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Realistic or Modern •Johns University•

Hello my name is Ms.Pastor, the owner of Johns University. This is one of the best colleges in the country. This college contains many Arts and Programs and even sports for your child at this University. Your Child would be safe on campus at all times. Your child class is from 10-3 every weekday. Child specialized program (dance,singing,football,etc) will be from 3-5 everyday but on weekend it is a choice for your child to come. Sometimes their are mix roommates, sometimes their are not so parents please understand that your child might no be with a boy/girl. Each class is 1 hour. If you have any questions please content us at any time.

~Julia Pastor


Jennifer would get out her bed like any other day. Summer was finally over and it was time to go back to Highscool. Jennifer would hop out of her bed and would wake to her own bathroom. She would then go brush her teeth and then hopped in the shower to wash her hair and her body. She would get out with her hair dripping water and touch the floor, she would walk over and puts on a Noice cute blue belly shirt and a black skirt with black flats. She would flat iron her hair and puts on her makeup afterwards. Jennifer would grabs her suitcases and dragged them to her car. She had 5 suit cases with her. She would then grab her purse and she would grab her phone and her book of song and her keys and hopped in the car driving to her first day of school.

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As soon as the alarm went off, Eli threw himself up from the bed. This was an unusual sight, considering that he would almost always oversleep. But this particular morning, something made him wake up with a little bit brighter smile on his face. It wasn't the fact that it was monday and school was about to start, this actually bothered him quite a lot, but the main reason for his joy was because of the fact that the school was a boarding school. It seemed like a really fun thing to experience during his life as an ordinary teenager. Sure it might have been a little odd to attend a new school in junior year, but his mother pretty much wanted him out of the house.

Eli got up on his feet dressed in a simple pair of grey sweatpants before he stepped into the bathroom. There he slipped out of the pants and took a quick shower. When he walked out his white hair was dripping with tiny pearls of water. These pearls rolled down his face and onto his shoulders only to continue down his back, like tiny waterfalls. Once he had walked back to his room, he got dressed completely, this time in a grey t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. Nothing that would be far too weird in a world like this. Of course, his mind and soul was far more colorful than what his appearance revealed.
(@Love The Game @YouForgotMyName @jacunliffe the first post is up)

When Jennifer reached the school she would park her car and would then smile and looks up at the school, it didn't even change a bit. Jennifer would then reached to her purse and would take her keys out the car and she would hop out the car and goes and opens up her trunk. She would then take one by one of her case out and would roll them inside the school. She would then go straight to the main office to grab her classes and her Room number, Jennifee is hoping to be with a girl this year, because last year her roommate was a guy and that didn't work out at all. When she got her things she looked at her room number and her roommate and it was a guy. She would then just go up the stairs to her room and would start decorating her side of the room.
Carl was waken up by his aunt. He started his day with a bright and happy smile, like every other day. The only thing "special" about that day was that Carl had to sit in the car and drive off to the dorm. He brushed his teeth, ate breakfast and took a shower in only a mere 15 minutes. He quickly got into the car and drove off to the dorms. Arriving at the destination he took out his luggage from the trunk and hurried in to the dorms. "Room 102A, room 102A.." He repeated in his head. "Ah, found it! Okay. Luggage - check, smile - check, remember to say hello to.. Uhm.. Eli Montgomery it was. I´m ready!" He said to himself opening the door.
Jennifer would finally finished her side of the dorm room. Jennifer's favorite color was purple,so everything that Jennifer had for his decorations was purple. Jennifer's then would put her suit case on her bed and would start putting her things away her her dresser and her closet. When Jennifer finally finished all 5 suitcase she would then get all her school stuff ready. Her computer desk was build because her brother came to help her since her brother was in the school to. She and her brother would also set up her Apple Laptop and her IPad and Her T.V. Jennifer would then take of her flats and would grab her kitty who was all over her bed and would grab her glasses and would sit on her bed cress crow Apple sauce style and puts her cat in the middle and would read her book, "Twilight".
Jacob sighed as he pulled up to Harley's house, Harley came out of her house with more than the two bags she was expected to have. Jacob soon was on the long trip to the school, once he got there he open the door and giving the luggage to people who were taking from certain people. Harley did the same. They both had gotten there schedule in the mail, so they weren't scurrying around like everyone else. Harley blasted her music from Jacob's car speakers she pressed the shuffle button and letting 'All the time by Jeremiah' play she slowly began moving her hips, as grabbed a cute boy by the collar kissing him than let him go and watched as the other new people walked passed them with ugly sometimes envious lustful eyes.
A single beam of light shot through the gap in the curtains and into his pale eyes. With a hand covering his eyes, he moved across the room back to the hallway. Eli rushed down the stairs, only now realising that he wold be late if he didn't hurry, before he snatched a loaf of bread on his way to the car. Every single thing in his bag was already packed, even the art supplies he was to bring. This one guy couldn't possibly live through a day without sketching, dooling or painting. This resulted in a hell of a lot of paint brushes, easels and everything inbetween. With that loaf of bread hanging out of his mouth, the boy walked out of his penthouse apartment, locked the door and hopped into the silver volvo that stood parked on his parking lot. The engine went off with a loud growling sound before he drove off towards the school. The wind brushed through his silver hair that had now dried and before he knew it, he was parking his car again, this time on the school's parking lot. Eli stepped out of the car and opened the trunk to get his stuff. It was almost a little bit too much for someone to hold, considering that there were so many small pieces that needed to tag along. But considering his stubborness he refused to leave something behind. "I'd rather die than going two rounds" He muttred for himself before piling up everything in his arms and throwing the bag of clothes over his shoulder. With that he began to walk, heading towards the school building. Not that he knew where he was going since his vision was blocked by the things in his arms.
Jennifer would then put her book down and plays with her kitty for alittle bit. Jennifer would then grab her guitar and would tune it while she waits for her roommate to show up. Jennifer would then grab her song book and plays one of her songs that she made up. Jennifer voice is good, but she dances more then being a singer. Jennifer after doing her old sound when she was a kid like 5 years old. She would grab her white as snow kitty and would put her on her lap and would then tries to get to music of like lie her favorite song called "Chandelier" for the guitar.
As Carl walked in the door, he noticed that Eli was not there yet. He could see two beds, that both had a closet and a table next to them. "Oh well, i´ll just take the right bed..." He said to himself. He had three suitcases and an extra bag. In the first suitcase was his enormous amount of clothes, the second suitcase had his lucky items in it (he is quite a believer in luck), but the third suitcase was left unpacked. He finally unravelled his last bag, wich was full of notebooks. The notebooks had a lot of songs written in them, that mostly talked about felicity. That´s what Carl loved writing songs about. Happiness and fortune were his main topic, but there was one notebook that didin´t have anything positive in it. That notebook was full of the sentiment, that Carl had right after his mother´s death. After unpacking almost all the notebooks one by one, he held that one notebook in his hand a bit, let out a small cringe and put it on the table with the others. He then threw himself on the bed and started favourably singing a tune.
Jennifer would then play the song and would then print out the lyrics and would paste them in her music book she would then put her book her her school books was and would then go and thinks that she should walk around campus with her cat. So Jennifer would grab her cat her purse and her shoes and she would put her shoes on and puts her Kitty in her purse and would then grab her dorm room key and would then go out on campus and walk around texting on her phone
Serenity awoke happily that morning. She climbed out of her bed with a small pep in her step as she realised she would leave the comforts of her father's penthouse and go to Johns University, where she knew she would meet many interesting people. Serenity rushed to her restroom, showering and washing her hair. She hummed lightly as she dried off, her hair still damp. With her having the style she has, she dressed in a pair of her favourite blue ripped skinnies, and matched it with her white halter crop and black Vans. She slipped on her favourite turquoise and gold ring, running her fingers through her hair, a bit nervous for her first day.


Serenity had finally arrived at the University, and she squealed a bit in excitement. She parked her car in the dorm lot and unfastened her seatbelt, exiting her car and opening the trunk to take out her 4 bags. Serenity sighed sadly. She didn't pack the car, 2 bellboys did. But she was one girl, with two hands. Serenity shrugged, figuring she could come back. She carried in two of her suitcases-more like struggled-, groaning when she realised she had to take the stairs to get to her dorm room.
Jennifer would then walk with her cat around campus and she saw a girl who was carrying her bag inside the dorm house more like struggling. She would go inside the dorm house and the girl was at the staircase she was think that she could help. Jennifer would walk over to the girl and asked "Do you need help" she said with a smile look at the girl. She would put her cat down and she was running up the staircase already and Jennifer didn't even more yet. She would laugh watching her cat go up the stairs.
Serenity looked over at the girl, giving her a bright smile. "Yes please," she said, her accent thick. "Thank you so much, lovie," Serenity thanked the girl, then introducing herself. "I'm Serenity," she said, placing her bags down and sticking a hand out to shake.
She would look at Serenity and said "Jennifer and my kitten is Maria" she said with her strong accent and shanked her hand. She would put up the bed and would drag it up the stairs. When she had reached her dorm room she realized that her dorm room was 2 doors away from hers she said "It's funny how my dorm is 2 doors away from yours Love" she said smiling at her.
Serenity pulled the bag up the stairs, smiling and nodded. "Yea," she said, opening her door. The room was barren, both beds empty. "My dorm partner isn't here yet," Serenity muttered softly, pulling the bag into her new room. She picked the bed to the left, placing her bag next to her bed. Serenity took a quick minute to look at the completely empty room. "Can't wait till I start decorating," Serenity said to Jennifer, smiling.
Jennifer was smiling with joy apon her face and said "Yea I was so happy to decorate my room to my brother helped a little bit, like seting up my T.v an stuff" she said smiling at her. She would grab her cat from the floor. Maria her cat was rolling all over the floor because she wanted to play with someone. Jennifer would smile and say "Do you want me to help you out love."
Serenity thought for a moment, "Thanks for the offer, sweets," Serenity smiled over at Jennifer. "Why not?" she asked. Serenity turned back around to go back down to get her other two bags. "I just have two more bags to bring in," she said to Jennifer. "Mind helping me with those too, hon?"
While he walked through the hallways of the school, Eli dropped a few pencils and paint-brushes here and there, which pretty much looked like the whole Hansel and Gretel story since it left a trace behind him. But well, he didn't really notice it, he was more focused on making his way to his dorm. Silently, under his breath, he repeaded the dorm number that he had read on the key. "102A, 102A" was the little sound that came out through his parted lips. Eli looked up on one of the doors and -with the extreme ammount of luck he had- managed to find the room he searched for. The sign on the wooden door read the number 102A in golden letters that seemed to glow as the sun hit them. With a melody of his knuckles knocking on the door, he opened the door and stepped inside only to reveal a young man resting on the bed on the right side of the room. "Hey there, fella'" Eli said as the stuff in his arms fell down in a large pile in front of his feet. But the guy was quick to pick it all up and stacked it in one of the corners. "Sorry for making a ruckus, I'll clean it up in a minute" He said with a cheeky smile as he threw himself onto the bed.
Jennifer would look at Serenity and said "Sure Love no problem" she would then put her cat down and would then go back downstairs and would go one of her bag dragging them up the stairs and she would finally reach the floor and said "Why can't they just add a elevator somewhere here" she would drag her bag in her room and said and said "Maria what did Itell you about rolling all lives the floor"
Serenity nodded, laughing softly. "That would be convenient," she said, dragging the bag into her room. She giggled softly at the kitty. "She's adorable," Serenity said, watching the cat with amusement apparent in her eyes. She heard noise down the hall, realising others had arrived. Serenity ran to her bed and fell on her back, her hair fanning out around her. She laughed softly at herself, looking up at the ceiling, thinking about placing some of her photos up there.
Jennifer would smile and say "I know she remains me of me when I was a little chica in New Orleans" she said smiling at her. She would put up her cat and would say to Maria. "Ready to drink some milk Maria" she said laughing at her she would look at Serenity and said "I will be back I have to feed my cat" she would leave her dorm and would walk to her dorm and would then grab milk out of her mini kitchen and would grab a bowl for her and would then place it in her little house right next to Jennifer's bed.
Serenity nodded, smiling. "Alright, talk soon," Serenity said, waving bye to Jennifer. She stepped out into the hallway, locking her dorm room behind her and walking down the hall to explore and hopefully meet someone. A dorm room was open and she poked her head in the room, seeing someone laying on the bed. She laughed softly, rapping on the door.

Jennifer would then go to where she puts all her books and she would go and grab her Classes Sheet. Every year when school starts their is always this party that everyone goes to. She is thinking of going again this year, Jennifer looked over at her classes and said to herself "Okay. Math is first, great and School starts on Friday and today is what? Oh yea Thursday" Jennifer would then start grabbing the books she really need for her classes. But in general she has a good classes. Like dance, cheerleading and Spanish. She would then put it away and would then go to her bed and would lay down their and she would turn on the T.v.
Eli jumped a little when he heard the sudden noise from the doorframe but calmed down as soon as he realised that there was no threat, only a girl in golden hair. He couldn't help but to crack a warming smile on his face as he sat up on the bed. "Good morning love, what have brought you here?" He said as he slowly stood up on his feet yet again. From the little he had seen from her, she certainly seemed like a nice one. And friends couldn't kill anyone. Eli ran a hand through his hair, much like he usually does, as he looked down on the pile of art supplies. Without a single word about it- but maybe something about the look on his face revealed his plan- he crouched down on the floor and began to clean up the mess he had made in the few minutes he had been in there.

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