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Fandom Of Gods and Man (Percy Jackson)

I actually got it today. I was too busy watching anime I din't get to start it.
Everyone thinks Magnus looks like Kurt Cobain xD

I never really liked the offical art, I think they should have gotten Viria to do the art for the books tbh maybe even Burgiebug.
Burgiebug! I love Viria too, but I'd fallen in love with Burgie ages ago and so there's a special place in my heart.

Honestly I don't think many people like the official art...
Well I mean so long as Rick has a voice for him? I'm rarely a fan of first person in general but it worked decently well with the first series, so I imagine it'll be doable in this one.

Or do you mean you worry that it'll be chock full of terrible poetry? Because that is a legitimate threat.
well, THAT and (don't kill me) I was never really that big of a fan of Apollo's character in the first place? He always just seemed kinda... childish? Immature? I don't know, don't kill me, I just never took any particular liking to him, or any particular distaste, he was just... There.
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Oh man no I completely get that. No killing from my end. For a god who's been around for thousands of years he very much acts like a twenty-two year old frat boy writing bad limericks. But it's a kid's book, so of course the characters are going to have some childish tendencies - dealing with the notably more adult themes that are inherent not only in greek mythos specifically but in dealing with immortals as a whole is naturally going to have to be toned down a bit if there's a hope of it getting accepted into it's target audience. Especially with a character like Apollo, who has a tendency to fall in love in more of the myths than almost any other god or goddess (and tends to have the worst luck in it - either through rejection (primarily with girls, though it happens with both) or through the death of his beloved at the time (usually with guys though obviously with both)) but dealing with something like that, and the weight of time and affections for mortals, is a bit heavy for younger audiences. And younger audiences are who the books were written for, from the start, so I'm afraid we'll have to sit through Rick's more childish interpretation of Apollo.

Still, even within that it'll probably be decently worth it - we get to see everyone else again, after all! And maybe reading from his POV will allow you to develop more of an attachment to him his a character? Development and fleshing out of his personality will be required for him to carry a series, after all, so he should become more of a three dimensional character rather than the caricature we've had in the past. I mean, I hope anyway.
Honestly the series as a whole has so much promise in a more adult context, but the target audience won't allow for much of that potential to be tapped because, well, kids. It's a young adult novel for a reason and those of us who started reading the series when it first came out have grown up considerably since then - I mean, it's been years, and it's amazing the readership has stuck with it the way we have - but it doesn't change the fact that the new readers Rick is trying to get will be the age we were when we started the series, and so the demographic he's writing for will never be the same one he wrote for when he started the very first series, or even the most recent one, because his readers will age but the target audience for new readership can't. Sigh sigh sigh.

But then again, isn't that we have roleplays like this? So that we can play within the home canon while being able to age it up a bit and interact with the themes and concepts more critically?
I know, I know but I started reading the books in my last year of middle and I was so far beyond the target audience age I think? But, I dunno. It's just me. And on a second note. We age it up. Adult themes.

Yeah. Totes. *looks at Helena* I meeeeean-

Helena: Don't you finish you stupid cat I will tear your head off.

I am a demon composed of fire and magma blood!

Helena: I don't care! It's not my fault you gave me a fucked up life!
Honestly all the OCs I throw into these are super aged down, actually? Except for like... Josh (who isn't in this one because he's too much of an arse) and Deliana (who... actually isn't normally a demigod, I just adjusted her normal self to fit). Because they all come from a separate home canon that I've been playing around with before PJO came out? So they have a... different original set up. So typically my demigods are quasi-immortal (meaning they stop aging at a certain point, and while they can be killed/get sick and die/starve to death/etc., they don't die of old age they freeze at a certain point and unless they're killed...), so normally they're decently older (excepting, like, Wesley who @Angel Evans and @Celebi know pretty well who was born in the last two hundred ish years - he's a babu! Second youngest of my demi kids, ahead only of Yunyos who was born in 1893! V young~). Like legit Vasyl is normally ancient, and Julian in his home canon fought in Trojan War, etc., and Namé was born around 1600, so this is... very young for all of them. Vasyl especially because he acts old (Julian... does not. He acts like a child no matter what century he's in).

So, ah-hah this is VERY aged down for them~

Vasyl: Indeed. You're all children by comparison. And yet, here I am, newly in my twenties. At least it's legitimate, here. Do you know how hard it is to explain being a doctor to someone when you look like you should be barely finishing your undergrad? Hellish, I tell you.

Julian: tch, whiner. At least you still look pretty. And you don't have to run jobs for the 'rents half the time.
Helena: ... It's hardly whining from me, I'm just stating the facts you... *looks at Niwa* ...already know... *gets far off look in eyes*
Niwa: -looks at Helena with a soft look in his eyes- I know Sis, I was just meaning those two over there.
Helena: ...*shakes head and rubs face, apparently snapping back to reality* Yeah, right of course... *looks at Niwa* ... SURPRISE HUGS! *glomps Niwa*

Kitty: *looks at Nico* Ahhhh, so you do remember. Then again how can you forget THAT story?
I faintly remember it, I know she was abused.

Mind if you send it to me again?
Eh, they're grumpy old men, I'm pretty sure they're allowed to complain.

Julian: EY! I'm not grumpy!

Namé: no, just lazy.

Julian: I am not! I'm constantly doing something!

Namé: 'Something' yes, 'work'? Never.

Julian: ...yeah okay that's fair.

Namé: Mmmhmmm. Lazy git.

And Vasyl...

Vasyl: I am, indeed, a 'grumpy old man' but I'm fairly sure I've hung around long enough to get to complain about it.

Deliana: That's pro'lly fair too. I mean've hung around for how many lifetimes?

Vasyl: far too many.
I wanna know too...

Also I wonder if Rick will have Apollo be bisexual like in the myths. It'd be a great representation of the bisexual community because we honestly don't get enough

Ai:So Vasyl,you'd be my daddy if we dated? *Smirks* hmm never dated a daddy..l *thinks about relationship with a Zaddy Vasyl*

Rae:I was always so close to getting Wesley,but then everything would just die out.

@Renn Skye
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Honestly I'm pretty sure most if not all the sexually active gods are pretty pan at this point (ah-hah,the sexuality not the god, of course). I hope that we get that included!

Julian: *busts out laughing at the idea of 'Daddy Vasyl'*

Vasyl: Not in this, I'm not - my mun has aged me back significantly. And I'm... not nearly dominant enough to be daddy nor am I particularly interested in a little. An equal, perhaps, or a dom to some degree, but not a little. If you're looking for that as Kaphus.

Kaphus: *100% not allowed on this site because he's far too adult themed but is DADDY AF*

Niobe: That would be my brother for anyoen wondering about the sexual tendencies thereof. Phanes children - we get around. *could honestly also probably pull off being Daddy af inspite of being a woman if she wanted too. Just that flexible in terms of dominance factor and range*
HelenA: *hears AI talking about having a "Daddy"* ... *eye twitches* .. Niwa you're not allowed to know that man anymore. You are not allowed to talk to him, hang out with him, nothing.
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