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Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

Noah took a deep breath and gave her a soft smile "Yeah lets get going." He whispered kissimg her temple gently before taking her hand and following her out.

Max took a deep breath and shook her head "No...they stressed to not go in unless they've been going 5 minutes apart for two hours. If not then they'll send me home." She explained to him
He rolled his eyes a little and shook his head. “Yeah, and I have the last name Ragnarsson so they’re not gonna tell me no.” He pointed out, taking her out to the car.

She felt like a huge weight had finally been lifted off her chest and she could finally breathe again, getting home with him as quickly as possible, unaware he was being distant and just assuming that he was worn out as well.
Max gave a small laugh but nodded some "Right, I think....I think I'll be okay." She said quietly while she got in the car once they were over to it.

Noah sat awake once they were home trying to process everything that had happened. He soon found himself grabbing a pre-made bag and leaving without a word.
“Max. I’m not taking no for an answer.” He warned her. “We’ll go back to the house and grab your bag just in case and I’ll call Amma then we’re going down there.” He told her seriously.

Carmen woke up hours later into the evening and frowned at the lack of Noah in bed, getting up though and taking Iskald downstairs to get him some dinner, expecting to find Noah in the lounge until she heard Ben stepping inside. “Hey, where’s noah?” She asked him. “I woke up and he wasn’t in bed.” She mumbled.
Max sighed but nodded having no energy to argue further right now. She buckled up and took another deep breath "My bag is near the front door. You can just run in to grab it."

Ben frowned a bit and shook his head "I thought he was with you?" He said before pulling his gun "Go back to bed, I'll check the perimeter and then the cameras." He said quickly not wanting it to be another fuck up on his end.
She frowned and nodded, going to call him but frowned when it rang until going to voicemail and she went to look on the find a friend app to see that he had clearly blocked her, calling Jolly. “Hey, sorry to bother. Have you heard from Noah this evening?” She asked him.

He nodded and got h his driver to take them home so he could grab the bag and they could head straight there, sending Ivar a message to let him know what was happening even if he wasn’t going to respond.
Jolly frowned as his phone rang late into the evening. He frowned even more seeing Carmen's name pop up "Hey, uh no I haven't. Not since your father's, everything alright?" He asked as he sat up in bed and made his way to the bathroom so he didn't wake his girlfriend.

Max took deep breaths as a bit contraction hit her right as they pulled up to the hospital "Shit...Hvitserk can you.....get...get a chair?" She asked as she panted and bent over a bit in her seat in pain.
She frowned a little. “He’s blocked my number… I don’t… none of this makes sense. If you see him can you just let me know that he’s alright?” She asked him frowning, “I woke up from a nap and he was gone.”

He nodded as they pulled up, going to get hee some help, glancing at his phone to see a message from Thomas, opting to read it once they had her settled.
Jolly sighed heavily and nodded "Listen I'll try getting a hold of him alright? Just try and relax. Is Ben still there?" He asked her gently starting to worry about what this could mean.

Max was pulled back quickly to the pregnancy ER area to be looked over. She looked over at Hvitserk when he was finally let through "Do you think he'd come up here if I asked him?" She asked quietly wanting nothing more than the comfort she only got from Ivar at that point.
He frowned. “I’ll try and call him alright?” He had finally read the text from Thomas and asked to be kept updated but he wasn’t about to tell max anything right now.

She nodded. “Yeah he’s here…. Shit… jolly his car is gone. Hold on.” She muttered, going upstairs again to their room and checking under his side of the bed. “His uh… his pre-pack is gone too…. Do not. Under any circumstances. Call my father. But he’s gone.” She told him quietly and frowned, hanging up and going to sit on the couch downstairs.
Max gave a small nod and took deep breaths "Okay, thank you. Could uh...could you text my uncle too? Just let him know whats going on, he doesn't need to be up here." She said quietly.

Ben came in and frowned some seeing her staring at the floor "He took a bag, didn't seem to be in distress but was rushed." He explained gently to her "Would you like me to do or get you anything?"
He frowned and nodded, “yeah I’ll be right back alright?” He told her and stepped out to call him for her. “Hey, sorry to bother you, max wanted me to let you know she’s just gone into labour. She said you don’t have to come down but what she doesn’t know and what no one is going to tell her is that Ivar has just been taken to the ER, they think hes had a stroke… he won’t be making it to her right now…. Do with that information what you will.” He told him and hung up.

She shook her head and frowned. “Whatever you do, do not call my brothers or my father. I have someone looking into it to see if he is safe. But… but I think he’s left. I keep playing today over in my head and the more I think the more I realise how uncomfortable he seemed all day…. I think I’ve scared him away.”
Max gave Hvitserk a small smile as he came back in "Hey they said everything is looking good so far. They're cleaning a room and then we'll be taken up." She explained quietly just exhausted by this point "Thank you for being here for me these past few months, its meant a lot."

Ben frowned a bit and gave a small nod "My lips are sealed." He said quietly before giving a small sigh "Noah seems to be one that needs to think a lot, but not scared easily. I don't think he would leave without giving you a reason." He said trying to cheer her up a little bit.
Carmen said nothing as she headed back up to bed, sitting with Iskalds head in her lap while she stared at the empty spot next to her. She’d always been happy enough on her own but now that she’d had Noah there for the past year she wasn’t so willing to go back.

He frowned and nodded, glancing at his phone. “Your uncles on his way here.” He told her. “But I’ll be with you until he arrives.” He told her quietly, sitting with her.
Noah drove for a long while just trying to think everything over before finally stopping at a hotel. He paid cash and found his room finally looking at his phone seeing Jolly had tried to call atleast 10 times. He sighed heavily debating on if he should call him but decided against it. He needed to figure this out by himself before he spoke to anyone.

Max nodded some and sighed softly "Well hopefully it won't be a super long labor." She said quietly before yawning a bit "I'm gonna try and rest my eyes while I can."
He nodded and stepped out of the room once she was asleep, rubbing a hand over his face, checking his phone for any updates on Ivar until her uncle arrived. “She’s just trying to rest for a little bit while she can. I need to go check on Ivar. I will be back. If she wants me then she can call but… I will tell her everything afterwards.” He explained to halfdan.
By the next morning Max was still in labor and was showing some progress but still not enough for the baby to be there any time soon. She gave a heavy sigh thankful that she had the epidural now and her contraction pain had lessened. She looked at her uncle giving a small smile once he came back into the room with some ice chips for her "Have you spoken to my father at all?"
Jolly sighed a little as he got ready for the day, glancing at his phone as it rang and grabbed it the moment he saw it was Noah, "Hey, what the fuck man, I've had Carm worried sick last night. Where are you?" He questioned him.

He shook his head and frowned some "I have. He's still in Russia." He told her "And he said he doesn't plan to leave for this." He muttered, shaking his head. "Hvitserk said he might be able to make it down later but he has some jobs to do." He explained and sighed some,
Noah frowned deeply as he heard Jolly's voice "I don't know what to do, Jolly I don't.....fuck I don't know if I can do this shit.." he admitted quietly

Max nodded and sighed softly "Right, well thank you for being here. Has uh....has anyone heard from Ivar?" She asked before biting her bottom lip gently out of nervousness.
He paused and went to sit down, closing the door to his study behind him before putting Noah on speaker. “What do you mean?” He asked him slowly.

He shook his head. “Ivar won’t be coming down. Hvitserk has said he’s with his mother.” He told her frowning
Noah gave a heavy sigh as he paced his hotel room "I just.....fuck man what was that shit last night?! Like thats a normal thing?!"

Max frowned deeply and gave a small nod "Oh....well alright then." She said quietly feeling her heart sink with that news "You'll stay right? The whole time? I don't.....I don't want to be alone through this." She admits quietly.
He frowned “it’s saved for the most vile of our world. So not. Not normal. But it’s ancient. What you worried she’s gonna do it to you?” He questioned him. “Cause that’s not how this works. In an ideal world she would have taught you enough of the old ways the family follows before you saw that. But unfortunately, due to the nature of what happened, she couldn’t.” He told him. “At least call her. Let her know you’re okay and that you just need some space to think.” He suggested.

He smiled gently at her and nodded. “I’m not leaving you sweetheart.” He promised. She was more of a daughter to him than his brother and always had been. He was worried about how she would be when they finally gave her the news about Ivar but he understood why hvitserk had said to wait.
Noah took a deep breath again and gave a small nod "Alright, I'll give her a call." He murmured before hanging up and sitting down trying to get himself together before calling Carmen.

Max gave him a small smile and nodded a bit "Thank you." She murmured before wincing as a big contraction hit her, not even the epidural was able to mask this "Shit....shit this one really hurts."
She had barely slept a wink, just laying there in bed still with Iskald until she heard the phone go off and grabbed it seeing Noah’s name. “What the fuck were you thinking just disappearing in the middle of the night?! I’ve been worried sick! What is going onNoah?” She questioned him. She never used his name unless she was upset with him and now was no exception

Hvitserk came back to see her a few hours later after he had finished with what work he needed to get done to move ivars jobs over to someone else for the time being at least, walking down the corridor on the phone to amma about what time he needed to pick her up from the airport as well until he got to the room
Noah took a deep breath to steady himself "I'm sorry....I just....I just need some space right now. I need to get out of my head." He said quietly before running a hand over his face.

Max gave Hvitserk a small smile as she sat on the birthing ball trying her best to get this baby somewhere near ready to get out. She shut her eyes tightly as another long contraction hit her "Hey..." she said quietly as it passed "You get everything done?"

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