[Occam's Razor] [Occam's Razor] Occam's Razor: The Colorado Incident

The Captain had stood silent through the preceedings, being a man of few words unless moved to speak or was addressed directly by someone he respected. He'd felt no need to reassert his stance on the Jace situation, and only nodded when Nadia had supported him. He could care less what the man had done, as what was done was done. He preferred to look at the bigger picture, the motive behind actions. At first glance, Jace appeared to be nothing more than a violent sociopath, and that could very well be all there is to him. But none of it mattered now, everyone here had a clean slate, as per Malcom's initiation of the Long Walk Scenario.

He nodded briefly to Bianca when she arrived, acknowledging her prescence, but remained silent and impassive.

He adjusted himself slightly as the Commander addressed him a first, and then a second time before he could move to the keyboard.

"Yessir." He stated simply, nodding, though a slight grin may have shown if one were to scrutinize his face closely.

He turned to the CC's mainframe as the door shut behind Malcom, hands clasped behind his back. "Computer, display all cameras from here to floor one, enlarging all cameras with the outside exits in sight. I also wants eyes on Malcom and the rest of the recovery group at all times. Designate group 'Alpha,' designate target 'Omega,' confirm?"

The computer repeated his instructions to the letter before executing his commands. Confirmed, will that be all Captain Woods?

He shook his head, "Not quite. Pull up Omega's file, separate from the camera feeds, please." He added the please almost as an afterthought, unsure whether the AI could be offended by someone, albeit a high-ranking officer, other than the Commander issuing orders left and right. "And send a copy to the Commander. Omega's marked as a civ, but it's good to know what you're getting into regardless."

The computer remained silent this time, simply executing his order with precision. Woods felt a measure of worry creep in at the AI's silence, shrugging it off before reviewing the file before him.
Nadia re-checked her weapon and made sure her knife was quickly acceptable, she wanted to be ready for any course of action. It was in a situation like this that she wished she had brought along as many weapons as Malcom had, or was able to carry a heavy weapon like Jace. She was glad that someone else managed to wake from their stasis and at the same time she was saddened that not only did they have to wake to this nightmare but also on an insecure floor borderline hostile territory. She just hoped that they stayed put and didn't attract too much attention although she figured that the lift system wasn't going to be so considerate in keeping their actions quiet and unnoticeable. She holstered her weapon, feeling that it was now unnecessary to have it drawn, and walked with a purpose toward the meet point.
Malcom was at the lift, waiting for the others, when he received the file on the newest civilian. He tapped it open and smiled lightly, "Another doctor... or at least a student, Good..." He tapped his remote send another comm signal to the young man, "Hey, This is Malcom again, Sorry, Should have told you sooner, There's a communicator next to your cryo-stasis pod. Look for the little blue blinky light, Get it on and send me an open transmission, then tell me the numbers on it, I'll get them added to the system and we'll be there shortly to collect you." He tapped his comm off, feeling intensely awkward. He sighed and shrugged, Suppose that was the way things were going to be.

Malcom tapped the controls to the lift, summoning it, he opened his remote back up and tapped the controls that overrode the level command he'd put up earlier, giving this lift the ability to go down one additional level. When it showed up, he pulled the gate open, muttering, "Where are they...?" As he stepped inside.
Jace would indeed keep up. Sweat was beading his brow but his eyes showed anything -but- fatigue. His shoulders strained against the straps of the ammunition pack on his back. The navy-blue overalls made slight creaks as his arms went frontwards then backwards ever so slightly as he walked, holding the weight on his back and in his left hand. Truth be told, the hand he had been carrying the chain-gun with was opposite of his 'strong' hand. And for someone right handed, he had been putting up this façade incredibly well, and for all intents and purposes, was going to see it through. After all, letting someone know which hand you used for pretty much everything would lead to that in itself being a weakness. And so as they rounded the corner of the hallway that would lead to it, his eyes focused on Malcom on the lift. "Never get to rest, do you?" His voice seemed to hint, ever so slightly, that he knew exactly what Malcom was going through. After all, he had practically jungle-gym'ed his way through most of the bottom 3 floors, and pack-mule'ed the rest of the way with the stuff he was currently carrying. Of course Malcom would still see him hefting that big gun around with his left hand, taking hearty strides with his left foot, and would notice Jace had not yet leaned from the weight. A signal that Jace may be left handed, instead of the truth. That even through all of this in addition to when he first went to shake Malcom's hand, Jace still held up that very same lie.
Nadia broke into a quick jog, passing Nidelia, as they rounded the corner where she saw Malcom waiting for them by the open lift. "Sorry for the wait, we just didn't want to leave someone behind." she said as she pointed over her shoulder. She waited outside the lift for the others to step in, her face showing impatience, irritation, and a slight trace of fear, if you looked deep enough. She had no idea what waited for them down below but she was sure that this was going to be quite the experience, and as she watched as Jace strode toward them she had to hold back the urge to roll her eyes. She was slowly getting use to his presence but seeing him for some reason irritated her, and she let out and audible sigh as he neared the lift. She moved inside to get out of the way and stood across from Malcom, "So what do we know about our newest addition?" she asked as she crossed her ams and leaned against the back of the lift, "Hopefully someone who can add something to this party."
The Captain silently berated himself for not thinking of it sooner. "A few more things, Computer. I need eyes on Omega, as well as an estimate of how many infected stand between Alpha and Omega, and an optimal path to avoiding a majority of them. Show me the results and relay the path to the Commander, and I'm gonna need eyes along that path, confirm?"

Again the computer was silent as it executed his commands, doing nothing to improve the niggling worry he felt in the pit of his stomach. That was, until the AI stated simply, Confirmed, Captain Woods.

Woods tapped his commlink, opening a feed to Malcom alone. "Commander, I've got eyes on the prize, he's looking fine if a little shaken, but we've all been there. You should've received a route to the target, and I know it looks a little too roundabout, but the AI calculated you'd run into less resistance this way. Even so, you're still lookin' at maybe fifty-sixty infected between here and there. I'd tell you more about the nature of the infected you'd be facing, but it seems the cameras are out in several sections along the way. But what I can see are mostly humanoid, you know the type..." He paused briefly. "Anyway, I'll try and help as much as I can from here, but I'm afraid I'm rather limited to telling you how many you're lookin' at through the next door."
After purging his body of the excess nutrients, Ethan sat beside his old pod with his head resting on his knees. Every now and then he would hear noises from far off. Scrapes, bangs, and barely heard shuffling set his nerves on edge. He decided it was probably in his best interest to keep quiet, he didn't want to attract any... unwanted attention. Suddenly the overhead crackled to life again. "Hey, This is Malcom again, Sorry, Should have told you sooner, There's a communicator next to your cryo-stasis pod. Look for the little blue blinky light, Get it on and send me an open transmission, then tell me the numbers on it, I'll get them added to the system and we'll be there shortly to collect you." God, the overhead was loud. Still on edge, Ethan did as Malcom said, looking for a blinking blue light. He let out a slightly triumphant sound at finding the communicator and quickly sent the open transmition. He read off the numbers a clearly and as quietly as he could. Some of the noises from earlier were getting close. "I don't wanna sound pushy, but I think I may have company down here..." He whispered, slowly moving behind the pod.
Malcom slid the gate shut, and hit the lift's control switch, with or without Nidelia. He pulled looked to Nadia, and said in a quiet tone, "Cover my back If you would be so kind." He turned his attention to Jace, "Take point, I'll take your back, when we get to our target, move past them, and keep the area contained, They should be..." He checked his remote again, glancing over the details, "Out the lift to the left, and down past the first door set. We have little idea of what's down here, the good Captain has been feeding me details but were a bit shy on information for going into hostile territory." He'd pulled his sidearm out and checked it over by the time the lift came to a stop. He pulled the gate up and would let Jace take point before he tapped his comm, "This is Malcom again, Were almost to you, Expect a big man with a big gun coming towards you. He's mostly harmless." If Jace gave him a look, He'd shrug, no point in scaring the new person any more then they probably were.
Jace didn't seem to pay that comment much mind. In fact, he would silently carry his duffle bag with him a few feet forward, getting his gun and metal bar out from the top of it before slinging it between Malcom and Nadia behind him, watching it slide past them and onto the lift again. Why was it that he waited to do that and didn't simply drop it before exiting the lift would be the question of the day. It seemed as though he was making sure they were away from where he wanted it. His eye on the dog-tags as if he were wanting to keep it as some sort of souvenir. That, plus he was worried about the bag being tampered with, should Nadia decide to try and 'disarm' him. And so he slid his gun and the rod into the four, thick, belt buckles on his waist, Jace made his way forwards. His finger tapping on the trigger to whirl the barrels around and keep them up to speed until the inevitable occurred. He made steady pace towards the door in question not saying a word as though he was entering some sort of absent-minded state. Of course absent-minded was the wrong term someone could use for this situation. In his mind, he was thinking about what the creatures would look like, eying the door as if he were under some sort of anticipation. And with a quick tap of the locking mechanism, his hand immediately went to the trigger, moving the spinning barrels between himself and the opening of the piston-locked doors.

His eyes were pointed upwards slightly as he took one precautionary step backwards, knowing the kinds of traps he would set for other people in door-ways. Whether it was him hiding above the entrance, or setting up trip-wires, he knew that entering a doorway alone could end a person's life. And he was not about to slip up and become fodder for some 'stupid' creature. His thoughts filled full of 'do not under-estimate me' and 'where will you bleed from first'. Of course his eyes didn't show any real movement, pupils widening, and his racing thoughts taking in all of his peripheral vision. 'Left? Right? Above?.... Below?'. All of these questions rang true following the deranged, violent, thoughts previous.
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Bringing up the rear, Nadia made sure she was as alert as she'd ever been, not wanting the company to taken by surprise. With her pistol out and both hands on it, she kept her eyes focused at the center of the hall while taking in everything around her. If there was the slightest bit of movement she would see it and at the first sight of danger she would be ready to react. She was taking a slow pace so as not to run into Malcom and so that she could also be ready to anchor down if need be, she wouldn't be effective at keeping their backs safe if she were to be clumsy and off-balance. Every now and again she could hear a faint noise that sounded like a dog walking on marble, his nails lightly scratching the smooth surface, but she didn't let that get to her. If no one at the front seemed to have an issue then all she needed to worry about was making sure that everyone was safe from a surprise assault from behind. Well...so far so good. I just hope we don't get overrun by those bastards she thought as she felt the company stop. She quickly looked over her shoulder to see Jace standing before a doorway, analyzing the situation from what she could tell, so she quickly turned her head back around and began to monitor the way from which they came. She truly hoped that her way remained clear, seeing as though that was the way to the lift, because if a horde of monstrosities came from this direction then they would either have to fight through them or be forced deeper into this unsecured floor, where they most certainly would run into more enemies. She prayed for the best while composing herself for the worst.
Malcom approached the door and lifted his remote again, tapping the unlock sequence into it he sighed, "Feel like the god damn tech." Shaking his head he put his remote away, and pulled out his nine millimeter, allowing Jace to move forward first. The lights in this section were just the running floor lights, as Malcom had kept all the lights down and off. He tapped his comm, directing it at Ethan, He spoke in a subdued tone, "This is Malcom again, You should have heard a door open, were approaching you now. Be ready to move, we might have something to move away from." He changed the channel, "Captain Woods, It's Malcom, how's our approach look, lights are low, but I think that's for the best." Malcom knew the lights were low, but he was able to see just fine, it almost seemed better then usual. He frowned and said, "Huh... Weird..." He dismissed it figuring his eyes were just adapting to the light.
Woods tilted his head to the side, analyzing the cameras for that area. "Lightings dim, and visibility is low to nil on my end... but motion sensors are picking up several forms. One of 'em looks to be big..."

He tapped his comm, speaking quietly and repeatings as much. "Advise weapons ho-" he paused when the forms seemed to launch forward on the 3D map towards Alpha. "Shit! Balls to the walls, soldier! Hostiles comin' in hot at twelve O' clock!"
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Nadia could hear the noises becoming louder and louder, and not being an idiot she took it as the enemy beginning to advance on their location. "Um, Malcom...we've definitely got some uninvited guests on their way to greet us," she readied her weapon, "Jace, watch yourself up there, incoming hostiles!" she didn't yell so much as she spoke at a volume that would reach his ears. "So much for a walk in the park Day 1." she muttered to herself as she prepared to open fire on whatever came into view.
Malcom made a face, and grunted at Alexander's warning, "Wood's, Seal the door on the end of the hall, keep any more of them from getting in." He said over his comm, and then without bothering to shut it off or change a channel, moved down the hall towards Ethan, saying, "Jace, Cover our retreat, take as few shots as possible. Nadia, On me, cover the lift, I'm last in, understood?" He didn't wait to hear a reply, or a retort, or anything. He just moved to Ethan, and kept his gun trained down the hallway, the sound of bare feet slapping the ground catching his attention. When he got to Ethan, he looked him over and nodded, "Care to head that way with the lovely Miss Turner While Mister Bradley and myself cover your exit? Got a few un-friendlies headed towards us and none of us want to meet them right now." Malcom nodded at the younger man, his sidearm aimed down the hall away from him.
Nadia aimed her gun down the hall opposite the lift, she would open fire on any hostiles that came into view, she stepped in front of the doorway so that their newest member could see where and who he needed to get to. "Let's get a move on!" she motioned him to her with her left hand, before placing it back on her weapon. She kept her gun outstretched and steady, awaiting to see who exactly it was coming for them, it clearly now sounded like uncovered feet slapping against the floor, she figured it had to be zombie-like corpses coming for their brains. She moved to the opposite wall and slowly backed a few paces, just out of eyesight of the doorway, she was ready and waiting of the first of these creatures to breach the corner. The whole while she wondered exactly how she shot these things. If i shoot their legs, can I incapacitate them? Should I aim for head shots? she had a lot of questions, but now wasn't the time to dwell on them. She would give the proper support to the best of her abilities and then some. "Nothing like an exciting Search and Rescue to get the blood pumping." she chuckled a bit as she focused on the approaching sounds, taking a moment to look behind her at the lift.
Upon hearing the words 'Jace, watch yourse-', Jace had already held down the trigger. The barrels became a ghostly-blue blurr as the ends of the barrels belched out streaks of light in the dark, illuminating a deformed human face with its mouth gaping open. The creature had been shot mid-air and caught at the highest point of its lunge at him, splitting the top of its head off from its lower jaw. The creature landed on its knees, tongue still writhing around on its lower pallet before it fell forwards in typical rag-doll fashion. Jace's foot crashed down over the top of the throat as he stepped on and over the creature with a sickening crunch, crushing the vertebrae in its neck. The skin on Jace's face jerked back and forth as the strobe-light streaks of fire flickered out of the front of the gun's barrels. His feet continued to march forwards. It seemed as though Jace were moving with a quicker pace and the sweat on his brow dripped away, but less sweat formed. He felt the burden on his back become lighter and lighter as he fired off shots into the human-esque forms.

Of course after a few more seconds, he would cease firing. His right hand going to the metal bar in his belt. With a loud crack, it made contact on something to his right. Almost as if it had hit something that wasn't there. But as this occurred, his left hand pulled the trigger on the chain-gun, using it with a pained roar. Jace's muscles in his left arm were visibly quaking under the strain as he released a barrage of shots into the crowed. The flashes of light showed just what the bar had skewered through. Right through the eye of another one of the humanoid monsters. The sharp whip-like motion of his right hand causing the metal bar to break through the back of another creature's skull. And appearently, it had been stopped while trying to 'flank' Jace.

It was here that he heard Malcom order them all to retreat. His left hand let loose as it went to the knife. The blade bit into the creature's throat as he yanked upwards on the bar, popping the creature's head off as Jace ushered out an almost sickening set of chuckles. Not full blown laughter, but a creepy "Huh-huh-huh..." that would act as if it chilled the air in the room. The cable attaching the backpack and the chain-gun to his shoulders swung, and as he spun to decapitate the creature he had ahold of, his chain gun would bash into another creature's chest, throwing it off to the side. Of course this was NOT intentional, and Jace was snapped out of his temporary bloodlust with a startling realization. He had almost went down...

And so with an abrupt heel-turn, he started to actually jog sideways, throwing the bar down and switching hands with his knife. His left hand went to the chain-gun and again starting firing as he jogged in a diagonal fashion back to the two as he made his way back out of the doors they had just entered. His gun-fire would be sporadic as he tapped the already live-trigger to cause it to slow down just enough to fire only 3 or so shots each time. And with each shot, the veins in his arms smashed against his skin as slobber splattered down one side of his mouth, landing on his chin. His eyes full of aggravation, and full of hatred. He wanted to kill ALL of them. But his fight or flight mechanism ended up working against him in this case. And already, while still beginning to hit that stride, he was regretting the first step away from all of them. And this did not ease up, even after he started to get towards the lift, saying through the tightest of clenched teeth "God... Damn it!!".
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Woods nodded hastily, even knowing that they couldn't see him. He kept one eye on the cams as he relayed the order to the computer, who swiftly closed it, but not before several more had gotten through. "Damn, Malcom..." He swore, reverting to calling him by name as it was shorter. "Looks like that big signature was a mass of 'em..."

"You're in for a treat, we got..." He looked over the map. "Maybe twenty coming your way, along with the fifteen already there." He chuckled darkly. "Good news is, you make it out alive here, you're half-way there."

He shook his head sharply, letting his training retake command, and tapped his comm to close the outgoing channel, still able to receive. "Computer, switch floor three to one camera feeds to console two, leave any with the outside doors in sight but minimize them in a corner. Enlarge Aplha and Omega feeds, and close Omega's file. See if you can do anything to enhance the visibility in Alpha's camera." He coughed slightly. "If you wouldn't mind, of course."

Of course, Captain Woods. Anything to help. The computer responded pleasantly as it executed his orders.

'I can't tell if it's serious, or if it's mocking me...' Woods thought, narrowing his eyes. He was certain that if the AI had a face, it would smirking.
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Nadia was waiting for their newly arrived to make it through the doorway when down the wall five human-like freaks rounded the corner. They were sprinting, or at least that's how she would describe it, with their limbs flailing about as they made their way toward her. "Shit...," she stepped passed the doorway to play as a wall between the monsters and her companions, "Guys! Let's get a move on!" she withdrew her knife and held it in her left hand under her gun as she raised her gun.

She dropped down to her right knee, taking aim at the closest one. Bam! The first shot caught the thing in the knee, making it stumble and fall on its face. Bam! The second shot hit blasted through the top of it's skull, painting the floor in a spatter of red and decimated brain matter. The next closest were two that were practically side-by-side and closing fast, she quickly raised her aim and picked the one on the right. Bam! Bam! Bam! The first shot tore through the left side of the neck of the one on the right, making its head flop to the side but not stopping it. The second bullet connected with its right shoulder, spinning the thing off balance and making it hit the ground. The third bullet ripped through the face of the one on the left, making it slump forward but not stopping it dead in its tracks.

Nadia quickly sprinted down the hall toward the monsters and as she approached the one that was souped forward she slammed her knife into its temple, effectively jamming the knife in place, and then quickly dropped to one knee and bringing the thing face down into the floor while lining up her shot on the next closest standing one. The one she had clipped twice was clumsily gathering itself against the wall and attempting to worm its way to its feet as she fired two into the chest of the one closing in on her and one into the head of the one trying to recover.

The one that got shot in the chest was just stunned as it was jolted backwards by the two compact shots to the chest, while the one's head against the wall exploded like a ripe watermelon, painting a wet crimson inkblot on the wall followed by a smear as the body slumped down the wall to its final resting position. The last one surpassed the thing that had taken 2 to the chest and was closing on her fast. Shit!Shit!Shit! Nadia tried to stand up and pry the knife from the skull of the monster but it was stuck too deep in there, so she was forced to bend down a bit, slam her left foot into the head of the thing, splitting it open against the wall and freeing her knife from its skull.

The force of lying the knife out sent her stumbling to the other side of the hall, which was to her benefit, because as she stumbled the closest one to her had lunged for her, missing her by inches and getting tripped up by her feet. She slammed hard into the wall and as she recovered she could see the one that had taken 2 about to bare down on her. She quickly rolled to her back as it lunged at her and placing her right foot on its stomach and rocking back she managed to flip it over her, and sent it crashing into the other one. She quickly rolled over, stood to her feet, and charged at the two things. Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! All these shots were done in frustration. 3 of them striking the one she had just downed and the other 2 missing completely. She quickly ran up to the jumbled group of hideous creatures, kicked the top one off the other, stomped hard on its outstretched arm so it couldn't go anywhere and took aim. Bam! The shot pierced through the head of the thing and buried itself in the floor, and she quickly gained full mount position on the creature. She slammed the knife through its right eye socket, holding it firmly in place as it tried to squirm beneath her and began to grab at her with both hands, but that quickly stopped as she placed the gun beneath its chin and pulled the trigger. Bam!
Nidelia had returned to the medical wing for the time being to get things organized and become familiar with the environment.

Meanwhile Rys had gotten back to her lab with the blood and was running tests upon tests. Mixing the blood with random chemicals... and of course testing the blood for anything bad. She had found a stereo and store of CD's that must have been left by the dead scientists.

She had Night wish playing loudly and was singing with it as she danced around her new lab. She was in her element and very happy. But her cheerfulness came to a screeching halt as the alarm went off on the blood testing machine. She quickly turned off the machine and music and read the results and her face went pale.

Not knowing what was going on with all the officers she opened her comms. "Um... Office Devontess, I need you, Doctor Sponze, and that former convict to report to research immediately... I need to test all of your blood..." She says shakily.
Ethan was officially out of his element, but he nodded at Malcom's request, quickly scrambling after Nadia.

Shit, what had he woken up to?!

He froze in horror as the first wave of monstrous things came barreling towards them. He couldn't help but note with an almost detached interest that they seemed to have mutated further during the time he had spent in stasis. He had glimpsed one right before volunteering for the Cryo-program. If he was completely honest with himself, it was what had changed his mind. God, the irony in that decision stung.

He watched on in awe as Nadia managed to dispatch no less than five of the things in what seemed like no time at all. Maybe that had something to do with the fact that everything seemed to be going in slow motion around him. The medically minded part of him recognized his own shortness of breath and dizziness as symptoms of a panic attack. It took him moment to realize that he really should be doing something. Like helping ... or moving. Yeah, moving sounded like a smart plan.

Ethan grabbed the first thing he saw, a mid-sized metal pipe that had obviously been ripped from the wall at some point during the time it took the building to fall into disrepair.
Without hesitation, Malcom had his own firearm up, he took careful aim, his stance stable and firm, two rounds already passing clean through the skulls of two of the mutants, he looked to Ethan for a moment, saying, "Sorry we don't have time for introductions, but you really..." He pulled the trigger, two more times, two more targets dropping, "Well this is easy..." He thought, before he continued, "...Need to get on the lift." He drew one of his Kukiri as the first of the creatures got within his melee range, and he drew the knife through it's neck in a clean motion. Malcom moved onto the next one, not even noticing that he'd severed the creatures head, blood splashing across his face and chest as it had with the beast from before.

Malcom took two more shots, knocking two of the creatures back into the approaching mob, his face a cold mask as he began to slowly back up, down the hallway. He tried to take a headcount of the enemies, but they seemed endless. He'd been focusing on shooting the enemies at the front of the mob, those that were largest and would fall back, blocking their kin, he looked back to the others, shouting, "Lift, Now, Move, Move, MOVE!" He took another shot, counting with a mutter, "Seven..." taking a few further steps back as the horde approached in a slowly growing frenzy.
Woods had begun pacing wildly back and forth lengthwise with the console display, feeling like a caged tiger. He felt so helpless, not being able to do a thing to aide. If attempted offer any advice, it could distract them and get them killed.

Besides, there wasn't anything tactic-wise he could offer them that they couldn't eyeball or workout themselves... Hell, they've got a Ranger and a Marine down there...

If they played it safe and conserved ammunition, or just pointed Jace at them, they'd be fine...

He grunted in aggravation, running his fingers through his short hair, if only he were down there...
"Lift, Now, Move, Move, MOVE!" At the obvious order, Ethan snapped into action. He ran towards the lift as fast as his legs could carry him, slowing only once he reached the doors. They just kept coming! How on earth were they supposed to deal with so many at once?Ethan couldn't help but morbidly wonder how bad it was outside the facility. At least the others seemed to be keeping a level head for now. He supposed if any of them started to panic, that was his sign that he should too. He clutched the pipe he had found to his chest and felt a swell of determination. If shit went down, he would go down swinging.

After all, these people were in this mess because of him. It was the least he could do.
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To say that Jace was the last one to the lift was a bit obvious. The pack of ammunition slowed him down, not to mention the fact he was in melee range of a few of them that lunged only to get shot mid-air. The chain-gun was full throttle by now, aimed at the hight of Jace's stomach. His heavy footsteps caused deep thumps as he power jogged his way towards the lift. However as he finally saw it, his expression seemed to change. A grim frown fell upon his features. And the pale complexion he now wore showed much worry. Not only were there too many to merely slow down with gunfire, they would end up catching them all by the time Jace and the hefty gun got to the lift, they would swarm all over it. However this realization was sub-par compared to the thought of his last moments being those running in fear of a mob he already wanted to slaughter. And so with an abrupt halt, Jace slung his right hand outwards, his eyes on Malcom's as they squinted in anger. However it was a strange sight. He looked right at Malcom with those same angry eyes and yet he seemed to have a slight bit of regret on his face at the same time, placing the knife in his belt.

With his abrupt stop and bizarre stare, the hand that Jace had swung out continued behind himself, turning around and slinging the ammunition bag in his hand upon the lift. Jace's left hand used the motion to more easily build momentum to swing the chain-gun. And with a metallic **KRANG** he rammed the barrels through two of the creatures, letting the chain-gun go and instead grabbed the strap that would support its weight on his shoulder, lobbing the chain-gun to the lift with the others. The two creatures that were impaled were then freed. "USE IT!!" He'd declare, not really caring if anyone could lift it or not. He just knew if they were going to survive, or even have a slight twinkle of hope of doing so, all of them... meaning EVERYONE was going to have to put out some effort. The Chain-gun of course having previously been wielded with one hand. But if Ethan or Nadia would try, they would find that the thing weighed one hundred and eighty pounds. (81.6 kg) Of course with adrenaline, surely two of them could heft the thing.

Whether those on the lift would do as told or not, it didn't really matter to Jace. Now all that mattered was the kill. His right hand gripped his make-shift knife, pulling it back out as well as one of the metal loops of razor wire up and out of the dufflebag and let the weighted end fall to the ground with a thud. The industrial-sized clip-hook weighing nearly ten pounds. And so he'd use the coiled part, still wrapped in cloth, to hold onto it, swinging it around above his head once before he lashed it like a whip sideways, decapitating three of them as they stood and cutting one that lunged in half through its mid-section. His eyes widened as he let out a deranged laugh. The closest possible descriptive term one could use to describe the laugh would be a mix of a typical clown's laugh and sorrowful cries of anguish. "Heeuuu-AAAAH-haah-haah-huuuuaaah!!"A deep, yearning, bloodlust came over him as his veins bulged against his arms. His entire face was twisted. A look of deep satisfaction as his mouth gaped, eyes snapped wide open, nose wrinkled, and his brow furrowed. Even the scar that ran along his forehead had made a series of 'wiggles' as it slalomed its way down towards his eye.

To Ethan it may look like Jace was at first trying to buy them time and to do the heroic deed of sacrificing one's self. Of course with the deranged cackle that came, that notion would be wiped clear. Jace was putting up a last stand, not for THEM, but for himself. However either way, he would try to let as few as possible past him. Of course by now there were too many for him to actually stop. And so that chain-gun he lobbed up the steps and on top of them would no doubt have to be put to use.
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Malcom had stayed just far enough back that he was between Ethan and the approaching horde, but that he was just behind Jace as the man moved in, the murderous frenzy he saw the man enter made him inwardly groan. He regarded the chain gun for a moment before he slid his side arm back into it's holster. Looking down the corridor he realized that it was too many, and too far for them to reach the lift without losing someone, and inwardly, Malcom's suppressed cowardice began to claw it's way forward. He shuddered, and time felt as though it slowed down. He looked to Nadia, as she spent shells fruitlessly, to Ethan as the civilian, the man he was supposed to protect, fled as he had told him to do so. Malcom turned his gaze back to Jace as he tore into the creatures that were attacking him... and then, Malcom saw something that made his heart skip a beat, his mind raced, as he saw it, as he noticed a trend, a pattern. The creatures weren't attacking Jace, they were running past him, or at least trying to.

With a frown, he drew his second kukiri and stood in the way of one of the creatures as it approached, raising the blade, and the first he already had drawn, into a defensive posture, his left hand holding it's blade reversed and forward, the right hand holding it's blade at ready, prepared to be plunged forward. He stood there, and shouted back towards Nadia and Ethan, "Get to the lift, We'll hold them back as long as we can, Staff Sergent, Protect the civilian. If were not there before the first one of these freaks reaches that lift..." The creature was nearly upon him, he was treading backwards as it came on, seeming to look past him, Malcom considered every possibility he could think of, then in a twisting, turning motion, he brought his left hand up under the mutated man's neck, rending it's head away in a vicious motion, blood spraying across his arm's and chest, he turned to look at Nadia for a brief moment, "Don't wait for us..." Was the last thing he said to her before he turned back to the oncoming mass of bodies.

Making his way towards Jace, he cut down each creature that made it past the man. He was silent in his work, his hands clinging to his blades like a pair of vices, he took down to more of the monsters with swift blows, a severed head, and a cut to the back of the knee in a twisting descent of flashing steel. Malcom was no expert with the knife, but he had gotten enough training and practice with them to cut down a few monsters that were doing all but attacking him. He grunted as he dispatched another, catching the thing in his arms, it was smaller, probably a mutated teenager, or something to that effect. He took it up in his arms, slid his right hand's blade into it's shoulder and then grasped it's head with his left hand as best as he could, then with a swift jerking motion, he broke the creatures neck with a loud popping crack. Disgusted, he tossed the thing aside, his right hand sliding it's blade from the creatures body as he did.

Without words, he stepped forward again, continuing his deadly act as he held the beasts at bay, noticing more and more how little they targeted Jace, or himself, and how desperate they were to get at and attack Nadia and Ethan. He took a moment to consider his comm, he had heard voices in it a moment ago, hadn't he? Almost like that scientist... He tried to remember her name as he sheared the face off another of the creatures as it tired to run by.

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