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Of Scythe And Soul (closed)


What's wrong with a villian?
Everyone knows that behind the scenes demons and angels wage war. But people tend to over look the other war going on amidst it.

The Grim Reapers, a race neither demonic or angelic. A race caught in between the two with two goals to their existence. Ferry the souls of the departed to the Golden gates of heaven or to the blacked twisted thorned gates of the inferno.

Their other goal is to protect the humans from getting caught up in the war of the almighty beings and in doing so have made things tense with both sides.

Unfortunately their acts of goodwill became blemished. Even reapers could fall from their own society. Keeping souls for themselves some reapers began to amass great amounts of power. This in turn led to their bodies becoming corrupted, their minds twisted, and ultimately falling.

These fallen reapers where named the Advent. Banished to the inferno they preyed on everything including each other. Demons, Angels, humans, grim reapers and even their own kind.

While banished, the Advent have figured out they can escape only when the gates are open as a spell placed by the reapers keeps them otherwise contained. Though if one is born an Advent the spell does not apply.

This is a story of how an Grim Reaper and an Advent managed to put their differences aside.
The rain fell in droves as he ran through the alley ways constantly looking over his shoulder. 'Can't believe he got the jump on me' He cursed inwardly as he caught his right shoulder on the corner of a wrought iron fence reopening the wound that had just started to clot.

Even with the cold rain he could feel the warm blood running down his skin giving him a mixed sensation. Fear drove him forwards. Fear of what was behind him.

Or now in front of him. A blade came at him stomach level from around the corner causing him to jump back to keep it from being a mortal cut though now he was bleeding from both his arm and now his stomach.

Tripping over a step he fell backwards to the ground as his assailant came around the corner of the building.

His clothes were in shreds as they hung to his almost skeletal frame though his right leg was different. It was black with glowing lines of yellow running though it like veins matching the curved sword he held in his hand that dripped with blood. The man's face bore an almost insane smile and the way he had his head tilted didn't help it at all. All signs of an Advent that had once been a Grim Reaper.

"That was such a fun game of tag. Let's play again" The man's voice had a creepy laugh as he talked. "Come now did you really think you would escape me...although" He ran two fingers along the cut on his left cheek that went completely through to the inside of his mouth. "I will say you got me pretty good there in the beginning"

Keeping a hand on his stomach the younger man tried to back up but had no where to go as the other approached raising his weapon.

"Don't worry, I am sure you will taste wonder....." The man looked up towards the tops of the buildings.

The younger one sensed it too. Someone was approaching and fast. He recognized the feeling.....a Grim Reaper. Quickly he drew upon the last little bit of power he had left and disguised his soul to that of a human.....hiding what he actually was.

"I see the mailman is working late this time of night" The crazed Advent yelled.

Rya walked into view. Her head down as she was covered completely in a cloak. She stared at the man observing him carefully before summoning her weapon. @Sazabi
The new player was a red haired girl with bright eyes that seemed to glow even on this stormy day. She wore a Gothic Victorian style of dress but in all defiantly a grim reaper as she eyed up the psychotic Advent. She cast a glance back to Raze.

"You okay?"

Raze waved his hand. "Watch out"

@DarkGoddess1621 fight is all yours to handle. so have fun
Rya smirked as she jumped back dodging the Advent's attack. She clashed swords with him waving her blade in figure eights multiple times before spin kicking him in the face. The Advent staggered back glaring at her as he got angry. Rya cracked a smile. This time, she made sure to make eye contact. For a brief moment, she could see uncertainty in his opponent’s eyes. He felt grateful for the advantage.

The man charged at her with his blade upheld, going to his foreswing and following it with a backswing. Rya dodged the first and met the second with her bladeswing. The weight of the thing sent the Advent's blade back, but not far enough to knock the blade free of his hands.

Striking. This arcing shot sliced the fabric of Rya’s top below her bust. It missed the flesh behind it by perhaps a centimeter. Her man staggered. Rya swung her swords but missed, though not close enough to eat fabric. The Advent managed another smirk, this time at the spryness of his dodge. Rya had to admit it was impressive, but this time, the sight only made her angrier.

Rya swung at him three times, the first two missed badly, but the third, a backswing off the one before it, found flesh. Her blade ate through his as easily as air. The Advent dropped to a knee, tried to stand but had failed as Rya swung once more decapitating him killing him.

She looked at Raze before making her swords vanish and approaching him. "Are you alright?" @Sazabi enjoyed the fight?
Raze stood up slowly. "Yes I will be fine thank you" He stumbled but caught his balance on a railing as she helped steady him

"I will be fine I swear just gonna get to the hospital" With that his savior nodded the disappeared into the night. He waited till her presence was gone completely before walking over to the fallen Advent. He unwrapped his left hand, a red glow emanating from his fingers and the red veins that spiderwebbed throughout his black metal looking hand.

Slowly he pressed his hand on the Advent's body. Thankfully his grim reaper savior didn't remove his soul though there wasn't much left after the damage she did. Red lines spread through the dead Advent's body then disappeared as he claimed the soul as his, slowly his wounds began to close.

"Well whoever you are if we ever live long enough to meet again. I will return the favor" He muttered softly noticing a small price of black fabric with three small skulls on it that had fallen off the Reaper girl when the Advent sliced her clothes.

*Five years later*

Raze stood calmly watching the five hell hounds circle him. Lesser ranked demons, they posed no real threat alone. But in numbers they could overwhelm almost anything. Had he been younger they might have posed a problem but now....

The wind rustled his stark white hair and the five glowing red fire breathing hounds made a move. One flanked him from each side, as well as one from the rear and two from the front. The cloth covering his right arm exploded as three spear tipped chains flew out, each impaling the hound on his right and the two in back. A fourth one flew from the center of his hand catching the one in front of him straight down the throat leaving only the one on his left.

With a smirked he pulled a custom made revolver he had taken from a angel he had killed years ago, the angelic weapon kicked twice in his hand putting two smoking holes in the demon's face.

It only to a minute to absorb their souls and remove their bodies from existence. Holster the weapon he wrapped his right arm, hiding the reddish black with glowing red spots appendage from view.

With a sigh he reached into his pocket and pulled out a memento from long ago. A small piece of black fabric now faded with time and bearing three small skulls. A token from a Reaper that had saved him over five years ago. "I wonder if your still alive"

Rya walked along the streets with her eyes down trying her best not to make eye contact with anyone she passed by. She checked her watch and sighed as it was almost midnight. She suddenly stopped at a familiar place and examined it carefully.

"I wonder..." She touched the walls remembering what had happened five years ago. "Could that man still be alive..." She sighed before walking away and headed down the streets as she felt something familiar in the air. "Advent..."

She slowly summoned her swords before catching the Advent's attack, but had gotten slightly bruised on the left side of her chest. "Dammit..." @Sazabi
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The sudden flare in power drew his attention away from his own thoughts. "Hmmm. Something seems like it could be tasty" He disguised his presence as he drew closer to where the source of power was coming from and surprisingly enough there was a second one as well.

The second one though seemed vaguely families for some reason. Going from roof top to roof top the trail led him back to a place he hadn't been in years.....the spot where the grim reaper had saved him.

And a quick glance over the edge made things even more ironic. that same grim reaper girl was fighting another advent in the every same location. He debated on what to do thinking he should probably sit and wait.

Grim reapers would kill an Advent on sight so it was probably best to wait and see how she fared against her attacker. If things went sour though he woukd return the favor

Rya kept fighting the Advent, trying her best to kill him. She was failing miserably as she got cut on her right thigh. "Crap!" She barely dodged the attack, before stumbling. The Advent came at her with his weapon trying to kill her before she rolled out of the way, the blade missing her by an inch.

She quickly got up and ran or limped away from him trying to figure out a strategy but didn't get far as he appeared infront her and knocked her down, disarming her in the process. Rya quickly flipped back dodging him again. She ran to one of her swords and grabbed it as she met his blade with hers.

She knew she'd die if she didn't think fast. The Advent laughed as he knew he had her at a disadvantage. "You're a strong one. I'm going to enjoy feasting on your soul."

Rya got angry before pushing him back and kicking his feet throwing him down to the ground. She slowly got up with her sword in hand. "Drop dead bastard." She lift it high before he smirked and kicked her in the stomach and sent her flying straight into the wall.

She cried out as her right arm got dislocated. She held it in pain as the Advent neared her with a twisted smile on his face. "Such a pretty thing. Too bad you're dead." Rya breathed hard as she watched him near her thinking this was her end. @Sazabi
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Yep this went bad and to make matters worse another Grim Reaper was in the vicinity and had probably picked up on the battle as well.

Without another thought he dropped from the building landing right in between the Reaper and the Advent.

"Well well what do we have here, trying to steal my meal I see" The crazed Advent remarked.

Without a word Raze tore off the cloth of his right arm and the chains shot out. criss crossing towards the Advent who immediately went on the defensive.

"He is this the best you...." Blood sprayed from his mouth suddenly. Looking down he saw Race's right hand in his chest. "Bastard" One of the chains tightened around his next as red lines began to cover his body and Raze's arm glowed brightly. After a minute the Advent went limp before turning to ash.


Shit the other reaper had appeared this one being a male and just in time to see her hurt and only Raze standing there.

"Why you..." The Reaper attacked out of anger producing an small hand axe. Catching the axe handle in his right hand Raze pulled the trigger on his pistol three times. He would of liked to let the male Reaper live but unfortunately he had not choice

Rya breathed hard as she pressed against the wall in fear. She looked at his back panting hard, despite the fact she was bleeding now. "Are... you going... to kill me... too?" She tired her best to ignore the pain in her arm as well as the cuts and bruises she had gotten as she stared at him. @Sazabi
Raze's arm glowed red as the Reaper soul joined his. Hmm this one could fly. That would defiantly come in handy but for now he had to hurry. More reapers were defiantly going to come.

He quickly retracted his arm ignoring her question as he looked over the banged and cut up shape his was in. She would defiantly need time to recover and no telling what damage the Advent had done to her soul which would need to mend as well.

Reaching down he went to pick her up but she resisted which surprised him. She had a strong will for sure. "I'm sorry about this" A precise blow to the neck and her eyes rolled backwards as she went unconscious and limp.

Picking her up he wondered if she remembered him. though she thought he had been a human back then and he had stayed out of the light. Floating upwards he landed on the roof and began sprinting west ward.

He had a small apartment on the outskirts of this city but it would be safe at least for a couple days.

She remained unconcious as he carried her. Rya opened her eyes still dazed by the blow he'd given her. "Who... are... you...?" She passed out again, going limp in his arms. @Sazabi
Nope she didn't recognize him but then again the loss of blood might be affecting that. From roof to roof he bounced until landing on a well rundown building. Carefully he managed to get the roof access door open and went down to the seventh floor and opened a the door to a falling apart apartment.

Dust flew into the air as he kicked the door back close and set her on the ragged bed. Rya the other reaper had called her. Quickly he went and brought a shirt and pants for her as he clothes were torn and covered her with a blanket. Unfortunately he didn't have a medical kit in this chipped paint and peeling wallpaper flat so he ripped another shirt into shreds and bandaged what he could but she would have to heal on her own slowly.

the only problem was they couldn't stay here for long as eventually demons and Advent would pick up or scent or angels and reapers would sense her wounded state.

He walked over to the only bookcase in the room and pulled it to the side revealing a wall of weapons, some giving off an angelic aura while others the call of demonic spirit cried out wanting to be fed.
She breathed softly as the pain in her body started to numb. She wasn't sure if she was still alive as the darkness around her wouldn't disappear. She eventually willed her body to move only to find a piercing pain in her arm. Only then did she wake up to find herself in a run down room.

'Where am I?' She thought as she slowly sat up. She looked around the room and it's dilapidated state. She moved to get up to only cry out a bit before gripping her dislocated arm. Only then did she noticed her wounds where bandaged by ripped clothing.

She touched the bandages where her blood was still flowing but not as much as during her fight. Who could've brought her here and why? She pondered on the question before noticing something move out the corner of her eye. She slowly turned to see the Advent who had saved. Eyes widening, she got off the bed to defend herself only to lose balance and fall onto the ground, hurting her dislocated arm, biting back the need to scream out in pain. She looked at him trying to figure out why he'd bring her here. Breathing hard, Rya only thought of one thing. He wanted to kill her when she woke up. @Sazabi
Her cries of pain brought his attention away from making extra rounds for his guns. He tried to get her off the ground but she used one arm to try to keep him away. It was then he noticed her other arm was dislocated.

Catching hold of her wrist he pinned it down on the ground but his knee in her shoulder to keep her there. With two hands and a quick jerk followed by a loud pop he reset the shoulder.

Without a word he picked her back up and placed her on the bed. "Please I am trying to help you. Just stay still and rest for as long as you can. It's not safe here so eventually we will have to move." He spoke sternly as he used a blanket to make a sling for her arm.

She looked at him carefully, trying to assess him. "Why are you helping me?" She looked at his weapons then at him, looking him directly in the eyes. They seemed familiar but she couldn't remember from where. She bite him lip thinking hard as kept a stern expression. "Aren't you an Advent? Why help a Reaper?" @Sazabi
"Repaying a debt from years ago" He said pulling the black strip of cloth from his pocket and holding it out to her.

"You saved my life once and now I am returning the favor. Once your better we will part ways though that last Advent did quite a number on you" He said doing a quick survey of her again.

Feeling a bit self concious, Rya covered herself with the blanket. "I never saved yo..." Before she could finish, she looked at him closely before using her good arm and pulling him closer to her. "You're that human I saved five years ago...."

She pushed him back before jumping off the bed. "You're an Advent?!" She felt dizzy before staggering a bit. "Woah..." she braced herself against the wall, waiting for the dizziness to pass. @Sazabi
"My name is Razetin but Raze will work just fine so you can quit with the Advent this and Advent that as well as remove that tone in your voice" He snarled before grabbing her by the front of her shirt.

"Or I can call my debt already paid if you prefer?" He said slowly unwrapping the cloth around his right hand letting the red glow from it shine through.

Her eyes widen before looking away. She spoke with a much quieter voice. "You're ripping my shirt..." She wanted to cry as she thought of the chances of her dying by his hand.

"You... you didn't have to save a weak Reaper either..." she looked him in the eyes biting her lip. "It wouldn't have mattered to the others..." @Sazabi
"Weak?" Raze scoffed pushing her back onto the bed. "Just because an Advent gets the jump on you doesn't make you weak. More unlucky. Besides he had a fairly strong opponent in his own right"

He noticed something glowing through the side of her shirt on her left side of her stomach. "Lift up your shirt now!" He said a slight tinge of panic in his voice

She glared at him. "Excuse me?!" She stood up this time absolutely angry. "First you threaten to kill me, now you want me to lift up my shirt! You are such a perverted, disgusting....!" She stomped her foot completely outraged at his request. "What kind of man are you?!" @Sazabi
He frowned. "Will you stop your incessvive bitching please?" He grabbed the side of her shirt and lifted it up frowning even more when he saw a small yellow glow from one of her wounds. "Your infected"


"The Advent's blade you fought must have been a part of him as a piece of it is in your wound." He walked into the shabby kitchen and returned with a set of tongs, needle and thread. "I need to remove it before it starts spreading"

Her eyes widen as she backed away. "Oh no... you are not putting that in me. It doesn't even look sanitary." She blinked twice before realizing what she was saying. "What the hell am I saying?" She looked at him before holding the shirt up. "Here." @Sazabi

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