training his stamina with the ability would help improve it's effectiveness in combat.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Rina slept through the morning until late morning. She woke up to notice Luna wasn't in her crib she wonder if Bepo came and got her or if Law was feeding her again. Corazon peeked through the doorway. "Mommy!" He ran to her hugging her. "Morning Cora, I hope everyone saved me some food." She smiled at her son. "It's almost lunchtime!" He frowned did she really sleep the day away?! Corazon giggled as he placed a tray of food for his mother. "I was joking. You're fine! Bepo made it!" She smiled as she started eating her food.

Robin slept for while before getting up. She knew Rayleigh would be coming soon. She got some food from the dining room Sanji saved her some food. She looked out the window only to see Reaper training. "He has been up early doing that. "Zoro explained. Robin figured as much she grab some coffee also.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Law would have been awake by the time Rina woke up, and was working on some things around the submarine before walking in to check in on Rina, seeing that Corazon was also in there. "Good morning to you, Rina." He would say with a small smile, walking over and kissing her on the cheek.

Reaper would sigh as he stopped focusing his Armament Haki, and would stand out of his meditating position. "Good enough for now..." He would walk into the ship's dining area and would sit down beside Robin, putting his head on her shoulder with a yawn.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

"Morning" She kissed his cheek back as Corazon sat in her lap eating some of her food. She giggled at her son. "Taking a lesson from Uncle Luffy are you?" She teased him Corazon blushed at his mother's comment maybe he might be. "Is Luna alright?" She asked. "Luna is with Bepo and Sachi." Rina did not think that was a good idea to have Sachi babysit Luna. "I'm shocked to see Law up this early." She giggled.

Robin smiled at Reaper. "Morning." She kissed his cheek before giving him a mug of coffee also. "Ready for the big day?" She asked with a smile.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

"I can get up at decent times some of the time..."
Law said, rolling his eyes before chuckling. "I checked on Luna, Bepo and Sachi and they're doing a fine job watching her. As much as a pain as Sachi and Penguin are, they are good uncles to the kids." He said, assuring Rina that it was okay to leave Luna and Corazon with them if needed. He would sit on the side of the bed and would pat Corazon's head as he continued to somewhat eat Rina's food.

"I hope so, I don't want to disappoint such a strong pirate like Rayleigh..." Reaper said with a small sigh before sipping on the coffee, not really feeling the effects of the caffeine.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Rina was glad they were getting along with the two children. "I agree they're" She smiled as she finished with her food she hugged Corazon who was still eating her pancake. "Let's get ready to see Rayleigh." Corazon wanted to meet him for a long time. "I finally get the meet the best pirate!" He ran out of the room Rina giggled at her son's actions.

Robin chucked a bit. "You're not, Luffy ready did that first time they met." Robin stared at her captain. "Fact he was the second member of Roger's crew we met. They meet the doctor when they first entered the grand line." She doesn't remember that but Luffy would tell stories about Brook's friend. "OOOO! Flower guy!" Luffy remembers him.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Law would be surprised that Corazon considered Rayleigh to be the greatest pirate but didn't question it. He would crack his neck a bit before standing up. "I'm going to take a quick shower, I'll meet you two outside." He said before leaving the eating area.

"Really, he was the second? Wow..." Reaper had no clue about them meeting with the Roger Pirates doctor. He would then smile a bit, happy to know Robin had faith in him. "Well, he should be here soon so I should go out and wait." He would say, giving Robin a quick kiss before leaving the Sunny and waiting out in the shoreline.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Rina nodded her head as she pick up the tray and then heads to the kitchen to drop it off. She should change her clothes before leaving she heads back to the bedroom to change the clothes she put on her jean shorts and shirt with the Heart Pirate Jolly Roger on it. Then heads outside only to see Rayleigh appear out of the water scaring Rina she clings to Reaper who was standing on the shoreline. He started laughing he did not mean to scare the pretty princess. "Sorry, Rina! I did not mean to scare you." He said staring at the young man who she was with.

Robin smiled as she saw the whole scene with Rayleigh and Rina. She started laughing. Luffy remembers he did the same with him. "That hasn't changed!" Luffy grinned and then laughed.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Reaper would look at the man who rose from the water, feeling rather afraid still but would swallow that fear to make a good first impression. "I believe you've heard a tad about me from Luffy and the others, I'm Amadeus Sparx but of course you can call me Reaper." He said with a small smile while looking up a bit to look Rayleigh in the eye. He was more focused on making a good impression, not really caring that Rina had jumped to him when Rayleigh appeared.

Law would exit the submarine after finishing his shower to see how things would progress and if Rayleigh would actually train Reaper. 'Now's the moment of truth if we can get Reaper to enhance his control of Haki... Especially Conquerors...'
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

"I have heard about you."
Rayleigh wonders if he can use the same training he did on Luffy. This island looks like it doesn't have much around he hates to return to Amazon Lily to train him also. He stared at Rina as if he has gotten an idea. "Princess? Are the old ruins still around on Skypiea?" He asked. Rina stared at Rayleigh. "Yes, It's guard by Nola the snake." She explained "Perfect we can use that snake to help us." Rayleigh knew if there was some type of animal around Reaper can use his haki.

Robin remembers that snake it ate Luffy and Nami back then. "There is no way we're going back to that snake!" Nami did not want to deal with that snake again! Robin giggled. "It might mistake you two as food again~" She teased as Nami glared at Robin for her joke.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Reaper would gulp a bit, not really liking snakes that much but was ready to do what he had to for training. "I can somewhat see where this is going based on what Luffy has told me about your trainings." He said, guessing that he'll have to most likely dodge Rayleigh and the Snake for training in Observation Haki while going against the snake with only Conqueror's to train that. 'This is going to be rough... But I've gone through way worse than this.'

Law would smirk as he heard about the ruins and snake, guessing that this training was going to be brutal for Reaper despite his skills already. "Hey Reaper, make sure you don't die during training alright?" The captain said as a joke with a small chuckle.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Rina stared at Law then frowned she knew he was joking but she knew now strong Nola was. "You haven't fought with the snake." Rina knew Law's crew haven't been to Skypiea before now that is. She stared at Rayleigh. "Are you sure about this?" She asked. "Yes, I am Rina-Chan. I mean Luffy had to deal with three animals and me." He explained the training that Luffy went through.

Robin chuckled at Law's joke even know Rina did not seem happy about it. She was more worried about her brother. As Rina handed a paper to allow Reaper and Rayleigh to train on the island. "This will tell Ganfall our God that you're welcome to train there," Rina explained as Rayleigh took the paper from the princess
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Reaper would smile at Rina, and would nod as a quick thank you for allowing them access to Skypiea for training. "Well, unless you would like some food or anything Rayleigh... I believe we should depart immediately." He would say with a small smirk, his confidence was starting to show once again as he thought of the possible benefits of this training. He planned to be the one to rival the Pirate King, so training in observation and conqueror's would be vital to reaching that goal.

Law would frown a bit as Rina seemed upset with the joke he made, though he wouldn't be to affected by her frown since he believed it was just fine to make such a joke. Instead of joking with Reaper he would walk over to Luffy. "So, Strawhat-ya... Reaper is going to soon have potentially the same levels of Haki that you do. He might just be able to rival you in strength here soon." Law said as a way to maybe get Luffy to train for the upcoming mission as well.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Rina stared down at Corazon who was hiding behind her leg. Rayleigh spotted the small boy and then smile. "Who is the cute boy?" He asked as Rina pick up her Son. "This my son Corazon. It's a long story, Ray..." She wasn't sure if he would believe her or not. "He looks like Law. I never thought the rookie would have a child." Rayleigh teased Law. "Okay, we'll leave immediately. I wanted to know one thing. Rina is this child from the future?" Rayleigh had a feeling he was. "Yes, He is. He ate the Time-Time fruit. He is mine and Law's son from the future. I have a daughter from the future also." She explained. Rayleigh wanted to know more about this child but right now he needed to get down with Reaper's training.

Robin smirked at Law's joke about Luffy and Reaper. "I'm going with you!" Luffy finally shouts out of the blue. Nami and Usopp sighed this was what they needed for Luffy to get stronger than before. Zoro smirked at his captain. "This should be fun." Robin smiled.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

"DAMN IT LAW! I'm trying to get stronger than Luffy, and you have to go and say something stupid like that to get him riled up!"
Reaper would yell at Law, rather annoyed with the captain's decision to get Luffy wanting to go as well. Though he knew it would be impossible to convince Luffy not to go now, so with a sigh he would start to get ready to go.

Law would smirk as Luffy got ready to leave with the two, this being part of his plan since the two were going to probably be their strongest attackers while in the future. "Think of it this way Reaper, now you can really test yourself to be better than Strawhat-ya." The captain said with a quick chuckle before helping Reaper out with making sure he had everything. It was the least he could do after making this a lot harder for Reaper.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Rina giggled at Reaper and Law. Corazon stared at both Reaper and Luffy. "I think they're both strong. I mean what mommy told they would spar together all the time." He explained. "Oh?" Rayleigh smirked at the child's words then stared at Reaper and Luffy. "It's fine Reaper. Maybe Luffy can help you" This way they can train each other.

"Princess? How are they going get to Skypiea?"
Robin asked as Rina blinked. "I know! Rina give us wings!" Luffy had stars in his eyes. "I know Reaper can fly. But giving wings to Luffy sounds like a nightmare." Rina wasn't sure that was a good idea. "I can put an air dial on a boat, It should lead you all the way up to Skypiea," Rina explained.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

"Yeah, I suppose so. As long as he can keep up."
Reaper would say to tick Luffy off as the captain would yell at Reaper a tad, as he laughed his ass off. Turning to Rina as she recommended how to get to Skypiea, Reaper would nod. "Alright, and I can use my wings to correct us if needed."

Law would blink a few times and tried to imagine how bad it would be if Luffy had wings, he shuddered at the thought. "The boat plan sounds good, Strawhat-ya shouldn't be trusted with wings... Ever." He said with a serious expression.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Rina walked over to the small boat that was parked she placed a couple of air dials on the back of it. She stared at the group. "It should be fine. Just remember they're fast." She explained the air dials to Rayleigh he knew about them since he had been to Skypiea years ago. Luffy was pouting over Reaper's words and Rina's also. "Not fair! I want to fly!" Luffy wanted wings. Nami hit him over the head. "NO!" She snapped at him

Robin giggled at Luffy's reaction to the wings. "If we're ready we can leave now." Rayleigh walked over to the boat as Robin hugged Reaper and then kissed him. "Please come back alive." She smiled at him. "Oh, I almost forgot, Since Reaper has my blood. He should be able to use my healing powers also." Rina explained that even know it was limited.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Reaper would smile as Luffy pouted only to get hit by Nami. "Hah! Thanks Nami." He would say before hugging Robin back, kissing her as well. Though his smile quickly turned to a look of surprise as Rina mentioned having healing abilities, he would unbandage his arms to see his most recent wounds would have already healed due to the accelerated rate of recovery. "Huh, well that's going to be hard to get use to..." Reaper mumbled before smiling and waving good-bye to everyone, joining Rayleigh on the boat.

Law would be shocked as well when it was revealed that Reaper had some healing powers as well now. "Geez, being compatible with Rina's blood makes him even more of a force to be reckoned with..." He mumbled under his breath, before giving a small wave as Reaper and Luffy boarded the boat.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

"I heard that Law!"
Rina glared at him and then frowned. Corazon laughed at his parents Rina stared at Corazon. "Don't side with your father~" She teased with a smirk. "I'm going play with Luna for a while." He hopped down from his mother as he heads back to the submarine. Rina stood there watching the boat take off to the skies she hope they can get there. 'This a gift for you. Take it..' The same voice it was her from the future again. A pure white feather fell from the skies as she held out her hand magical she transformed into her princess form as the feather glowed it transformed into a new weapon for her Rina's eyes widened at the weapon. "This... Heavenly Holy Staff! This can help us summon the holy sword!" She can't believe this rare weapon came out of hiding.

Robin giggled as she smiled watching them leave the island for Skypiea. She was shocked when Rina went from human to angel with a new weapon. "W-what!? That's what I read in the book!" Robin remembers reading something about that staff in the book. Nami and Zoro were shocked by this. "A rare weapon?!" Zoro can't believe this this staff looks very powerful than Rina's Holy Staff. Robin walked over to the staff there was an angelic glow to it. Meanwhile, Rayleigh's group rides up to the white sea of Skypiea. Luffy was happy to return to sky island without a fight this time.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Reaper would close his eyes as the three were going to Skypiea, trying to focus. For what? He didn't even know, he just had the feeling that something good just happened so a small smile appeared on his face. "I'll go speak Gan Fall, you two continue to the ruins." He would say before jumping off the boat and flying up into Skypiea, heading straight to where the God of the island spent his time, remembering the layout of Skypiea due to the many trips to the sky islands.

Law would look in awe at Rina's new Holy Staff, and would smile just a tad as she said it would aid them in summoning the sword. "Maybe that's the power we need to make it where no lives have to be taken to summon the sword." He would say optimistically, especially since Robin had seen the staff before within the book she had researched on the topic of Holy Weapons. "But even if it doesn't help with the sword, that new staff seems to be much more powerful than the previous one." Law said, even though Rina's previous staff had a good amount of power within it.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Rina wasn't sure how this staff works she had never seen it before only heard about it. "We still need the sword. This staff can be strong and powerful." She explained as she stared down at the staff that was in her hands as she held it up to the sky. "This was the reason my stepfather wanted me alive. Also, Enel wanted this weapon also." The only person that knew about this weapon was her late mother. "I remember Enel saying something about a powerful weapon once before Rina," Zoro explained with a frown.

Robin smiled not still they needed to study this weapon to see if can aid them. She had a feeling it can. "Let me read more on that old book." She explained. "Rina, can I borrow the weapon?" She asked. If she can study the weapon maybe she can understand more.

Rayleigh nodded his head as he has taken the boat to the ruins where Nola was. The snake was asleep right now. Luffy stared at Rayleigh. "Do you anything about what going on in the future?" Luffy asked. Rayleigh stared at Luffy. "You mean that boy?" He asked. "Yes, Corazon needs our help," Luffy explained. "Roger knew something about the Time-Time fruit. The person who eats it controls time and can travel through time from past to future." He explained
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Reaper would soon arrive at the ruins after speaking to the God of Skypiea, Gan Fall who granted them access thanks to the note from Rina. Walking over to Rayleigh and Luffy with a small smirk. "Alright, we have been given the okay to use these ruins for training. Especially since the training will help benefit our fight in the future." He explained, revealing that he had told Gan Fall of what could happen to Skypiea if action was not taken. Reaper would look around the ruins before his smirk turned into a grin as he couldn't help but be excited for this training session with Luffy and Rayleigh.

Law would wonder what he could do to help or get ready for their future plans at this point, since with Reaper and Luffy training, Rina getting a new weapon and Robin trying to figure out how to summon the Holy Sword, he felt useless. Though for now he would be happy for the progress made so far, and would take the time to go check in on the kids for now since there wasn't much else he could do.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Rina nodded her head as she handed the weapon over to Robin. She stared over at Law who was in deep thought about something she remember something she pulled out a small dagger from under her sleeve she keeps hiding weapons in case she needed to attack up close. She takes the dagger and then cut her hand with it as blood glow then it transformed into a red pill. Since Law had the ope ope no mi this should help him she walked over to him holding out the pill to him. "Take this, Unlike Reaper. This can help you as long I'm alive. This makes your devil fruit powers 10x more powerful than before." She explained.

Robin takes the weapon as she watches Rina do something she did not think she would do. A pill that can make Law's devil fruit power stronger? That was interesting. She smiled as she heads back to the Sunny to see what she can do. Meanwhile, Rayleigh was glad that the god of Skypia would allow them to train here. As he got off the boat since Luffy was already done with this training he had something else planned for Luffy. He pulled out a blindfold. "Put this on and sit in the middle of the grass." He explained. He needed to wake up the snake he just hope she doesn't get angry with her.

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