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  • home (filler tab)

dove cameron


Katarina loved the sea. The salty headrush she got from those particularly windy days was unmatched. She deeply inhaled through her nose, immediately relaxing, her heart pumping to the same beat of the waves crashing into the side of her one true love: Bloodlust. Not the feeling, no, but her ship. As far as Kat was concerned, they were one being. Her eyes snapped open at the sound of clashing sabers. She drew her own cutlass and blocked an incoming blow and duly returned the favor with a quick run of her blade against her attacker's neck. She kicked back the dead man, before steering her ship away from a jagged rockface. Huh. They must be closer to Isla Rosario than she thought.
"Prepare to board!"
She called out to her men, who had cut through their victim's ranks. The bosun repeated her orders, then took over the steering as she swung over to the other ship.
"Find any stragglers and tie them up. Do not kill them, bring them to me!"
She ordered to a group of men.

Kat started searching the ship for any valuables, grabbing a few things here and there. She was less than thrilled by the obvious lack of valuables on the ship, so when her men came to her saying how one of the stragglers escaped (a doctor, they said), she just barely restrained herself from throwing one of them overboard.
"Do I have to do everything myself?"
She huffed out,
"If I find this Doctor, you two will be hung from your toes in the galley. And because I'm fair, if you find him, I won't."
She gave them a threatening smirk.
"Best get going, boys."
They scrambled off, frantically searching. She begun to lazily descend and find the ship's stores, hoping for food, or if they're lucky, rum. Katarina wasn't that cruel as to punish them, but she did love seeing fear glaze across the eyes of men.

"Cap'n! The stragglers have been tied up on the main deck!."
A heavyset man said, catching his breath.
"Brilliant! Have Rodriguez and Jeffries found the Doctor?"

"Not yet, Cap'n."
Katarina rolled her eyes, but silently followed the man to the line of captives. She searched all of their faces, looking for what, the heavyset man was unsure of. It seemed that if she was displeased with them, she simply shot the men in the head. A quick death, painless. She did this methodically, going through each of the 6 captives in front of her, not being hasty in her decision. Behind her finally, was the rushed set of steps, indicating that they had found the Doctor. Kat smiled, not turning to face the man quite yet.

"Doc here says he wants to speak with ya, Cap'n."

"Speak with me?"
She asks, pausing before chuckling.
"Jeffries, do you think I should allow this man to speak to me?"
She turns towards them.

"Well, Captain, my gangrene has been acting up a lot, maybe a doctor would be a good investment?"
Before Kat can even indulge this idea, she's cut off by the Doctor.

Katarina should expect by now that pirating does not bring monotonous days. Ever. She knows that in the next week she could be hanging for her crimes, but she still found it surprising when she commandeered a ship and, rather than killing everyone as per usual, took a captive. Much less did she expect to find a man who had known her from her previous life. A friend, she would have called him. Her betrothed, was what society called him. She hadn't even noticed until he said it:
"Kat? Is that you?"
That made her pause.

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘
Waves crashed against the old rotten wood. The dim light flickering off the candle was barely enough to illuminate half a page, yet he felt the urgency to write this last letter. The cannon fire outside only added to the urgency, a scribbling hand upon half damp parchment. Boats like this one made for a very poor writing station he’d decided. Signing with Once and always yours, Silas he quickly folded the paper up and stuffed it into his shirtwaist. Buttoning his trousers and flattening it against his body. A last letter to her.

A clatter above him, the struggle was closing in. It wouldn’t be long now, they would find him down below. The ship creaked as a wave crested with great strength. The boat teetered and down went Silas to the floor.

In what felt to him as seconds, the door was flung open and he was peeled off the floor and shoved through the door. How did it come to this?

Three Weeks Earlier…

β€œPlease! Think this through more clearly!” Her shrill voice echoed a worry he knew all too well. Her hands, smooth and dainty from years of needlepoint and demanding others to work for her, wrung themselves from her nerves. β€œI shan’t find any reason for such a voyage! The seas are uncharted, unguarded, dangerous!”

Silas ignored her pleas as he added the finishing touches to the last suitcase.He turned, finally facing his mother. Her eyebrows taut in incredible worry. He walked to her and took those hands which struggled to find release from her anxiety. Delicately he kissed her knuckles. β€œMother, you worry too much. This is good, for us, for you. I cannot waste the opportunity I have to seek The New World. Its opportunity calls to me and I cannot ignore.”

Another of his sly smiles and she was pulling her hands from his. β€œSilas Alexander. If you let anything happen, you’ll send your poor mother to an early grave.” Her words were poison but her tone gave permission. Her blessing of his voyage.

The promise was to write to her and his father once a week. Once a week a letter to be sent, to assure his poor mother’s nerves and his poor father’s ear.

Silas was afterall, their only child. He was the sole inheritor of his father’s fortune and, to their hope, the next chairholder of his father’s place in parliament. They could hardly handle his choice to pursue medicine; when Captain Monroe offered him a journey to the new world free of charge (with minor stipulation to look after the crew) he happily agreed.

Tearful goodbyes at the dock, and suddenly it was really happening…

The boat ride should have been perfect, the summer seas were known to be fair, voyages almost always ended well; why assume this would be any different?

Hands rasped at the door. The old wooden chair he’d hoisted up to hold the pirates back was soon to falter as the last words to his mother he thought he’d write were hastily scribbled. Once the parchment was folded and stuffed down his shirt, the chair and the door both gave way.

Knocked off her feet, Silas stood no chance at fighting. It was talk his way to safety, or die at the hands of a rusted, dirty cutlass. Pirates. He grimaced. Looming figures quickly approached in the darkness as Silas scrambled for an escape, a loophole, a way out. Once a bruised and gigantic hand hoisted him off the floor by his shirt, he shouted, β€œparley!” The word echoed into darkness. The pirates said nothing, but the grip upon his shirt changed. Grabbed at the nape of his neck like a scolded pup, Silas was brought to his feet then shoved through the once barricaded door.

The light upon deck was blinding, even if it was fading behind the horizon now. Shoved forward, Silas caught a nail, his knees scuffing against the deck. Each arm was taken into a tight grip as his teeth clenched. What on earth was he going to say to these people? Surely they would kill him without hesitation, even if he were a doctor.

Once his gaze broke from the floor, deep brown eyes searched each face before him. The crew tied to the mast, Captain Monroe beaten until barely breathing. He scanned each face, until his eyes stopped upon a woman. A female captain was enough of a sight to behold, but… As Silas was pulled to his feet, he got a better look at her. Against all his better judgements and perfect sanity, β€œKatarina.” Her name rolled off the tongue like butter. His face read pure astonishment as his eyes met hers.

β€œKat. It is you. I never thought.. But you…” Words were lost to him, his jaw could move but the sounds could not find escape. For his impropriety of addressing the Captain as such, a hard elbow to his back. Silas collapsed back to one knee, sputtering a cough as his air was knocked free.

β€œYou will address her as Captain.”

His gaze found hers again for only another moment, before obediently his head lowered. Katarina. It was truly her, it had to have been. He would never mistake such a face. Piracy was a surprise, though it wasn’t above his dear Kat, not to him at least. Perhaps she would spare his life, he would be saved.

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