[Official] Transformers: Battle for Earth RPG

Kanjo facepalmed as Grimlock ran towards the Autobot who taunted him. Apparently Grimlock forgot that he jumped on top of him (see my previous post, which seemed to be ignored.). He seemed to be safe from the blasts of fire, so he took this time to think of a plan. Taunting the beast wasn't a very good idea, unless your plan was to be burned, snapped in half, and crushed into a million pieces.
(Sorry, but he does have a short attention span and soon as he is taunted he will ignore whoever was fighting him even if they are hurting and go straight forever called him a bad name. He's simple like that)
Autoclock continued to follow Gyrospark. He also continued to talk to himself.

"are we there yet?"


"this is boring"

"too bad"

"do you wanna play battle ship?"

"I cant play while driving"

"oh. How about I-spy?"

"ok. You start"


"it's a tree"

Huntress banged her fists against the shut bay door, before looking through the cargo to see if there was anything she could use to blow it open. "I don't normally ask for help," she said through the Decepticon com channel, "But I'm not equipped with the right weaponry to blast my way out of here."// Siren stood near Teletran 1 in battle stance; sweeping her gun hands across the room. "I'm ready for you cons, just try something...." she though.
"...someone get the ID of that wall that just fell on me..." Haywire said weakly and he got up from the ARK cargo bay, near where Huntress was. He soon perked up as he heard her talking. "All I heard was weaponry and blast." He said as he equipped his rocket launcher. "So, what do you need explodedized?"
"About time you woke up," Huntress said as she inspected her claws, "The cargo bay doors are blocking our way out, and once we're out...we can fight some Autobots," she added with a coy grin.
“Kanjo is that you on top of the beast?” Thundershock asked as he looked upon the large dinobot.

Pounding his fists together, he put away his weapons and charged at the dinobot. He wasn’t the fastest, but he was a heavy hitter.
Grimlock went flying back from Thundershock attack but his heavy metal skin and sheer size should also send the Autobot Thundershock back not to mention the one of his back, Kanjo would also go flying off as Grimlock went back before rolling back into a standing stance.

"Bad Green Bot, Grimlock burn you!"

He opened his mouth and blasted his Fire Breath towards Thundershock in retaliation for his attack towards him.
Kanjo jumped off of Grimlock right before he was knocked back. He landed behind Thundershock and said, "Before you taunted it, that beast was also going after he Decepticons." Kanjo ignited his energon katana and walked to the sidelines. // Haywire walked to the bay door and stuck a detonation pack on it. He walked to some cargo that would act as a bunker as he held the detonater. He then put away his detonator, aimed his rocket launcher at the det-pack, and fired, resulting in a bigger explosion.
Huntress turned into her robot panther form and ran out of the cargo bay, before noticing a big enough hole to escape through to the outside. Once outside she noticed the battle between Grimlock and the other Autobots. She turned back into robot mode. "Hello boys, did you miss me?" she asked with a smirk, as she extended her fingers into claws.// The explosion in the Ark caught Siren off guard. "What was that?" she asked herself. "Something exploded in the Ark," she said over the Autobot com channel.
Instead of going outside and joining the fight, Haywire ran through the Ark looking for something to detonate. "So, anyone I should blow up?" He said over the Decepticon com, "Should I blow up Optimist Prime?" He knew that he couldn't, but he just wanted a reaction.
(I'll give playing Optimus Prime a try if that is ok, won't make it a big part, will do it like your doing Megatron if everyone is ok with it)

Grimlock shook his head as it sparked in pain, he got up as he spun around still dizzy as he could barely stand straight with his tail and left leg spinning as he twirled on his right leg completely off balance. He managed to see a Panther like Robot as he focused on it and launched his Fire Breath which completely missed thanks to his dizzyness but might still get her attention.
(@PyroWarriorZ: Sure)

"So...you want to play rough do ya?" Huntress asked Grimlock. "I can shoot fire too," she added, as she aimed her flame thrower at Grimlock; however she had noticed he was fighting the other Autobots, so she fired her flamethrower toward Kanjo and Thundershock.// "No you cannot," Megatron replied to Haywire. "Only I can."
Grimlock looked absolutely shocked as Huntress fired at the two bots that were attacking him, he truly couldn't believe it.

"Cat-bot.... help Grimlock..."

He said so shocked he couldn't move.


Optimus Prime's snapped open as he got up, everything had happened so fast. The ark had crashed, all his crew members, the ship, the damage and Decepticons. All these thoughts raced through his mind like an over run computer. He clenched his fists, he was the leader of the Autobots and had to be there for his team and he couldn't let them down.

He quickly looked to the Teletraan screen noticing the multiple intruder alerts as he noticed the closest one. He was too close to it... With that he headed off.

It was too long before Revenant saw a huge metal door suddenly kicked down as it smashed into the wall with tremendous force as he started firing his Pulse Rifle directly at Revenant to drive him back.

"All Autobots! Report!"

He yelled through the comms system to all the Autobots.
"Decepticons, and a dinobot, is attacking the Ark." Kanjo said as he dodged the blast of fire, "We are attempting to hold them back with little success." // "Every party needs a pooper that's why they invited you. Party pooooooper!" Haywire sung to himself as he placed a det-pack on a door. He equipped his rocket launcher and detonated the det-pack with the detonater this time. He then peeked into the hole and fired a rocket into the room.
Revenant saw the door get kicked down. Then,he saw Optimus. He's active...This isn't ideal... Then came the hail of gunfire. Optimus was saturating the entire hallway. Their sensors are actually working...I have to abort! Revenant fell back. He was too far away for his fusion blaster to be effective,and the bombs would more than likely be shot down if he threw them. He moved quickly,and most importantly,randomly. The Autobots had dozens of signatures that was reading as him,but the system was far from perfect. Rounding a corner,one of the rounds clipped his shoulder. "Clipped" wouldn't be accurate,actually. The round penetrated,and went straight through. Thankfully,it didn't go through anything too important. Our of Optimus' line of fire,Revenant broke radio silence. "Optimus Prime is active! All Decepticons near or aboard the Ark,evacuate to the Nemesis! We have all the intel we need." Sprinting out of the ship,he nearly forgot about the demolished boarding ramp. Making a sloppy jump last minute,he landed,and observed the scene before him; pure chaos. Taking advantage of this,he transformed and sped away,back to the Nemesis,disengaging his camouflage and sensor scrambler,diverting their power to his engine.
"Aww... but I wanted to blow more things up..." Haywire said. After a few seconds, he reluctantly transformed into jet mode and flew out of a hole he had made. "Can I at least take a shot at Optimist?" He said.
"No!" Megatron said to Haywire, "For now do as Revenant says." "If anyone shoots Optimus, it will be me!"// Huntress herd Revenant's retreat order. She smirked coyly in Grimlock's direction. "See ya around big boy," she said, before transforming into her robot panther mode, and running off.// "Optimus, thank the Matrix your alright," Siren said over the Autobot comm channel. "A confused Autobot that calls himself a Dinobot has been fighting us and the Decepticons, maybe you could reason with him."
Nightshade took slow steps down the abandoned road, suddenly coming to a stop.

"Optimus.. Is active." She said slowly, staring up at the sky and blinking her glowing orange eyes. Two sharp orange blades shot out of the side of her arms as she broke into a run. As she ran, she transformed back into a vehicle. She sped down the road, speeding up to about 230 MPH. She was trying to locate Optimus Prime on her radar, and she was getting nearer. Soon enough, she skidded to a halt, the tires creating a loud screeching sound. She transformed and stood next to Optimus.

"Do you need help, Optimus?" She asked, turning her head towards him.
Thundefshock was knocked back by hit encounter with the large dinobot. His grace was not too great as he just slid on his back until he was next to Kanjo. Forcing himself up to his feet, he barely was able to dodge the incoming flame attack.

"Stupid decepticon witch!" Thundershock yelled out as he aimed his sniper rifles at her.

Just as he aimed towards the ark and at her, she was gone. Putiing his guns away he turned and looked at Grimlock.

"Hey, why is it you keep atacking everything! Do you really think she was helping you?" Thundershock yelled out bot reall worried about the large beast.
Optimus looked on as Revenant took off leaving only smoke behind as he did not follow, nor try to stop him. He would prefer the Decepticons take off. There was no need for more senseless violence or death. He nodded as he was glad to hear Siren's voice.

"I will be right there."

He was about to head out when Nightshade appeared before him with a screech and he looked at her.

"I am fin...."

Optimus suddenly collapsed onto his knee and right arm cringing in pain as his body slightly shook.


"Green Bot attack me, Cat Bot attack you. You attack Grimlock, you bad so I attack you!"

He said as he scratched his right claws into the ground below him almost as if indicating he was ready to attack again at any second.

"You attack Grimlock, you Grimlock's enemy!"
(Pyro,you have to realize that Optimus can't "see" Revenant. He has optical camouflage,which he keeps active as much as possible for the sake of tactical pragmatism. Furthermore,he has a system designed to scramble sensors,creating upwards of three dozen dummy signals alongside his own.)

Revenant arrived at the Nemesis without any further incident. The hole in his shoulder plate,however,was sparking every now and then,and leaking fluid. He may be nearly impossible to detect,but his armour wasn't designed for combat. In fact,it was bare minimum. He had a feeling that the carbon based life forms that were native to this world would have no problem penetrating his armoured plates with nothing more than a sharpened metal pole. Boarding the Nemesis,and cringing internally as he done so,since the hatches weren't battened down,Nemesis spoke into the ship's intercom. "Megatron,this is Revenant. I've returned. If the intercom is working,meet me at the War Room. I need to debrief you." Not bothering to repair such a minor injury,Revenant proceeded to the War Room without delay.

Entering the War Room,Revenant removed a cable from his wrist,and plugged it into the map interface. The computer construicted a three-dimensional map of the terrain surrounding the path he had taking to and from the Ark. Mountains,foothills,and fissures. A navigational nightmare,unless you could fly. The Ark was approximately twenty kilometers away. Not much of a distance at all. Maybe that traitorous slagbot will be useful in this war,after all...
Megatron walked into the War Room and noticed Revenant's wound, but didn't care. "What information do you want to tell me?" he asked crossing his arms. Using her cat like agility and grace, Huntress slipped into the War Room, "Mind if I listen in?" she asked coyly, as she looked like an earth girl checking her nails. Megatron looked a bit annoyed, but was more concerned with Revenant's information.// Siren had walked over to Optimus and saw him in pain; she began to look for medical equipment and hoped that if she found any, they would be intact. "Does anyone have medical training?" she asked over the Autobot comm while trying to stay calm, "Optimus needs some medical attention."
Revenant nodded,and as Huntress entered,he shrugged. "This information will be passed along to everyone,so having one less soldier to inform later is better." Saving the map information,Revenant removed the cable and reinserted it into his wrist. "As you can see,I've mapped one land route to the Ark. But that much was obvious. Feel free to pursue the map at your leisure,at any time. It's saved to the mainframe." Revenant moved to the main terminal. "What you're more interested in is the enemy forces. Unless our crash landing reformatted you,Megatron." Letting the snide comment hang in the air,Revenant accessed the dossiers they had available on Autobot forces. "Sadly,I encountered few Autobots,but the ones that I did encounter are significant threats,for the most part. First,and most obvious,is Optimus Prime. Preffered alternate form is a heavy,non combat vehicle." An image of Optimus became visible on the screen. "Second was their tank bot. Let's see here..." Sifting through several windows and folders,he finally called up the correct one. "Forgive me,but I do tend to ignore petty things such as the names of enemy grunts. They're unimportant,and will scatter when Optimus dies. Anyways,their tank bot is Thundershock. Armed to the teeth with weapons to cover any range and theatre. And very heavily armoured. He isn't fast,but he is a legitimate threat." Moving on to more windows,he called up one called "Grimlock". "Next up is Grimlock. Slag-for-brains couldn't say much else. Dinobot,and brings considerable strength to the engagement. However,I noticed on my way out that he was...Confused. He seems to forget who his allies are,regardless of the insignias that decorate his body. We could use him in the future." Again,minimizing the dossier file,he began to sift through more,until he called up another. "Kanjo? What sort of name is that...? Pah. Kanjo. Small,fast,lightly armoured. Wields a sword and a very large gun,quite possibly a Path Blaster. Appearance suggests a fast,if not very agile,two-wheeled alternative form. Probably their scout,or flanker. On his own,not much of a threat,so long as he's snuffed out quickly." Turning to face Megatron and Huntress,Revenant said, "That's the first item out of the way. Any questions before I proceed?"
"I care little for the Autobot grunts," Megatron replied to Revenant's comment, "Their sparks will all be extinguished in due time, however...Grimlock's confused state should be exploited." "I have a question," Huntress said to Revenant, "How would we get Grimlock on our side? He only trusts those that don't attack him, at the moment he might only trust me. Optimus is good at rallying troops; however...," she paused, "Grimlock isn't the brightest and words probably won't sway him."

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