I'm kind of assuming people knew others beforehand. Sorry if I'm wrong.

Like, Mark, Dallas, Drew, and most of the other Football Players new eachother.
Thomas and Drew had a fight , they had math class, I'm gym class Thomas had to fight against Drew and Ella against Bianca


And also, I'm 100% sure Drew is gonna get his ass kicked in the fight. Considering he's fighting a super hero.
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I knew that

I edited I wish I was up u till 12:30 because It would of be much easier for me to understand of what happened for the pass hours
Okay, Drew and his crew, including Mark and Dallas, went to mess with Ella, and Thomas came to her protection. Drew beat the crap out of Thomas. Russel and Drew have a fight scheduled tonight. Everyone went to Math. Everyone then went to Gym, which Drew co-ran, and Drew fixed sparring so that Thomas and Ella both got their asses beat.

We'll see about that, Emily. Ferro isn't a super hero, just a Vigilante. I talked to Zelorm and he said Ferro is actually not the best fighter, and Drew is a proffesional fighter, so....me and Zelorm have the fight already planned out, you'll have to see.

KurtH6355 said:
Okay, Drew and his crew, including Mark and Dallas, went to mess with Ella, and Thomas came to her protection. Drew beat the crap out of Thomas. Russel and Drew have a fight scheduled tonight. Everyone went to Math. Everyone then went to Gym, which Drew co-ran, and Drew fixed sparring so that Thomas and Ella both got their asses beat.
We'll see about that, Emily. Ferro isn't a super hero, just a Vigilante. I talked to Zelorm and he said Ferro is actually not the best fighter, and Drew is a proffesional fighter, so....me and Zelorm have the fight already planned out, you'll have to see.
Ahh that explains so much. Do you want to continue with the rp?

@KurtH6355 what is your idea?
Okay, so eventually the fight is broken up by police officers. The police lets them off with a warning, but Dallas gets paranoid and aims a gun at the cops, firing a warning shot. The cops shoot and kill Dallas, but a stray bullet heads toward Ella. Drew tackles Ella just before the shot would have hit her, and the shot misses and goes off into space.

And nah, not without some other guys, like @awesome and @Leela. We can start when @Zelorm gets on, then we wait a half hour, then we start up again at the beginning of the fight, with whoever else is on.
This is why I don't like it when people make their privacy settings so almost nothing is shown. Annoys the hell out of me.
Why thank you. I enjoy this RP, enjoy leading it. I've made most of the things happen so far, and I enjoy seeing other people it what I do to make the RP more interesting.

Eh. He's Dallas, ya know? :P
I'll be both the first person who's character started the first fight, and who's character died. Amanda will have to make me Co-GM at this rate, lol.

Alright, Em.

It'll be sad when I go to Dallas's Sheet and put DECEASED at the bottom. I'm thinking it'll really fuck Drew up, and it'll cause him to lash out at some point.
I can't wait until the fight! I think that Thomas is probably going to have a heart attack when he sees the bullet coming towards Ella

Don't worry I'm obviously not going to kill him
He'll probs get jealous when Drew saves her life and hate himself for not doing and not having the courage to do what Drew did.

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