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Fantasy Oliver's School for Gifted and Different Children - Always Open!


Sloth Overlord.
A letter is found at your doorstep, meant for your parents. As you choose to either open it or give it to your parents it would be a brochure. And on the front page a very big school with words in bold and underlined saying:
Oliver's School for Gifted and Different Children
A safe environment for your kids! We offer all grades of teaching your children how to control their gifts, and or how to control themselves. Our Headmaster and teacher on Magical Flora and Fauna, Oliver Thorn is also different! So there is no need to fear, as this school was made especially for your children! Here your child will have many classes to choose and learn from! Although they must have at least 3 classes. We are also looking for teachers if one of you parents are different or gifted yourselves! All you have to do is fill out the application below and send it through the mail or over the internet to this email:
OliversSchool@yahoo.com [FAKE EMAIL]
If you have any questions you may also use that email! I hope you consider our school!
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I just realized you're the same person doing the other roleplay--

Alright I'll do it when I get home then. :ghostv:
Oliver smiled in the gathering hall, standing up to the podium for once he had his green shirt on. It showed a Four-Leaf clover. The teachers would be standing next to him, although sitting down. The students gathered in the tables in front of them. Food would be of course on platters and drinks in cups.
"Hello, children of all ages! I as you saw, am Oliver Thorn! Headmaster of this school and teacher of Magical Flora and Fauna! I see many promising Children here today, each with their own unique abilities and strengths! You've all been sent here because of said abilities, you may have been discriminated in your old schools but here we do not judge! You are welcome here. This is where you will eat from breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I hope you all enjoy it here! And before we eat, I'd like your other teachers to be introduced. Without further ado... Ms. O'Reilley! Looking wonderful, as always." He said with a smile, stepping back to allow her to step up.​
Uasal Uasal August August raven flame raven flame Ribbit Ribbit verdantdreams verdantdreams
Oliver smiled in the gathering hall, standing up to the podium for once he had his green shirt on. It showed a Four-Leaf clover. The teachers would be standing next to him, although sitting down. The students gathered in the tables in front of them. Food would be of course on platters and drinks in cups.
"Hello, children of all ages! I as you saw, am Oliver Thorn! Headmaster of this school and teacher of Magical Flora and Fauna! I see many promising Children here today, each with their own unique abilities and strengths! You've all been sent here because of said abilities, you may have been discriminated in your old schools but here we do not judge! You are welcome here. This is where you will eat from breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I hope you all enjoy it here! And before we eat, I'd like your other teachers to be introduced. Without further ado... Ms. O'Reilley! Looking wonderful, as always." He said with a smile, stepping back to allow her to step up.​
Uasal Uasal August August raven flame raven flame Ribbit Ribbit verdantdreams verdantdreams

Clair O'Reilly

Clair took to the stage moments after she had been prompted to by Oliver, her new co-worker and boss. It was strange, being stood up in front of this many people and asked to introduce herself, it was something she had never imagined herself doing as a dullahan. Yet here she was, with a nine to five job, earning money and teaching kids. Okay so yes she was teaching kids how to fight but come on! it was pretty normal! And it was the simplicity, the normality of the situation that made Clair oh so happy.

So upon reaching the podium Clair brought her head up to the microphone and began a little piece she had prepared. "Ahem, thank you mister Thorn for that wonderful and brief introduction. I too would like to keep my introduction short and sweet but there are a few things that need to be and surely should be mentioned. So as you know I am miss O'Reilly and In case you didn't know I will be teaching Combat, tactics and strategy. My class is no walk in the park, most of you will struggle to get honour grades. In fact I'd be surprised if anyone managed to get a B+ or higher. Aha see some of you are thinking wow is this chick for real! I'll easily get an A I can swing a sword around and I have colossal muscles!. Well guess what your destined to either fail or pass by the skin of your teeth!
Combat is not about who is stronger, it's not about who has and who hasn't swung a sword before in their life. Combat is about skill, it's about learning from your losses and knowing when to retreat, yes that means running away. There is a reason why the class is called combat, tactics and strategy. It's three classes in one, every one of them is interlinked. You will be graded on all three separately and those scores together will give you your final grade. So my advise to those who thought of my class as a free pass.... you best get studying."

With this said Clair moved to remove her head and upon doing so remembered one final thing she had been asked to say by Thorn himself. So she quickly swung her head back into place "Oh and I'd also like to inform you that any fights that take place outside of my class will result in both a severe punishment and a decrease on your final grade. Thank you for your time!"

With everything finally said Clair moved to retake her seat, holding her head securely upon her lap.
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