Sorry, another question; I'm interested in giving my character chronokinesis. WAIIIIIT-BEFORE YALL GO NOOOOO THAT'S OP, I have nerfs for him and he won't be able to change reality and shit, at the moment (due to the arc being a new generation and all), his powers are simply aging fogs, chronokinetic combat (enhanced reflexes, attack speed) and maybe some other smaller things. His primary weakness at the moment is mind manipulation as it takes insane amount of concentration to use the aforementioned skill. SO, is this allowed?
MatTamMax said:
Sorry, another question; I'm interested in giving my character chronokinesis. WAIIIIIT-BEFORE YALL GO NOOOOO THAT'S OP, I have nerfs for him and he won't be able to change reality and shit, at the moment (due to the arc being a new generation and all), his powers are simply aging fogs, chronokinetic combat (enhanced reflexes, attack speed) and maybe some other smaller things. His primary weakness at the moment is mind manipulation as it takes insane amount of concentration to use the aforementioned skill. SO, is this allowed?
What are aging fogs?
Light said:
What are aging fogs?
Basically a fog released by the user that ages anything it touches (a posh version of corrosive fogs)
Also, is it ok for characters to change physiology when grown up? Again, sorry for the endless questions.
Welp, I've done my CS (most of it- I only left out the history though I'll cover that later). Although I think he's a little bit out of the context of the current arc...
MatTamMax said:
Name: Thaldus Belittog
Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: ??? (possibly human)

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance:View attachment 316386

Thaldus appears calm and collected at first sight but he really isn't. He jests around every here and there but when his sanity snaps, well... Let's just say shit'll get real. He's usually sarcastic when sane but doesn't talk much upon snapping.

Physiology: ??? (appears humanoid)



-Aging Fog||A dark fog is released from Thaldus' palm; it ages anything it touches in a corrosive manner. It can only last for 5 seconds before slowly disappearing into thin air. The fog can diffuse by several (one to five) metres before disappearing. This ability does not require much effort and can be used fairly often.

-Chronokinetic Combat||Thaldus combines time-manipulation with physical combat, giving him enhanced reflexes and combat.

-Expanding Time Bolts||The release of compressed energy spheres (each with the size of a baseball) that expands upon impact (by 30 centimeter at best) and then disappears after 1 second. This ability is quite exhausting and can pass its user out within 10 bolts. However, it is very powerful as it ages its target relatively quickly.

- Time Cutting||Allows Thaldus to charge his fists with time and age anything that comes in contact with it (the fists remain charged for roughly 10 minutes before needing to be recharged). Each charge takes up a small fraction of the user's energy therefore is barely exhausting.


-Is vulnerable to psychic attacks as time-manipulation requires profound amount focus and equanimity.

-Entities that do not age are immune to aging attacks.



-Thaldus never takes any part of his armour off and what's inside it-no one knows.

-Thaldus actually has a time physiology but doesn't know it (and the reason why his armour is stuck to his body) yet, he will find out about that later on in the arc
So, just a quick question. What happens to someone once they've been aged?
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GingerBread said:
So, just a quick question. What happens to someone once they've been aged? Because aging someone is kinda OP, in my opinion.
Well, they age when they're in contact with my aging fog and other forms of attack. The effect won't last once they're out of my reach and yes they will eventually heal back to their former physical conditions (at the moment since the characters aren't supposed to be too powerful yet and they'll grow stronger as the arc progresses). Additionally, the fact that he's extremely vulnerable to mental attacks pretty much nerfs him. I hope this is alright.
MatTamMax said:
Well, they age when they're in contact with my aging fog and other forms of attack. The effect won't last once they're out of my reach and yes they will eventually heal back to their former physical conditions (at the moment since the characters aren't supposed to be too powerful yet and they'll grow stronger as the arc progresses). Additionally, the fact that he's extremely vulnerable to mental attacks pretty much nerfs him. I hope this is alright.
I'm not the Thread owner, @Light. So I don't really have much, if any say in if your character gets accepted or not.

But, I do still have more questions. You said after "they're out of my reach" How far does your reach extend, since you do have a power that requires you to punch someone and age them that way. So it's not just an area of effect thing, it can't be if that's one of the powers, right?

So it won't last ever right? They will always go back to their original age (Just an extra question, how does that work? Like, what triggers them to change back?) But you put in brackets "At the moment since the characters aren't supposed to be too powerful yet and they'll grow stronger as the arc progresses" Does this mean that at some point, the effects of his aging powers will become permanent?
djinnamon said:
@Light What is a degenerate
@Light is a Degenerate

They're small black blob being things.

Light said:
Degenerate Queen - This ability allows her to control the mindset and the function of a peculiar but handy little species called the degenerates. The degenerates seem to be well...mindless and useless. Though they do share the same stomach dimension that can be used for a pocket dimension. They can also be used for meat shields even though they'd be too mindless to respond to the order of get in front of me from the average person.


The degenerates cannot grow anywhere they want. They can only rise in dark and narrow places, like a corner in an alleyway at night. They can't transport people anywhere they want to from the pocket dimension. They can only put them back where they came from because these beings are simple minded.
GingerBread said:
I'm not the Thread owner, @Light. So I don't really have much, if any say in if your character gets accepted or not.
But, I do still have more questions. You said after "they're out of my reach" How far does your reach extend, since you do have a power that requires you to punch someone and age them that way. So it's not just an area of effect thing, it can't be if that's one of the powers, right?

So it won't last ever right? They will always go back to their original age (Just an extra question, how does that work? Like, what triggers them to change back?) But you put in brackets "At the moment since the characters aren't supposed to be too powerful yet and they'll grow stronger as the arc progresses" Does this mean that at some point, the effects of his aging powers will become permanent?
O.o That's quite a handful of questions... Lemme just lay out the answers neatly for you:

Out of my reach: When the entity isn't in contact with my enchanted fists or time bolt or aging fog.

How they age back: Well, if (for example) I age them by 1 year, they'll slowly turn back to normal within around 10 minutes and I can give you mathematical figures but I believe that's unnecessary. So let's say I age someone at 1:00 p.m December 5th 2016. upon aging them by 1 year, they'll be one year older (1:00p.m December 5th 2017). 1 minutes later they'll be (1;01p.m December 5th) and 9 minutes later, they'll revert back so their age after 10 minutes will be (1:10p.m December 5th 2016). I know this is profoundly perplexing but so is the laws of time xD

AREA EFFECT???: For my punches obviously not but for my fog-well, they're fogs so technically it's area effect but only when you're touching it.

PERMANENT AGING???: Initially, yes. That was my plan but I reconsidered as that might be OP (unless everyone becomes semi-immortal near the end of the arc). If everyone does become semi-immortal, then I guess it'd be fair for my character to have his attacks' effects permanent. Although I doubt this. Ergo if I am right and not everyone will turn semi-immortal, no. His aging effect will only take longer to recover from (maybe like one hour for one year of age).

Hope this clears things up!
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MatTamMax said:
PERMANENT AGING???: Initially, yes. That was my plan but I reconsidered as that might be OP (unless everyone becomes semi-immortal near the end of the arc). If everyone does become semi-immortal, then I guess it'd be fair for my character to have his attacks' effects permanent. Although I doubt this. Ergo if I am right and not everyone will turn semi-immortal, no. His aging effect will only take longer to recover from (maybe like one hour for one year of age).

Hope this clears things up!
Using what you just said last so the older you are the longer you think to age correct? So say person is 48 years old and they are aged to one year old that would two days to return their normal age. Correct?
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djinnamon said:
Thanks also
*smacks @GingerBread with a paperfan * No name calling got it?
But @Light is a degenerate... :P

MatTamMax said:
O.o That's quite a handful of questions... Lemme just lay out the answers neatly for you:
Out of my reach: When the entity isn't in contact with my enchanted fists or time bolt or aging fog.

How they age back: Well, if (for example) I age them by 1 year, they'll slowly turn back to normal within around 10 minutes and I can give you mathematical figures but I believe that's unnecessary. So let's say I age someone at 1:00 p.m December 5th 2016. upon aging them by 1 year, they'll be one year older (1:00p.m December 5th 2017). 1 minutes later they'll be (1;01p.m December 5th) and 9 minutes later, they'll revert back so their age after 10 minutes will be (1:10p.m December 5th 2016). I know this is profoundly perplexing but so is the laws of time xD

AREA EFFECT???: For my punches obviously not but for my fog-well, they're fogs so technically it's area effect but only when you're touching it.

PERMANENT AGING???: Initially, yes. That was my plan but I reconsidered as that might be OP (unless everyone becomes semi-immortal near the end of the arc). If everyone does become semi-immortal, then I guess it'd be fair for my character to have his attacks' effects permanent. Although I doubt this. Ergo if I am right and not everyone will turn semi-immortal, no. His aging effect will only take longer to recover from (maybe like one hour for one year of age).

Hope this clears things up!
Yeah, no. That's pretty well explained.
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djinnamon said:
Using what you just said last so the older you are the longer you think to age correct? So say person is 48 years old and they are aged to one year old that would two days to return their normal age. Correct?
It seems that you are as confused as I am. What I meant by "one year of age" was aging someone BY one year. Sorry for my erroneous grammar.

And no. When a 48 year-old man is aged by one year, the time needed for him to recover fluctuates. It depends on how powerful I am. Right now, he's still weak therefore it takes a short period of time to heal. When he's older and more powerful, it'll take longer.
MatTamMax said:
Alright and sorry for making things so bloody complicated O.o
It's fine. I still think it's a touch overpowered, but I tend to say that about a lot of things; I just think that aging someone as a main source of attack is kinda op, even if it isn't permanent, for one main reason. The older someone gets, they less agile they'd get, meaning it'd be easy to age them further and kill them or something, you know?
MatTamMax said:
It seems that you are as confused as I am. What I meant by "one year of age" was aging someone BY one year. Sorry for my erroneous grammar.
And no. When a 48 year-old man is aged by one year, the time needed for him to recover fluctuates. It depends on how powerful I am. Right now, he's still weak therefore it takes a short period of time to heal. When he's older and more powerful, it'll take longer.
My grammar was bad to

What I meant: Using what you just said last. So the older you are the longer you take to reture to the correct age, correct? So say person is 48 years old and they are aged to one year old that would two days to return their normal age. Correct
djinnamon said:
My grammar was bad to
What I meant: Using what you just said last. So the older you are the longer you take to reture to the correct age, correct? So say person is 48 years old and they are aged to one year old that would two days to return their normal age. Correct
Nope. How long it takes for the person I age depends on how powerful I am.

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