Update to what I previously said, summoning them in a non physical form will take very little mana, to be fair
Light said:
My problem is that you don't need to focus on being restricted combat wise. The characters aren't supposed to start off being decent they're supposed to start of as terrible. Her ability to throw a mob of demons at people, as weak as they may be and regroup them is already putting her above decent. You don't have to be so fixated on combat. I get that you're doing it to be interactive with the horde so I'd say she has the ability to summon the entire horde in a non-physical or corporeal state. Though for physical means she can only summon about 6 per injection. I know that sounds limiting as hell ( because it is ) but it would be starting off on an even playing field with not only the protagonists but the ( Weak ) antagonists too. As you progress in the story you will get stronger and gain more abilities. Trust me you will, but for the beginning I'd like us all to start off as mediocre....unless you're Ruby...because she has no powers. Don't take this in a bad way, I like your character. I really do like appearance it makes her very fun as well. She kind of gives me that nice Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends vibe! Then I remember they're all demons....then I go to my bed, curl up, and cry. It would be fun for her to meet Valente and compare her demons with her degenerates xD
At this point I really don't know which one is worse x.X. I guess they both have their problem with their horde people. One side is just.......a lost cause ( a serious lost cause. ) While the other is just....mischievous I would say until proven wrong.
Thank you! I do appreciate the feedback and sorry if I did come off as focused solely on combat, but the questions I was asked did seem to revolve around how my character would perform in combat situations. In truth, I was actually planning to use her powers mostly to run away avoid combat situations. As much her legion would prefer her to be a bloodthirsty ruffian, she simply doesn't have the time or the moxie to go around bashing heads (Which is why I asked about the rules for incapacitation).

I think that the guidelines you established do make for a fair compromise and I'm willing to make "making demons corporeal" something with a mana cost.

Though I will also state that in terms of plot and character progression, Ree is actually trying to avoid gaining more power and so may be reluctant to use injections or upgrade her abilities

though I can see this becoming a recurring gag, poor girl just wants to go back home but her attempts just seem to send her farther and farther away
[QUOTE="Caped Baldy]Thank you! I do appreciate the feedback and sorry if I did come off as focused solely on combat, but the questions I was asked did seem to revolve around how my character would perform in combat situations. In truth, I was actually planning to use her powers mostly to run away avoid combat situations. As much her legion would prefer her to be a bloodthirsty ruffian, she simply doesn't have the time or the moxie to go around bashing heads (Which is why I asked about the rules for incapacitation).
I think that the guidelines you established do make for a fair compromise and I'm willing to make "making demons corporeal" something with a mana cost.

Though I will also state that in terms of plot and character progression, Ree is actually trying to avoid gaining more power and so may be reluctant to use injections or upgrade her abilities

though I can see this becoming a recurring gag, poor girl just wants to go back home but her attempts just seem to send her farther and farther away

Yeah you can knock people out with the warning. Don't worry, Ree and Juniper can hide somewhere while the others fight. I've already set up my running away from all situations manual, I can let you have a read for a small price. Just keep it on the low, this is under the table business

That's fine! I guess we're all settled and ready to rumble! Just let me know if you need anything!
[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]
But when he left her near the door to sit on the stairs she let out a squeal and used her fashion manipulation changing her outfit for her to wear an XL black hoodie.

Remember, no powers
( @Caped Baldy @Daimao )

Hey I just wanted to apologize for the mess up I just made. I said there were four locks, when in fact there were five. I've fixed it but for those who read it as four and posted for that I'm so sorry, I should have payed better attention to the numbers. I even triple counted too, fml
djinnamon said:
Don't beat yourself up over it , it was a simple mistake. It was off by a single so don't worry about it, KK?
Don't listen to Djinn, @Light. It was the worst mistake you could've made, ever. It's ruined the entire Rp, you might as well shut it down now.
GingerBread said:
Don't listen to Djinn, @Light. It was the worst mistake you could've made, ever. It's ruined the entire Rp, you might as well shut it down now.
*holds up a teddy bear threateningly * You wanna swallow it , if so then keep talking *sneers but its more cute than scary*
djinnamon said:
Don't beat yourself up over it , it was a simple mistake. It was off by a single so don't worry about it, KK?
Thanks, I'll try not to make the same mistake again.

GingerBread said:
Don't listen to Djinn, @Light. It was the worst mistake you could've made, ever. It's ruined the entire Rp, you might as well shut it down now.
*Actually feels bad. Reads this message.* That's my current state right now.
I just can't with this situation right now. I'm hungry as F. This is Summer but I'm not having fun damn it!!!!!
djinnamon said:
*holds up a teddy bear threateningly * You wanna swallow it , if so then keep talking *sneers but its more cute than scary*
No thanks, I prefer Lambs, not bears.

Light said:
*Actually feels bad. Reads this message.* That's my current state right now.
You missed one person (Who hasn't actually posted in the main thread yet) Stop being such a debby downer.

djinnamon said:
*is now actually upset with @GingerBread * Seriously dude *sighs*
What? I did nothing wrong.
GingerBread said:
No thanks, I prefer Lambs, not bears.
You missed one person (Who hasn't actually posted in the main thread yet) Stop being such a debby downer.

What? I did nothing wrong.
It's the other way around....
Kill me now or feed me!!!!!!! @Light @GingerBread

GingerBread said:
No thanks, I prefer Lambs, not bears.
You missed one person (Who hasn't actually posted in the main thread yet) Stop being such a debby downer.

What? I did nothing wrong.
I don't care about what you want.
GingerBread said:
What's the other way around? You miscounted, didn't you?
Then why did you offer me a bear?
I was offering to choke you till you die with it but it was purely sarcastic because you would gotten choked either was. *Is a sadistic BITCH when he wants to be*
djinnamon said:
I was offering to choke you till you die with it but it was purely sarcastic because you would gotten choked either was. *Is a sadistic BITCH when he wants to be*
So you were going to give me a bear, that you trained to choke me?

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GingerBread said:
So you were going to give me a bear, that you trained to choke me?
*doesn't even give a fuck anymore *


@Caped Baldy hey, just one last thing I swear, would you mind tagging people? I know it sounds minuscule, but sometimes people don't get notified unless their tagged or quoted, and often people get ignored because of this. I just would hate to see something like this happen to someones character...

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