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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Full Name: Amelia Peers

Nickname: Ami

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Power: Superhuman strength (10x a adult man), Enhanced, but not superhuman speed. Superhuman reflexes and the ability to form her right arm into any shape of metal. (Like the T1000 from terminator 2)

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/anime_render__12___mary_by_ditzydaffy-d8pxsvm.png.60587556f889a7f6fa8de669909b5a1a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95115" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/anime_render__12___mary_by_ditzydaffy-d8pxsvm.png.60587556f889a7f6fa8de669909b5a1a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Amilia has two different personalities. The one she is and the one that is caused by what she is. A android. The real Amelia is kind, caring, a little shy. She can barely see blood without fainting. She would never hurt anyone, not even a fly.

If her programming activates however, she is cruel and emotionless. She knows no mercy and if she has a target, she will not rest or live anything in her way alive until she reached it or executed it.


Amelia always was a bit shy, which made her look cute in most peoples eyes. She had a lot of friends and being around her was nice even for the adults. Then, someday, her parents told her the scientists would take her shyness so she could make even more friends. Amelia was glad about that. The scientists made her half a robot. She was made to kill and destruct, a war machine. She could barely escape. Whenever her robot half will activate, she is a different person. The activation can happen through various things. Even if its not activated, she has full control over her powers.

Other: Only her head and heart are vulnerable by normal bullets, armor piercing one's are effective everywhere. She has a resistance to explosions.



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Full Name: Specimen 25

Nickname: Sai

Age: 3 but like Nagato he looks to be in his late teens.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Power: Sai's body can completely turn into a conscious blue fire that is not easily put out, he can control the temperature of this fire and if it can spread, when in this form his body acts like an energy battery that can replenish his brother. He can control the density of his normal body determining if he is ghost like or normal (Like martin manhunter in the justice league). The last thing Sai can do only works on his brother Nagato, he can force Nagato to feel normal emotions.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-28_12-22-54.png.2cdcfd7d3ad9216ae668c7286ce81526.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95154" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/upload_2015-12-28_12-22-54.png.2cdcfd7d3ad9216ae668c7286ce81526.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sai is 5'11 6/8

Personality: Sai can be a cold heartless person that cares about no one besides himself and his brother Nagato. It is not easy for him to grow attached to others and if he does he is loyal to the death.

History: Like Nagato, Sai was born in a test tube in some place. He was the first attempt using the same dna that was used for Nagato (For some reason they were trying to get it to work). He was a complete failure and did not do as the scientist wished, lucky for the they had a back up Nagato. They figured out that with emotions people were to difficult to control. The scientist tried to kill Sai but instead he managed to escape the facility. Secretly Sai knew about his brother and when the scientist tried to have he exterminate others Sai used his power to force Nagato to feel sympathy.

Other: Nagato doesn't know that Sai exist and Sai has his own file because he stole it while he escaped.



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Cookie8272 said:
Full Name: Hylia Veronica Hunt
Nickname: (Optional) Lia

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual (But is very self conscious about it)

Power: Teleportation. She has to have been to where she wants to go, but other than that, she can just think of somewhere to go, and poof! She's there. When she is teleporting, she looks as if she was going out of focus before she disappears. (I hope that made sense >.<) She cannot bring another person with her... yet.


Height: 6'2"

Personality: Lia is very kind and generous, but you do not want to get on her bad side. She is very athletic and grew up with two older brothers, one younger brother, a twin brother, and one older sister. She knows how to take care of herself. Lia plays volleyball, basketball, baseball and she is a competitive swimmer. She is a very good artist and loves to draw with pencils, charcoal and pastels. Although Lia is very stubborn at times and she knows she is her parents' least favorite, she is a very happy, upbeat person that always tries to look on the bright side of every situation, and is still getting to know the extent of her power.

History: Lia was born on July 13, 1996 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Her family moved to Canada in 2001, and she learned the English language easily. Lia was raised in a relatively nice house with well off parents, but had five siblings to compete with. This resulted in her being the least favourite, for reasons she doesn't know. She had the smallest room in the house, with the least amount of decor, she was forced to wear her sister's hand-me-downs until she got a job and started buying her own clothes, she was given a phone for emergencies, and a laptop for schools. That's all. Surprisingly, Lia didn't mind at all being the least favourite until her parents offered her to the scientists in the United States that she thought had ruined her life at first. After she had escaped, the pain of her entire life hit her, and she fell into depression. She even tried to kill herself once or twice. Slowly, she realized how helpful her power was, and started taking advantage of the gift that was given to her. Now, she is back to the happy, upbeat, positive person that she once was.

Other: Lia has a tendency to talk to herself, she speaks both Dutch and English, she speaks with a very thick Dutch accent and most people don't understand her when she speaks English.
Accepted! You may begin! Sorry for my late response everyone!

Zuka said:


Full Name: Jenise Valla

Nickname: Jenny


Gender: Female

Sexuality: All

Power: Electricity, to induce a higher current in objects. Also when caught in a storm she has the ability to harness the storms lightning to use as a power but as the current is so strong she looses self control.

Appearance: As above

Personality: Very naive, only vaguely understands her powers.

History: Jenise and her brother grew up not knowing their parents or family. Her brother convinced Jenise to join a dorm at a local school to continue studies as a normal child her age. However, knowing about her ability with electricity but not having been taught or practiced in it, Jenise to this day gets surprised when she touches light switch and the lights flicker then burst outwards.
Accepted! You may begin!

[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Full Name: Amelia Peers
Nickname: Ami

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Power: Superhuman strength (10x a adult man), Enhanced, but not superhuman speed. Superhuman reflexes and the ability to form her right arm into any shape of metal. (Like the T1000 from terminator 2)

Appearance: View attachment 211621


Amilia has two different personalities. The one she is and the one that is caused by what she is. A android. The real Amelia is kind, caring, a little shy. She can barely see blood without fainting. She would never hurt anyone, not even a fly.

If her programming activates however, she is cruel and emotionless. She knows no mercy and if she has a target, she will not rest or live anything in her way alive until she reached it or executed it.


Amelia always was a bit shy, which made her look cute in most peoples eyes. She had a lot of friends and being around her was nice even for the adults. Then, someday, her parents told her the scientists would take her shyness so she could make even more friends. Amelia was glad about that. The scientists made her half a robot. She was made to kill and destruct, a war machine. She could barely escape. Whenever her robot half will activate, she is a different person. The activation can happen through various things. Even if its not activated, she has full control over her powers.

Other: Only her head and heart are vulnerable by normal bullets, armor piercing one's are effective everywhere. She has a resistance to explosions.

Wyatt said:
Full Name: Specimen 25
Nickname: Sai

Age: 3 but like Nagato he looks to be in his late teens.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Power: Sai's body can completely turn into a conscious blue fire that is not easily put out, he can control the temperature of this fire and if it can spread, when in this form his body acts like an energy battery that can replenish his brother. He can control the density of his normal body determining if he is ghost like or normal (Like martin manhunter in the justice league). The last thing Sai can do only works on his brother Nagato, he can force Nagato to feel normal emotions.

Appearance:View attachment 211716

Sai is 5'11 6/8

Personality: Sai can be a cold heartless person that cares about no one besides himself and his brother Nagato. It is not easy for him to grow attached to others and if he does he is loyal to the death.

History: Like Nagato, Sai was born in a test tube in some place. He was the first attempt using the same dna that was used for Nagato (For some reason they were trying to get it to work). He was a complete failure and did not do as the scientist wished, lucky for the they had a back up Nagato. They figured out that with emotions people were to difficult to control. The scientist tried to kill Sai but instead he managed to escape the facility. Secretly Sai knew about his brother and when the scientist tried to have he exterminate others Sai used his power to force Nagato to feel sympathy.

Other: Nagato doesn't know that Sai exist and Sai has his own file because he stole it while he escaped.
Both accepted! You may begin using these characters! Thank you both for your patience! ^_^ @Ami the breadling @Wyatt

Full Name: Emily Rose Devony

Nickname: More often just goes by her last name, or Em by her really close friends

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Power: Water, the ability to control nearby water, examples: lakes, rivers, or water in pipes etc.

Apperence:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/superthumb.jpg.9696feadb3eecedc2d1e205249d48fd7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95287" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/superthumb.jpg.9696feadb3eecedc2d1e205249d48fd7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She's wild, hot tempered, and and hold her own in a fight. Though once you get to know her and she you, she'll protect you till the very end. Friends are important to her, don't hurt her friends or betray her trust, it'll come back to bite you...hard.



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aristocraticMobster said:
Full Name: Emily Rose Devony
Nickname: More often just goes by her last name, or Em by her really close friends

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Power: Water, the ability to control nearby water, examples: lakes, rivers, or water in pipes etc.

Apperence:View attachment 212023

Personality: She's wild, hot tempered, and and hold her own in a fight. Though once you get to know her and she you, she'll protect you till the very end. Friends are important to her, don't hurt her friends or betray her trust, it'll come back to bite you...hard.

Accepted! You may start- if you need help finding a place to jump in, tell me. Atm three different couples are in the hotel being romantic and a new person just introduced her char, so...

:P They're in a rundown hotel owned by the character Izabell, and it's around 10pm at night. We're not skipping to morning yet, but when morning arrives everyone will be traveling to Las Vegas via whatever transportation the character Izabell provides for them.​
So I can just walk in? I'm sorry, I've been role playing since I was 12 but still can't seem to join a new roleplay without being a total noob heh ^^"
aristocraticMobster said:
So I can just walk in? I'm sorry, I've been role playing since I was 12 but still can't seem to join a new roleplay without being a total noob heh ^^"

I've been roleplaying since I was 9! X_X A good way to jump in is just have your character walk into the hotel. Only experiments are allowed in the hotel actually, because the character Izabell makes that his rules.

:P So yeah- I suggest interacting with Tabitha x Cicero or knocking on Sai and Nagato's door atm, though you should expect to see some embarrassed couple. ^_^ There's also the new character who just walked in that you can interact with, but since they're new too it really depends on both of you then.​
iiimee said:

I've been roleplaying since I was 9! X_X A good way to jump in is just have your character walk into the hotel. Only experiments are allowed in the hotel actually, because the character Izabell makes that his rules.

:P So yeah- I suggest interacting with Tabitha x Cicero or knocking on Sai and Nagato's door atm, though you should expect to see some embarrassed couple. ^_^ There's also the new character who just walked in that you can interact with, but since they're new too it really depends on both of you then.​
Man trying mess with me and your children aren't you
Full Name:

Isaac Ray Pelham Westcott

Nickname: Monster, Demon , A wolf in sheep's clothing ( he is called all these by Sage )


Gender: Male

Sexuality: Unknown

Power: Illusions and Shadow control.


Personality: At first Isaac seems kind but he is a cruel and brutal person , he can be very childish , arrogant and selfish. Despite this he is very intelligent and canny. One instance of his cruelty when he thought of many sexual , mental and physical tortures to use on Sage even volunteering to be the one to do it.

History: Isaac was the son of one the scientists in the government and he help his father many times , the rest will be revealed in the rp.

There are quite a few with shadow control, try for some thing new

(Just a thought from you friendly neighborhood wyatt)
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((I'll make Kevin at some point instead....he's funner and not as dark or evil as Drew is...I'll make Drew when I'm feeling darker...because all three of my characters, no matter what roleplay I'm in are always connected. If I choose to make all three. It gets tedious sometimes.
I just remembered Damien. I'm going to make him like now because he and Emily have a history that's funny and it's going to be awesome with how Emily and Nick are going @Cicero sound like a good idea? O3O

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