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Fandom OMORI [Post True End] **MAJOR SPOILERS** (Cyte & Canis)


a dubious little creature getting up to mischief
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Part of him had always blamed himself for not seeing what was wrong. If he had, he would've been able to prevent it - that's what he liked to tell himself at least.

He stood silently in the hallway just outside of Basil's door, averting his eyes from any of the workers or patients who passed him by. He'd be working at a place like this eventually, though he couldn't say the thought enthused him, and anyway, it left as quickly as it'd come.

He thought he'd been improving. When he was away from home and dedicating all of his focus into his studies, there was never really time for him to think about her. In a perfect world, he would return home to discover that everyone had moved on and was doing alright for themselves. Now, though, he realized what a foolish sentiment that was.

Even so, he never expected it would come to this.

After Sunny's confession, Aubrey had been the first to react. The emotional meltdown she'd had in that room was loud enough that it had alerted the nurses, who then alerted security, though Aubrey had left willingly as soon as the guards came to escort her out. If Hero hadn't been so taken aback by his own surprise, he might've tried to get her to calm down; key word: might've. After all, even if he and Kel had remained silent out of instinct and Aubrey's reaction was a tad extreme, it did well in summing up the years of pent up frustrations that had gradually built up over years of agonizing over the same question: Why did she do it?

And the simple answer, as well as the one that nobody ever would have considered?

She didn't.

Hero took a deep breath, bumping his head back against the wall during the exhale. Kel had mentioned wanting to take a look at something downstairs, though Hero knew it was just an excuse to get his mind off what Sunny had just told all of them. He didn't blame him, but he didn't decide to accompany him either.

He had left Sunny and Basil inside of the hospital room that he was currently standing outside of. He didn't bother attempting to eavesdrop on their conversation as he simply imagined they were attempting to reconcile after the fight that had landed them both at the hospital in the first place. God these kids were a handful.

Although he knew he wasn't obligated to stay, Hero figured it was for the best. He understood that Sunny would feel crappy if all of his friends left after what he had to say, even if it was pretty horrible.

Besides, he at least owed it to Mari to make sure that somebody was looking after her little brother. Now that Hero thought about it, he couldn't even remember the last time they'd had an actual conversation.
Sunny took Aubrey's meltdown head-on, letting her take her frustrations out on him. Staying silent and only moving to stop her from getting closer to Basil, he deserved it after all, he deserved the abuse, Aubrey screaming the most hurtful things she could think of, unloading half a decades worth of grief onto him at once. He deserved all of that, Basil didn't. Sunny was ready to take a nailbat to the head if it got to that point, but thankfully it didn't,

A part of Sunny wanted to take all of the blame for himself and claim responsibility for Basil's actions. But he knew a half-truth wasn't good enough, he had to tell it all, exactly as he remembered it

He'd spend a few minutes alone with Basil after the dust had settled, not needing to utter a word for Basil to understand what he had done... Even with SOMETHING fading away, he could still feel the guilt as if it had never gone away.

Turning to leave and let Basil recover, Sunny would encounter Hero on the way out, stopping in place and staring at the man blankly. Sunny still looked like Mari, the siblings had an uncanny resemblance, even with the state Sunny found himself in.
As soon as the door to Basil's room opened, Hero straightened up from his position and turned to look at whoever had left it, as if he didn't already know who it was.

There was a hard lump in his throat as he took in Sunny's appearance. He'd certainly grown since the last Hero had saw him, and it was only now he realized that aside from the shorter hair and the eyepatch and the lack of feminine apparel, Sunny was the spitting image of his sister.

He tore his eyes away from him then, his pupils shooting instead towards an area behind Sunny so he'd be out of focus within his vision.

Save for the fact he looked like Mari, it was difficult for Hero to comprehend that this was the same shy little kid he'd met all those years ago. Now that he had chosen to return to the real world, it was finally clear how the events of everything had taken a toll on him.

Hero, too, had certainly been affected, and was being affected even now, but he did an excellent job of keeping it hidden. He needed to, especially now that people were relying on him.

Rather than attempting to make light of the situation, or make false promises to Sunny by saying everything was going to be alright, he spoke to him casually.

"It's pretty cold in here. Do you want to talk outside for a bit?"

Hero's voice was gentle and coaxing, as if raising it would cause Sunny to shatter into a million pieces. It wasn't so much an offer as it was a strong suggestion.
Sunny stared back, studying Hero's expression. Picking up on every minute movement of their lips or eyes in an attempt to read the man's emotions.

Sunny hadn't been calm when he told the truth, having barely been able to speak over his sobs as he described his sisters death. It haunted him to this day, and he was sure that'd never change... it all seemed too big. No matter how much Sunny wanted to see her again, hear her voice, taste her cooking, feel her hugs... That will never happen, for anyone. And it's all his fault. A stupid little failure that cant play the violin

Now, Sunny seemed completely neutral, the same blank face he had been wearing since the moment Kel brought him outside. But it was clear he was still struggling to hold that in

He'd simply nod at Hero's request, not really understanding how leaving the heated building would help with the cold, but not willing to argue.
Hero led the way down the hallway and towards the elevator he and the others had previously come in from. Since they were in the pediatric ward, there was plenty of noise entering in through the open doors of patient rooms - from TVs whose volumes were turned up a little too loud to a particularly fussy patient crying about how they wanted to go home.

Hero wasn't sure whether he should find comfort in the silence that took place between him and Sunny. On one hand, they weren't forcing themselves into an uncomfortable conversation (though one was likely inevitable), but on the other, Hero had no idea what Sunny was thinking past that static expression he still couldn't bare himself to look at for very long.

He gave a friendly nod and raise of the hand towards any staff they passed in the hallway, but once the two of them reached the elevator, they were alone, and the silence was louder than ever.

Hero wanted to say something that would make Sunny feel better, but it was difficult when he couldn't pinpoint the source of his worries just by looking at him.

Mari would know what to do.

Hero watched the number at the top of the elevator screen as it gradually decreased from 15.

"I'm sure Aubrey didn't mean any of the things she said," he managed. "She was angry, sure, but that doesn't make any of this your fault." He looked at Sunny then, not allowing his gaze to falter. "No matter how it happened, you're hurting just as much as the rest of us, if not more."
"I deserve it..." He responded plainly, his voice barely audible over the hum of the elevator, Sunny trying his best to avoid eye contact with the man. If Sunny could choose, Hero would've left with everyone else. Sunny didn't deserve the care. He hoped Aubrey meant eery word she said, if only so that she wouldn't feel guilty later.

Sunny just wanted to sleep forever, return back to headspace and live the rest of his life in a fantasy. That way he wouldn't be able to hurt anyone.
"You don't," Hero insisted. He couldn't deny the morbidity of the situation Sunny had described, and he had to keep himself from imagining how exactly it had played out in real life lest he end up disturbed at the mere sight of the seemingly-innocent kids, but for the most part, four years was a long enough time that he no longer considered Mari's death to be anyone's fault. "It was just a bad situation.." he murmured, though it was mostly to himself.

His gaze returned forward once the elevator doors opened, signaling the pair's arrival on the ground floor. Following the signs posted on the otherwise plain white walls, he navigated towards the cafeteria, figuring it would have some kind of outdoor area where the two of them could sit and talk. Sunny's reputation of being a shut-in was established well before Hero had left for college, and in addition to the pleasant weather, he figured a bit of outdoor time would make up for the hospital's depressing atmosphere.

The cafeteria was large, open, and thankfully not too crowded as it was mid-afternoon and most people had already eaten lunch. Much to Hero's relief, there did indeed happen to be a glass double door towards the side of the room that led out to what appeared to be a paved walkway.

However, before they could make their approach, Hero stopped to peruse at the things arranged within the glass display counters at the cafeteria's entrance. His brow furrowed as he took in the unsightly appearances of some of the food trays held inside.

"Are those supposed to be mashed potatoes..?" his voice came out with a hint of disgust before the remembrance of Sunny's presence had him shifting his attention towards him.

"Are you hungry?" he asked before another glance into the display caused him to reconsider. "Never mind. I bet half of this stuff will only end up leaving you in the hospital for longer. Speaking of.. do you know when you'll be allowed to leave?"
Sunny shook his head, having already ate his one meal for the day earlier. (It wasn't like he wanted to eat so little.. it's just, his mother didn't give him nearly enough food, and his stomach shrank for it...)

"Today..." he managed to struggle out, lying through his teeth as he continue to follow behind Hero. In truth, Sunny didn't know when he was getting out, but he wanted to leave now anyways... So why not have a go at it?
Hero was a bit skeptical given Sunny's lack of conviction and the fact that the injury to his eye was so severe, but he wasn't in the mood to argue. He doubted Sunny would have any reason to resist treatment in the first place, unless..

"Right, your mom's still away in preparation for your move.." he murmured, appearing somewhat saddened by the thought. "The hospital has definitely contacted her by now though. I'm sure she'll be worried and come to pick you up whenever she can."

With neither of them interested in ordering anything, they continued on to their original destination and stepped outside, following a path through a small plot of turf and towards the designated seating areas.

"Does your mom know about..?" his voice came with obvious hesitation, like it was a question he'd been holding back from asking for some time. He didn't continue, as he imagined Sunny knew well what he was referring to.
Sunny simply shrugged, sitting down on the same bench as Hero and resting, letting his body go limp. He didn't know if they knew, simple as that... it'd make sense, considering his parents treatment of him... But he was always the unwanted child, the skillless brat they only kept around because throwing him out would make Mari upset. He was nothing when Mari was gone, he was less than nothing.

He didn't mind though. He had come to expect that kind of treatment.

Sunny turned, looking up to Hero with those deep black eyes of his, his gaze portraying a distant sadness.
It was difficult to return Sunny's expression with a reassuring one, so Hero didn't bother. Instead, he allowed himself to settle back against the bench as well, angling his head upwards for a view of the sky whose cloud coverage made the summer heat slightly more tolerable.

Hero considered just how long Sunny had been keeping to himself. At the very least, Hero had had Kel and his parents to confide in even if he tended to avoid making use of that privilege. On the other hand, Sunny's parents had split up at some point after Mari's death, leaving Sunny with a mother who was often too occupied with work to spare him the time of day. Granted Sunny could've come to him or the others at any point, but now that Hero was aware of the full story, he understood why this would've been difficult.

"I think about Mari every day," Hero admitted in a weak voice. If Sunny was under the impression he was alone in his feelings, Hero would prove him wrong- even if it meant the image of perfection he fought to maintain on a daily basis would temporarily fall away. "Even now. No matter what's going on around me, I always find myself thinking about how differently things could've been if she were still here."

He lifted his head, but didn't face Sunny as he continued to speak. His voice rang heavy with emotion, and yet he laughed. "Imagine how upset she'd be if she saw us now. I'm sure she'd scold us for hours." He closed his eyes, as if doing so would make the idea real. "I can't say I'd complain."
Sunny was sceptical of that.. Mari wouldn't lecture them, she was too nice for that- but he wasn't going to voice that opinion right now, not much of a reason to. Sunny studied Hero's mannerisms, a tinge of worry crossing the boy's face.

He nodded, slowly, scooting a bit closer to Hero and putting a hand on the man's shoulder in support.
Hero took a controlled breath before turning to Sunny, seemingly appreciative of his gesture. "Sorry," he voiced sheepishly as if he were ashamed of his brief show of emotions. He cleared his throat before continuing to speak. "Anyway, what I mean to say is she wouldn't want to see us moping around like this, so we should try not to blame ourselves anymore."

He looked forward for a moment, considering something. "It's hard to imagine you're really moving away, but.. maybe a fresh start would be good for you. I know I've been pretty busy and you would probably be more inclined to talk to someone else about your worries, but just know we're still friends and you can always call me if you need anything, alright?"
"Mm." Sunny hummed in agreement, nodding his head. Hero was the person Sunny would go to for help most of the time anyways, so it wouldn't hurt Sunny to promise that. Hero's really the only option if Sunny wanted good advice anyways.

  • Kel... No offense to the guy, but you go to Kel for advice if you want to make a problem worse
  • Aubrey hated his guts right now, and he wouldn't go to her anyways.
  • Basil had a small villages worth of issues right now. It'd just be cruel to give him something else to worry about.

Sunny would start rubbing Hero's shoulder gently, giving the man a small smile.
Hero returned Sunny's smile. Even though Sunny didn't say much in response, he appeared to genuinely acknowledge his offer, and that was enough to make Hero feel better about the whole situation.

Around a week later, things had mostly returned to normal. Aubrey was still intent on hanging out with her new friends, and tensions remained between her and the others, but she had still shown up to bid Sunny farewell for his move, albeit reluctantly given the lack of closure between her and Basil, who had also been present. Hero was sure that with time, the two of them would come to terms. He even encouraged this, which initiated a long and awkward silence between them. Kel, who had arrived with Hero, had been unable to hold back his tears as Sunny's car drove off into the distance. This was specifically pointed out by Aubrey, leading into the two of them bickering just like old times.

Several more weeks passed, and by this point, Hero had taken up a temp job in patient transport while the others went off doing their own things in preparation for the upcoming school year. His shifts were tiring and at the end of each day, he'd find himself sitting at one of the benches in the public park in order to relax and take in some fresh air. He was mostly aware of what all of his friends were up to at this point, except Sunny.

He scrolled through the contacts on his phone as he sat back on one of said benches, stopping once he located Sunny's name. Ever since Sunny had left, he hadn't bothered to keep in touch with any of his old friends. Even Hero's parents mentioned that Sunny's mom seemed to be ignoring their calls. While Hero did think it would be best for Sunny to move on, even if that meant cutting off contact from him and the others, he couldn't help but worry that something had happened.
Hero's worries weren't unfounded...

The moment the car started, Sunny poured his heart out, telling his mother the whole truth... A few miles later, he was thrown to the curb, and forced to watch as his mother drove off without him Taking his phone and most other belongings with her, all but leaving him to die...

He spent the next few days barely holding on, struggling to survive... But he was okay now..! He had a big box to live in... and some food! That's good... he set himself up to the side of Gino's, using the structure for shelter and rummaging through the garbage for food.
As Hero stared down at his phone, he received a text from his mother asking him to stop by the grocery store to pick up a few things before returning home. He figured he might as well follow through with the request before it became dark.

He stood up from the bench and made his way out of the park and towards the grocery store. The sky above had faded to a bluish-gray that transitioned into orange the closer it was to the setting sun. He was careful to look both ways as he navigated through the parking lot outside of the town's most popular shopping district. Thankfully, most people had gone home at this hour.
As Hwro scanned the area, the sun shone off of something in the alley down the side of the shops, bordering the thin tree line between the the shops and the park... There seemed to be a small child (or short teen) in a cardboard box... Eating out of an old soup can... Sunny
Hero was about to continue on his way when out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a person seated at the side of the connected series of buildings. The homeless weren't a common site, at least in this area of town, but that wasn't the thing that had caught Hero's attention. It was the outfit, followed by that ever-familiar sullen stare. Before he could consider anything else, he found himself moving towards the lone individual, the confusion clear on his face as he confirmed their identity. "Sunny? What-" For a moment, he was understandably at a loss for words. "What are you doing here??"
Sunny jumper at the sudden attention, looking over and retreating further into the box.

The closer Hero got, the easier it was to confirm that, yes. this was Sunny... Still in faraway... Homeless. The boy looked down in shame
Hero looked left and right, as if searching for any spectators that were in on this situation that was so unbelievable it felt more like a practical joke. However, he could tell based on Sunny's demeanor that this was nothing short of reality. He couldn't seem to make sense of the situation as he continued to question the boy, lowering himself down onto one knee so he could match his height. "What happened? Aren't you supposed to be in the city?"
"Mom... Truth.." He inched forward every so slightly, finding some comfort in the man... Sunny somehow looked even worse than when he first opened those doors for Kel, only a few days away from starvation at most, he wasn't in good shape...

"She... didn't like it..."
Hero was in disbelief. However, as much as he wanted to voice all of the thoughts that were running through his mind - why would she do this? Why didn't you come to me for help? - he could see that Sunny wasn't well. He placed a hand on Sunny's shoulder and looked him straight in the eye, making it clear he wouldn't be accepting any form of resistance. "You're coming with me," he spoke sternly, though he was unable to mask the concern in his tone or expression, "Let's go." He stood up then and returned on his original route, though he kept in mind buying something for Sunny to eat and drink at Gino's prior to entering the grocery store.
Sunny nodded, accepting that Hero was willing to force him to come along, even if it meant being a burden... He was weak, needing to hold onto Hero's arm to keep up, and still struggling. even with that.
Hero led Sunny into Gino's and had him sit down while he ordered something just to keep him satiated until they made it to his house. He told the on-shift worker to drop the food at Sunny's table before approaching Sunny himself. It was difficult for Hero to see him so helpless, and as much as he wanted to scold him for not seeking help sooner, he found himself unable to. "I ordered you some cheesy garlic bread and a grape soda," Hero informed him simply, "I need to run over and grab some things from the grocery store, but after that you're coming home with me. We'll have something better for dinner and you can sleep in Kel's room since he's away for basketball camp. Does that sound okay?" he asked regardless of the fact he was intent on making this happen regardless of Sunny's answer.

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