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Fantasy On The Run

(I think we should tag people each time we post... No notifications is bothering me as well.)

Ayakashi sat up in her pilot's seat, yawning loudly after being awoken from her nap. The demon took off her mask and wearily stared at the new city that stood before her. It was still littered with large concrete buildings, but it had a sense of class to it... She yawned again as she scratched her tired eyes. Ayakashi had been so bored out of her mind that she herself fell asleep, and not just her host... that rarely happens.

"Mmm... yes, we're at England..." she sleepily observed. She returned a smile back towards Darkness and weakly hugged him. "I can't wait to start a brand new life with you, dear. I just want to rest in your arms and forget about my worries now..."

Darkness smiles and holds her in his arms. "We will baby I promise. we will find a home soon and we can stay there forever." He kissed her cheek softly and looked over to Rose who was sitting on the table across from them. Are you ever going to tell her what you really are Darkness? The scythe spoke to him in his mind. Until we get to England and we are safe and everything is quiet. No. But when the time comes it will. I have been thirsting to being out Yama again. I still can't believe I was reincarnated as the next Angel of Death.
Candy smiled as she saw England. How wonderful it was and how she couldn't wait to see the underbelly of it. She quickly changed and ran back on deck to get a better look. "Finally we got to England, I wonder what type of men will be here, maybe I'll make more for being an American girl." She laughs and leans on the railing. "Maybe I'll find a good guy..ha...yeah right."
Ayakashi dug her face into Darkness's chest, feeling his warmth. "Mmm... and then you can bring me up to speed about human cultures, and we can finally act like normal members of society... Mm..." she murmured, blushing as Darkness kissed her cheek softly. She turned her head to the newly dressed Candy near the railings, summoning a single shadow tail. She brought it close to Candy's shadow and tickled her shadow's head, which would in turn tickle Candy herself.

"Hey... Candy, correct? Our captain fell asleep. Can you anchor this yacht at a port so we can explore London already?" she softly called out to the woman.
She giggles some turns and nods. "Will do and yeah it's Candy." Candy lifts the anchor shadow and throws in into the water and watches as the real thing follows. The floated a little more before finally stopping in port. "Alright everybody time to get off and see London." Candy quickly check her make up. First find a place to stay and then go out and see the men.

(Aww I understand though.)
(Well gona make somboy else thats not a masive insect...and its a good time now that we are in england :)
(You should make it someone who is English and if you got any question ask @Fallen from Heaven She is British.)

Darkness smiled as he saw the Harbor right outside and then picked up Ayakashi's head. "Come on baby lets go see England!" He stood up and held his hand out for Ayakashi to hold. His eyes were a deep beautiful red color and his smile was soft.
(...gona make some one of mi Land..so Italian or French Gentelmen will do so he is on vacation or somthing and no im not going too speack None of those Toughs....for now)
Ayakashi grabbed Darkness's warm outstretched hand, smiling up into his gorgeous red eyes, beaming back at him with her own crimson eyes. "I'll be more than happy to go wherever you take me, sweetie."

After stepping off the yacht and onto the port with her lover, she fitted on her mask and tilted her head curiously at the normal-looking human girl. She could use powers too? And not just any powers, but shadow manipulations as well... "You know how to move shadows around too it seems, Candy. Not many supernatural beings are blessed with that kind of power." Ayakashi wondered if Candy would be any problems to the freakshow later on. Best not to cast any assumptions for now.

Yonsisac said:
(Well gona make somboy else thats not a masive insect...and its a good time now that we are in england :)
(Maybe Candy will finally get a super special boy haha)
You realize that I can hear your thoughts right babe? Darkness chuckles as he speaks into the mind of Ayakashi. He looked at the city they were in. Where were they and what was the place called?

(Oh damn thats right. the new page doesn't have the CS anymore..Umm..Just give basic information. Use the Character sheet from my RP and also include what kind of supernatural powers you have.)
"Oh well it's noting too special but it gets jobs done." She smiles and walks off the boat. "Alrighty just follow me guys, my bae has a house ready for well me but now you guys so come on." She starts to skip and hum, a new start huh.
Ayakashi's cheeks turned into a deep shade of red as she heard Darkness's voice echo in her mind. She tightly held Darkness's hand as they followed Candy to their new home. You can hear my thoughts, Darkness?! This is news to me. What have you heard in my head so far...? I hope you didn't hear anything too embarrassing. Ayakashi shook her head and then smiled softly. Normally I would believe this to be an insane breach of privacy, but because it's you, my love, I think of it as a special way for us to talk to each other.
Darkness chuckled and smiled still following Candy. You know to be honest I tried to block your thoughts at first to avoid being intrusive. But I couldn't help myself this time. And no I haven't heard much, You are a very peaceful thinker though I will tell you that.
Ayakashi laughed heartily to herself as they continued walking through the streets of London. Hahaha~ a peaceful thinker? You haven't seen my struggles with my host's thoughts... although, that is for the best, I think. My problems are my problems, and I want to deal with them myself. I don't want to drag you into my world.

Well too bad for you sweetie. I am your world now, just as you are mine. And you know what, I'm really happy about that. Any struggles you have, I'll deal with, with you and together we can take on this place that we call earth. Darkness' smile was still big.
Wraps wakes up and looks around,

"YOU PISSCOUCHES!" He yells from the boat, he jumps up, grabs as much stuf possible and darts off. Wraps eventually finds the group,

"Thanks for leaving me." He says gruffly.
Candy laughs. "Keep up Wraps, the house isn't too far but we still gots a ways to go." She smiles and keeps walking. (Nighy night peeps (*^▽^)/)

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