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Fantasy On The Run

(Night :D )

Darkness held Ayakashi's hand tight and then looked back to Wraps and stopped to talk to him. "Jeez I'm sorry man, I got a bit too excited. We may actually go get some food soon if you want to join us that is brother."
(Good night!)

Ayakashi giggled as Wraps finally caught up to their group. She looked down at Wraps's hand holding hers, then up at Darkness himself. "I'm fairly hungry, now that you mention food," Ayakashi admitted, holding a hand over her stomach. "Let's find a place to eat, then! Something foreign, I hope. We're in a brand new world now."
Wraps nods,

"Yeah, I suggest the classical fish and chips." He smiles as his stomach grumbles.
"Mmm..Fish sounds good right about now." He held Ayakashi's hand and led them down the street looking for a restaurant. "Hmm..One problem..We need money..I need to find an ATM machine."
Ayakashi gazed about the foreign streets, looking for an ATM machine for Darkness.

"Ah. Is that one over there?" she asked, pointing to one of two machines fixed in the wall. She dragged Darkness along towards the two ATMs and playfully pushed him towards them, laughing. "Get us some money, darling! I wish to try the 'fish and chips' Wraps mentioned!"
Darkness puts his car in the machine and exchanges the money to Pounds. It was a bit less than what he exchanged. British pounds are less than an American Dollar. "Oh well a bit less money never hurt. Now babe, The chips in Fish and chips are actually just French Fries. They call them chips here. The things we call Chips in America here are called Crisps."

(Yea I know my British talk :P )
KroNicc115 said:
Darkness puts his car in the machine and exchanges the money to Pounds. It was a bit less than what he exchanged. British pounds are less than an American Dollar. "Oh well a bit less money never hurt. Now babe, The chips in Fish and chips are actually just French Fries. They call them chips here. The things we call Chips in America here are called Crisps."
(Yea I know my British talk :P )
(Darkness that's not how ATMs work xD )
Ayakashi rubbed her forehead in circular motions. "Ugh... I don't want American food. Fish and chips can pass for now. I want something British! Whatever that is," she demanded, tugging on Darkness's arm. "Any ideas on what to eat, dearie?"
(Oh believe me I know, I'm too lazy to find someone to convert my damn money. xD Thats how its going to work in this RP)

"Well we could just pick a place, I don't really know a lot of British food. Oh how about there!" He points to a restaurant across the street and grabbed Ayakashi's hand.
(Surely you have fish and chips in American guys? It's practically what I live off because it's my sister's favourite food)

Emarni was... A little let down. England was... Colder than she was expecting. And darker. Mainly because the dark clouds blocked out the sun overhead. She looked around, spinning in circles. Everything was a shade of grey, now that she looked properly.

"It's not as pretty as I thought." Emarni muttered, as she passed somebody begging on the streets, "It's kind of depressing." Though, their accents were funny. She thought everyone here would sound posh... But most people didn't. They sounded as if they had just crawled out of the gutter.

(England is depressing. It rains all the time.)
Candy didn't really like English food, too hardy and kind of bland. She pulled out her 300 pounds and walked quickly over to the restaurant, hopeful they'll server non English food, or she'll have to wait to get some good food.
(Who here likes Gorillaz?) 
(@Fallen from Heaven @RPLoverRP)
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(It's ok Yon, not everyone knows about Gorillaz. But if you want to, I can link you to the wiki.)
(Interesting Cyborg noodles.....In mi opinion if a join its better not too read any of this...Might ruin lots of things really)

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