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Fantasy Nothing To Lose: An RP Beyond the End of the World (ooc)


legend of #swag

Journey Under Saturnine Sky

An RP Beyond the End of the World

out of character chat

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ChronosDesine said:
I really want to start on my character sheet but I don't want to be the first one :'|

hah don't worry about it. i'm working on mine in a document right now actually :3
Heylo all~

I'm ozma, the storyteller/GM and co-creator of the RP. I put cucumbers in charge of recruitment, so now that y'all are here I'll be pleased to get to know you. Any questions/thoughts so far?
ozma said:
Heylo all~
I'm ozma, the storyteller/GM and co-creator of the RP. I put cucumbers in charge of recruitment, so now that y'all are here I'll be pleased to get to know you. Any questions/thoughts so far?
Yes, yes I do. What exactly do you mean with storyteller? Hope that that wasn't a too dumb question...

Could you explain how the magic and Resonance works? What it's used for? I know it's mentioned in the overview and lore, but I'm still not sure I fully understand.
ChronosDesine said:
Yes, yes I do. What exactly do you mean with storyteller? Hope that that wasn't a too dumb question...
Well, your character will be part of a mission that is venturing out of Safe Haven, the area you grew up in, into the Old World that is basically thought to be barren of all life and potentially inhabited by magically-mutated creatures. You as the player and you as your character don't know much beyond that, but you've volunteered to find out. The players will roleplay and tell what their character does and says, and I in turn will be telling what the world around you is like, and how it reacts to your actions. It's very similar to the role of a Dungeon Master from Dungeons and Dragons and like games, if you are at all familiar.

Does that explanation help?
Clairvoyance said:
Could you explain how the magic and Resonance works? What it's used for? I know it's mentioned in the overview and lore, but I'm still not sure I fully understand.
Sure! Back in the Old World, about fifty years ago, it's said that people found a way to use magic to power advanced technology- think teleporters, flying ships, magical libraries, weaponry, etc. All of this was built by people who could use magic. Some people are born with the ability, and are called MPs (Magic Potential), and some are born without. At one point, when this magical technology was in its golden age, a group of mages wanted to try and fuse the essense of magic itself with a human soul, creating an effect called the Resonance. This Resonance was a mythological power that was only known in holy scriptures about the Goddess who created the world. However, these mages believed that with their Magi-Tech, they could do it themselves.

Something went horribly wrong, and it turned out that the Resonance, or whatever it was that they created, ended up having a hyper-cancerous effect on magically-imbued cells, causing them to multiply and mutate at insane rates, effectively turning anything- people, animals, plants, etc- into twisted, terrifying abhorrations that overran the world.

Or so the stories go- that was 50 years ago, and you were born into Safe Haven, a small, protected area of the world that is free from Resonance because magic is almost never used, except in very controlled circumstances. As far as you know, the world has ended beyond the island you live on, and nothing except death awaits those who might try to explore beyond.

I'm not sure I'm fully answering your question, so I'll say this; unless your character has Magic Potential (MP), you really know little about magic and the Resonance as it is. It's a strange and unsettling power that you've been protected from all your life. However, since you've chosen to go out beyond Safe Haven, that will likely be about to change. If you'd like your character to have magical power, I can explain further.

So, I was looking at my character sheet. I noticed my not-so-smart mistake, thinking Body Type was Blood Type, and just fixed it. So, yeah, sorry! xD
Clairvoyance said:
So, I was looking at my character sheet. I noticed my not-so-smart mistake, thinking Body Type was Blood Type, and just fixed it. So, yeah, sorry! xD

haha it happens :3
Hey all!

Thanks much for getting your characters done so quickly! It helps with getting the game rolling sooner.

Right now we're checking in with a couple folks on character details and whatnot, and still waiting for one more sheet to be completed.

Once I'm back from work tonight I'll be putting up more info both about the starting game scenario, and how the game itself will run.
[QUOTE="Lady Ravenshade]no i'm not exactly sure who she is ): i've tried finding her but no luck.

that's fine! she's just really cute :3

so there's been an update in the settings/location tab about technology! i wasn't sure if we were all on the same page so i asked ozma to write some stuff.

(because even i was asking him about what it was possible to have)

i hope this is helpful.
Hiya folks! Another update, an important one too.

Firstly, I've realized that there's still a bit of information that I'd like to know about the characters, that I probably should have included on the character sheets. If you'd like to add it to your sheets that would be fine, or you can PM me the answer if you'd like it to be private.

Despite the danger and the unknown, what is your reason for joining the mission to the outside world?

Also, I'd like to elaborate a little bit on posting style within the RP. When your character attempts to do something or interact with the world, it's important to write in a way that leaves the results open for me or another player to react to, based on who your character is affecting. For example: "Miles used his lockpicks to unlock the door and opened it, walking through confidently." While this is what your character might want to accomplish, you can't be sure they'll actually succeed. Instead, it would be best to word it as "Miles took out his lockpicks and attempted to unlock the door, his hands working deftly and with plenty of experience from his years on the wrong side of town." This way, the action is open for me, the Storyteller/GM to resolve and explain what happens- and the added details of why they should succeed will be accounted for as well.

I understand that some folks might not be familiar with or used to this style of roleplaying, and I'm not going to fret if we have a couple of mistakes at first. However, please do your best to read over your posts before publishing them, because the process of me asking you to edit your post to fit the above style will slow down the game as a whole. That being said, this only applies to actions that carry a reasonable possibility of failure that lies outside the character's control. Routine, everyday things can be glossed over for the sake of keeping the game moving along.

Thanks for everyone's understanding! I'm still waiting on a couple of corrections to character sheets, but we're right on the verge of starting! Stay tuned!

@Boe @ChronosDesine @Clairvoyance
ahoy all! I have officially made the first post in the RP thread, so go ahead and start whenever you can. If you have questions about the situation in-game, ask them here or send me/cucumbers a PM.

Looking forward to it!
great first posts all! It seems the characters are starting to enter the house. I'll be doing an RP post to advance the plot later tomorrow (or later today, Monday), so if you'd like to do anything more interaction between your characters you should get them in before then!

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