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Fandom October in Eagle Pines [Character Creation]


The Purple Soul
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
- No flaming/harassing others based on their characters
- No powers, abilities, or high tech gadgets, weapons or armor passed 2017
- Have fun!

For fandom characters:
Fandom From:
Appearance: (Pic preferred)
Brief History:

For Eagle Pines residents:
Occupation: (if student, put student)
Brief History:
Fav. Fandoms:
Name: Calliope (Callie) Santos

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: Pretty, dark-haired, feminine but undeniably fit. Also a Latina, though her English is without accent as she grew up state-side.

Occupation: Wildland Firefighter

Personality: Fun, fierce and outgoing. Callie is endlessly energetic, passionate about whatever she tackles, and loves a challenge. She loves being outdoors and particularly enjoys the challenge that a 100 hour work week fighting fire gives her.

Brief History: Callie grew up in a family of fire fighters, with her father and three older brothers all joining hand crews fighting forest fires all across California. By the time Callie graduated from high school, she decided she wanted to try it for a summer and fell in love with the intensity and the satisfaction of saving homes. While she works her ass off during the summer season, the rest of the year she doesn't have much to do so she mostly bums around town, hanging out with a few friends, going camping and hiking the woods.

Fav. Fandoms: The CW shows (Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, Supernatural, etc.).
Name: The Doctor (Doctor Who, Dr. Who, "John Smith")

Fandom From: Doctor Who

Age: "I feel like eleven hundred and forty or so today."

Gender: "Let me look. Male? Ish? Honestly, it's a bit of a lottery."

Race: "If you like, but I should warn you, these shoes are rubbish for it so I might be a bit slow."

Appearance: Tall, lanky, with ridiculous hair. His face might be handsome if he could stop talking, gesturing and in general emoting all over the place. Favors a suit complete with bowtie (and occasionally a fez if allowed).

Personality: Bombastic, calculating, emotionally unpredictable and adventurous. Incredibly kind and incredibly implacable in the face of evil. Never interferes in the affairs of other peoples or planets unless there's children crying.

Brief History: Born to a life of unimaginable privilege in the highest civilization in all of history, the Doctor grew up and embraced the life of a Time Lord...until he had the opportunity to steal a time machine and run away. He's been running ever since. Life after life, era after era, his curiosity and thirst for new experiences is matched only by his passion for stopping evil and saving those he can from it.
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Charles Watanabe

Four-eyes, Mr. goody-two-shoes, Mr. Niceman (What the kids call him)



Standing at 6'4 and weighs around about the exact ideal weight of his height. He is a pale skinned dude who looks like he came out something straight out of a manga page. He has dirty blond hair and a lean body figure. Often wearing casual plain T-shirts at his own home but when outside he always wears smart casual or even formal attires. Probably his most notable features are his jet black shiny eyeglasses, always known for his glasses.

Kindergarten Teacher (Voluntary)

Kind, compassionate and patient. His entire personality fits his ideal occupation description. He always acts humble and smart. Has a bit of habit of acting the wise guy of the group. A soft spoken character with a high level of understanding another person whether if if they are a child or not. He doesn't seem to be very judgmental unless really necessary. His gentle and polite nature allows everyone to approach him with ease, including shy children. He is often quiet yet he speaks up his mind whenever necessary. He never shows his negative side unless pushed out to his very limit. He gets angry for good reasons and never raises his negativity for selfish or better yet prideful desires. Above all else, he's a pretty good listener.

Brief History:
Originally born in Japan during his early youth. He spent 10 years in Japan before moving to the states to study abroad. He was half Japanese-half american. His father was american and his mother was Japanese. The boy is scholar student often excelling at subjects in his elementary and high school. Even as he landed in america. Although, despite his high chance of getting a more high paying and better job he found out in sometime in his life that all he really wanted is to volunteer to educate the future generation right.

Fav. Fandoms:
90's cartoons and anime
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Emmett Neal Days


Age: 15
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student

Personality: Emmett is a gentle, excitable young man with an insatiable passion for nature. With an inquisitive and curious personality, he's taken into himself to observe all kinds of interesting fauna and flora, asking people about them and taking pictures when he can't ask others. With said method, the boy has come to learn names and information of an assortment of plants and animals, which he might or might not recite out loud when he comes across them again. Em is the type of person to refuse to cross through the grass in concern for it, despite being aware that grass has its own defenses towards that and won die so easily. Always observant, he'll a hundred percent pull a person away of the way of stomping into a flower, with no regrets to doing such a thing. To him, that would have a really big deal!

With others, Emmett is extremely warm, greeting them, replying when talked to and eventually chiming in when there's something he wants to say. At first, he might give them the impression of being shy, but that's merely the boy assessing how much new people care about their boundaries. He'd hate to be a nuisance so soon... Once those are established he'll start to get more open with them... Things might still get awkward, no method is perfect after all. Despite the cheerful, sometimes childish demeanor, Emmett takes everything people say with a grain of salt, especially if they look suspicious while they said it. He understands that not everyone is kind and that some people are just hell-bent into ruining other's days. He doesn't like that type of person but still tries really hard to be on good terms with them.

To get on his bad side it's really not that hard. Scoffing and disrespecting nature is a big no, annoying people just for the sake of being annoying is another strike. There are all sorts of daily minor things that seem wrong that could do it. Angry Emmett is also stubborn Emmett and in the heat of the moment, he might get too worked up about the dispute to back down, though that doesn't mean he's unable to accept when he's wrong. He'll apologise right away.
Not a lot can cause this young man painful soul-grinding cringe, but calling him 'End' or 'New Days' might just do it. Yes, yes his initials spell End by some internal joke by his parents... Yes, his name is a bit weird. But really, can't people quit reminding him of that? It's not amusing, at all.

Brief History: Growing up in the big city, Emmett spent a lot of time playing games and watching TV when he wasn't at school. The shows and characters were interesting but, when he glanced around the room and through the windows and talked to people he just couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. More than people, Emmett liked plants. He would sometimes stare at his mom's flower pots, admiring how pretty they were for a couple hours and the fact that they lived in an apartment made the interaction man-flora limited... Until the boy was old enough to travel away, accepting an invite from his uncles to spend a vacation in Eagle Pines.

Most city-bugs would be annoyed by travelling to a semi-rural place and being far from devices and technology. But not Emmett, from the moment he had stepped out of the car the boy had completely fallen in love, with mother-nature.

There was a forest right beside the town! So many trees, flowers, animals and even better, they had a huuuuge garden too! The excitement was real. The handheld console that had been brought along was barely fiddled with that summer. Promptly, a ten-year-old Emmett had started making all kinds of questions about the garden: Which plants were there? How did they care for them? He wanted to know everything. And that he did, being quite proud of himself when he got called the official gardener of the house. When it was time to go, Emmett didn't want to leave. What followed was a discussion of the boy and his parents while he begged to stay, including him being misunderstood and storming upstairs to sulk. After a long conversation with the uncles about Emmett's weird outburst, his parents had come to a conclusion. Em would be allowed to transfer school for a bit in a kind of test to see if he could handle being away from home for a semester... And then the boy never left again.

...Except to visit his parents on the holidays of course.

At this point, the boy's initial fascination with nature has grown into a great passion. He kept being the official gardener of the house and has come to know a huge amount of trivia, especially about plants. Emmett wants to quickly finish school and go to college to study Biology even deeper! He is
100% convinced that studying fauna, flora, knowing how living beings work, interact with the world and how to help preserve said fauna in flora is the best job anyone could ever have in the whole planet Earth. He honestly can't wait for it!


|Fav. Fandoms|
Gravity Falls;
Super Mario;
My Little Pony;
Stardew Valley;
Animal Crossing;
Star Vs The Forces of Evil.

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Rin and Len Kagamine

Fandom From: Vocaloid


  • Name: Rin Kagamine
    Age: 14 in appearance, effectively 10
    Gender: Female

    Personality (in this RP): Rin is a hyper, cheerful and childish girl with a strong will who likes to live at the moment. Her preferences are rather common, basic and she's very easy to impress or please. Despite being childish, Rin has a bit of a dirty mind and likes to tease her brother a lot. When she's angry it's very likely that she'll have an outburst with lots of yelling and maybe even punching.
    Rin is the emotional twin, often overreacting for even the littlest things that go south. When she puts an idea in her mind, however, good or bad it is very difficult for her to let go, even if all the pieces of evidence point to it completely failing. She has a need to always be doing something active and gets bored easily.

    Rin has the bad habit of being disruptive and loud, often coming up as annoying to the others. She doesn't seem to learn how important it is to respect other's private spaces or listen to their opinions with the required attention. Rules and restrictions are lame, they drain the fun out of things!
    When trying to expose an opinion or explain herself, Rin often trips and forgets the words she wants to use. She lacks the ability with words her brother has, making it seems as if 'awesome' and 'cool' and words similar to these are as far as her vocabulary goes.
    Both of the twins are kind people: Rin is the type to indulge the upset party in fun activities, to have them forget what was making them sad in the first place.

    Brief History: A pair of singing androids created by Yamaha, Rin and Len work hard to build a musical legacy in conjunct with their users. They are officially depicted as mirror images, no wonder their names come from left and right, and Kagamine means 'mirror sound'. To most though, they are like twin brothers.
    Despite coming in the same package, they may be used in separate songs with different styles and also different settings! One common thing is to set Rin voice's gender value lower to have her genderbent into Rinto, others like to play with the vibrato to have her roll her 'R's in a unique accent. Intentional voice cracking is also quite common.
    Rin's preferred instrument is a guitar and the most used genres are Rock and Metal. People usually say she sounds really good at these, including screamos.
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  • 8d1359645ce6c99c9f73361241355967.jpg
    Name: Joanna McGuyver

    Age: 15

    Gender: Female

    Occupation: Student

Fandom From:
The mirror lied

Unconfirmed (Looks like somewhere from 9-10 years old)



A girl who of pure mystery. Little is known about how she truly acts around others. Judging from simple observations, she is very passive. Shows no sign of evil intentions, in fact she never shows any emotions since she is indeed faceless. Despite not having a face, she seems to be very healthy without one. Almost like she is a entirely different entity altogether. Creepy yet peaceful at first glance, this is often the first impressions. She seems to be very smart when it comes to taking actions and decisions, she intelligent even when on her own. Can solve puzzles and avoid danger. She shows no emotions yet she seems to be friendly for she doesn't behave violently, even the most of people cannot predict her next move. Even her agendas are classified. She seems to be a pretty kind child under the emotionless facade. Although she seems to be very introverted to say the least. Behaves like a nine year old. Creepy yet doesn't hurt a fly.

Brief History:

Originated from a European country. Leah spent her life inside a giant mansion living with another person who seems to be her guardian. The mansion is isolated yet it seems like somebody lives there. Leah, a young quiet girl was the only present girl inside the mansion. It is unknown what she does everyday but it seems like she was raised just fine since the mansion seems to be a good home in some peoples standards. Leah seems to have one goal in mind and that is to look for a specific white colored bird named "Birdie" which she still hasn't found.​

Name: Eliza Wellgrove

Age: 21.

Gender: Female.

Occupation: Musician.

Personality: Eliza's an easygoing sort, pretty relaxed in general. This is good, because she doesn't let what other people think get to her. Her general ability to brush off others can become dismissive and even spiteful, however. But, she tries to keep that in check. It's not easy, since she has a bit of a problem with figuring out what's up with other people. She'd call herself spiritual, but she's hardly a believer in anything. With all these contradictions in mind, it's no wonder people sometimes call her a bit wishy-washy.

Brief History: Born the daughter of Thaddeus Wellgrove, antiquarian, and Maria Wellgrove, Nurse. Eliza's always been one with an eye for history. But that's always been second in her heart to her real love: Music. From an early age she wanted to sing and from a less early age, play the electric guitar. Strangely, her music has always had a distinctly aquatic theme to it, despite Eagle Pines being resolutely landlocked. Her time in school was unremarkable, save for high grades in drama and art. Of friends she had few, but just enough for a band. Now that band, Aquaria, is her livelihood- as much as she has one, anyway, given she still lives with her parents.

Fav. Fandoms: Homestuck, Night in the Woods, Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass, Steven Universe.
Name: "Argath" Helrica Ramsblood

Fandom From: Glorantha (Six Ages/KODP/Runequest/Heroquest)

Age: 21

Gender: Genderfluid

Appearance: Their skin tanned by long hours under the sun, while their hair is a golden blond and their eyes are brown. Overall their features have an androgynous look to them. More peculiar than this is the pair of ram's horns growing from their forehead, curling back behind their ears to point forward. They are tattooed with the imagery of blue snakes along their left arm, while similarly-colored jagged lines circle their wrists and their shoulders have circled triskellions upon each. At their back is an infinity symbol in black and beneath each eye is a diagonal line in white, with three golden lines beneath it. They wear a heavy, woolen cloak clasped with a bronze brooch and a white tunic that reaches to their knees, bound at the waist by a blue cord.

Personality: In one moment impetus, brash and rude. In the next, oddly philosophical, the only constant to Helrica's actions is an overwhelming pride. They have utter confidence in themselves and their actions and are unafraid to show it, even when they are doing something they have no idea about. Granted, it is hard to figure out when the latter is happening, because they are accustomed to spouting truths of the gods, or the world, or personal truths, even. Some of this is just garbage, or justifications for things they were already going to do, or just things they have arbitrarily decided are true. However, often enough it really is something of insight, or at least enough of a rhetorical point to muddy the issue.

Brief History: Helrica was born in upland Sartar to the Blue Snake clan of the Torkani tribe and from an early age it was clear that they had the favor of their patron, Heler. Of the signs, the clearest by far was the way they were born with a set of ram's horns, that continued to grow with them. During their late adolescence, they joined their relatives in the continual revolt against the Lunar Occupation. It was at this time they came to the notice of the rebel Queen Kallyr, as they were at the front during the battle of Iceland, when the great god Orlanth, whom the Lunar Empire had bound in hell, was partially freed. Despite their role in recruiting the aid of the Eleven Lights, Helrica was divested of any further role in the Sartarite rebellion due to an arranged year-marriage with a priestess in Esrolia named Ernaldesta.

Though, it was happy, it ended up getting Helrica caught in the middle of the Esrolian civil war, leading to a very unfortunate placement at the battle of Pennel Ford, where he was caught in Harrek the Berzerk's charge through his own lines to assault the betraying western barbarians. This incident lead to no little hatred and considerably more fear of the man, who wears the skin of his own god as a cloak. Past the battle of Pennel Ford and after the dragonrise ate the lunar army in Sartar, Helrica returned northwards. Back in their homeland, Helrica helped the trolls from Shadow's Dance and a coalition of darkness-sympathetic clans to shatter the Sun Domes in the south of Sartar, liberating the Kitori. For this, they were acclaimed Argath, by some.

Argath means "liberator" in Sartarite and the Argath is one who will destroy the Lunar empire and it's red goddess, according to prophecy. However, there is not one Argath, there are in fact, many, no less than four at this time including Helrica and as many as a dozen to come. Historians looking back will often confuse them, as evidenced by the tome King of Sartar and Helrica's role is to be more or less absorbed into the tales of other Argaths, making them one of the "lesser Argaths."

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