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OHSHC - Between the Lines

Tamaki gritted his teeth, irrationally angry at whoever was calling. But as he took out his phone and saw the name, guilt dropped into his chest. Marie. Completely unaware of what he had just done.

"Hello, Marie."

"No, I'm just at Haruhi's. Having some coffee. I'll see you a little later."

"Of course. See you later."

It was devoid of his usual affectionate words - darling, my love. Perhaps she had noticed. Perhaps she had not. He glanced at Haruhi as he slid his phone into his pocket.

"Life always interrupts at the worst moments, doesn't it?"

He sighed, coming closer to her again. His heart was thrumming in his chest and he was slightly flushed. Of course he wanted more of Haruhi - he always had. But he was first and foremost a gentleman. He would not ask, or push - especially when he was engaged. Tamaki knew he'd already crossed a line.

He absentmindedly reached forward to fiddle with a piece of her new, long hair.

"What were you saying? Let's...?"


Asuka followed Mori's gaze as he looked around the house. It was only natural; she was curious to see what he thought of it. She noticed how his eyes lingered on the portrait of her father and herself. And yet, he was so polite that he did not even comment.

"That's my father," she explained with a small, sad smile.

A moment later, her uncle called out - "Here are your rooms!" She turned to follow his voice down the well-known passageway, that ended with two bedrooms opposite each other and a bathroom. Asuka naturally went into her usual room, thanking her uncle who had placed her bag on the bed. Yuki proceeded to come out and show Mori to his own bedroom, opposite hers. She took a seat on the small bed, smiling at the familiar creak.
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Haruhi stepped backwards, stepping away from Tamaki's hand. She shook her head quickly, her mind racing.

"Get out. Get out now. Please leave... Go back to your fianceé please!"

The guilt was eating her up inside, causing her to lash out and panic.

"I love you, but I can't. I'm going to let you go."


Mori's breath caught in his throat at the sight of Asuka's small smile. So, that was her father...

Did he pass on?

His thoughts were interrupted by Yuki returning, in turn showing him to the bedroom where he would be staying for the duration of the trip.

Thankful for the spacious room, Mori got started with the unpacking.

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Tamaki just looked at her silently, regarding her for a moment.

"As you wish."

Turning around, he walked out of the apartment. He wasn't angry. He wasn't frustrated. Just.. sad.

And he trotted down the steps and to his limousine, mouth set in a straight line the entire way.


Asuka finished putting her few things away; they were only here for a day, anyway. Picking out her green bikini and a sarong, she placed them on the bed and then walked across to Mori's room. Hesitantly knocking on the door, she called through the gap.

"Would you like to head down to the beach, Mori?"


Haruhi watched Tamaki leave with tears in her eyes. She knew that it was the right thing to do, but if so, why did it hurt so much?

She ran over to the living room window, watching as he entered the limousine without looking back, not even once.

I'm sorry, Tamaki...



Mori finished unpacking fairly quickly. He was just closing up his suitcase when he heard Asuka's voice come from the other side of the bedroom door.


He quickly changed into just his trunks and opened the door.

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Tamaki rode back to his apartment with Marie in silence, staring out of the window. He'd made up his mind. It was simply a matter of execution now, and he did not want to do it. No woman should ever cry.

He stepped out of the limousine and sighed before heading inside. This was going to be a rough day


A few hours later, he was sitting in another apartment with his suitcases around him (he would not force Marie to move for a few days, until her affairs were in order). That had been... abusive. From her side. Screaming and throwing things and... He took another sip of vodka from the rather large tumbler in his hands.

Tamaki was rather drunk at this stage. Dialling in Haruhi's number, he slumped against the wall lazily.


Asuka blinked as she came face-to-chest with Mori. Oh. So that was why the Host Club had been so loved during their time. A couple of the wealthier girls in her class had gotten the chance to pop in once or twice.

Squeaking something about getting changed, she hurried back into her bedroom. She closed the door and quickly pulled on her green bikini, throwing a sarong over for modesty. Then she grabbed a towel, stepping back out.


((lol for some reason I can really see how the anime would play out this scene like omg xD ))
(I know, right! :P )


Haruhi was in the midst of packing when her phone rang. She had told her father as soon as he returned home, which led to more tears on both sides. Eventually, but reluctantly, he had agreed to Haruhi's decision to move away. She was going to leave later in today.

She sighed as she glanced at the caller ID before answering it.



Mori tilted his head slightly in confusion as Asuka rushed back into her room. Then he glanced down in the direction of her gaze and smiled slightly.

It was like being back in the Host Club.

He rested his back against the wall as he waited for Asuka and then the door opened.


She looked beautiful. Mori smiled once again as he stood up straight once again.

"Ready? Then lead the way."

((Mori makes me crack up xD ))

"Hellooo, Haruhi. You talk to a very... very freeee man," Tamaki slurred, gesturing about with his vodka tumbler to no-one. He chuckled, watching the liquid swish about in the glass.

"Soo... I want to see you sometime soon." He entertained himself with the light, how it reflected off the surface of the vodka. Then, he drank, letting out a sigh. "Maybe toniiight?"


Asuka nodded, still slightly distracted by the rather fine man behind her. She started walking down the corridor, coming through the lounge to tell her uncle where they were off to. Then, with a smile back at Mori, she set off and out the door, onto the private path that lead onto the beach.

"There's not a lot of people around here," she thought out loud. "We probably won't see anyone else out there." For a moment, she worried - what if this stranger was planning to do something bad to her? She'd be completely defenceless. And yet, her instinct won over again - he had never done anything untoward. Never.

The sand beneath her feet was soft and grainy, and Asuka pulled her hair back into a ponytail as she stared across to the sea.


Haruhi frowned as she stood up straight, realising that Tamaki had obviously broken up with Marie and was now hitting the bottle.

"I can't, Tamaki. You should get some rest. I'll... I'll see you soon, okay?"

She hated lying to him, but it was for the best.


Mori watched silently as Asuka stared out in the direction of the sea. She was right. The sandy beach was deserted except for the two of them.

Running into the sea, he gestured for Asuka to come in too.

"Come on in! It's lovely and warm!"

Tamaki shook his head drunkenly, even though she couldn't see him. He hiccuped and started trying to get up from sitting. Even drunk, he could still think to an extent.

"Don't go, Haruhi," he pleaded. He knew her too well.

"Please. Don't leave me alone."

Tamaki's voice cracked. How could he live without her if she ran away?


Asuka untied her sarong, letting the green material fall around her onto the sand. Then she looked forward, grinning as she saw Mori wading into the waves. He seemed to be having fun. He could be anywhere in the world right now, but he was here, spending his time with her.

"Coming!" she called with a grin, jogging down to the waves. She stepped in, a shiver of excitement running down her spine. Then the brunette waded deeper, until she was at the same depth as Mori. While the water came up to his hips, it was to her waist.

A slightly mischievous look to her eyes, she gave him a small splash.


Haruhi's breath caught in her throat, not expecting just how broken he seemed. She paused her packing, glancing down at her feet.

"You can just... think of me as a wonderful childhood memory. Someone who you had a really fun time in the Host Club with. Just a memory."

Her voice cracked slightly as she gripped the fabric of the couch.

"So, go to sleep, and when you wake up... Think of all this as a dream. A dream that you'll think about for a little while and then go on about your normal day. Please."


Mori wasn't expecting the rush of water that was thrust in his direction. Glancing upwards, his gaze met Asuka's mischievous grin. He grinned right back at her, his large hands creating an even larger splash towards her.

He wasn't usually this expressible. He would have been described as stoic, but not today. Asuka brought out something within him. What? He wasn't sure.


Tamaki sighed on the other side of the line, tilting his head back and closing his eyes. He was not usually the type to break down like this. He'd always tried his best to put on a good show. But he was drunk, and this was... Haruhi.

"No!" he cried at the voice in his ear. "How could someone so wonderful ever be just a dream?"

She was leaving him, leaving him, how could she leave him because of what had happened to her? He didn't care if she saw or not, or if he had to help her every step of the way.

"Please... Haruhi..."


Asuka squealed as the water rushed over her, soaking her previously-dry shoulders and wetting her hair. She giggled, moving her hands back to splash at him again. This was far more fun than being down here alone!

The water had soaked through the bandage on her hand, stinging the wound below it. But salt water was good for wounds, no? The girl only glanced to see it was not coming off, before returning her attention to Mori.

She was becoming more comfortable around the tall man, starting to notice little habits of his - the way he sometimes stared off as if lost in thought, how he kept his face unreadable when in public but relaxed when just around her. He was... interesting.

Haruhi gripped the fabric of the couch even harder, silently willing herself to stay strong and not break down.

"I'm... I'm so sorry, Tamaki... I would hate myself if I stayed with you, holding you back. I'm sorry, but I should go... Goodbye, Tamaki."

She hung up before he could respond, resuming her packing.


Mori's expression gradually changed from a mere smile to a full-out grin. He splashed and laughed without a thought of who would see and what people would think. As a member of the Morinozuka family, he didn't often get the chance to just let loose like this.

Feeling adventurous, he approached Asuka with a mischievous grin, lifting her up and swinging her around, before lowering her to the ground once again.


Tamaki's eyes shone bright with tears - not for show, but for himself.

"No- Please-"

She was gone.

He stared blankly at the phone in his hands, before throwing it angrily across the room. It bounced off the wall in its survival case and fell with a smack onto the floor. Dropping the tumbler, it fell over and expensive vodka ran out over the floor. Tamaki buried his head in his hands, sobs escaping his mouth. He was a mess of a man, broken and depressed. In one day, he'd lost both his fiancee and the woman he had always loved.


That was the first time she had heard him laugh properly.

It was sweet to see someone so serious let loose, and Asuka stopped for a moment to admire him. Suddenly, he was looming over her and she blinked - then, large hands grabbed her around the waist and she was flying through the air! At first she was a little scared, holding on tightly to his arms, but then she could only laugh as she realised he was quite strong enough to hold her. She splashed back into the water a few moments later, finding her feet again beneath the surf.

It was then that she realised how close she'd gotten to Mori. Blinking up at him for a moment, her face close to his chest, she grinned a moment later and splashed deeper into the waves.
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Haruhi's hands were shaking as she finished packing, placing her belongings in the trunk of her father's car. The rest of her belongings would be shipped whenever she got settled down.

It was only when she sat into the car that she began to silently sob, her heart breaking once again.


Mori watched silently as Asuka played around in the waves. There was something different about her. He was a different man around her. It was amazing that they had grown so close in the space of a few days...

Snapping himself back to reality, he followed her deeper into the water, laughing and smiling as he did so.


Asuka reached a point where she could not stand anymore, and so, she dove into the water. Unlike many of her friends, she'd learned to swim at an early age during holidays at this house. She'd often come here with just her father, to give her mother a break from them - Yuki was her father's brother. They'd spent many hours here, in the sand, making sandcastles and paddling in the waves. That had been before... the incident.

She popped up a bit farther out, treading water. Asuka raised an arm to wave to Mori, just a few metres away. The water beneath her was quite strong, the current pulling at her. She frowned a little, then gasped as it pulled her out a couple more metres. Riptide.

Her uncle had always told her to tread water until the tide was finished, but she panicked, trying to swim against it - it was futile, and the shore only grew farther away. "Riptide!" she cried to Mori, trying to warn him. She wasn't strong enough to fight the current, and she didn't know if he could.
A few months passed, and Tamaki rebuilt his life. He stayed within Japan, taking on his first real job in the business world, but in another city. His father naturally gave him a leg-up, as did his excellent degree. He threw himself into work, working night and day just to think about something other than her. It was too painful to bear. Still, many nights later, he would wake up in the night with tears on his cheeks and her name upon his lips. Alcohol became a crutch. He drank. And drank.

Eventually, he started dating again - but it never lasted for long. It was more like being a Host again. He would go out on a date with a girl, and flatter her and talk to her. Usually they were dumbstruck by his high ranking and looks. He would slip into the persona of a prince again, and he would feel alright again. But sometimes they would want to take him back to their place, or for him to take them back to his, and he just... couldn't.

It was after work, in the evening. Tamaki headed into the nearby shop for some supplies - Haruhi had long ago introduced him to the fact that commoners' food was quite edible. And there was a terrible little pang in his heart as he spotted the fancy tuna. He gulped back the lump in his throat, just trying to find himself dinner.

((I wasn't sure if you were waiting for me to skip sooo

@animeloulou ))

6 Months Later

Haruhi smiled slightly at the voice on the other end of the line, nodding slightly at no one in particular.

"Thank you for calling. It will be fixed in approximately 3 working days. Thank you. Goodbye."

With the light click of the phone call ending, she rested her headset on top of the computer keyboard. Grabbing her jacket, she made her way out of the call center and towards the local grocery store. She was a regular there, so the employees didn't take extra precautions just because she was blind.

Moving to Kyoto wasn't an easy decision for Haruhi, but she had eventually settled back into daily life, adjusting her job and living areas for her newly-found handicap.


Mori watched as Asuka dove into the water for a few moments, resurfacing a bit further away from him. He waved back at her with a smile, before lowering it slowly.

It seemed as if she was trying to tell him something, but his attention was caught by the strong current around his feet.


Without thinking, he dove into the water once again, swimming over to Asuka. It was extremely hard, but thankfully he had practice with riptides from his holidays in Macau with his family.

He wrapped his arm around Asuka's waist before swimming back toward the shore. Once there, he laid her down on the sand, his expression a mixture of worry and concern.

"A-Are you okay?"


Tamaki heard the sound of the doors opening and closing behind him, and someone greeted the newcomer to the shop. He wasn't really a regular here, but he popped in occasionally when too lazy to go to the fancier shop that was further away. His fingers traced the top of the fancy tuna, smiling sadly. She would have gone straight for that...


Asuka bobbed beneath the waves, choking and splattering on sea water. It was scary; she was in panic mode, water in her mouth and lungs. Was this what drowning felt like?

Something strong grabbed her around the waist, and she clung to it for dear life. It was Mori, and from fright, she buried her face in her shoulder - quite past the point of caring. There was the feel of sand beneath her and she turned over, coughing out the salt water. For a moment, she paused, before coughing again. Tears were in her eyes, both from fright and all the coughing.

Finally able to breathe, she found she was shaking. Too weak at the moment to pull herself up, she put her head down and rested her cheek on the sand. "Y-yeah," she wheezed.

Haruhi nodded with a smile in the general direction of the shopkeeper's voice. Grabbing a shopping basket from beside the entrance, she counted the 64 steps to the aisle that held the fancy tuna.

It had been a tiring day, so she needed something to cheer her up. Smiling sadly, she grabbed a packet off the shelf.


Mori ran his fingers through his hair, an overwhelming sense of relief washing over him. She scrambled over to their bags, he grabbed one of the towels. Sitting Asuka up, he wrapped the towel around her shoulders, taking her cheeks in his hands.

"D-Don't you dare do that again, okay? You really scared me there..!"

Someone was walking toward him. Tamaki shifted, taking a step to the side so that they could browse the food as well. They took a packet off the refrigerated shelf; the silhouette looked so familiar...

His breath caught in his throat, a small involuntary cry escaping him as he saw who it was. Haruhi. He froze there, staring at her as she moved, clumsy hands and the movement of lips counting her steps. He moved out of her way silently, staring as if he'd seen a ghost. Was it her, those beautiful brown eyes all clouded up? Those eyes, which had lead to him making her a host? Tamaki could feel his face heating, his eyes starting to fill with tears. Her words had been true.



Asuka shivered with fright as he helped her to sit up. Familiar rough fabric was brought around her shoulders, and she coughed pathetically again. Then, she was staring straight into black eyes, his large hands cupping her cheeks.

"I'm sorry," she found herself apologising softly, voice shaking. "I was- I was really scared." She sniffled. Salt was burning her nose. "Th-thank you."

Asuka took a deep breath, then another, appreciating being able to breath properly. She brought her hands up to gently rest them upon his around her face, like a smaller pattern on top of a larger one. They still trembled, but he was warm and strong and steady.
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That voice...

She spun around as if she was electrocuted, dropping the packet of fancy tuna on the ground with a loud 'thump'. She stepped unsteadily away, shaking her head quickly.

"I-It can't be..!"


Mori's eyes widened ever so slightly as Asuka placed her shaking hands on top of his. His breath slowed slightly as he began to relax.

Then he glanced down at her lips for a moment, before gazing back up to her eyes.

"Feeling better?"


Tamaki had seen a woman react like that before. It had been in a club, and a man had come staggering up to her. An abusive ex. She'd dropped her glass, her eyes widened, and then her friends quickly helped her get out of that place. There was a similar look in Haruhi's eyes. Shock and reluctance and fright... Did he now frighten women?

He reached forward, gently took one of her hands - just lightly, barely touching her, so that she knew he was there. "It's me," he murmured, searching her face for any indication of what she was thinking. Oh, his Haruhi...


Asuka nodded mutely, aware of how his eyes dipped down and what that might mean. Her fingers curled a little tighter around his hand, as if hanging on to something still after being tossed about in those waves. Inside, it still felt as if she was being thrown around. Her breathing had calmed as well, and she offered him a shaky smile.

"Y-yeah. I forgot everything my uncle told me about riptides," she admitted, voice low and quiet. She was a little ashamed of having panicked.

"Lucky you were there." Asuka knew what could have happened if he hadn't been. Her uncle was up at the house, completely oblivious to what was going on down here.

Haruhi recoiled from his touch, taking another step backward. All the feelings from the last time they had spoke had come flooding back. This was exactly why she had wanted to leave...

So he wouldn't see her like this...


Mori smiled gently as he removed his hands slowly to push a stray strand of hair away from Asuka's face.

"You know, it's okay to panic. We can't always be strong in life. Just know that if you're ever in trouble and I'm around, I will save you, okay?"

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Tamaki felt intensely hurt as she recoiled, as if he was some leper. He brought his hand close to his chest in a fist, just watching her. Was she angry? Disgusted? Scared? Embarrassed? He couldn't tell.

The shop assistants were starting to look a bit worried, one murmuring something to another. He knew what this looked like. The blond took a packet off the shelf, but still didn't look away from her. He didn't want to be taken out by security, but he also didn't want to leave her.


His words were touching, and Asuka blushed a little as she glanced away, slightly embarrassed of her own feelings. "Thank you," she said quietly, gratefully. She'd been saying those two words quite a lot, recently. Now that his hands were gone, she missed the feeling against her cheeks and the stillness of his hands against hers. She shivered; a slight wind had taken up, starting to ruffle the towel around her shoulders.

"I used to hear things, about you boys from the Host Club..." Suddenly feeling shy, she hugged her knees and rested her chin on top of them. "...That you were all so polite and chivalrous. I never really believed it..." Asuka smiled at him slightly guiltily. "I guess I was wrong, since I seem to have a knight."


Haruhi hated herself for being this way around Tamaki, but she couldn't help it. So, she did the thing that first came to her mind. She ran out of the shop, her arms outstretched ever so slightly so that she wouldn't bump into anything.

She slowed to a walk as she began to count the 326 steps to her apartment, still shaking as her mind raced.


Mori smiled warmly as he listened to Asuka kind words. He bowed a little in thanks, sitting up in a better position so that his legs were crossed.

"I was brought up to protect those that I care about, so that won't ever change."

He played with the sand in his hands, watching as it slipped between his fingers.


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