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Realistic or Modern Now Or Never | Out Of Character Chat

I'd love to join if any roles are left. I have a favorite but I understand if it is taken. I feel like this RP is exactly the thing to break me out of my writers block. :)
When you want the king but also the fuckboy.
Haha, nah mate, I'm gonna try out for the fuckboy because then I can fuck up everyone's life (both in the sexual and the non-sexual way)
taking on the new girl (since i barely realized the survivor is taken.) ill have it up my 6th period or after school
Alright! I'll work on a bio for an (untaken) character right now. I just didn't want to tread on anyone's toes.
Omg I just got my BBcode to freaking work. I tried for like half an hour? And the code is not even that hard? Hahha. Omg I've never gotten further than to make shit bigger before #proud #I'mthebest
Anyways, I'm done
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