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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

[QUOTE="Lonely Star]I have no idea how to start... :|

There is no "right" way to start, but if you want an idea, my suggestions are to have your character be at a place and do something that matches their personality. For some, that means stealing, selling drugs or even head-on fighting. For others, that means working, hiding, running away from something, or approaching another character out of pure friendliness. Basically, these people with powers are wanted and people will do anything to capture some or imprison others, depending on how dangerous they appear to be. A classic introduction for this sort of story is having a character awake from a horrible nightmare.
Cicero said:
I got a good idea on how I can start my character
Go for it! Once you have a good idea, it's always an even better idea to just write down every detail you can think about it. I often derive my stories from real life experiences, even the small things like the names of waitresses or the man I saw walking down the street in front of me on a dark night... X_X That was a horrible thing that happened though, so I wouldn't use that in my PG-13 writing... too dark.
that's what I was going to do so what are you stealing
TromboneGeek said:
Full Name: Calvin Deucsius
Nickname: Cal

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi

Power: Can't died by age because of the experiments, and probably not by disease through his genius. Has the power to turn into a giant bird about the size of a small car.






Personality: Despite the existence of your stereotypical scientist, Calvin carries himself highly and with great posture instead of a hunch-backed shuffle. He also refuses to take unwilling human specimens and such, and lives by his own moral code, not doing a single thing on a human or creature with that much awareness without trying it on himself first. While this has messed many things up for him, like making him prone to an incurable sickness that causes his lungs to collapse (which can be fixed by the acid green substance he discovered, which he calls 'Mako' (I RAN OUT OF INSPIRATION OKAY?!), which usually appears after he shifts into the giant hawk/roc that he spliced his DNA with in order to see if he could recreate something he read in a book. (Maximum Ride, anyone? :D ) He has a fairly sharp tongue and dislikes talking to people, but he is hard to truly anger and will help someone even if he dislikes them.

History: Calvin happened to actually be one of the scientists himself, but he had more of a heart than the rest; instead of experimenting as he pleased, he would make sure something was safe by trying it on himself first. This caused him to be able to morph into a large bird, and stopped his aging process entirely while making his susceptible to his lungs collapsing. This can be fixed with an injection of mako, so he always has a kit with him containing the substance and the needles he needs to keep himself alive. Calvin's genius is nearly unrivaled, despite his age, as he is able to do just about anything he wanted with science with even the lowest quality supplies, although he might complain.

Other: Inspired from an FFVII fanfiction, FFVII in general, and Maximum Ride. (Gotta love Hojo when he actually gets portrayed as a person)


Full Name:
Naomi Kaneshiro

Nickname: Number 2 (Was her lab name, call her by this and prepare to die)

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Sexuality: SHE'S 12. BACK OFF, CREEPS

Power: Energy manipulation--can use her own energy to manipulate things outside of her reach, including pushing things/herself. Using this ability uses up her own energy as if she herself was doing something (like the magic in the Inheritance Cycle).

Example: Pushing an airborne object/person would require less energy than one on the ground.

Because of the many years Naomi spent training, her energy reserves are vast.

Because of her ability to manipulate energy, she can sense everything around her (since everything either has kinetic or potential energy) even when rendered blind.




Naomi favors her music over people, and while she listens to Calvin, she usually ignores others. She loves sweet and sour foods, and eats a lot of food for a 12-year-old. She is easy to annoy, and hard to persuade; gaining her trust is difficult due to life growing up in the labs. Naomi has a jadedness unnatural for a young child, and has an instinctive mistrust of anyone with long black hair thanks to a scientist who mistreated her severely.

History: Naomi doesn't have much of a history. Born and raised in the labs, donated by her willing mother, Naomi was the second of a long line of experiments involving super soldiers, and the one of only two who survived. Both were treated differently, and 'Number One' was killed in combat against Naomi. She escaped that same day, at the age of 8, and is still known in the records only as 'Number Two.'


>If Calvin trusts you, so will Naomi (normally).

>Wields a pair of (thankfully) summonable warglaives, like the one below:


>Never found without her music.
Sorry it took forever, but accepted! ^_^
iiimee said:
Somehow during their talking they had walked back into the coffee shop.
OMG I had misread earlier messages as Sakura going into the shop to eat, the shame the shaaaaaaaame.
Warb said:
OMG I had misread earlier messages as Sakura going into the shop to eat, the shame the shaaaaaaaame.
Lol they were in the shop earlier, but nobody ate. :P I saved you there though, no worries.
I noticed

I just didn't say anything

It was pretty great though

Especially with Dr.Frank N Furter as your avatar
Full Name: Ely James Wilder

Nickname: El

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Too gay to function ok

Power: Ability to manipulate the molecular makeup of objects (ice to water, etc.)




190 lbs.


Ely's a little bit of a bitch. He's a ball of sass, sarcasm and wit. He doesn't take shit from anyone and tends to find humour in the darkest of things, like that one time when he went to Gran's funeral.


Ely was a test tube baby, born to his two mothers in New York, New York. He grew up being completely open about his sexuality and never worrying for one second what anyone else thought. The middle finger was his favourite.

When he was sixteen, one of his moms cheated with one of the neighbours. Despite their marriage being put under the strain of that, his mother's remained together for Ely's sake. Although for him, it was more damaging than helpful. Between the fighting and silent treatments, Ely spent more time in the lobby of their building than their apartment.

The moment he graduated, Ely left home. He found himself a cozy little apartment in Nashville and spent the better part of a month there. Not long after moving, he heard about the experiments. He jumped on the bandwagon, mainly because he heard that they were doing sleep studies. How horribly wrong he was.

After being tortured for a little over six months, Ely found a way to escape from the Nashville facility. He changed his name and fled to Louisville. He found a family kind enough to take him in, the poor sickly bastard he was then, and a job. He's an avid hunter and enjoys working in the hardware store down the road from the coffee shop.


Lil bitty I'm uncultured bby will want to make out with all of you, but mostly the silent, brooding types are his.
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Full Name: Shuzo Hashimoto

Nickname: Shadow




Power:Shadow Camouflage: The user is able to become undetectable as long as they are in darkness or shadow. Darkness Manipulation: User can create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows.


Personality:shy at first, but will protect the people he cares about.

History:he was sold to be experimented on when he was eight. they put him through so much pain and torture for 7 years before he was finally able to escape.

Other:does not like being touched because of the experiments.

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So many caps ._.
Full Name: Ember Mist

Nickname: Just "Ember."

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Gay

Power: Mind manipulation -- she has the ability to give people impulses and compulsions, making them want to do something that she wants. Other than that, she's pretty weak power-wise.

Appearance: Tall, lanky, black curly hair. Wears cracked glasses, an overcoat that's blue on one side and red on the other, and a yellow bow tie.

Personality: Ember is mood-swingy. She has little to no resistance to these emotions, letting them take over. She tends to cling onto people, with a knack for manipulating others into being with her. Because of this, she has a hard time finding boundaries, believing relationships to be more intimate than they actually are.

Somewhat attention-seeking, she doesn't like other people getting the spotlight. That's a role she assumes is for her and for her alone.

History: Ember was one of the first to be experimented on -- and one of the first to be weaponized. This all went well until she started developing crushes on enemies, not wanting to attack or brainwash them (despite them never reciprocating the feelings.) Regarded as useless, she was about to be "decommissioned" before she managed to escape, finding a group of other experimented people and sticking with them. She finds comfort in them, not leaving their sides unless they actively push her away.

Other: Suffers from an extreme sensitivity to peanuts.
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Ashestoashes said:
Full Name: Ember Mist
Nickname: Just "Ember."

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Gay

Power: Mind manipulation -- she has the ability to give people impulses and compulsions, making them want to do something that she wants. Other than that, she's pretty weak power-wise.

Appearance: Tall, lanky, black curly hair. Wears cracked glasses, an overcoat that's blue on one side and red on the other, and a yellow bow tie.

Personality: Ember is mood-swingy. She has little to no resistance to these emotions, letting them take over. She tends to cling onto people, with a knack for manipulating others into being with her. Because of this, she has a hard time finding boundaries, believing relationships to be more intimate than they actually are.

History: Ember was one of the first to be experimented on -- and one of the first to be weaponized. This all went well until she started developing crushes on enemies, not wanting to attack or brainwash them. Regarded as useless, she was about to be "decommissioned" before she managed to escape, finding a group of other experimented people and sticking with them.

Other: Suffers from an extreme sensitivity to peanuts.

Lol, you know what I had said to the other RPers just recently? That this RP needs a raging lesbian! ^_^ I am fine with the mind manipulation, as long as it's not OP ok? Like, let the character at least be able to resist it a little bit... Also, a posting order was recently added so... :/ You might want to check that out- I'll add you to the bottom of it in a second, though the bottom's not actually bad atm because the person we're waiting on is closer to the bottom of the list lol.​
Full Name: Leo Valkas

Nickname: "Pointy-Fingered-Freak" or as he calls himself "Phyrexian Perfection"

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Power: Shapeshifting, Composed of steel and various organics. (Teeth)


Personality: Preferring to keep to himself, he only travels with the others for protection, and to maintain his sanity. He's a cold individual, and he likes to keep it that way so people don't get too close to him, because when they do, he kills them. Not on purpose however, but more of a mercy killing, so they won't have to endure the pain of never being one with himself. He doesn't like the other people he travels with, responding with grunts or subtle nods, but when he decides to speak, it's when he feels a message has to be sent. Caring for himself, he forces apathy so others are deterred from interacting with him at all.

History: Disclosed. A strange oil, and testing is all he will vaguely describe.

Other: Shut up Mokuba!

Full Name: Michael Cassidy

Nickname: Mike

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual



Though without powers, Michael possesses a high tech suit of Combat Armor with a wide range of capabilities such as:

-Moderate Enhancement of Strength

-Minor Enhancement of Speed

-Moderate Enhancement of Durability

-Expert Perceptive Capabilities.

-Limited laser blasts; slow to use, and not very powerful.

As well as his own extensively trained ability at Martial Arts.

Appearance: (Either description or picture, your choice.)


Personality: With the power of the CA01 Battle Armor; comes great responsibility... Or not, in Michael's case. For a decent combatant, with expert analytical skills he is possibly the absolute most tactless person on the planet. Sure, in a battle his ability to strategically disable an opponent through help of the suit is incredible. It's his complete lack of any ability to think ahead in the long run that's awful. Moving on, though courage could be seen as a positivity; it is also a key lead to recklessness, and then the possibility of putting his friends in danger. Needless to say Mike suffers from both sides of the courage trait. Yet finally, regardless of whether friend, or even foe. Michael has always been the understanding type of person, the supportive type.

History: Living life as a relatively normal human, Michael soon became faced with similar issues as thousands like him were suffering. Financial issues, to be exact. Figuring a quick 'volunteer for government tests' type of ordeal was the easy solution to make some quick cash, Michael soon got an irresistible offer from the military themselves. Apparently his - very fake - sign-up, which was littered with made up feats that couldn't possibly be investigated, was why he was chosen. Something about him needing the traits those achievements required... At the time, he smiled and nodded, barely listening; mainly daydreaming about what he would do with the 20,000$ cash reward.

Of course; then everything went to hell. After several days of relatively non-painful surgery (mainly because he was out cold) Michael awoke to discover he was in a top secret military base. Apparently he'd just volunteered to field test a prototype for a super soldier...

Simple, right? Go outside, shoot some targets, punch some concrete, do some sommersaults. All in a days work for a massive crash prize... Only, it was the contents of that base that complicated things. Screams, loud and tormented; helpless yelps, and cries for help. Seeping throughout... Wherever they were. It got to him, he couldn't turn a blind eye to it, curiosity killed the cat they say; and it very nearly killed him. With help from the suit extraordinary capabilities - and some martial arts, which the man was then grateful for - he was able to incapacitate almost all of the guards, and patrols without notice...

He did so well, that he made it to the 'Medical Wing' or in other words, the Experimental Torture Wing. The sight he saw there gave him nightmares for several days, people - humans - were being viciously cut, drilled, torn open. Yet not killed, after suddenly idiotically deciding to be a hero, Michael not only incapacitated the guards, but he decided to go about freeing the whole facility. It did not take long for the government to find out. Michael somehow managed to forget that part.

In truth, he has since simply winged it, avoiding any sort of civilization; and actually living off clean streams and the hospitality of farmers. It'd be hard for the authorities to miss a renegade soldier in metallic igh-tech armor near any position of civilization. At least when living off hospitality, he can exit the armor and leave it only a few feet away. Now however, living life as a 'most wanted' was becoming too difficult to handle, he needed to do something new, change is plan, or it was over.

Other: Sorry for the rather over-sized images!
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]Full Name: Leo Valkas
Nickname: "Pointy-Fingered-Freak" or as he calls himself "Phyrexian Perfection"

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Power: Shapeshifting, Composed of steel and various organics. (Teeth)


Personality: Preferring to keep to himself, he only travels with the others for protection, and to maintain his sanity. He's a cold individual, and he likes to keep it that way so people don't get too close to him, because when they do, he kills them. Not on purpose however, but more of a mercy killing, so they won't have to endure the pain of never being one with himself. He doesn't like the other people he travels with, responding with grunts or subtle nods, but when he decides to speak, it's when he feels a message has to be sent. Caring for himself, he forces apathy so others are deterred from interacting with him at all.

History: Disclosed. A strange oil, and testing is all he will vaguely describe.

Other: Shut up Mokuba!

He at least used to be human right? After all, this RP is about teens - young adults who were basically turned into experiments. If he is indeed partly human, then you're accepted!

Archon said:
Full Name: Michael Cassidy

Nickname: Mike

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual



Though without powers, Michael possesses a high tech suit of Combat Armor with a wide range of capabilities such as:

-Moderate Enhancement of Strength

-Minor Enhancement of Speed

-Moderate Enhancement of Durability

-Expert Perceptive Capabilities.

-Limited laser blasts; slow to use, and not very powerful.

As well as his own extensively trained ability at Martial Arts.

Appearance: (Either description or picture, your choice.)


Personality: With the power of the CA01 Battle Armor; comes great responsibility... Or not, in Michael's case. For a decent combatant, with expert analytical skills he is possibly the absolute most tactless person on the planet. Sure, in a battle his ability to strategically disable an opponent through help of the suit is incredible. It's his complete lack of any ability to think ahead in the long run that's awful. Moving on, though courage could be seen as a positivity; it is also a key lead to recklessness, and then the possibility of putting his friends in danger. Needless to say Mike suffers from both sides of the courage trait. Yet finally, regardless of whether friend, or even foe. Michael has always been the understanding type of person, the supportive type.

History: Living life as a relatively normal human, Michael soon became faced with similar issues as thousands like him were suffering. Financial issues, to be exact. Figuring a quick 'volunteer for government tests' type of ordeal was the easy solution to make some quick cash, Michael soon got an irresistible offer from the military themselves. Apparently his - very fake - sign-up, which was littered with made up feats that couldn't possibly be investigated, was why he was chosen. Something about him needing the traits those achievements required... At the time, he smiled and nodded, barely listening; mainly daydreaming about what he would do with the 20,000$ cash reward.

Of course; then everything went to hell. After several days of relatively non-painful surgery (mainly because he was out cold) Michael awoke to discover he was in a top secret military base. Apparently he'd just volunteered to field test a prototype for a super soldier...

Simple, right? Go outside, shoot some targets, punch some concrete, do some sommersaults. All in a days work for a massive crash prize... Only, it was the contents of that base that complicated things. Screams, loud and tormented; helpless yelps, and cries for help. Seeping throughout... Wherever they were. It got to him, he couldn't turn a blind eye to it, curiosity killed the cat they say; and it very nearly killed him. With help from the suit extraordinary capabilities - and some martial arts, which the man was then grateful for - he was able to incapacitate almost all of the guards, and patrols without notice...

He did so well, that he made it to the 'Medical Wing' or in other words, the Experimental Torture Wing. The sight he saw there gave him nightmares for several days, people - humans - were being viciously cut, drilled, torn open. Yet not killed, after suddenly idiotically deciding to be a hero, Michael not only incapacitated the guards, but he decided to go about freeing the whole facility. It did not take long for the government to find out. Michael somehow managed to forget that part.

In truth, he has since simply winged it, avoiding any sort of civilization; and actually living off clean streams and the hospitality of farmers. It'd be hard for the authorities to miss a renegade soldier in metallic igh-tech armor near any position of civilization. At least when living off hospitality, he can exit the armor and leave it only a few feet away. Now however, living life as a 'most wanted' was becoming too difficult to handle, he needed to do something new, change is plan, or it was over.

Other: Sorry for the rather over-sized images!
Wow, very detailed- I like it! Welcome to the RP!

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