One Piece [Inactive]


I live in my own world.
Bills352 submitted a new role play:

One Piece - Luffy got his dream and died now it's your turn

Luffy era is over the pirate king is dead was the world around town's and city's around the world and just like Gol D Roger before him luffy said the same "You want my treasure you can have it search for it i left everything i gathered in one place" this made countless people go wild just as Gol D Roger's this started the great age of pirates for a second time.
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Yui and Noctis where both in Foosha Village and both in a tavern sleeping in the same room as they did not have enough for two rooms they have both been traveling with each other for a few weeks now so this was a common occurrence which none of them seemed to mind anymore but of course people see a man and a women enter the same room and they start to think things Yui woke up and left the tavern and decided to head towards the docks, well Noctis on the other hands was still asleep with no hint of waking up but he was always like that so Yui didn't care.
Zero feeling bored as usual, looked at the bounty board in Foosha Village, some what close to the tavern seeing no bounty's worth collecting (or one that would get him enough Beri's to eat tonight) he wandered to the nearby tree and sat under its cooling shadow to relax and pass some time, he removed all his swords and used them as foot rests while keeping his Katana behind his head almost like a pillow only not at all comfortable.

"Ahh a cool breeze" he says in a calm manner.
Xishi was at a docks in a place called Foosha Village, and he was just staring at the water, thinking about making a crew, after being in a crew before but then leaving after killing the captain, so he stud up and looked around for a person who was selling ships around the docks "Well if i am going to make a crew i need to have somewhat a decent ship" Xishi mumbled to himself as he started to walk around.
Shade had begun navigating the ship she had to do everything because she didnt have a crew. "ill be glad when im captain and not just navigator. this is tough'' she stated blankly and pulled into the harbor, setting anchor and gathering supplies. she jumped down from starboard area and swung from a rope until she had gotten near to the dock and jumped.
Xishi was still walking to find a ship merchant, but then his attention suddenly turned to a ship coming into the dock and this women who looked like the captain was swinging off a rope onto the docks, Xishi approached the women "hey nice ship you got there" Xishi said in happy manner.
"Hm? thanks She's a beaute. and you are?" she placed a hand on her hip after dusting her hands off and fixing her cap. she said fixing her hair out of her face and looking at him abit unsure.
yui was now at the docks and she looked around seeing nothing of interest except the new ship come in she decided to go and see whats what at the ship.

Noctis woke up and noticed that Yui was gone "she didn't wake me again" i'm not surprised she never does" he muttered to himself before he quickly walked out of the tavern and he guessed she went to the docks as normal so he walked to the docks.
"Name's Shade Note. I'm a navigator looking for a crew i have a dream to be captain." she said placing a hand on her sheath that held her sword, she turned and looked at the ship, then back at Xishi.
Kazuma played with a ball of air while sitting on the floor of an old tavern, he sipped on his sake. Kazuma yawned "i guess i need to try and find a crew huh? he said to himself "i need some strong people, actually maybe it will be easier for me to join an already existing crew then they will take me towards my dream" he smiled to himself.
"Well i wanted to make my own crew, since the last one i was in, lets just say it got complicated, but i think i might just look for another one to join, since i got no beri to get anything, so if you need someone to join your crew you can ask me." Xishi said in a relaxed manner as he had another glance at the ship.
Noctis arrived at the docks and shouted "hey Yui why didn't you wake me again"

Yui turned around shocked thinking 'he is awake early today' as she headed towards him.
Kazuma walked outside of the tavern and stretched, he looked around to see where he could go. He eventually saw two people talking to each other about a crew. Kazuma grinned to himself "Bingo" he whispered under his breath. Kazuma then walked over to the docks to listen to what they were saying. However he wasn't that well hidden because they could obviously see him.
Shade nodded, "alright we set sail soon, you get on the ship when i leave your in the crew." she stated boldly and held a hand out, looking at him then her ship. she knew she had to wait to gain supplies and beri first. " i see well i pay if you wish to join be aboard by tomorrow......

who is that?." she looked behind xishi over to the one who easy dropped.
Unable to get comfortable Zero re-attaches his swords and grabs his Katana and begins to walk down to the docks to go for a dip in the sea where he sees a small crowd of people have gathered.

"Huh, wonder whats going on over there?" he says seemingly uninterested while inside hes hoping for a fight to start.

"If only I had some money I wouldn't have to care I could go eat, urgh!" then a light bulb went off in his head, he could go and take some of the cargo from the ships and sell it, then he could eat... but after swimming.
Noctis and Yui both were now next to each other decided that they will see if the ship that just came are looking for some hands to work for them so they walk over to where the two people near the ship are talking "hello" they both say in sync with each other.
"I would gladly join your crew" Xishi grasped Shade's had with a firm grip, then noticed the two people who came and said "hello" Xishi let go of Shade's hand "Hi, Names Xishi, and yours?" Xishi asked the two new people in a greeting manner.
"Ello, come to see what was happening hm?" Shade grinned and grabbed a rope in her hand. 'wonder if they have seen a single person ship.' she thought for a moment. " Name's Shade Note." she looked around one more time and waited for a reply keeping a close eye on the ship.
Xishi bowed down at the women to show his respect, then straightened his back and went to shake the mans hand, "Its a pleasure to meet you both, so what brings you two here?" Xishi asked.
"wondering if you need some extra hands to help around your ship" they both say in sync again this time they both look at each other confused as in saying stop copying me.
Kazuma grinned "after listening to this, i might just destroy the ship" he whispered to himself. Kazuma jumped from behind a box. "Air Bubble" a giant bubble formed around the ship, Kazuma then looked at the group of people talking to themselves "good morning" he smiled and winked before clicking his fingers and the ship was crushed because Kazuma lowered the pressure inside his bubble leaving nothing left.
Zero immediately begins to walk towards the docks, when he arrives he looks at each ship deciding which one he thinks has the most cargo, passing the group of people, until he reaches the end. He removes his shirt and wraps his swords in it and places the bundle on the dock excluding the Katana which he puts in his mouth and dives in. Thinking how he could get aboard any of the ships "Maybe cut a hole in the bottom and climb in... no the ship would sink" he pondered this as he went deeper and deeper "That's it" he thought "ill use my swords to climb the side of the ship then throw all the cargo off the side into the water and push it to another dock" he then began to rise to the surface of the water as a ship was destroyed right in front of him.

"Ahhhh!" he exclaimed.
"my ship! you little weasel!" she growled angered, realizing the worthlessness she stopped and walked away knowing it would anger him. "good thing it was a dump." she rolled her eyes and continued walking waiting until she was far enough away, clenched her fists.
Kazuma turned into air and vanished in front of Shade "you are threatening me? he laughed, he then reappeared in front of her "you wouldn't be able to hurt me even if you tried your hardest" Kazuma laughed "I'm too strong for you" he grinned.

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