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By random selection, the winner of the murder raffle is Naomi! Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 Congratulations on slaying the giant... I guess. And to think they had such a lovely dance together lol.
THANK YOU!!!! I am so excited for this plot! Also to everyone I have confused please know that all shall be explained in time!!! 😂

Also, working on Einar’s post now!!!
Meh I wasn’t that surprised about Naomi

Gonna work on Angel soon and I think I’m waiting on a post from Pyrr before I can post Mal
Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 Please try to reply with Auri tonight or tomorrow! And I'mma do my best to reply to y'all tonight! irregular-neptune irregular-neptune captaindanger captaindanger pearjuice pearjuice

If your character had a supersuit, what would it look like???

i'm part way through posts for bells and piper, just waiting on angel before i finish bellamy's, and i'll also start working on mey's here soon c:
Should have Angel up by tomorrow! I’ve been getting ready all week for the beach. We are leaving tomorrow night and will be there for a week.
I am dead today but she’s almost finished so she will be up tomorrow.
okay, piper is up!! once angel is up, bells can be quickly edited and then posted. also working on mey and chitrita, they're just a little slow-going since i wrote so much for piper 🙈
Ok so I just now got back to the beach how. So I am sorry for the lateness but I’ll absolutely have Angel up tomorrow and will get Mal up as well that way I have them both done.

I’m still at the beach and won’t be home until Saturday! But I’m gonna get the posts up tomorrow since we will be resting
Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 Please try to reply with Auri tonight or tomorrow! And I'mma do my best to reply to y'all tonight! irregular-neptune irregular-neptune captaindanger captaindanger pearjuice pearjuice

If your character had a supersuit, what would it look like???


i def struggled with this a little bit bc i didn't know how to write this out, but i've got some ideas!

first off, in my head, chitrita's color scheme is obviously black and purple or black and magenta. in civilian clothes and in the way she dresses in this rp, she definitely gravitates towards pink, but purple screams more hero(or villain, tbh) to me. something somewhat similar to raven roth from teen titans. definitely some sort of cloak with a gemstone clasp, possibly with a cold shoulder. but a longer, sleeveless tunic, and wearing pants a little bit more of the time. as much as she would love to be a leotard lady, i think rita is a bit practical and would probably minimize bare skin outside of the cold shoulder cloak/top. arm sleeves and tall boots!! definitely a boot girly.

mey is a sporty girl, so she's definitely wearing something athletic-feeling. i'm thinking sleeveless, full-body jumpsuit, inspired by tech-wear. utility belt, sturdy and short boots, fingerless short gloves. sleek, simple, effective. normally i'd say she's a red and gold color scheme, but i'm kind of feeling like red and gray for her.

piper's supersuit would also be pretty tech-wear inspired, but have a more utility focus than mey's. lots of pockets, straps, harnesses, tools, etc. boots and gloves appropriate for every occasion. also probably has armored sections to it? no cape bc it's dangerous. either all black or like black and a pale yellow. i also kind of imagine a like helmet instead of a mask? like a big bulky motorcycle helmet to go with it.

bellamy is probaby a classic villain feel, even if it's boring. nice suit and a mask c: either that or something relatively plain, easy to maneuver in.
Wolfiee Wolfiee I've decided to relegate Angel to an NPC, effective immediately. honeycoves honeycoves Please either feel free to write Angel's response to Bellamy as you see fit or skip over it entirely as he's being inundated by the Ilvermorny girls, and I will reply with Vasu promptly so that we can get our part of the thread moving again.
I was about to post her just now so does that mean I shouldn’t post her. If so just remove her completely as if she never existed
Aviator I just wanna know…are you the ghost of pimping past or are you being haunted by the ghost of pimping past? This is very important knowledge I wish to have bestowed upon me.
Wolfiee Wolfiee You may leave the post and continue to play Angelique. I ask that you please be more punctual with future RP posts.
I will be! Just on vacation right now so it’s a little rougher. I’ll be back Saturday and able to be back to a regular schedule! 😈
Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 Hahaha, great question! It's an epithet from a book that I'm obsessed with at the moment called The Rook, in which the main character does not have the freedom to change her residence at work to her liking, because it used to belong to one of her superiors and he asks about it their every meeting. And he is the Ghost of Pimping Past, denoted by the bawdy apartment decor. It's a title that I can only aspire to; I don't intend to assume his glory for myself lololol

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