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Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

He shook his head, "I've given Noah what information I can, if you find any of Ivar's work anywhere just let us know, he got a little scatty with his paperwork towards the end." He sighed a little, rubbing at his face. "I'll see you later yeah." He smiled and let her go.

Bill sat in the back of the car on his own, frowning as the texts went unread until finally his phone was ringing and he picked it up immediately, "Is that it then? I saw the look on her face when you were talking to her. It's not as black and white as she's making it out to be by the way." He frowned, sighing quietly.

She sighed quietly and kissed him back, "Alright, don't overdo it." She told him quietly and headed out to get their driver to take her home for now, just hoping that things were fully settling for now, even if they still hadn't finished dealing with Frank
Max got back to her car and gave a heavy sigh as she drove herself home. Once there she dialed Bill's number biting her bottom lip hard. "Did you shoot him too?" She asked quietly the question had been eating her alive since finding about Noah and Carmen. She had to know if he too had been the one to take out Ivar.

Noah nodded and gave her a small smile "Promise I won't." He murmured before letting her go off while he tried to organize everything.
He frowned and shook his head. “I got paid for one hit. And one hit is all i did. Failed it apparently but that was it. I don’t know who shot him either.” He told her frowning. “What’s our next move huh? We done? We get to keep going? I don’t… things are different now and I can’t…. Please don’t go.” He told her quietly
Max frowned more and gave a small nod as she thought everything over "Bill if we continue down this path I'll loose my family, you'll probably loose yours too if they found out. I'm not sure either of us is ready for that..." she admitted to him. She had feelings for Bill, and she really didn't want to end things, but she knew as well that she couldn't loose her family.
He frowned and clenched his fist a little tighter, “Then I guess I’ll see you around.” He muttered, hanging up on her, throwing his phone to the floor of the car and staring out the window while he tried to calm down
Max sighed heavily as she just sat there for a while thinking everything over. She wasn't happy by any means, but she hoped this hurt would pass with time.
-3 months-
Carmen had been uncomfortable for weeks at this point and she was now three days past her due date, walking around the house as much as she could bring herself to, following all the methods she’d read to try and get things moving but with Noah having been called into the office for an emergency meeting with her father she was a little more reluctant today to make the attempt. They were ready as they ever would be now

Hvitserk sighed quietly as he stepped into the lounge with max and took a seat. “Thanks for stopping by. I uh… I wanted to let you know that they got the guy that fired the shot.” He told her.
Noah was antsy to say the least right now. He was scared everytime the phone rang that it would be Carmen telling him the baby was coming. He looked over at Ragnar when he heard him snao his fingers "Huh? I'm sorry, zoned out for a minute, whats going on again?"

Max sat at Hvitserk's wondering why he had called her over. She frowned deeply when he came in to sit with her and finally explained what happened "Who?" She asked immediately but frowned deeper when he wouldn't say "Damn it Hvitserk tell me who killed my husband."
He sighed quietly and rubbed at his face. “It was Kalf.” He told her plainly. “You should know that it was Bill that took him out. He was kind enough to let us know.” He told her frowning. Carmen had told him everything so he knew about her and bill but he also knew there hadn’t been anything there for months.

He shook his head and sighed. “I need you to go see the Skarsgards on Friday. Take Ubbe, things are closing in on Frank slowly. Painfully slow but if one of theirs took out Kalf who I would assume was-“ he got cut off by Noah’s phone ringing, only hearing his daughters voice on the other end but not what she was saying.

She had gone to get a snack downstairs when it happened, stood by the pantry cupboard and immediately called Noah. “My water just broke. I’m gonna call the midwife. Get home soon as you can.” She told him. She had insisted on doing this at home, refusing to feel exposed at a hospital when they had better security on their own property.
Max felt her blood boil for a minute but relaxed when he said Kalf had been taken care of "I see, well alright then." She muttered before giving a heavy sigh "How uh....how have things been with the Skargards?"

Noah nodded and opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it when he felt his phone ring. He went wide eyed and got up quickly glaring at Ragnar when he told him to sit "No, Carmen is in labor and I'll be damned if I miss the birth of my child."
She was upstairs in their bedroom when he finally got back, reaching for his hand. “Clara is just making some tea… she thinks it’s gonna be a few hours still…. But she’s on her way.” She smiled tiredly, leaning forward against the medicine ball.

He nodded and sighed. “Better than they were… it’s getting there. They will be at the charity event next month.” He told her. “I don’t know if bill will go or not though. He doesn’t usually.”
Noah gave a small nod as he tried to catch his breath having ran into the house to get to get. "You need anything from me love?" He asked softly kissing her cheek gently.

Max gave a small nod and sighed "You need me to be there?" She asked before running a hand over her face.
He nodded "It would be good. Considering they have done us a service by taking him out." He told her frowning. "If you need t get a dress then Amma has offered for you to join her next week when she goes, I can have Erik for a guy day." He smiled. Whilst the rest of the family hadn't paid her much attention since Ivar's passing he still saw her as his sister-in-law and he hoped he always would. Erik was his nephew even if it wasn't blood. It only mattered to him that Ivar called him his son so Hvitserk would do the same

She nodded slowly and frowned, taking slow deep breaths, "I need you to be calm... And a cool damp flannel on my back would be nice." She told him quietly, sighing in relief as that set of contractions passed, slowly moving to stand and walk around their bedroom a little, smiling tiredly when she caught him setting up his phone for a video "Something to scare her with in years to come." She murmured, moving to lay in bed for a little bit.
Max nodded and gave him a small smile "That sounds like it would be nice. I know Erik would love it." She murmured as she looked at the time "I better get going, thank you for letting me know everything Hvitserk." She said before grabbing her things.

Noah got the video set up before getting her a flanel for her back. He stayed by her side and helped when she needed it, making sure to keep his composure through it all. He smiled softly at her a few hours later as another round of contractions ended "You're doing amazing Carmen, she'll be here soon enough."
He nodded and frowned "You gonna be alright on your own tonight?" He asked her, knowing just how big this news was he had just given her

She just nodded slowly, getting up to walk a little more again, leaning on his arm and grumbling a little. "Can't we just skip this bit?" She asked him, "I don't know how Torvi did this five times." She mumbled, eventually moving back to the bathroom when Carla told her it was time to push, only able to focus on Noah's voice until all she could hear was their daughter crying, taking her into her arms immediately and sobbing "Oh, oh you're here little one. Oh you're here." She smiled.
Max gave a heavy sigh and nodded some "Yeah I'll be alright, he's dead, so there is nothing for me to fear." She said in a quiet voice while she still processed the information.

Noah let his walls down when he heard her crying echo in the room. "She's perfect....oh Carmen you did so amazing babe." He said quietly while he kissed the side of her head repeatedly as he cried happy tears.
He frowned but nodded "Call if you need anything alright?" He told her gently, walking her to the door, still worried about her but letting her make her own decision.

She nodded and just let Clara cover her in a towel to help keep her warm, leaning against Noah exhausted, "She's here." She murmured in relief. "Our little Freya." She said quietly, watching her while Clara had Noah cut the cord and she passed her over to him. A couple hours later they were back in their room and she was watching Noah frown while he held her, "Your first child and you have a scowl on your face." She pointed out
Max nodded and went off without another word just trying to process this in a healthy way while her body started to crave that out she used to have. By that evening she was sat at home cuddling Erik close while they watched a movie together.

Noah stared at Frejya studying her face to make sure he took in every detail. He looked up at Carmen and gave a small frown "Your father really wanted me to stay at work instead of being here to see this." He murmured quietly still a bit upset by it.
She smiled a little and reached for him to come sit with her, ready to have some sleep "Freya we will have to teach your Daddy and you exactly how ridiculous your grandfather is." She cooed "He was trying to wind you up... Looks like he did a good job." She smiled, reaching over and stroking her little cheek, "You can relax.... She's here, safe and sound... Things will be alright." She murmured, drifting off at the end of her sentence.

Clara knocked gently and stepped in, smiling a little, "Here, I'e done a hot water bottle for her and some tea for you. Not easy watching your partner go through that. I'm going to see another client now but I will be back in a couple hours just to check up on them both and go through the last bits. You have my number if you need me." She told him quietly, leaving him to some peace and quiet after that.

Erik frowned and squirmed a little as he was trying to watch the Disney movie his Mom had put on but she'd been holding onto him tighter and tighter and now he was really uncomfortable, "Mommy! You're hurting me!" He told her and pushed her arms off, frowning up at her with the same frown he'd learnt off Ivar.
Noah gave Clara a small smile and nodded "Thank you for everything Clara, thank you." He said softly looking back down at Frejya seeing she had fallen asleep. He gently placed her in the bassinet and started to sip the tea while the two of them started to sleep.

Max immediately let go and looked at him a little shock "Oh gosh I'm so sorry baby, I didn't mean to squeeze you so hard." She murmured looking at him and only seeing Kalf's features at that time. He normally looked mostly of her side of the family, but now all she saw was Kalf.
Carmen slept for a couple hours and grumbled a little at waking up but glanced over to see Noah sat next to her, reaching over and gently rubbing his leg. “What you reading?” She asked him smiling a little. “You okay puppy?” She frowned as he had just seemed checked out since he’d got home, “can you pass her over?” She asked him seeing her laying in her bassinet.

He frowned and moved away to the other side of the couch to watch the movie, cuddling one of his teddies instead.
Noah looked over at her and nodded giving a small smile as he handed her Frejya "Yeah I'm okay, just in a bit of shock I guess. Can't believe we're actually parents." He said quietly

Max frowned a bit and sighed heavily as she curled up herself "You want some food baby?" She asked quietly
She smiled tiredly and cradled her close, just watching her. “Well she’s here… you are a dad.” She told him quietly, carefully moving to lean up against him some more. “She’s got your eyes already.” She smiled, “But I think we are one and done. That was a lot.” She smiled, relaxing as his arms went around her. “It’s been a tough year… but you get to relax a bit now. We have our little girl here safe and sound and you’re gonna be okay.” She coaxed.

He shook his head and frowned “I wanna go stay with ubcle hvitserk.” He told her, not looking at her. He’d noticed the past couple months that it was more like right after his dad died again and he didn’t like it. Even at his age he knew something wasn’t right
Noah nodded and smiled happily as he watched the two of them "If you want one then we'll stay at one. If you change your mind then I'm okay with that too." He murmured happily before kissing the side of her head "Just not 6 like your dad....thats a bit much." He laughed while watching Freya happily "She looks like you though, thankfully. I'd feel bad if the poor girl got my looks."

Max frowned more and felt her heart sink "Why do you say that Erik?" She asked him as she went to sit back down instead. She'd been in a bit of a funk lately she wouldn't deny, but she had been doing her absolute best to be there for Erik and make sure nothing got as bad as it had been.
She smiled and shook her head. “I love you. Very much.” She told him quietly, sitting up carefully when she started fussing. “I bet you’re probably hungry aren’t you?” She smiled,

He frowned and didn’t answer her just staring at the tv and cuddling his teddy, shrugging her off when she tried to cuddle him again

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