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Fandom One Piece l Private RP

Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

She loves everyone around her. But she needed to return to Skypiea. "I have to do something. I have to go back to Skypiea." It might be the only way she can figure out to summon the holy sword. "By yourself?!" Luffy did not want her going by herself. "Yes, Only royal people are allowed inside the castle this time. For this room in the castle." She explained with a frown. "At least take Traffy with you!" Luffy pointed at Law she giggled at Law's nickname. "I don't think Traffy can help me~" She teased him about the nickname.

Corazon nodded his head as he bummed and rushed both of his parents knocking them both over with Luffy with them. "Shishishi! He little rocket!" Luffy grinned. Rina was on top of Law as Luffy was laying below her. "I'm sorry!!" Corazon clung to both of his parents as he was laying on his father's back. Robin stared at the scene before her. "family moment" She giggled.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Law would frown a tad, wishing that he would be able to help out with this task. He would sigh, knowing that it would be the only way to learn of their best bet. "I wish I could help out my lovely wife~" The captain said back with a small smirk, not minding the nickname at this point. Though his smirk quickly turned to shock as Corazon rammed into all of them, though he chuckled a bit and didn't mind the moment for now.

Reaper looked at the scene as well, smiling as the family would be together. "Who knows, maybe that'll be us in the future?" He joked with Robin with a small smile before cracking his neck a bit.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Rina hugged Corazon as Luffy wrapped his arms all around them. "My Nakama!" Luffy grinned. "Since Cora is part of your crew Lu?" Rina smirked at him. "Since now!" Luffy did not mind having him part of his crew. Rina signed then pulled on Luffy's cheek. "He too young to be a pirate. Besides, I don't think Law would allow that~" She smirked. "I want to be part of everyone's crew!" Corazon threw his hands in the air. Once Luffy let everyone go she stood up to her feet with Corazon in her arms. "I'm going back to Skypiea. I have to go alone." She explained. She handed Corazon over to Law.

"Maybe one day~" She smirked at Reaper before staring at Rina. "Do you have to go alone?" Robin asked. It seems like it was something she needed to do on her own "Just watch Corazon and Luna for me." Rina said before leaving the sunny's kitchen she summoned her wings as she flew off into the skies.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Law would sigh as Luffy claimed them as his nakama, even his son as part of his crew. "Cora can be part of any crew he wants, even if it's Strawhats'." He would say with a small smile, wanting to make sure Cora and Luna get the future they want, not one they are forced with. "Be safe." Law would say, kissing Rina on the cheek before she left.

Reaper would chuckle a bit, happy that Robin thought the same way as him when it came to family. Fiona would enter as Rina left the kitchen. "Where is Auntie going?" She asked as she walked over to Reaper, wanting to get picked up. Reaper would pick her up with a small smile. "Just to do some... chores. That's all." He answered, not wanting the girl to worry.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

As she approached the white sea. She landed on the island she heads to the white kingdom upon walking the hallways to the secret room. She used her blood to open the door as she discovered an old room covered in old books and strolls. She looked through the strolls and books she found a book on the holy sword she pulled the book. As she opens the book shows how to create the summoning circle to summon the holy sword. But the pages were old and the ink wasn't readable. "How is this going to help me?" She asked herself. "More like how it's going help me?" Her stepfather's voice rang through the empty room. Rina was wrapped in a metal chain as she dropped to the ground her Stepfather grabs the book from her. "Thank you, Now I can control the world!" Her stepfather laughed as he left the room with the book.

Robin hopes everything is alright. She stared at Fiona with a smile. "She'll be back." She kissed her head. But still, she had a bad feeling about something maybe it was nothing to worried about.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Law would sigh as he smiled at Cora a bit, trusting that Rina would be safe there even if she was by herself. He would then wonder what they could do to continue getting ready for their upcoming objective, as their time to strike was growing closer and closer. Taking note of all their current preperations, the captain wondered if there actually was anything that they could improve to make things easier for them. They had their teams formed, took weapons into consideration, and more, Law believed once Rina returned they would be more ready than ever.

Fiona would smile and nod, believing what her parents told her that Rina would be back safe and sound. Reaper would then sigh as he glimpsed around. "Well, what now then...?"
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

'What am I going do?! I can't get free!' The chains had spikes on them it was digging into her skin if she tries to get free. The whole future was in that book her stepfather just walked away with her only plan. She did not care what happens to her she was going free that future from that nightmare! "Get back here. You're getting away!" She pulled herself up to her feet with blood pouring out of her body. Her stepfather smirked before grabbing the chain and pulling Rina out of the castle. "It's too late. You're not going save anything." He threw off the island now falling from the skies she hit the water ten feet from the Sunny falling into the sea's bottom as the water stained red from her blood.

Before Robin can anything there was a loud sound as something hit the water. She looked over the edge as she spotted blood in the water. But only that white feather floated to the top of the water. "......" Robin became shocked and speechless. Corazon stared at Robin. "What wrong Robin?" He asked staring over the edge he knew who the feathers were. "MOMMY?!" Corazon shouted in fear. Zoro jumped into the water drawing his swords as he spotted Rina at the bottom of the sea in chains with spikes. He was angry he cut through the chain as he pick her up and then swim back to the Sunny.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Law would yell as ran over as soon as Zoro brought her back up onto the Sunny, he would start inspecting her wounds, recognizing them instatnly as the spiked chains produced by her stepfather's devil fruit. As much as he wanted to go find the bastard and fight, he knew there was more important business to attend to at that very moment. "Tony-ya, I'll need all the medical help I can get with this." Law said with a serious tone to Chopper as he took Rina from Zoro, rushing her to the Sunny's infirmary and placing her on one of the beds. He would start to cauterize the smaller wounds while getting ready to stitch up the other wounds that were too big to be healed naturally.

Fiona screamed as she saw what had happened, shivering in fear as her eyes teared up. Reaper didn't know what to say, he was unsure if the situation was even real or if his mind was playing tricks on him. But when he saw Zoro return with Rina, that's when the pirate realized that this was most definitely real, no matter how much he wished for it to be fake. "S-Sis..." Reaper mumbled, not knowing what else to say before Law and Chopper took her to the infirmary and told everyone else to stay out so they could focus. Rage started to well up within him, as he knew exactly could have done such a thing. "When I get my hands on that bastard... He's going to wish to have died a lot sooner..."
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Rina woke up after she was bandaged up she thought she was a goner. "H-He tooken the book..." She started to tear up she wasn't sure why he followed her up to Skypiea. "I feel like he knows what going on. He tries to stop us from summoning the sword and saving the future also." She explained. This was her fault what can she do now? She needed that book to summon that sword. Corazon stood there in fear his bastard grandfather did this to his mother?! He wasn't his grandfather! he better off having Brook as his grandfather!

Robin frowned as she hugged Reaper and Fiona she did not want Fiona to see that scene. She summoned an ear with her powers to hear what Rina was talking about in shock she wasn't happy. "Her bastard stepfather has taken the book and tried to stop us." She explained she knew Reaper would go to the end of the world now to find that book. Luffy growled. "I'm going put that bastard in his place!" Luffy was ready to fight.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Law's eyes widened as he heard the new about the book, but he set that aside for a moment as he carefully hugged Rina. "It'll be fine... Reaper is going to probably hunt that guy down to the ends of the seas if he has to..." He would say with a small smile, trying to reassure her that they could recover from this.

Reaper would growl under his breath as he made his choice, he looked to the sky with angry eyes. "Tonight, I'm going after that book... And I'll kill that fool if I have to." He was dead serious about this, he knew how important the book was to save the future and without it there would be no chance for a safe future for Cora and Luna. "I have the speed to catch up to him if he tries to run, that bastard won't get away... Not again!"
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Rina stared at Law with a frown on her face if anyone can take down her stepfather it was Reaper and others. She believes in her family and crew also she hugged Law back. She stared at the wall where Robin was listening in." Reaper, I know you can hear me. Kill him." That was her wish to see her stepfather dead. Corazon ran over to his mother and then hugged her also. "Uncle reaper will get that book back!" Corazon stared at his mother.

Robin smirked at what Rina said. "You heard the princess. Kill him." She smirked she wanted to kill him herself after her time with her old boss back then. "Please be careful Reaper. He not normal human no more." She did not want him to get hurt also.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Law knew that Reaper was willing to do this for them, for the future, he had grown to be much more caring than how he use to be so long ago. He smirked when Rina told Reaper to take down the man once and for all, since it was the only way to escape him for good. Looking at Cora, he would smile before looking back at Rina. "Yeah, he will."

Reaper would smirk as he was told his order, he was ready to finish this. "I will be, after all... I still plan on marrying you after this, Robin." He would say with a small smirk, assuring Robin that he would be okay. "Well then, I guess I'm heading out now." After giving Robin a quick kiss, Reaper would jump off the Sunny and fly off at high speed to find and confront Rina's stepfather.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Rina hugged Corazon and then kissed his forehead before falling asleep in the bed with Corazon in her arms. Corazon was worried about his mother after what happened. "Is Mommy going to be alright?" He stared at his father. Why does his grandfather want that book anyway? Corazon did not understand that himself. Meanwhile, Rina's stepfather made off Skypiea head to a nearby island that can help him with this book. If he can summon that sword he can take control of the world. "I'll make sure she never had children." He smirked.

Robin blushed and then smiled she would love to have her husband back in one piece. She pick up Fiona and then smiled at her. "Let's go check on Rina." She heads to the medical bay only to see Rina asleep with Corazon in her arms. She stared at Law. "Is she going be alright? Those spikes were dug into her skin." Robin frowned.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Reaper would arrive at the island Rina's stepfather was rather fast, since his trail was rather easy to follow. He would be behind the man, glaring at him. "And I'll make sure you're nothing but dust by the end of this." The pirate said in a low tone before quickly slamming his fist into the man's back, not giving him a chance to attack at all. "I'm going to be your guide to hell..!"

Law would look over as Robin entered with Fiona and he would nod. "Yeah, with the help from Chopper she might just have a few scars..." He would explain, sighing as he looked at the bandages he put on her.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Rina's stepfather did not have time to react to Reaper's attack he had blood on his face. "We'll see about that boy! I unlocked the secret of this book!" He smirked. All he needs is Corazon's blood to unlock this sword. He knew Corazon was a child but to summon this sword he had to kill the boy. He created chains from the ground he knew Reaper was a devil fruit user he created sea stone to stop him.

Robin frowned then smiled. "I'm glad she alright." She placed Fiona down on the ground. "Did you find anything?" Robin asked. "I did, My stepfather took the book," Rina explained as Robin frowned. She just hopes Reaper can get that book back before it's too late.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Reaper would dodge the chains with a blur of speed, moving around the man at high speed. He would growl under his breath as he drew his current weaponry, two daggers covered in Armament Haki. "You may have unlocked something, but it won't be enough... Not this time!" The pirate yelled out before rushing at Rina's Stepfather, slashing repeatedly with precision.

Law would sigh as they talked about the book being stolen by RIna's Stepfather, he wanted to deal with the man but he knew deep down that Reaper had the best chances of finishing this. "Reaper will get that book back, he'd rather die than let us down."
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Rina's stepfather can't believe how fast this boy was. He wasn't this fast before! How did he get this fast!? He smirked. "That be little late. I hired a very strong navy group to help me." He explained the danger that was going to happen on Sunny soon. He used his chain to block the daggers he wasn't going to give up on this also.

Robin felt something was off. "Fiona stay here with Rina and Corazon." She heads out of the medical bay only to see a fleet of navy ships coming this way. "Captain!" Robin shouted for Luffy he ready know. "I know Robin, We're ready to attack. Traffy!" Luffy shouted for the other captain to help out.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Reaper's eyes widened as he started becoming more relentless with his attacks, using techniques like the 'Tempest Kick' along with his normal attacks to break the man's guard. "I... will... BREAK YOU!!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, as his speed heightened to it's limit.

Law looked over, annoyed that they were being attacked but he was ready to fight to protect the people on the ship no matter what. "Yeah, I hear you Strawhat-ya... Let's make this quick." The other captain said, grabbing his weapon before heading out onto the main deck of the Sunny.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Rina's Stepfather smirked again. "Blackbeard should kill you! That brat saved you!" He did not like his own future grandson fact he did not care about his family just power. He notices his chain armor was breaking. "HOW?!" He can't believe this something wasn't right here. He needed to get out here before he get killed. He grabs the book he started to put up chain walls to keep Reaper too busy as he was running away.

The navy captain stared at his man. "Fine the boy. Kill anyone that gets in your way." He orders his man to fine Corazon. "Sir!" The men started to attack the pirate ship. Rina woke up by the sound of a cannon firing she grabs both Corazon and Fiona to protect them. She summoned her wings to block any type of gunfire from harming the children her wings will grow back. "Mommy! Your wings!" Corazon was scared.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

"You think I would die to that fool! Hah, I'll never let a man like that or one like you effect me ever again!"
Reaper said with a smirk though it faded away as he would start to run away. He would quickly start breaking through the walls until the man was in his sight again. "You... will... KNEEL!" Reaper screamed out as Haki blasted throughout the area with a menacing roar, unleashing Conqueror's Haki once again.

Law would crack his neck a bit before smirking as the shots were fired. "ROOM...." Setting up the infamous spherical shape, the shots fired from guns and cannonballs stopped in midair. "Your shots no longer belong to you, how sad... Allow me to return these to you." Law would say before sending all the shots back at the Navy.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Rina's stepfather can't believe this pirate HAD THAT HAKI! he was trying his best not to pass out from that blast. "N-No way you can be that strong! Your just a weak pirate!" He wasn't going to let this pirate beat him down. He looked around the area as he put his hands on the ground pulling up chains from the ground. "Anything I touch turns into chains." He was thinking his devil fruit powers is useful. That was when he was hit by a powerful blast of air that send him flying. "I thought someone stole that forbidden book" Wyper had his weapon locked on him.

Rina held on to two children as the bullets went through her wings. "MOMMY!" Corazon can't take it anymore he screamed in tears as he let out this powerful blast that stop time around him. The only ones that can move were his parents and strawhats but the navy was frozen in time. Robin became shocked at how Corazon stopped time. "What happen?!" Luffy was confused as he stared at the officer who was attacking him had stopped. "Cora.. He stops time. I'm not sure for how long." Robin explained.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Reaper would look back to see Wyper and smiled before turning back to Rina's Stepfather with a determined glint in his eyes. "I'm not weak, you should know that by now..." The pirate would dash forward, avoiding chain after chain before finally reaching the man. "I have no more patience for the likes of you." Reaper would grab Rina's Stepfather by the face, slamming him into the ground before relentlessly punching the upper half of his body with Haki-Infused attacks.

Law was speechless when time froze all around them due to Corazon, though he didn't spend long questioning it. The captain would immediately take the chance to start slicing away, through any marine that was close to them. "We don't know how long it'll last, so take them all down!!" Law yelled to them, and the other Strawhats would listen to the man's advice. Zoro, Franky, Brook and Sanji all went on the offensive, running out and attacking any frozen marine in sight while Usopp and Nami attacked from a distance still.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Wyper grabs the book and then stared at the man who was the fake king of the White Kingdom. "There no place for you in this world or Skypiea!" Wyper has taken his chance to fire his weapon at him as Reaper beat the shit out of him. After the fight, he stared at the dying man and then frowned. "If his devil fruit comes back, I'll take it." Wyper did not want anyone else to take that devil fruit.

Rina held her son in her arms Corazon was upset about the wounds on her wings. "It's going be alright Cora." As Luffy has taken out many of the marines he could same with Robin. She stared at the marines who were in the water as time returned to normal they sank into the water. The captain of the marines stared at the pirates. "Hand over the boy we'll leave." He order. "No way in hell! We're giving you Corazon!" Luffy went into his second gear.
Trafalgar Law & Amadeus Sparx

Reaper would glare at the dying man, but he wasn't going to take any chances that could let him live to harm everyone again. He would walk to the collapsed man, pointing at him with a singular finger. "Shigan..." Suddenly, a bullet-like wound would go straight through the man's heart. This was another form of Rokushiki known as Shigan or 'Finger Pistol'. Reaper then turned to Wyper and nodded with a small smile. "If I find the fruit, I'll give it to you. But Wyper, do you know how that book could be read..? Rina tried to read it but couldn't make sense of it due to the ink being faded." He would ask the guard.

Law glared at the Marine Captain, how dare he even ask for them to give up Corazon?! "Luffy... He's mine." Law said with a stern tone before setting up a ROOM that reached the captain. As soon as he finished setting down the ROOM, Law quickly started his assault. "Shambles..." He shifted in front of the captain and would plunge his hand right into the captain's chest. "Scalpel..!" Law removed the captain's heart from their chest.
Rina Kohu & Nico Robin

Wyper stared at Reaper. "This book is over 1,000 years old. I'm not sure if anyone can read it. But I can try my best." He explained as he open the book the pages are old and falling apart. The ink on the page was old and fainting. "This book tells you how to summon the Holy Sword. A weapon of war." He explained he did not understand why lady Rina needed this weapon he wasn't going to question it. "Let's go see Lady Rina. I'm sure we can able to figure this out." He explained with a smile.

Luffy let Law take care of the captain. Until he heard a baby crying. Captain smirked at the group. "We have someone else you hold dear too also." Luffy watches as the marine ship sails away with Luna with them. "LUNA!" Robin shouted in anger she glared at the captain of the marine. "WHY A BABY?!" Robin wasn't happy. "She is also the future princess of the white kingdom. If you --" He wasn't able to finish since Law took his heart from his chest.

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