OC's Scool For The Troubled & Unwanted


One Thousand Club
Orange County's School For The Trouble & Unwanted

They wanna see blood,

They wanna see hate,

Like a needle in your vein,

A sickness with no name,

In a world that's insane,

Was America to blame?

When you're praying for a change to a God with no face!

They wanna see blood,

They wanna see hate,

Like a f__king AK,

It's going up in flames,

In a world that's insane,

Was America to blame?

When you're praying for a change to a God with no face!

You can't tell me what to say,

Because I've got one religion,

And I've got one decision,

It's a big F__k you!

I keep spitting in your face,

Every month and every day,

Every time you hear my name,

My middle fingers up too.

You think I own you,

But I ain't go no room for these h__s,

Cause they ain't no good,

I ain't living by your rules.

You're getting older,

Full of liquor you're blowing,

And you wanna be noticed,

But you're dying so slowly.

So when they point the finger,

You flip one back,

And say f__k that.


So when they point the finger,

We'll flip ours back,

And say f__k that.


Eenie meenie minie moe,

Each one of us gonna know,

That your time is coming soon,

Cause there ain't enough room,

In this world for us two.

Yeah, I hate to break the news,

But I'ma break it in this music,

To let the world know who,

Who you've been using,

Who you're abusing,

It's the suits you've being fooling.

But you know that you're useless,

So he's been acting so ruthless,

Deep inside you're just ruined,

Cause I keep on moving here,

To show you the truth bi**h!


This was made for the Teen's that are in Trouble or Unwanted, Most people these days are making bad choices. Recently there was an American Tragedy, Four Young Teens, were driving home drunk, They lost Control of the car, and crashed, The Driver and Passenger Were not wearing their seat belt and they flew through the windshield, they died, a slow painful dead, the Girl that was in the back seat with her boy friend His her head and had glass go through her throat , she died of Blood Loss. Only one boy survived, he suffered a concussion, and a fractured face. But her lived. People who see him, know who he is, he is the American Tragedy. This boy is in your Hands, he goes here, You wanna know him? Good luck.



Age: (13-19)



Bio/Reason of Attending:






Name: Angel

Age: 16

Gender: Girl

Looks:View attachment 6013

Bio/Reason of Attending: She was a bad kid at 13, She was an Alcoholic and Druggie at 14, She lost her virginity at 15. Her mom found the Drugs, and the Bottles of Alcohol, He mom was depressed and She sent Angel Here for some recovery and told her dont come back until your my little Angel again. She loves to party with her Bff Cait ♥

Pet: View attachment 6015 Rex

Crush: No

Gf/Bf: No

: No

Other: No

Name: Cait

Age: (13-19) 16

Gender: Girl

Looks:View attachment 6012

Bio/Reason of Attending: She Was and Orphan and was bullied for being skinnier then all the other girls and because she was prettier, She ran away one day, and Ran here, She is sweet but loud, And LOVES to party, With her best Friend Angel ♥

Pet: View attachment 6016 Luke

Crush: no

Gf/Bf: no

Kid: no

Other: no

Name: Mason

Age: (13-19) 17

Gender: Boy

View attachment 6014

Bio/Reason of Attending: He ran away from his family, His Mom died of Cancer when he was 13, that's when he began to Cut. His little sister was 14 when she died and he was 16. She was Bulimic at 12 and her Father raped her multiple times, She killed herself on her 14th birthday, when her father gave her a horrible birthday surprise, Mason ran away and came here after running from the police for 2 months straight.

Pet: View attachment 6017 Rube He was a bait dog in dog fights as a puppy and he is lucky to be alive, he sometimes had problems with other male dogs, or aggressive females, but normally Loving and cuddly but has protected Mason from bad people.

Crush: No

Gf/Bf: No

Kid: No

Other: No

Name: James

Age: (13-19) 17

Gender: Boy

View attachment 6011

Bio/Reason of Attending: The American Tragedy

Pet: View attachment 6019 Devil

Crush: no

Gf/Bf: no

: no

Other: no

Open, Start Joining, All Accepted.
Kiara Andrea Ruiz




Kiara had always been a bad kid, taking after her dad who was a druggie, drug dealer, and gang member. At the age of 15 she joined her father's gang and began dealing in school. Most frequently to Angel who soon became her friend. After she lost her virginity on her birthday her mother sent her to rehab even though her dad fought with her about it.



Not now.




Name: Griffen Bennet

Age: (13-19) 17

Gender: female

Looks:View attachment 6020

Bio/Reason of Attending: Her parents always thought of her as the bad child when in reality it was her brother. But to everyone else except her, he seemed to walk on water. She began to cut herself at an early age when she was only about tweleve years old. It was really her way to escape. As time progressed her parent's started to abuse her and her father would sexual abuse her at times as well. This was when the drinking and smoking addictions began to arise as well. When her parent's found out they gave up home and just sent her to the school to be forgotten about.

: none

Crush: James?

Gf/Bf: none

: none

Other:nope c:
Sunday Morning 11:40Am C:


He sat on a rock, scribbling down words in his note book, he crossed it out, then wrote again, he did this over and over, the sun making his black hair almost sparkle, Devil laid at his feet. his eyes watching everything that moves his ears flicking back and forth fast at every sound.


She kick off her blankets and looked at her clock, she sighed and pulled on black skinny jeans with wholes. she slipped on a shirt, and a black jacket. She put iphone in her back pocket and put on her make up, she ran down the stairs and Gabbed Luke's leach and collar, Her room was J11, Next to Angels, Hers was J10, She figured she was still sleeping, She whistled, and Luke came bounding down the stairs, She petted him and Clipped his collar on and attached his leash


She tossed and turned in her bed, memory's flashing though her mind, she had sweat dripping down her face and she gripped her blankets tightly and Rex began to bark his loud mighty bark and hitting his paws on the glass door of the patio of her room.


He woke up, Rube Raised his head and, Mason sat up and petted the dogs bulky head. "Good Dog." Mason Cooed and Rube wagged his thick tail. Mason got up and took off his shirt and pulled on his swimming trunks. he grabbed Rube's water disk
Kiara rolled over and plopped onto the hardwood floor. She sighed and ran a hand through her long dark hair as the dogs bark. She could hear Cait get up and leave to take her dog on his walk. The sixteen year old stood up and hurried to the bathroom in her pajamas. She did her routine and then, wrapped in a blue towel, she dug through her drawers for a cute outfit. She finally chose a pair of turquoise shorts, a green belt, and white shirt (what she's wearing in the pic). She walked downstairs to find food, her gold heels clacking against the steps. She reached the kitchen and made a big bowl of Fruit Loops. She ate quickly and made another bowl. Her withdrawls were giving her the munches.

Mason opened the door to his Dorm room and Rube ran out of the room and ran down the stiars his claws cracking on the hard wood, he ran into the kitchen and put his paws on the table where Kiara was eating, his choker chain jenigling and her let his tongue loll out of his mouth and he breathed out puppy breath And Mason began to run down the stairs.
Kiara chuckled at the dog and turned to him. "Morning, Rube." She scratched him behind his ears and kissed his nose. She turned around when she heard Mason pound into the room. Kiara chuckled again and spoke "Morning, Mason." She picked her bowl up and headed over to the sink to wash her bowl. She turned the hot water on and cleaned it up.
Name: Lily

Age: (13-19) 19

Gender: Female



Bio/Reason of Attending:

She got drunk and got preganant her mum sent her here, she had the kid

: none

Crush: No one

Gf/Bf: No one but looking

Baby boy named Xavier

Other: Has her kid with her.
View attachment 6024

Name: Natasha Fatale.

Age: 19.

Gender: Female.

Bio/Reason of Attending: Her friends got her into smoking. Soon after, her parents soon found out and she was immediately sent to this school.

Pet: She has a pet Chimpanzee named Bobo. Her parents allowed her to bring the monkey with her since they were so close.


Crush: None yet..

Gf/Bf: None.

: None.

Other: Nothing really.
Griffen woke up with a startled expression written all over her body. Her tangled mess of blond hair sat firmly on her scalp and stuck to her head. Nightmares were getting to her again, nightmares of her parents. It took her only a few moments to brush off her dream but she eventually got out of her bed and wen tto brush her hair. She looked at herself in the mirrior and flintched a bit at her morning appearence. Stroaking a brush through her hair and getting her clothes on for the day, Griffen started to hum her favorite song to herself. Once she was dressed in a pair of jeans and a pale white t shirt. A black hoodie lined the outside of her figure and was rolled up to her elbows neatly.

Shw walked outside and notcied James sitting down with Devil. Griffen had always thought he was kind of cute but of course never exactly got the nerves up to actually talk to him. She shook the thought off and pulled out a small cigarette and lit it with her lighter that was in her pocket. She started to walk around and puff out the smoke.
Name: Kaycee Jordan

Age: (13-19) 15

Gender: Female


Bio/Reason of Attending: At her old school, she was never liked, everyone always igneored her. She came to Orange County to try to fit in better and for a new beginning.

Pet: One beautiful husky mix, Rayna http://www.out-and-about-with-your-dog.com/images/german-shepherdsiberian-husky-mixjudah-21253434.jpg

Crush: No

Gf/Bf: No

: No

Other: She is usually happy, unless you tick her off

James looked up and saw Griffen, he watched her smoke, and smirked, then began to scribble again

Mason grabbed Rube's collar and yanked him off the table he slipped a choker chain on and clipped his think rope leash to the Choker "Good Morning." he said and flexed slightly his abs showing (Lmfao)
Kiara leaned against the sink and felt the urge for a joint. She shook her head to try and clear her mind before she spoke again "How'd you sleep?" She fingered the ends of her long hair and her dark eyes flickered around a bit. She sighed and then used her hands to push herself up onto the counter. Her mother had forced her into gymnastics saying that it would be good for her soul. She had made good use of the training and can use her flexibility for many, many things.
Mason looked at her and smiled "Fine, but this girl Snores..." he smiled and rubbed Rube's ears "a bit to loud." he patted the dogs head and Rube looked around his tongue lolling and drool dripped from his chops
Kiara chuckled "It's different without the gunshots. Makes it harder to sleep for me. That was my lullaby as a child, gunshots in the night." She dangled her legs off the side of the counter and lightly tapped her bare feet against the cabinets. She stared down at the many scars on her feet, several being from gunshots. She was used to pain and now could barely feel anything touch her. It most Definately was difficult but she was working through it. There were days when she though about what she would do if she had a boyfriend and couldn't feel him touch her. That was something she was mostly worried about.
Mason saw her troubled expression and worried slightly Rube whined and clawed at the cabinet, Mason sighed and opened the cabinet and got his bowl and poured his food inside. he looked up at Kiara and smiled "want to come to the beach with me and Rube?

No it is not(: please join
Kiara looked up and smiled, although it was extremely fake, "Yeah, sure." She slipped off the counter and turned to the door "Just a sec, okay?" She hurried upstairs and dug through her drawers looking for her blue bikini. She found and put it on, pulling a pair of light blue booty shorts and a black tank top on over it. She exited her room and slid down the banister to find Mason and Rube waiting for her.
Mason smiled and and grabbed Rube's leash tightly, he smiled and swallowed hard "lets go." he smiled and held the door open for her.

lets go" he smiled and waited her to walk through the door and come outside
Kiara walked through the open door and out into the fresh morning sunlight. She stretched and blinked quickly, the brightness hurting her eyes. Her shirt pulled up slightly and showed her tramp stamp of two guns and the words 'Devil's Sweetheart'. She let her arms droop and pulled down her shirt. I wasn't that she didn't like people seeing her tattoo but she was a bit self conscious around Mason.
Mason smiled and pulled Rube out the door, He walked down the steps and yanked on Rube's chain, then rube spotted devil and devil spotted rube

Name: Rosalind Faire

Age: 15

Gender: Girl


Bio/Reason of Attending: Rosa's mother was a prostitute and her father was a pimp. When her mom died due to a drug overdose she was only two years old and the government system had no idea she existed. From that point on she was sexually,physically and mentally abused by her father and his pals. A month ago her father was killed in a drug bust, she was found days later locked in a bathroom unable to escape. She is and was malnourished and it took a week in the hospital before she was healthy enough to be released. Due to her treatment she is prone to outbursts when she feels trapped, has abandonment issues and is self destructive because she does not see her own worth.

Pet:This puppy Ebony was also pulled from the house and was awarded to Rosa http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2780/4123452234_9b6fdb73a4.jpg


Gf/Bf: None

Kid: Amazingly no


Name: Marcus Wright

Age: 18

Gender: Male


Bio/Reason of Attending: Marcus's brother got involved with a gang and in an attempt to help him he agreed to go with him on an "errand" involving robbing a store. It was a set up and during the "errand" his brother was shot, his mother put him in the facility in hopes of keeping him safe and clean.

Pet: This is Babe


Crush: None

Gf/Bf: NOne

: NOne

Devil snarled and stood up, James looked up and looked at Rube, Devil was tied against a tree branch and he lunged out his choker tightening to his throat and he let out loud and aggressive barks. James stood up and yanked at Devils leash.

Rube snarled and began to bark, his pelt bristled and he bared his teeth, he barked back and lunged pulled Mason, Mason yankedon the leash and pulled him back slightly, But Rube growled and bared his teeth again And yanked again Making Mason Stumble. Mason had a tight grip but Rube Kept pulling.
Lily walked out into the open air with her baby boy, in all other schools she got whispers and rumors, even bulling but here no one cared, she liked that. It was her first day and only had her kid with her because she downright refused to leave him behind. Even though he was a surprise, he was her world, her parents almost disowned her, and she had no siblings, and sadly all her friends abandoned her too, that didn't mean anything to her, they were all fake, they showed it by leaving. She set Xavier on the ground and walked next to him as he crawled on the grass. Lily giggled and watched as he rolled over and then kept going

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