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Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

She smiled a little and moved to start eating. “It’s early days still. But we will eventually get to that.” She promised, having lunch with him and letting him leave to go meet with a couple friends for drinks, spending the afternoon relaxing until it was time for her to get ready, expecting Noah would be home on time like she’d insisted but when she got the text to say he wouldn’t be able to make it she could practically hear the snap in hee temper. “Leif! We’re going out anyway! Get Ben to be ready in five minutes!” She yelled through the house, just leaving Noah oh read.

Ivar frowned and shook his head. “Moping. Miserable. It’s painful to watch.” He muttered. “Won’t let me do anything.” He compalined
Noah sighed heavily when he got no text back from Carmen "Welp....she's pissed." He muttered as he ran a gloved hand over his face "Lets just get this done." He said quietly as they pulled up to the house of the guy they needed to take out.

Hvitserk gave a small nod and sighed a bit "She's doing what the doctors told her to. Have you been shitty towards her?" He questioned knowing Max wouldn't be miserable or even moping if all she was doing is taking care of Ivar.
Ubbe chuckled a little. “Isn’t she always? When we were children if she smacked us it was fine but if we so much as touched her she’d go screaming to our father.” He muttered. “And he fell for it every time.”

she’d started drinking the moment they arrived, wanting to Shake off the feeling of betrayal and spent most of it venting to Leif so didn’t think much of it when he started guiding her towards the front door. “Oh… we can’t leave Ben behind.” She slurred a little.

He scoffed and turned away, not about to entertain that question, just wanting his brother gone, wanting all of them gone and to be left alone to carry on as normal. "She keeps getting in the way." He muttered, by that, meaning that he was no longer able to get away with doing things that would only serve to make him worse and shorten his lifespan because every time that he tried she was stopping him.
Noah gave a small chuckle and nodded some "Pray for us if we should ever have a daughter." He joked before they went on with the job. It was another few hours before he made it home, now completely worn out. He frowned a bit when he got there though seeing Carmen hadn't made it home yet. He half expected it with how pissed she probably was but he just hoped she'd be home soon.

Hvitserk frowned a bit and shook his head some "Don't be a shit to her and push her away Ivar. She loves you but I doubt she'll put up with your bullshit for forever after Kalf." He warned before standing up to leave.
Ben looked around nervously. He'd got the ping on his phone that the security gate had been unlocked, checking the camera footage from his app to see it was Noah getting back, finally biting the bullet and stepped back outside again to call him "Noah... I uh... I haven't seen her in about... three hours? No.. her and Leif left, he put her in the back of the car and took off... But it wasn't her car... I've been trying to call him but nothing is going through. Has he not come back yet?"

He glared after him, taking a cup off the nightstand and launching it at his brother "Continue to speak to me in this manner I dare you." He snapped at him, shaking his head, "Get out Hvitserk. Before I call my men to drag you out." He snapped, turning over and trying to ignore the pain radiating down his right side from the effort it had taken just to throw a plastic cup.
Noah was getting his shoes off when he got the call. He stopped what he was doing immediately and rushed out of the house hoping Ubbe was still there "How long?! And you're just thinkimg to fucking call me now?!" He yelled before taking a deep breath "Go find out if the place has surveliance and get me a fucking licence plate number, NOW!" he yelled before hanging up and thankimg his lucly stars Ubbe hadn't taken off just yet.

Max frowned as she saw Hvitserk come down stairs after a commotion "What did you say to piss him off?" She asked quietly as she did the dishes just kind of in her own world. Normally she would have been straight up to see Ivar and paying Hvitserk no mind, but now she was just in the mind set of getting it handled in a few minutes and that Ivar would be fine.
Carmen groaned quietly as she started coming around in a dark room, slowly remembering where she was and what was going on, getting all the way up to when she had felt Leif shove her into the back of a car and seen the strange man in the front seat. She felt fro her phone but figured they had already taken everything important off of her that could help her be found.

He sighed and shook his head “you should come stay with me and amma if you need to.” He told her quietly. “But max if he wants to hurt himself by pushing too much too soon… let him. Don’t put yourself in the way. For your sake not his.@ he told her quietly. “You call me if you need anything. I mean anything.” He told her quietly.
Leif walked in with a smirk on his face when he saw she'd come to in the camera "Morning sunshine, about time you woke up." He muttered while leaning against the wall.

Max took a deep breath and gave a heavy sigh before nodding "I don't.....I don't know how much more I can take of this Hvitserk." She admitted quietly before wiping at her eyes.
She frowned and just glared at him for a minute, spitting in his face when he crouched in front of her. “Fucking asshole.” She snapped. “After everything we have done for you?! You cashed in elsewhere. For what? Certainly not loyalty.” She muttered. “They will know it was you.” She told him frowning, continuing to mouth off until she felt the butt of his gun smash into the side of her head and she knocked out again.

He nodded and hugged her right. “Amma would like for you to come visit whenever you have time. Maybe a break from this house and his anger is what you need.” He suggested, pulling away and heading out of there to leave them to it, hoping that she would take his advice before theyd gone past the point of no return.
Leif walked out of the room and shook his head some "Never knows when to shut the fuck up." He muttered while looking at Aemond who was watching the entire thing "How long you want to wait? She is right, they will know it was me and come looking."

Max hugged him tightly and nodded giving a small smile "Yeah that would be really nice. I'll be sure to give her a call." She said softly before walking him to the door "Thank you again for the breakfast."
he smirked and nodded into the room. “She’s got a lot to go through before I set her free, as for you, once I’ve finished the job you are free to leave. Go where you like. Do what you like.” He told him. “But until then I need you to continue doing the job you’ve done for the last five years.” He told him.

Ubbe pulled up outside of their house around ten in the morning to drop off Noah. “Go. Get some rest. If something comes up I will call you but you have been awake for 29 hours… you are no help to her delirious.” He told him.

Ivar groaned quietly as he was trying to get up again, bored out of his mind but it was still proving much more difficult that he would like, his arms shaking with the effort od keep him upright even whilst still sat down. “Maxine!” He yelled through the house.
Noah ran a hand over his face and nodded some "You let me know the second you hear anything." He said quietly before getting out and making his way inside. He didn't even make it passed the lounge before he fell onto the couch and started to try and get some kind of sleep.

Max got up to him as quickly as she could when he yelled for her. She gave a small sigh as she entered the room to see him half way out of bed "Yes Ivar? Do you need help to the restroom?" She asked gently as she made her way over to him.
Carmen came to again not much longer after with a splitting headache now, trying to sit up until she felt someone grab a fistful of her hair and yank her head back, pouring water all down her face before she heard Aemonds voice and her heart sank. “You creep!” She yelled “because you won’t hear no?!” She questioned him, trying to see him but the way they’d lit the room made it so that all the light was in her face and she could only see a shadow walking around the edge. Not even that mattreed soon enough when the blindfold was put on and she could hear him command someone to continue, feeling hee head pulled back again and more water over her face.

Ivar frowned and shook his head. “I want to get to my study…. I can’t sit in that bed any longer.” He told her frowning. We’ll help me then.” He muttered when she continued to stare at him. “Darling… I have a meeting with a lawyer here in an hour or so, I am not going to have it in our bedroom” he muttered, waiting for her to finally come help him.
Aemond smirked in pleasure as he watched Carmen. He shook his head not saying a word as she spoke to him. He understood 'no' but as to accepting it? That was a bit foreign to him.

Max just stood there trying to think things over after what Hvitserk had said. She snapped out of it soon though and went over to help him up "Don't try to rush alright? Take your breathers if you need it." She said as she helped him up and got his walker frowning as he protested "You either use the walker or you aren't getting to the study. Be lucky I'm not forcimg you to use the wheelchair."
She was there for hours with them putting her through whatever his crooked mind could come up with and eventually lay there on the now soaking wet floor, bruised and broken, shivering from the cold as well, frowning when she heard the sound of a facetime call and soon Noah's voice coming through the other end, realising they'd used her phone to call him, half aware they were showing him what they had done to her.

Leif smirked a little when he finally answered, the camera already pointed to the middle of the room as he'd been instructed to do, showing Noah what they had done to her "Boss man says you got eight hours to work out where she is and come get her, after that it's lights out." He told him and hung up.

He groaned a little and shook his head, "Talk to me like a child. I dare you." He snapped a bit, slowly making his way out of the room, his body protesting the whole time but eventually he made it to his desk and waved her off. "You can go now." He muttered, not really wanting to deal with anyone right now, even if it was her. Something had snapped in him since the last injury and he had lost all filter and regulation, lashing out 24/7.
Noah called Ragnar as soon as the call ended and explained everything to him before sending a screenshot he had taken from the call. He quickly got in one of the cars and sped off up to the offices hoping they'd be able to find her.

Max gave a small nod and frowned deeply "I'm going to have a day with Amma. I'll be back later so if you need anything call Thomas." She muttered before leaving the room quickly and going to make a call.
She lay there quiet, trying with everything she had left to make her self less conspicuous in the hopes she’d be left alone but it was only another couple hours before they were pulling her up again, this time hearing the sharpening of knives.

Ubbe met him at the office and frowned. “Is hee phone still turned on? If Leif has left it on then it can be tracked.” He told him quickly, heading inside to go speak to Sihurd about it. He was the least favoured member of the family but the best with technology and ubbe wanted his expertise on the matte.

Amma smiked when she answered and stretched a bit. “Please tell me you are calling to pull me away from my work for a girls afternoon?” She asked her, “do you want me to pick you up?” She suggested, “I know you probably need to get out of there for a bit.” She smiked.
Sigurd frowned deeply as they came into his office and shook his head a bit "You are lucky father would kill me if I didn't help." He muttered before he took Noah's phone seeing if he could track the call in some way before he started in on Carmen's phone. He sighed heavily and gave a shake of his head when he realized there was nothing he could do. "Do we know who Leif is working for? I will try his phone next but maybe I could track his employer."

Max gave a small laugh and nodded "Yeah I do, how does lunch sound?" She asked gently before getting all the details ironed out with her and letting her go so she could get herself ready to go out.
Amma pulled up outside ivars house, waving at Tomas. “I’m kidnapping Max. I’ll have hee back whenever she’s ready.” She smiked at the guard, waiting til max came out and took off with her. “Hvitty has filled me in.” She told her. “He feels bad but there isn’t much he can do, plus everyone’s super busy right now looking for Carmen. Gods I hope she’s alright.” She sighed, unaware that Ivar hadn’t even bothered to tell her about her friend.

Ubbe frowned and shook his head. “I have my men looking into the Targaryens. Likely culprits but there’s a lot of them and for all we know it could….. try aemond.” He muttered.
Max frowned deeply as she buckled up and turned to look at her "What do you mean?" She asked in a confused tone "Whats happened to Carmen?"

SIgurd did the traces on the numbers he had for Aemond and smirked a bit "I got a hit, send some people to these two addresses. He's at one of them." He explained as he sent everything to their phones.
Ubbe nodded and stepped out, “Take Ben and Samuel. You call as soon as you have answers on your location.” He told him.

Carmen let out a quiet whimper as she heard the phone ringing in FaceTime again, heading Leif talking to Noah on the other end whike he had her head pulled back into a painful position. “I’m okay.” She tried to tell him, trying to reassure him but the pain in her face was evident and she was barely conscious at this point, hee vision blurring enough she couldn’t make out his face in the screen.

She frowned and looked over at her. “Ivar didn’t tell you?” She asked and sighed before explaining the whole thing. “Noah was at our most of the early morning, wore a hole in our floor til ubbe took him home and made him get some rest.” She sighed some.
Noah growled a bit as he saw Carmen and shook his head "You're a fucking dead man." He spat before the call ended and he sped faster to the location he had been given. He was seeing red even more now as they got closer, just praying to himself that Carmen was there.

Max shook her head as Amma finished tellimg her and gave a heavy sigh "I hope they find her soon." She said quietly before looking out the window "How have you and Hvitserk been?"
Ben answered the call that came through from ubbe as they were pulling up. “Theirs was a dud. Let’s hope she’s here.” He muttered, keeping a close eye on Noah the whole time.

She had started hearing a little commotion somewhere in the building, frowning at Leifs voice in her ear but unable to distinguish his words before feeling something pierced through her skin just below her rib cage, starting to cough and splutter up blood all over the still wet floor as she was dropped and she could make out leifs fighre trying to leave through a back door, her vision going dark right as Noah’s voice was getting closer.

She sighed w little and shrugged. “Trying to keep him straight is a full time job at the minute. I’ve got one of our guys watching him like a hawk to try and stop him from slipping up but lord knows there aren’t enough hours in the day.” She sighed. “I just worry about him though anyway.” She told her. “So… are you just wanting out of the house for a bit or are you coming to stay with us to give you and Ivar some space?” She asked her
Noah was shooting anyone on sight with no hesitation as they got to the location. He had every room checked and when he finally found Carmen he rushed to her aid. While a few of the men went looking for Leif, he cradled her in his arms "Hey, hey I got you. Stay with me okay? Stay with me." He murmured to her.

Max nodded and sighed softly "I'm just glad to see him straight. I only saw him a few times during that time before and it was horrible to see." She said softly before biting her lip when she asked about staying with them "I don't know honestly....I know Hvitserk said to let him go if thats what he wants to do, but part of me could never forgive myself if he got hurt."
Ben sent two of them after Leif and turned to help Noah, "Shit." He muttered, dropping to his knees to help, "She's freezing cold." He muttered, taking off his jacket and going to wrap it around her, "Jackson is there like... Shit we gotta get her out of here." he muttered, helping Noah stand with her and headed out to the car, calling Ubbe straight away, "We got her.. She's... We're getting her to the hospital, the others are grabbing Leif... It's not good." He warned him while Jackson floored it, leaving the other few behind with the other car to try and grab Leif. "Aemond wasn't there." He told him but paused when he heard Noah start yelling in the backseat with her across his lap. "Shit, meet us there, we gotta floor it." He told him and hung up.

She sighed a little and shook her head "Honey he's not treating you good at all." She sighed "I don't want to see the two of you ruined completely because of how awful he is at the minute. You and I both know it's not because he doesn't love you but he's not well right now and maybe you should let someone else take over the care side of things for a minute. Give it some breathing room." She suggested, parking up and going to get lunch with her "How's baby doing so far though?" She asked her smiling this time. She'd been the one to tell Hvitserk off about how he'd spoken to her about the whole situation.

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