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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

iiimee said:
He at least used to be human right? After all, this RP is about teens - young adults who were basically turned into experiments. If he is indeed partly human, then you're accepted!
Wow, very detailed- I like it! Welcome to the RP!
Well, of course he's human, where else do monsters come from? xD
TromboneGeek said:
@iiimee Cryx is up and ready for your judgement.
1. That last name keeps making me think of seals.

2. ANOTHER straight girl?! *Cries*

3. Accepted! You may begin posting with her! :P
I'll make her bi, then. And I got the name from on of the Final Fantasy games.. then I looked up "selkie" and it was some sort of half-seal thing.. but meh.
TromboneGeek said:
I'll make her bi, then. And I got the name from on of the Final Fantasy games.. then I looked up "selkie" and it was some sort of half-seal thing.. but meh.
I am VERY familiar with selkies. >_> They're a mythical creature... "Seal wives" would be the best description for them. Basically, they're beautiful young women who disguise themselves as seals and live in the water. It's said that if you steal the disguise, they'll have to obey you. Because of this, many men stole their disguises and made the selkies their wives. There's actually a story of a man who stole a disguise and made the selkie-woman marry him. This went on for years and she had a son. One day, the son went into his fathers chest and found the disguise. When he showed it to his mom, the selkie, she took her disguise back and rejoined her selkie family, never to be seen again...
iiimee said:
One day, the son went into his fathers chest
Went into the guys chest was he still alive or was he dead either way no the kids parent less
Oh...uh yea I knew that...I swear theres nothing wrong with me
Full Name: Vladimor King

Nickname: King, prince, princey.

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Power: The ability to manipulate solid shadows to his will.

Appearance: (With reference to the picture) He is 6'3 with blue eyes, long black hair. He usually wears a purple and white striped shirt covered by a white T-shirt with a V on it along with boots. He has piercing along his ears, ring snake bites, and a bull ring.

Personality: While this might seem to vary on person to person, Vladimor is quite headstrong and is his own, and other's leader. He makes his own decisions, his own rules, and own judgement, but usually, he does this with good intentions, and will sacrifice anything for what is important. Depending on who he is presented to upon the first encounter, he might seem shy and cowardly, or maybe too outgoing and flirtatious(And this will be a norm!) He is also quite gentle and kind, understanding weaker people and how to make decisions that will help not only the stronger, but the weak and defenseless as well.

History: Vladimor was in Eastern Europe raised by his father, and without his mother, who died during labour. As expected from a nobleman, his father was strict and harsh, but Vladimor was a good child and even with his father's borderline cruelty, he understood he still loved him; he continued to be a good child. One night, he and his father got into an argument, leading to him being hit. Vladimor left home straight after the incident, but when he returned only a few hours later, his house seemed empty. He was wrong though and ended up being pursued by an unknown attacker, and then was exported into America and ended up as a test subject. No one is aware of his nobility, since he is out of his homeland, and he hadn't too much of a high position anyways. Jesting, his friends would often call him by his last name(King) as a joke. A lot of times this pushes discomfort onto him.

Other: Vladimor usually relies on shadows to fight, but when it's unavailable as like in total darkness, he is well trained with a sword. (Who uses swords in modern times? No one.) Though, his body is very fragile, so he has to rely on his willpower to get through tough situations. He can also speak about a fourth of all the European languages.
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[QUOTE="King Anthony]
Full Name: Vladimor King
Nickname: King, prince, princey.

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Power: The ability to manipulate solid shadows to his will.

Appearance: (With reference to the picture) He is 6'3 with blue eyes, long black hair. He usually wears a purple and white striped shirt covered by a white T-shirt with a V on it along with boots. He has piercing along his ears, ring snake bites, and a bull ring.

Personality: While this might seem to vary on person to person, Vladimor is quite headstrong and is his own, and other's leader. He makes his own decisions, his own rules, and own judgement, but usually, he does this with good intentions, and will sacrifice anything for what is important. Depending on who he is presented to upon the first encounter, he might seem shy and cowardly, or maybe too outgoing and flirtatious(And this will be a norm!) He is also quite gentle and kind, understanding weaker people and how to make decisions that will help not only the stronger, but the weak and defenseless as well.

History: Vladimor was raised by his father, and without his mother, who died during labour. As expected from a nobleman, his father was strict and harsh, but Vladimor was a good child and even with his father's borderline cruelty, he understood he still loved him; he continued to be a good child. One night, he and his father got into an argument, leading to him being hit. Vladimor left home straight after the incident, but when he returned only a few hours later, his house seemed empty. He was wrong though and ended up being pursued by an unknown attacker, and then was taken away and ended up as a test subject. No one is aware of his nobility, and jesting, his friends would often call him by his last name(King) as a joke. A lot of times this pushes discomfort onto him.

Other: Vladimor usually relies on shadows to fight, but when it's unavailable as like in total darkness, he is well trained with a sword. (Who uses swords in modern times? No one.) Though, his body is very fragile, so he has to rely on his willpower to get through tough situations.

My only issue is that this RP isn't kingdom but more modern in terms of it's time period, so Idk how he'd be a nobleman unless he's from another country (Didn't say in this thing, but should mention it takes place in the US), so can you either deepen the backstory to include that, or maybe you can just make him the son of a rich CEO and thus was held to that standard? :/ Besides that, I love your character! Kinda reminds me of Cryx, a character @TromboneGeek recently made, just because she can manipulate light. ^_^
Oops! I didn't know where we were so I had put in nobility. I'll mention that he's an Eastern European noble (There's a lot of stuff like that there, but I can't exactly mention one country specifically because then it'd have to mess with the current leaders there and what not)

Edit: Fixed!
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[QUOTE="King Anthony]Oops! I didn't know where we were so I had put in nobility. I'll mention that he's an Eastern European noble (There's a lot of stuff like that there, but I can't exactly mention one country specifically because then it'd have to mess with the current leaders there and what not)
Edit: Fixed!

Accepted! You may begin!
Full Name: Ocean Quin

Nickname: (Optional) Ocean

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Power: I have Claws, and I can run a faster than a normal human.

Appearance: (Either description or picture, your choice.) My Profile pic describes it.

Personality: Adventurous, protective (not over-protective), likes to steal (cakes and valuables).

History: I can't remember anything before age 4, I found Cicero after the explosion and I followed him around. I couldn't remember my name so he started calling me Ocean. He kept telling me that I'm his brother, but I wasn't sure or not. Even though I'm not sure, I still call him my brother and steal what I want.

Other: I like cake, unlike my brother who likes cookies.
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Ocean said:
Full Name: Ocean Quin
Nickname: (Optional) Ocean

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Power: I have Claws, and I can run a faster than a normal human.

Appearance: (Either description or picture, your choice.) My Profile pic describes it.

Personality: Adventurous, protective (not over-protective), likes to steal (cakes and valuables).

History: I can't remember anything before age 4, I found Cicero after the explosion and I followed him around. I couldn't remember my name so he started calling me Ocean. He kept telling me that I'm his brother, but I wasn't sure or not. Even though I'm not sure, I still call him my brother and steal what I want.

Other: I like cake, unlike my brother who likes cookies.
Too cute! ^_^ Accepted, you may begin!
Actually, @iiimee , there might be a bit of a problem with King Anthony's sheet.. He has a power that's already claimed by Shuzo, kind of, with the whole shadow thing. If you're okay with two people of the same ability then it doesn't matter, just wanted to make sure.
TromboneGeek said:
Awwwwww, @Cicero has a brother!
Yea not only do I have an annoying brother in real life now I have a brother that likes to steal stuff with me
Cicero said:
Yea not only do I have an annoying brother in real life now I have a brother that likes to steal stuff with me
Yeah I guess we can be called Cat-Burglers
TromboneGeek said:
Actually, @iiimee , there might be a bit of a problem with King Anthony's sheet.. He has a power that's already claimed by Shuzo, kind of, with the whole shadow thing. If you're okay with two people of the same ability then it doesn't matter, just wanted to make sure.
That's something the players can take up with each other. I have no objections.
Full Name:Leon Cyron

Nickname: Shifter

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Power: Leon is able to shift into any animal he desires (except for fictional animals like a Pegasus or dragon) and gains all attributes and disadvantages of each animal he shifts into. For example, if Leon shifts into a wolf he can easily track prey and will only eat meat. If he shifts into a herbivore, then he'll only eat plants instead of devouring other animals.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/4758-531532080.jpg.31e643dbcb8fad330dbefd8008ded5e5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91487" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/4758-531532080.jpg.31e643dbcb8fad330dbefd8008ded5e5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Leon is just a laid back guy. He's never really serious and is mostly just asleep or doing whatever he feels like. Leon has the simple motto of "Once everything is done, go take a nap for the rest of the day!". Despite his laid back demeanor, he's surprisingly caring about his friends and if they beg him enough he'll bend to his will. If his friend begs him to give 'em a horse ride, Leon will almost always comply and give them a ride. There are times where Leon gets mad, and during those times he may just shift into something small and hide off somewhere until all the steam blows off. However, Leon is known to hold a grudge depending on how bad the situation is.

History: At first, everything seemed fine for Leon. He had a nice life, a wonderful mom, and a dog at his side. Everything was perfect for Leon. That was until Leon's mom married a man who hated Leon's guts. Leon did everything to try and please his stepdad: making the honor roll, cleaning the entire house himself, and sometimes even doing all of the chores around the house. Eventually, Leon's mom got sick while he was around sixteen. Leon visited her everyday after taking care of everything but it only seemed like things were getting worse. Unfortunately, Leon's mom passed and he was left with only his jerk of a stepdad. Leon's step dad did nothing but torment Leon, telling him things that made him hate himself, making him think his moms random ailment was because of him. Eventually it got to the point where Leon didn't even look at his stepdad and would only go to his room. His stepfather was beginning to run low on cash and not only needed a way to get more, but also needed a way to cut down on expenses. That was when Leon's stepdad found the ad, the horrible ad. It had something to do with lab experiments and Leon's stepfather quickly offered Leon as a fit subject. Within a matter of days a group of scientists knocked down Leon's door and dragged him off to be experimented on. The horrible experiments, there was nothing that Leon could do. The experimentation was a success! Leon could shift between any animal he wanted. At first it was based off of emotions, but now Leon can easily shift at will. It was a horrible experience that Leon still has to live through.




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