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Oh say can you see...

I woke to Jarvis' voice. "Captain Rogers, Mr. Wade Wilson is in the elevator." I was up and ready in no time, this time bringing my shield with me.
As soon as the doors opened, Wade charged at Steve like a linebacker, tackling him to the floor and sitting on his chest with a cold expression.

"You have five seconds to explain why you hung up on me, or I'm going to feed your kidneys to my neighbor's dog."
"Why are you so..."

Infuriating? Unassuming? Out of Date?

"Adorable..." Wade shook his head, climbing off of him and noticing the shield in Steve's hand. "You were expecting this?"
"Mmm. We were going to. But then, he made us stop," Wade said, eyes glazed over for a second as he referred to himself in the min tipple third persons. "He likes you for some reason."

Wade often talked to...or with himself in this manner. He also often saw things no one else could see. Not that he'd tell anyone...he was already labeled crazy. No need to add to it.
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I slowly nodded, utterly confused. "Did you come here because you were upset that I hung up? Or is there more?"
Wade stared at him once more. Somehow this man rendered him speechless more often than anyone...and he didn't even know it. The shorter man backed away slowly, heading back for the elevator before he got the unfortunately familiar urge to do something stupid. He turned around quickly and went back to Steve, wrapping his arms around the blonde's neck before kissing him right on the mouth.

Wade didn't bother sticking around to see his reaction, making it back into the elevator just as the doors closed and clenching the metal bar behind him hard enough to leave finger dents.
My shield clattered to the ground as I stared at the elevator. Warmth spread through my body and I slowly brought a hand up and touched my lips, which were tingling.
"I am an idiot," Wade said out loud to no one in particular as he bolted from Stark Tower as fast as humanely possible.

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"Stupid." Wade winced as he made the cut on his arm, which strangely didn't heal. His healing factor was slower than ever now, and he sniffed as he made another, just below the first. Everything was wrong, proved by the blood dripping onto his carpet from his wrist.

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Wade stared at his phone, which was vibrating endlessly. Picking it up would be suicide, probably Steve telling him how much he hated him...maybe he'd set the Avengers on Wade's a**. Regardless, he answered the call, but said nothing.

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"I was just...I don't know," Wade answered. Again with this truth telling thing. "What's it to ya?"
"I just, uhh, was just...um...I-I need to go." I quickly hung up and threw the phone across the room as if it had burned me. I winced as it shattered against the wall.
Thats it. I'm done.

Wade growled and stood up, tearing off his shirt and heading for his suit. There had been a drug cartel for months in the city,operating right under the police's nose. What better excuse was there to go on a killing spree?

Now dressed in his suit, he donned his swords, and slipped his guns into their holsters, heading for thirty-forth street with a bloodlust to rival a feral's. He didn't even bother being discreet, just kicked open the flimsy door to the warehouse and put twelve bullets into the first man that crossed his path, paying no attention to his own growing wounds.
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I decided it was the best time to go for a jog and follow it up with a heavy workout. I dressed in a shirt similar to the one I'd worn yesterday and put on some sweatpants. "Jarvis, tell Tony I'm going to the gym," I said, pulling on my tennis shoes. "Yes, Captain Rogers," replied the computer.
The dealers were no match for the whirling blades of the twin katanas. They spun through flash and bone as the red and black clad man moved forward with a fierce determination, sending several of them running for cover as he littered the floor with bodies.
"Oooo, the fuzz," Wade quipped, hearing the loud sound of sirens. He looked at the drugs that they'd been storing and pulled out a vial, looking at it curiously, ignoring the sounds of police cars surrounding the building and one of them shouting for him to come out with his hands up. He found a syringe, and smiled, injecting himself with the yellowish liquid, growing more and more lightheaded every second.
About halfway through my run, I saw dozens of police cars drive past the park, and I grew increasingly worried. A fire? A bomb? A robbery? I pulled out the phone Tony had given me and dialed his number. "Tony, I just saw a dozen cops drive by. I'm in Central Park. Get your suit on and bring my suit and shield, and get down here."

"Aye, aye, Captain," he replied before hanging up.

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