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Oh say can you see...

Wade would have kissed him again if it wasn't for the sound of Tony drawing closer to the lab - announcing the arrival of food.

"More where that came from, Spangles," he whispered into Steve's ear, before moving away and trying not to look like he'd just finished watching porn.
"So...I'm guessing you're gonna want to talk about...what just happened. Might as well do it now, before wipeout comes on," Wade said with a slight smile, looking around.
Wade went over and sat beside him, crossing his legs on the comforter. "Alright. I don't know...exactly what we are right now. I mean, we only met two days ago, and well...you're a hero and I'm a contract killer. Not that I want to change that," he added, looking at Steve and daring him to argue.
"I...really like you. I do," Wade said slowly, albeit a little embarrassed for saying it out loud. He leaned forward, kissing the hero on the cheek softly. "But. It's up to you...After all, I'm the one who initiated all of this."
"I…I'm not sure how I feel," I said, trying not to sound like a confused boy. "It feels strange…but nice at the same time. It's confusing," I said, glancing at Wade.

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