Omen: Replacement of greek gods and goddesses. {RP}


One Thousand Club
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Okay, so what's happening: They got taken away in their sleep to a special compound, each with their own room specifying which god/goddess they are. Different symbols of who they're 'replacing'. They don't know each-other from anywhere. Complete stranger and yet they must work together in order to find out what's happening.

Maria got up, feeling quite... strange. A weird pang of some superiority rushing through her. She felt motherly and caring. She got out of bed and put on her slippers. They weren't there. "Huh? Where am I?" she asked herself. She looked outside. It didn't look the same. She heard unfamiliar voices. "Um..." she muttered. She heard an echoing cough. "Let me out!" she yelled and then Maria gasped. Her voice sounded more mature than usual. "What's happening?" she shook her head and pinched herself. She didn't know how she would get out.
Jamie woke in a foul mood. His head ached, his body ached and all he wanted to do was continue to sleep but for some reason he couldn't. He thought maybe an alarm was going off that he just hadn't registered, but when he reached out to find his phone it wasn't there. He opened his eyes a crack, the molten amber orbs glowering at the darkness.

'Where the hell is my phone? MUM! WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY PHONE!' he called out, his voice hoarse from sleep. He pulled himself out of bed and as his eyes adjusted he realised that his entire room was different. What the hell.. what happened to my room? Frustration boiled over and he moved to the door, pulling on the handle when it wouldn't budge.

'What the hell? MUM LET ME OUT! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY ROOM! WHERE THE HELL IS MY GUITAR!' He shouted, banging on the door.
Maria sighed. "DUDE! YOU REALLY THINK YOUR MUM SENT YOU HERE?!" MAria shouted. "I JUST WOKE UP AND THE LAST THING I NEED IT TO HEAR YOUR WHINING!" she felt like a mother chastising her child.
His head pounded, as if a thousand tiny gnomes that were living in his head were all trying to escape at the same time. His teeth felt like they were on fire, his tongue coated in some kind of mould. His eyes couldn't be opened yet. Probably some reflex to the night before. What happened? There was music, he remembered the band, vaguely remembering getting drunk and pinching the rear of someone the night before, who slapped the guy standing next to him, which started..... Oh. A brawl, almost a riot. That had been interesting enough.

His hand groped to his face, starting gently rubs his eyes, the gunk, what was it? Vitrious fluid had hardened, fusing them shut. Of course the movement had made the hangover gnomes work harder, and even his hair hurt. How did his hair hurt? WHY did his hair hurt?

People were yelling. Goddamned neighbours. Didn't they know he worked nights? He got up, his eyes opening enough for his blurred vision to show vague shapes. What the hell? His eyes blinked a few times. He was positive his room was square, not spherical. Of course as he opened his eyes enough to see the walls, patting his pockets and taking out the cigarette pack that was crumpled in his clothes. Of course the light from his zippo would almost blind him from the golden reflective scene, doing nothing but making the tiny pickaxes in his head work harder and faster.

Of course the yelling and screaming from nearby was annoying the hell out of him, his hands moving to try and find the exit as the tobacco calmed his nerves enough to not freak him out any more than usual. Must have been something in one of his drinks. That was it. This was nothing but a trip of some kind.

His fingertips would find the faintest intake of air around the edges of a carving, and he would sit, patiently.

The trip would end soon.

Hopefully in time to beat the snot out of whomever's screaming had woken him up.
Alayna had been having such a nice dream. A beautiful waterfall sounded in the background as she looked deep into his eyes, tilting her head and leaning in as the birds sang cheerfully in the sky. Closing her eyes, she closed the distance for her lips to meet...cotton? Opening her eyes, she was buried in tan cotton sheets and blankets. Another dream. Groaning, she remained faceplanted into the pillow, not wanting to wake up. Suddenly, she realized something: the birds and waterfall sounds hadn't disappeared when she woke up. Popping her head from the blankets, her eyes widened in horror. She wasn't in her bedroom.

Instead, she was in what seemed like a miniature forest. Bark covered the walls, leaves the ceiling. Her bed was surrounded by a soft mossy carpet. Off in the corner, she saw the small waterfall she had heard, the water crystal clear emptying into a shallow pool that never seemed to overflow. At the edge of the pool, a small fox was resting, it's tail cutely positioned on it's nose. Hearing Alayna rustling in her blankets, the creature awoke, immediately rushing to her, climbing in her lap. At first, Alayna thought about jumping and running from the creature as she would any other day, but something held her still. As the fox approached, she brushed it's fur with her hand. This, was not normal..but it felt just fine.

Rising from the bed arrangement, she carefully examined the room. Right beside her former sleeping section, she saw a finely crafted long bow as well as a quiver of arrows. Not thinking, she picked up the bow, fitted an arrow. Looking to the side, she saw a leaf break off of the branch, beginning it's descent to the ground. In the blink of an eye, she lifted the bow, pulled the string back to her ear, released and then found the leaf pinned to the park wall, her arrow holding it in place. Alayna's eyes widened. She had never touched a bow in her life...had she?

"What is going on..." she asked outloud, her voice drawing more creatures of the forest out of the corners of the room, all seeming eager to hear more. Other voices sounded nearby, causing her animal friends to scatter. Feeling their fear caused Alayna to grow upset. Scowling her face, she slipped the bow and quiver on her back, putting her ear next to the wall. "Who's there?" she called out.
Ella always had a way of fighting things, not always in the way the leaders of the land preferred. You see, she wasn’t just a normal rebel; she was a female who fought for equality all around. Not in the way most see equality no. Those who earned their benefits and strife deserved to have them, those who didn’t earn it, deserved to lose them. This obviously created many issues for the poor girl. She had face death way too many times, and was forced to roam mostly. It was also the reason she caught Nemesis eyes as a kindred spirit of sorts. In fact, she was more than lucky that Nemesis thought she deserved more happiness than she received for her actions.

Ella was once more sharing a jail cell the night she vanished; they planned to kill her in the morning in front of the crowds, a burning. To serve as an example of some sort an ‘eye for an eye’ which was a laugh if anyone knew the honest truth behind it. She just happened to have taken the life of one of the leaders. He was a greedy man who took what females he wanted for his self pleasure and killed them, and that was just the icing of the cake for the deeds he did. All behind the scenes of course, and Ella was his justices, easily sneaking in and slipping him poison. None of his acts would have been known, and she would have easily been seen as the villain. This time . . . she felt as if her life may have truly ended.

It was to her nice surprise to wake up in a comfortable yet warm bed, instead of that damp cold cell. Her body tingled all over though, and she wondered if she had been drugged or worse. Eyes scanning the room, they rested on a statue of a winged angel like figure . . . Nemesis. At that she couldn’t help but smile, surely this place was strange and new but it wasn’t any worse than where she was expected to be. The yelling of course made any peace fade as she started to wonder if perhaps she was dragged and killed without realizing. Maybe this was the realm of Hades? How odd, she had heard stories of it and they didn’t ever quite fit this situation.

Stretching she stood and walked towards the door cautiously, just in case the outside was full of torments. For all she knew this room was the calm before the storm after all. Gently her hand touched the cool knob of the door before turning and pulling it open to glance around outside. Where was this place?
Maria face-planted back onto the unfamiliar pillow. "Where the hell am I?" she asked herself. She sighed.

"Rise and shine folks..." a voice said. "Wake up Neophytes. Your training begins now!"

Maria walked slowly towards the door. "What did you call me? And what am I doing here?"

"Neophyte! That will be explained!"
Jamie was about to reply to the voice that had shouted at him, his reply containing multple colourful words, when the door was suddenly opened and he fell out, tumbling over and landing heavily on his face.

'Who the hell did that? Where are you all, I demand to know where I am and how the hell i got here!' His frustration was building, an irritating, boiling sensation that started in his stomach and worked its way well throughout his body. When the voice sounded he looked around suriously, standing up and turning around to find himself in a strange glass walled hallway.

'Who are you calling a neophyte? I'm not in a great mood right now. Where the hell am I? WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE JUST TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!' He shouted, a low growl almost escaping his throat. He started at the sound his own voice made. What was wrong with him?

Try as he might, Jamie could not for the life of him remember how he got in this strange place. He recalled his previous night. Let's see.. I hung out with Leo after school.. Played Halo for a while.. Changed to Monster Hunter.. Oh and we had pizza at about eight. Nope.. I definately can't see how I was so zoned that I turned up here.

Examining the hallway he watched for any sign of life, but saw none. He wandered further along and peered through a strange window, noticing that a forest seemed to be stored in the room.

'Okay, this place is totally wacked.'
Rosie awakend and looked at her mysterious surrondings. "Where am I?" she wondered opening the door. She looked the door and it said, "Hermes" in a nice, cursive writing. "So I slept with Hermes.... last night?" she wondered. Rosie saw the next door, ([MENTION=2424]ErisianDialects[/MENTION]) and said, "Excuse me, but can you please tell me where I am?"
Brady (Changed his name) was sound asleep on his bed or so he thought. He was actually in a large king sized water bed covered in red sheets and pink pillows. It had a purple cloth dropped around the top so they could be drawn for privacy. The long bed post that were holding up the sheets were tipped with what looks like a spade (Cupids arrow tips). The lighting around him was very low just like candle light and smelled of chocolate. Off the side of his bed on both sides were two stands one had chocolate fondue and the other had cherries. Despite all the loud noise he simple rolled over with his face in his pillow.
His door didn't open. In fact, his entire room seemed to shift a little as he got the rise and shine from the mysterious voice, stumbling out into the hall, almost running into Rosie, his balance good enough to stop a proper collision. His hair was a dyed purple, his suit obviously slept in. Half a cigarette in his lips and his other hand sliding into his pocket with a flash of gold.

"If I knew where I was, I'd happily tell you."

Norrel would gently poke the smaller blonde in the forehead. Not a hallucination. Loud talky voice had called us neophytes. How many of us were there, exactly? It was now officially an us situation, not a me one any longer. There was at least two of us. It was no longer someone else's problem.

He shook his head a little, before turning and throwing up against the wall. Headache. Bad idea. He would lean his head against the wall a little before standing up, wiping his head.

"Sorry, little disorienting not being prepared for a trip of this magnitude. There's a couple of little shouters around here somewhere. NEed to find them and smack them for waking me up."
Rosie looked at the next room and pointed at the door. "Found them." she said laughing. She plucked the cigarette out of his mouth and said, "Smokin' is for the worst if you're dizzy." Rosie threw it on the floor and smashed it, also rubbed it around the floor with her foot.

"Apparently I'm Hermes, according to the sign. Heh, I thought I was always mean't for his part. I'm Rosie Black." Rosie looked at him and yawned. "So who are you?" She gestured to the door, the sign was on the other side, so she could not see it.
Somewhere along the line, the door he had been behind had actually disappeared. The rest of them seemed to be there, his, however, was gone. He would take another cigarette from his pocket by touch, lighting it with his zippo, but out of deference to her, he didn't blow smoke in her face.

"Take another of my cigarettes and I will happily kick your ass up and down the hall until I get answers."

It was spoken with a smile and pleasentry in his voice, his two coloured eyes looking at her. Hermes. Messenger and random whipping boy of the Greek gods. He would look at her with a smile, then, a much wider one. His hand would move into his pocket, touching the cool sphere that laid within. Hermes was male. Which meant if he was a neophyte god, then, this was going to get very interesting very quickly.

"Since you're the messenger of the gods, you should know where the gods are. As such, lead on, and I'll follow."
Rosie chuckled and said, "They know me as Demon-Runner at my school, I'll happily run away ifyou ty to 'kick ass.'" She took out her cell phone and looked at her contacts. Her eyes widened and said, "Who would you like to contact?" She smiled and said, "We have a wide variety of gods and goddesses you may choose from. Contact them for the price of two dollars."

Rosie was not your average mugger, she got her money by intimidating looks and her frightnening threats. She was a thief, at her school, there was rumors that she even stole money from the principal!
"Ah, ah ,ah Rosie." said the guard with a crooked smile. "No cell-phones. They wouldn't work here anyway. If it helps, you are in Greece, Mount Olympia. To. Be. Exact! Now, everyone get in a single file line and we will head off to the head." The guard smiled genuinely now as he confiscated the phone. "And we got here... how?" Maria asked. He tapped his nose. "That will be explained when we get to the head."

Maria walked out of her cell with no arguemants, the way she saw it, the sooner people co-operated, the sooner we could get out of here. She felt embarrassed. "Dude, just tell me why we-" Maria was rudely interrupted. "Neophyte! I do NOT know what a 'dude' is! And as such I do not appreciate being called a 'dude' whatever that may be." Maria nodded in agreement and blushed slightly.

She waited in silence. "Neophytes! Get out here and in line this instant, sadly I cannot hurt you, but the head can surely." A booming voice came from the roof. "Talking about me behind my back, eh? Promising things I'd 'probably' do without knowing for sure, eh? Well Guard #2045847, I will be giving you a strict warning after the Neophyte and everyone's first confrontations. Understand now, #2045847?" "Y-yes.." he whispered. "I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" "YES SIR!" He saluted the voice shakily.

"Who was that?" Maria asked. "The head," he sighed.
Jmaie was not impressed by the head guard.

'HEY! WHO SAID YOU COULD SPEAK TO PEOPLE LIKE THAT!? THAT IS TOTALLY AND UTTERLY RUDE!' He shouted at the voice from the ceiling. Then he felt slightly stupid for shouting at a roof. Still, it wasn't like he was allowed to treat people like that. There were laws about that where he lived. Of course, Australia was a long way from Olympus... Wait.... Olympus?

'OLYMPUS! How the hell did i get to freaking Olympus? WOULD SOMEBODY PLEASE JUST TELL US WHAT'S GOING ON?' He shouted, not sure why he was shouting so much. He tried to calm down, lowering his voice.

'Look, I don't know what kind of sick joke this is but I have an exam in two days and I can't be fooling around in someone's sick idea of a joke. If this is a kidnapping by god you got it wrong. My parents can't even afford new uniforms for my kid sisters, let alone paying a randsom fee.'
Ella’s eyes trailed the hall as others got out; watching a child trying to play with an older man she merely shook her head. That girl, sooner or later she would realize what the world had to offer, and if she kept pushing it like this sooner before later. Eyeing the male (Norrel) she grinned watching him lose whatever contents his stomach held. It was nice to see Justices was still held in this place. For whoever ran it to have to play cleanup, and for him for his foolishness she knew his night before must have brought.

When a guard started to boss them around Ella merely glanced to him once with a glare. The woman needed not to speak, she could see right through his want of power. That he was trying to use his minor job as a ego boost. It didn’t even surprise her that he was corrected by some booming voice. Instead she moved to place a hand over her mouth and yawn. Wondering if whoever was in charged knew what they were dealing with by bringing her here. For now she behaved, seeing as they probably saved her life and all.

Single file line though was not her style and instead she turned to the spoil boy given a fit (Jamie). “Screaming isn’t about to fix matters.” She said calmly looking him over. “None of us knows what’s going on, that much is clear. If we go along we may just find out what it is.” She frowned at his rant about exams and what they could and could not afford. At least the kid knew he had to earn his own way, but didn’t he see this place might just be a blessing of sorts?
"Neophyte, this is not a joke. Just please get in line behind Neophyte #065 and you can find out more. I have to deal with the head after this." The guard said. "You don't have to be in a line, you can go as an unruly mob for all I care anymore. I'm dying today so whatever." mumbled the guard. "GUARD HURRY UP WITH THE NEOPHYTES!" the guard muttered something. "Uh, excuse me, sir." Maria said. "Why are you letting him boss you around like that?" "Because he's our ruler."
Jayshabelle streached and smiled, epecting the light from her window to be filling her room, but as her eyes foccused she saw lamplight. She sat up quickly, swinning her long legs over the edge of the bed which she now saw was heartshaped. She examined the rest of the room, which was red and white, hearts everywhere. She saw a closet, a desk and a door, lanterns surrounded the place, giving it light. She stood up and stretched, walking over to the closet. she was sure what she was wearing, a sports bra and a pair of verry short shorts would not be acceptable to wear in public . . . or wherever she was. Inside she saw a lovely outfit, that surley would show of her figure well, it was white and covers the necisary area's.


She was strangly calm about this, but that was usually how she was (unless provoked) even in stressing times. She sliped on the outfit and examined herself in the mirror and smiled, it showed of her body great. Jayshabelle knew she was hot, and didn't think it was wrong to say so, if she knew it was true, why say otherwise? Some wsaw it as snobbish, narsisistic or rude but she saw it as honest. She did her lovely long hair in a giant braid down her back and heard the same yelling she had before, that must have woken her up.

She left her room, walking silently and quickly through the halls, to hwere she heard the yelling and noise, she figured thre would be others there, maybey she could fin out what was going on. She rounded a corner in the white hallway and saw other teens, much like herself looking confused, amused and scared. Jayshabelle obverved the scean and felt sorry for whoever was puking she wlked over and patted his back. She looked around and said "Well, It's obvoius that none of us know anything, unless we don't want to find out, why don't we do what they ask?" she suggested, in a calm tone, still standing wnear the puking kid, It didn't bother her in he slightest, She knew it wouldn't hurt her, the poor boy was the one she felt sorry for.

She looked at the people, who seemed to be hearding them and tilted her head "Could you please give me a location, I was a little late in waking." she asked politely, like she had been taught, in fact she only ever talked in anyother way. She looked serine over all, a calm look on her face and a relaxed posture.
Jamie turned to the woman that had spoke, frowning slightly.

'I'm sorry, I just.. I woke up here and everything seemed to totally piss me off. I'm not meant to be here right now. I need to go home. My sisters are turning seven in three weeks. I have to be there. I don't even know why I'm here. I want to be at home.' He said all this in a slightly depressed tone, allowing his other emotions to finally make themselves known. He shoved his hands in his pockets, looking at the ground. 'I'm always being told that I'm annoyingly stubborn.. I suppose it's time I curbed that trait.' He grinned slightly, shrugging and shuffling into place behind a girl his age. He recognised her by her voice, as the one that had shouted back at him the first time.

'Hi.. I'm Jamie... The aggro kid you shouted at earlier.' He said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck ruefully as he spoke.
Ella carefully listened to the boy’s words and her smile faded a touch. No one deserved to just be taken from their family like this. He was probably earning his way, probably balanced in everything good and bad in his life only to be thrown out of wack. How cruel was the person who took him? Taken people like herself was one thing, people who could use the change probably deserved it. But the boy . . . now her wrath was almost being called upon.

She moved beside him crossing her arms to glare at the guard now. “My name is Ellena, but everyone just calls me Ella.” She spoke calmly to the boy beside her trying to give him some comfort. “I will try to help you out if I can. I don’t find it fair if they plan to keep you from your love ones after all, and it is one thing I won’t stand for.”

She eyed the guard carefully studying the sudden changed that arise in him. “You said you were going to die now right?” She questioned the man before her. “If so, why do you still follow the man behind the curtain? Why not rebel and tell us all we need to know? Have us prepared, in case we wish not to comply?” At first she was fine with the whole situation till she heard Jamie’s story and saw injustices already. The voice had better plan to fix this, or he could have easily bitten off more than he could chew having taken on Ella, especially if she was following Nemesis.
"Oh, I'm sorry Jamie, my name's Maria. I just woke up when you yelled. It's annoying when someone yells from the cell next to you." Maria grinned back. A shiver ran down her spine, was it cold in here? She was used to warmth. "But, then again I suppose it isn't exactly a thrill to hear my voice echoing against your walls, now is it?" she laughed slightly. She listened in on 'Ella's' query. "Yes, indeed guard. Why don't you just tell us? We're not going to hurt you, just tell us what we're doing here and then we won't have to be here as long, therefore you won't have to deal with us for a long time. And you can get back to your life!" she smiled hoping for a reply. Please tell us, please tell us! she thought to herself.

"Okay, you guys are here because you are temporarily replacing Greek gods/goddesses. You each have certain missions-" a hand grabbed his arm and covered his mouth. "Shut up you little junior guard, letting the little newbies toss you around like that, report to the head, he is no longer waiting for you! I will take it from here, got it?" The locked guard kicked the captivator. Maria fumed, "Get your dirty hands off him!" she grabbed both the senior guards hands and twisted them behind the guards back. "Apologise," he shook his head. Maria was boiling with rage. "I said APOLOGISE! You're no strong guy, you could easily be strangled by serpents, couldn't you?" Maria queried with a twitching eye. The senior guard struggling for his life, as he knew what was coming next. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Maria smirked. "That's exactly what I thought you little pipsqueak." Maria cleared her throat and stood back in line. "Guard, if you ever have problems with any of the guard, just tell me." she said in an odd motherly way.
Rosie rolled her eyes at the girl, "Hera, no..." she thought quietly. She laughed at the girl a bit. Rosie walked ahead of the group, as usual. She saw a fancy written sign that said, "Head". She quietly turned into the room and sneered. "Looks like you have a large problem back there. I'm Rosie Black, apparently supposed to be Hermes." She kneeled, because there was no chair and sighed.
Jamie stopped in his tracks.

'Wait, so you're telling me that you lot kidnapped me and threw me in some crazy room because I'm replacing some mythological god? Man that is so uncool. I have a life you know! people are going to miss me! How long do you plan on holding us hostage?' He exclaimed, unable to believe his ears. This was absolutely ridiculous. Why did it have to be him? He didn't want to be there. Sure he got frustrated with his family sometimes, and didn't have many friends, but he still had things he wanted to do with his life and playing make believe was not one of them. He pushed his coppery coloured hair out of his eyes and then shoved his hands into his pockets again, leaning stubbornly against a wall.

'I'm not moving until someone explains themselves properly. I want to know why I was kidnapped and brought here. I want to know what you expect me to do, why you chose me and I WANT TO KNOW NOW!' He shouted, loosing his cool again. To be a loner was one thing, but to have his entire life torn away from his at the whims of a group of gods and goddesses, well that was not what he had written on his college application. He glowered at the guards, smirking slightly when Maria went total crazy psycho on them. Serves them right, he thought to himself, If she hadn't done it I would have. He glanced at Ella now, smiling slightly at her.

'Thanks, It means a lot to me. I'm kind of a loner so to have someone care.. it means a lot.' He said again, his smile barely faultering before he turned to look for any sign of the supposed 'Head Guard'.

'NOW WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE TALK TO US!?' He raised his voice so that it echoed around the hallway.

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