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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

JacobLoL said:
Okay thanks! Are they currently in a room or outside the hotel?
Some are in hotel rooms, some are in the lobby, and one is outside. Outside is Ella, Valkyre's char, but idk if she's online or not. :/ Inside the hotel lobby are the characters Matthew, Derrick, Vladimor (on the couch in a coma), and Orious I think. I think in the kitchen are the characters Izabell, Ocean, and Calvin (a sorta side char Cicero made). My characters I am currently using are Matthew and Tabitha, but I have a third character I won't introduce until they're at Las Vegas.

Dylan Cross

Full Name: Dylan Cross

Nickname: DC

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Power: Pain Inflection: Dylan can cause physical pain at varying levels.He can also take someone else's pain so that it hurts him instead of the other person.



Personality: Despite his powers, Dylan is a quiet and kind individual. He tends to isolate himself because he's scare he'll accidentally hurt someone, which is why he tries not to get too close.

History: Dylan was raised by a single mom, who he barely saw during the day due to her job. He was never told what it was, but he was a kid and he didn't really care. Dylan was quite an intelligent kid though, and soon even his mom took notice. When he was 11 she took him to her work, which was the lab. She explained to Dylan was the head scientist, which meant she carried out all sorts of experiments to try to manipulate humans to exhibit abilities. At first, Dylan thought it would be cool until he realized his moms plan; she wanted to attempt experimentation on him. He was locked in an all white room and he didn't see his mom again until she came to get him. He was crying, and he was confused. His mom simply told him she thought he would be able to hand the type of experiment they were working on, due to high levels of brain activity and age. Before he knew it he was strapped down and being tested on. All he could remember was immense pain. When he recovered, he was a mess. His speech was all wrong and his eyesight was poor. The scientists were about to put him down as a failed experiment until his mom showed up to visit him one day and he exploded. She had made him like this, and she didn't care. She fell to the floor screaming and clutching her head while Dylan stared at her writhing form. Eventually, her heart gave out and she died. Dylan was put in solitary confinement, and recovered over the years, and eventually escaped with the rest of people who had been experimented on.

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Coal said:

Dylan Cross
Full Name: Dylan Cross

Nickname: DC

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Power: Pain Inflection: Dylan can cause physical pain at varying levels.He can also take someone else's pain so that it hurts him instead of the other person.



Personality: Despite his powers, Dylan is a quiet and kind individual. He tends to isolate himself because he's scare he'll accidentally hurt someone, which is why he tries not to get too close.

History: Dylan was raised by a single mom, who he barely saw during the day due to her job. He was never told what it was, but he was a kid and he didn't really care. Dylan was quite an intelligent kid though, and soon even his mom took notice. When he was 11 she took him to her work, which was the lab. She explained to Dylan was the head scientist, which meant she carried out all sorts of experiments to try to understand the unnatural powers of the people in her lab. At first, Dylan thought it would be cool until he realized the "experiments" were basically torture. His mom showed him their recent testee; a five year old girl who apparently had heat vision. They had her strapped down to a table while machines were cutting into her eyes. Dylan could hear her screams even past the 2 inch glass. And to make it worse, his mom said it was for science. That girl was nothing but a problem that they would find the cause and solution. Dylan wished he could help the girl and before he knew it, he was feeling extreme pain in his own eyes. He dropped to the ground writhing, and his screams replaced the girls. The scientist immediately looked into what had happened. Why had did the girl's pulse calm while the boy's spiked? After a while, they made the conclusion about Dylan's abilities, and he found himself locked up until he was 17, when he and his fellow people with abilities escaped.

Nice, but remember the abilities aren't something they're born with. The abilities are things the scientists gave them. :/ Still, besides that you're accepted! ^_^ Atm we're in a rundown hotel owned by the character Izabell, since the bus got hijacked and the bus drivers freaked out when they found out they were transporting experiments, so they desperately went to hide with Izabell once their only method of transportation broke down. They're on their way to Las Vegas btw- that's the plan of the characters, at least once they find a way to be transported and Vladimor (another char) awakes from his coma. A good way to jump in is to have your char check into the rundown hotel, either because of the rain, they're running from cops, looking for other experiments and think they'd be there, etc.
iiimee said:
Nice, but remember the abilities aren't something they're born with. The abilities are things the scientists gave them. :/ Still, besides that you're accepted! ^_^ Atm we're in a rundown hotel owned by the character Izabell, since the bus got hijacked and the bus drivers freaked out when they found out they were transporting experiments, so they desperately went to hide with Izabell once their only method of transportation broke down. They're on their way to Las Vegas btw- that's the plan of the characters, at least once they find a way to be transported and Vladimor (another char) awakes from his coma. A good way to jump in is to have your char check into the rundown hotel, either because of the rain, they're running from cops, looking for other experiments and think they'd be there, etc.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i gotta do it all over again *internal screaming*
Coal said:
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i gotta do it all over again *internal screaming*
Lol, I already added your char's name to those with accepted members, so you can join the second you edit your post I guess. :P
Coal said:
i edited it ^-^
Wow, I love it! ^_^ My character Matthew was also put into solitary confinement, only he was from the start, due to him being one of the first experiments ever to be given mimicry. You may begin RPing- you read what I said about a good place to jump in, right?
Full Name: Sage Alstair

Nickname: Sagy

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Power: Crykinesis - He can make and control ice.


Personality: Sage is a kind person but he is vain and very confident in his appearance as well as cheeky to a fault. He is somewhat sarcastic , he makes snarky remarks in and out of battle. He is a fanboy at heart , a trait he gained from his father who he looks up to greatly. He is also very sensitive at times to the point he will cry if he is offended or hurt. He is also very smart and will brag if he gets the urge to. He can be insensitive and rude but will feel bad if he realizes he has done wrong. Sage has a terrible temper and hardly anyone can stop him when he gets mad. Sage gives no sh*ts about self-preservation at times. Sage is not easily intimidated , he could stick his tongue out at a growling tiger or lion. He also flirty but will shoot someone down if they approach him unless they catch his attention. He is also very secretive about his past.

History: Will be revealed in rp

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djinnamon said:
Full Name: Sage Alstair
Nickname: Sagy

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Power: Crykinesis - He can make and control ice.


Personality: Sage is a kind person but he is vain and very confident in his appearance as well as cheeky to a fault. He is somewhat sarcastic , he makes snarky remarks in and out of battle. He is a fanboy at heart , a trait he gained from his father who he looks up to greatly. He is also very sensitive at times to the point he will cry if he is offended or hurt. He is also very smart and will brag if he gets the urge to. He can be insensitive and rude but will feel bad if he realizes he has done wrong. Sage has a terrible temper and hardly anyone can stop him when he gets mad. Sage gives no sh*ts about self-preservation at times. Sage is not easily intimidated , he could stick his tongue out at a growling tiger or lion. He also flirty but will shoot someone down if they approach him unless they catch his attention. He is also very secretive about his past.

History: Will be revealed in rp

Accepted, but damn- your char has a LOT of boys to pick from, if you check the characters. xD The vast majority of chars in this RP are male, and more than half the guys are bisexual- only three are gay I think though, and that includes one of my characters. ^_^ Right now in the roleplay everyone's at a hotel run by the character Izabell. The only people allowed in the hotel are allies, so unless it gets invaded let's think of it as a "safe haven". I plan on having them move from the place soon enough, but they're staying there for as long as they can right now because 1. the police are searching for experiments all over the place in that city 2. one of the characters is in a coma and 3. they have no current way to get to Las Vegas- the place they're all planning on going. A good way to jump in would be to have your character go to the hotel because they are trying to hide from the cops, find shelter from the cold, snowy weather outside, or maybe your character somehow picked up on the fact there are experiments there and wants to build an alliance and/or make sure they're not threats. Just some suggestions to jump in! ^_^
Full Name: Lilyanna Radal

Nickname: Silver

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Power: Unable to FEEL pain. She turns pain into an uncontrollable rage she uses in combat. Making her a killing machine.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/art-anime-girl-sword-1312363.jpg.7fb31a04bb88b8d4bb4526ff7217f7a6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94925" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/art-anime-girl-sword-1312363.jpg.7fb31a04bb88b8d4bb4526ff7217f7a6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Shy, Confident, Kind, Self reserved, Patient, lonely.

History: She was locked up in a special sector. Where only High class killing weapons that were unstable were kept. She was dropped off at the lab by her mother since her mother didn't want her. She was raised to believe the scientist were the good guys. And she followed along like a teachers pet. Intill they made a mistake of giving her access to all computer files. She breached security with her trust and secretly help others escape without knowing it, by opening and shutting off security. She escaped with her weapons and copies of a few files she managed to swipe.

Likes: Swords, Knifes, Combat, Reading.

Dislikes: Humans, Liars, betrayel, Guns.



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LilyannaGaming said:
Full Name: Lilyanna Radal
Nickname: Silver

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Power: Unable to FEEL pain. She turns pain into an uncontrollable rage she uses in combat. Making her a killing machine.


View attachment 211117

Personality: Shy, Confident, Kind, Self reserved, Patient, lonely.

History: She was locked up in a special sector. Where only High class killing weapons that were unstable were kept. She was dropped off at the lab by her mother since her mother didn't want her. She was raised to believe the scientist were the good guys. And she followed along like a teachers pet. Intill they made a mistake of giving her access to all computer files. She breached security with her trust and secretly help others escape without knowing it, by opening and shutting off security. She escaped with her weapons and copies of a few files she managed to swipe.

Likes: Swords, Knifes, Combat, Reading.

Dislikes: Humans, Liars, betrayel, Guns.
Accepted, but for clarification: When you say she can't feel pain, you mean a physical pain right? Also, just because she can't feel it doesn't mean she can't get injured, right? :/
She can get injured, She can die. She just cant feel it so if you where to stab her arm she would visably see the wound but, it would feel like it wasn't there.

And how was my History/Background?

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LilyannaGaming said:
She can get injured, She can die. She just cant feel it so if you where to stab her arm she would visably see the wound but, it would feel like it wasn't there.
And how was my History/Background?

I loved it! ^_^ She's very unique, but if you read the histories of other characters in this roleplay, you'll find there's a lot of diversity in this RP, which makes me very happy since I'm the creator of it. As I said, you may start- I mentioned good ways to start in the message.
Full Name: Jihl Nabaat

Nickname: Viel (Her file name) or Sis but only by Vaidehi

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Power: Is able to release a chemical from her skin that can react with the atmosphere to create a thick, billowing fog, that is able to spread miles beyond her reach.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/63e81fa3ebce9e0c6101dc071a7be499.jpg.ff5ba65f5f4cadc06fb62e5368570f4d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94928" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/63e81fa3ebce9e0c6101dc071a7be499.jpg.ff5ba65f5f4cadc06fb62e5368570f4d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Isolated, Observant, Quiet, Kind, Conscientious. Tend to stick to things until they are done. Extremely intuitive about people, and concerned for their feelings. Well-developed value systems which they strictly adhere to. Well-respected for their perseverance in doing the right thing. Individualistic, rather than leading or following.


Jihl supported her parent since she was 14 after her father went on disability and her mother unable to find work to her papers. She was the daughter of immigrants, first generation in the U.S. after a war had made them flee their homeland. She didn't expect their life to be easy, not like those American shows she used to watch. Two parents, two kids, and a dog in a suburb with no fear in the world on when their next check will come in.

Searching for her next job Jihl found a website that claimed to pay their subject for each trial they participated in. The money that was offered was beyond what she could ever make with the jobs she worked so she took it. Signing up and taking the next plane out, unaware of what was really happening. She was assured of her family's safety before she entered through the doors that her pay would immediately be sent to them after every trial she went through, by a kind looking an older gentleman. That was the last thing she remembered.

"I am Jihl Nabaat. I am 17 years old. My parents are Jabar and Malala Nabaat. I'm from New York. I agreed to theses test." She was forced to say these words every day. It felt like poison in her mouth each time she spoke. She was gullible, naive to think this was a good idea. She probably wasn't even getting paid for this. Her family probably thinks she skipped out on them from the pressure.

On the day she escaped the only thing on her mind was 48 seconds. 48 seconds was how long it took them to respond to an emergency. 48 seconds between her and her freedom. 48 seconds ...


Full Name: Vaidehi Manon

Nickname: Vaid or Mystique (Her file name)

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Power: Is able to shift to look identical by looking at the one she is shifting into, but can only absorb their main trait (ex. Their Powers) by contact of the hands, but with this instead of looking solid she looks a little blurred at the edges.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/e0f216bac8249a3aeb6ec69896ed9fd4.jpg.a2029d095fb8b280d703577c366e2d8e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94935" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/e0f216bac8249a3aeb6ec69896ed9fd4.jpg.a2029d095fb8b280d703577c366e2d8e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: People-oriented and fun-loving, Vaidehi make things more fun for others by her enjoyment. Living for the moment, she loves new experiences. Dislikes theory and impersonal analysis. Likely to be the center of attention in social situations. Well-developed common sense and practical ability.


Growing up in the privileged rich upper-class Vaidehi had it all. The perfect house, the perfect parents, the perfect life. Her mother was the founder of a women's health care clinic and both her parents worked from home, managing their chain of clinics. They often traveled leaving Vaidehi to her own devices.

After ditching one of her guards after school, Vaidehi walked around, watching others busy in their daily lives. Soon it was pitch black as she felt herself being shoved around till she found herself sitting on something metal. "I heard they're buying at a pretty hefty price now." there was some laughing before there were more voices around her. "I'm sure we can get a pretty good price for her." After this Vaidehi assumed what as happening to her, that's when she screamed and her face meeting the cold hard ground before everything went silent.

She was their favorite or so she assumed, constantly being taken out of her cell to perform tasks she herself was unsure of. Forced to wear gloves before and after her test to make sure she was not to touch anyone accidentally. This was her routine, every morning she was woken up by water in her face, mid-day was her test, and by night she was pushed back into her holding block where she sat there until tomorrow. One day something interrupted her schedule, well someone, Jihl. When being led back to her cell, she was freed by her.

at 23:29, 48 seconds before she was supposed to be in her cell her life changed.



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Aio said:
Full Name: Jihl Nabaat
Nickname: Viel (Her file name) or Sis but only by Manon

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Power: Is able to release a chemical from her skin that can react with the atmosphere to create a thick, billowing fog, that is able to spread miles beyond her reach.


View attachment 211125

Personality: Isolated, Observant, Quiet, Kind, Conscientious. Tend to stick to things until they are done. Extremely intuitive about people, and concerned for their feelings. Well-developed value systems which they strictly adhere to. Well-respected for their perseverance in doing the right thing. Individualistic, rather than leading or following.


Jihl supported her parent since she was 14 after her father went on disability and her mother unable to find work to her papers. She was the daughter of immigrants, first generation in the U.S. after a war had made them flee their homeland. She didn't expect their life to be easy, not like those American shows she used to watch. Two parents, two kids, and a dog in a suburb with no fear in the world on when their next check will come in.

Searching for her next job Jihl found a website that claimed to pay their subject for each trial they participated in. The money that was offered was beyond what she could ever make with the jobs she worked so she took it. Signing up and taking the next plane out, unaware of what was really happening. She was assured of her family's safety before she entered through the doors that her pay would immediately be sent to them after every trial she went through, by a kind looking an older gentleman. That was the last thing she remembered.

"I am Jihl Nabaat. I am 17 years old. My parents are Jabar and Malala Nabaat. I'm from New York. I agreed to theses test." She was forced to say these words every day. It felt like poison in her mouth each time she spoke. She was gullible, naive to think this was a good idea. She probably wasn't even getting paid for this. Her family probably thinks she skipped out on them from the pressure.

On the day she escaped the only thing on her mind was 48 seconds. 48 seconds was how long it took them to respond to an emergency. 48 seconds between her and her freedom. 48 seconds ...


Full Name: Vaidehi Manon

Nickname: Vaid or Mystique (Her file name)

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Power: Is able to shift to look identical by looking at the one she is shifting into, but can only absorb their main trait (ex. Their Powers) by contact of the hands, but with this instead of looking solid she looks a little blurred at the edges.


View attachment 211139

Personality: People-oriented and fun-loving, Vaidehi make things more fun for others by her enjoyment. Living for the moment, she loves new experiences. Dislikes theory and impersonal analysis. Likely to be the center of attention in social situations. Well-developed common sense and practical ability.


Growing up in the privileged rich upper-class Vaidehi had it all. The perfect house, the perfect parents, the perfect life. Her mother was the founder of a women's health care clinic and both her parents worked from home, managing their chain of clinics. They often traveled leaving Vaidehi to her own devices.

After ditching one of her guards after school, Vaidehi walked around, watching others busy in their daily lives. Soon it was pitch black as she felt herself being shoved around till she found herself sitting on something metal. "I heard they're buying at a pretty hefty price now." there was some laughing before there were more voices around her. "I'm sure we can get a pretty good price for her." After this Vaidehi assumed what as happening to her, that's when she screamed and her face meeting the cold hard ground before everything went silent.

She was their favorite or so she assumed, constantly being taken out of her cell to perform tasks she herself was unsure of. Forced to wear gloves before and after her test to make sure she was not to touch anyone accidentally. This was her routine, every morning she was woken up by water in her face, mid-day was her test, and by night she was pushed back into her holding block where she sat there until tomorrow. One day something interrupted her schedule, well someone, Jihl. When being led back to her cell, she was freed by her.

at 23:29, 48 seconds before she was supposed to be in her cell her life changed.
Accepted! ^_^ I absolutely love both of them- my character Matthew was also raised in New York btw. You may start. Atm everyone's in a rundown hotel run by the character Izabell who only accepts experiments into her hotel. The city's kinda dangerous outside of this safe haven though, since they were spotted before they came to the hotel, luckily they weren't spotted going into the hotel. A good way to start is to have your characters enter the hotel to get away from the weather, get away from cops, or maybe they picked up on the fact there were other experiments there and decided to check the place out. You're call, but yeah- you may start!
iiimee said:
Accepted! ^_^ I absolutely love both of them- my character Matthew was also raised in New York btw. You may start. Atm everyone's in a rundown hotel run by the character Izabell who only accepts experiments into her hotel. The city's kinda dangerous outside of this safe haven though, since they were spotted before they came to the hotel, luckily they weren't spotted going into the hotel. A good way to start is to have your characters enter the hotel to get away from the weather, get away from cops, or maybe they picked up on the fact there were other experiments there and decided to check the place out. You're call, but yeah- you may start!
Okie will do! I'll post soon! Thanks for accepting me! :D
Full Name: Specimen 24

Nickname: Nagato

Age: Two years old with the maturity of a young adult (Appears to be in his late teens)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: None

Power: Nagato can redirect attacks and absorb energy to heal him self. He use powerful energy attacks to make himself faster or stronger, he can also use energy to make projectile attacks to injure others.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/20151226_225647.jpg.0ac1e189476b4725bbcdd1b046d79576.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94943" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/20151226_225647.jpg.0ac1e189476b4725bbcdd1b046d79576.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Nagato has a lack of emotion, in fact he is basically emotionless and it is difficult for him to make friends, although he does not act on emotion and that makes him a more difficult opponent. He can be quite clever and think he was out of awkward situations.

History: Nagato was not born by traditional means, he was created in a test using dna gathered from "willing test subjects". He parents could be any number of adults or children that the scientist tested on. While he was in his test tube he was injected with multiple cells to alter his dna and give him his unique abilities. His aging was accelerated so that he could be used as a weapon quicker then what a normal human would. His whole life he was treated like an animal and was never given love. When he had reached his late teens he was release from his test tube stopping the acceleration of his ageing and the scientist tried to use him as a weapon. The scientist conducted experiments to determine his usefulness and to determine if they could control him.

Specimen 24 has achieved his programing and is ready to be used for our purposes. Begin when ready.

At first the experiments were a success, his lack of emotions made it easy for them to control him. By some chance he felt sympathy for the people that the scientist that would have exterminated and he fought the scientist gaining both independence as well as freedom.

Specimen 24 has escaped be wary of him on further missions and test, he must be captured alive and returned to regain control over him.

After escaping he gave himself a name to cut his ties with scientist and began to teach himself emotions. He discover that he had a natural ability with swords and began to train with swords that stole from the scientist. These swords were nothing special, they were traditional blades for the most part except for the fact that are made of a stronger metal that is nearly indestructible.

Other: I think I covered everything.



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Full Name: mew zookune

Nickname: mew,test subject 5408,kitty,robotics boy..

Age: 19

Gender: male

Sexuality: bi

Power: super speed,ability,and accuracy, a.I intelligent, claws, feline senses, super durability ,exc..He's both feline and robotic


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6a8b5df2_being_flirty_by_sugarshewolf-d9dct5t(1).jpg.3362b3343bfadb08c54dd6d4b3fc96a2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94956" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6a8b5df2_being_flirty_by_sugarshewolf-d9dct5t(1).jpg.3362b3343bfadb08c54dd6d4b3fc96a2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: moody,tempered,catty,flirty,dark



History: mew was actually born by the hands of a foreign government in Japan,his birth mother being a scientist herself who volunteered as the mother of this cat human hybrid. Later on as new grew older his body was subjected to various tests with robotics,his skeleton and organs fused with metal and wiring. After a while he was bought by the American government to be further tested on but before he reached the hospital he broke loose and ran as far as he could.

Other: he likes to paint and loves fish. He also has his code number burned on his throat



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Wyatt said:
Full Name: Specimen 24
Nickname: Nagato

Age: Two years old with the maturity of a young adult (Appears to be in his late teens)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: None

Power: Nagato can redirect attacks and absorb energy to heal him self. He use powerful energy attacks to make himself faster or stronger, he can also use energy to make projectile attacks to injure others.

Appearance:View attachment 211156

Personality: Nagato has a lack of emotion, in fact he is basically emotionless and it is difficult for him to make friends, although he does not act on emotion and that makes him a more difficult opponent. He can be quite clever and think he was out of awkward situations.

History: Nagato was not born by traditional means, he was created in a test using dna gathered from "willing test subjects". He parents could be any number of adults or children that the scientist tested on. While he was in his test tube he was injected with multiple cells to alter his dna and give him his unique abilities. His aging was accelerated so that he could be used as a weapon quicker then what a normal human would. His whole life he was treated like an animal and was never given love. When he had reached his late teens he was release from his test tube stopping the acceleration of his ageing and the scientist tried to use him as a weapon. The scientist conducted experiments to determine his usefulness and to determine if they could control him.

Specimen 24 has achieved his programing and is ready to be used for our purposes. Begin when ready.

At first the experiments were a success, his lack of emotions made it easy for them to control him. By some chance he felt sympathy for the people that the scientist that would have exterminated and he fought the scientist gaining both independence as well as freedom.

Specimen 24 has escaped be wary of him on further missions and test, he must be captured alive and returned to regain control over him.

After escaping he gave himself a name to cut his ties with scientist and began to teach himself emotions. He discover that he had a natural ability with swords and began to train with swords that stole from the scientist. These swords were nothing special, they were traditional blades for the most part except for the fact that are made of a stronger metal that is nearly indestructible.

Other: I think I covered everything.
Accepted! ^_^ He looks awesome- you may begin! They're at a rundown hotel right now, owned by the character Izabell, so your character can go there, either to get out of the weather, escape from cops, or something else entirely. Would elaborate more but I'm about to pass out. :P

mewbot5408 said:
Full Name: mew zookune
Nickname: mew,test subject 5408,kitty,robotics boy..

Age: 19

Gender: male

Sexuality: bi

Power: super speed,ability,and accuracy, a.I intelligent, claws, feline senses, super durability ,exc..He's both feline and robotic


View attachment 211187

Personality: moody,tempered,catty,flirty,dark



History: mew was actually born by the hands of a foreign government in Japan,his birth mother being a scientist herself who volunteered as the mother of this cat human hybrid. Later on as new grew older his body was subjected to various tests with robotics,his skeleton and organs fused with metal and wiring. After a while he was bought by the American government to be further tested on but before he reached the hospital he broke loose and ran as far as he could.

Other: he likes to paint and loves fish. He also has his code number burned on his throat
Accepted! ;) You know how to jump in, lol.
Full Name: Hylia Veronica Hunt

Nickname: (Optional) Lia

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual (But is very self conscious about it)

Power: Teleportation. She has to have been to where she wants to go, but other than that, she can just think of somewhere to go, and poof! She's there. When she is teleporting, she looks as if she was going out of focus before she disappears. (I hope that made sense >.<) She cannot bring another person with her... yet.


Height: 6'2"

Personality: Lia is very kind and generous, but you do not want to get on her bad side. She is very athletic and grew up with two older brothers, one younger brother, a twin brother, and one older sister. She knows how to take care of herself. Lia plays volleyball, basketball, baseball and she is a competitive swimmer. She is a very good artist and loves to draw with pencils, charcoal and pastels. Although Lia is very stubborn at times and she knows she is her parents' least favorite, she is a very happy, upbeat person that always tries to look on the bright side of every situation, and is still getting to know the extent of her power.

History: Lia was born on July 13, 1996 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Her family moved to Canada in 2001, and she learned the English language easily. Lia was raised in a relatively nice house with well off parents, but had five siblings to compete with. This resulted in her being the least favourite, for reasons she doesn't know. She had the smallest room in the house, with the least amount of decor, she was forced to wear her sister's hand-me-downs until she got a job and started buying her own clothes, she was given a phone for emergencies, and a laptop for schools. That's all. Surprisingly, Lia didn't mind at all being the least favourite until her parents offered her to the scientists in the United States that she thought had ruined her life at first. After she had escaped, the pain of her entire life hit her, and she fell into depression. She even tried to kill herself once or twice. Slowly, she realized how helpful her power was, and started taking advantage of the gift that was given to her. Now, she is back to the happy, upbeat, positive person that she once was.

Other: Lia has a tendency to talk to herself, she speaks both Dutch and English, she speaks with a very thick Dutch accent and most people don't understand her when she speaks English.
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Full Name: Jenise Valla

Nickname: Jenny


Gender: Female

Sexuality: All

Power: Electricity, to induce a higher current in objects. Also when caught in a storm she has the ability to harness the storms lightning to use as a power but as the current is so strong she looses self control.

Appearance: As above

Personality: Very naive, only vaguely understands her powers.

History: Jenise and her brother grew up not knowing their parents or family. Her brother convinced Jenise to join a dorm at a local school to continue studies as a normal child her age. However, knowing about her ability with electricity but not having been taught or practiced in it, Jenise to this day gets surprised when she touches light switch and the lights flicker then burst outwards.

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