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Fantasy Not Your Average Fantasy High School || OOC


Within the Depths of a Dream



[SIZE= 16px]Don't make me beat your ass. Keep it somewhat clean and respectful.[/SIZE]
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HEEEEEEY, I read your original post under the search threads. But I don't just wanna barge in here and be like, "I'M JOINING," since you guys seem to have a pretty close and established group of friends so I just wanted to make sure that it's okay that I would like to join?
HEEEEEEY, I read your original post under the search threads. But I don't just wanna barge in here and be like, "I'M JOINING," since you guys seem to have a pretty close and established group of friends so I just wanted to make sure that it's okay that I would like to join?

Yeah you're cool! Me and a few of my ass-hats've just been friends for awhile is all. ^_^  
HEEEEEEY, I read your original post under the search threads. But I don't just wanna barge in here and be like, "I'M JOINING," since you guys seem to have a pretty close and established group of friends so I just wanted to make sure that it's okay that I would like to join?

 By joining this, you are part of the friend group, my dude
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cs is up. By the way, if you're looking for a challenge, try to find a non-anime half-dragon picture that isn't clearly medieval in style. I'm pretty sure it's impossible. xD
I'm having problems coming up with a winged serpent character that's not the biggest walking/slithering cliche there is :I

Especially the part why they'd be a teacher.

Definitely not to see the world, that's for sure
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I was contemplating making a female character for this at first, and now I regret not doing so because this is turning into somewhat of a sausage fest. An unrealistic one too, becuase IRL there are usually more women teachers in pretty much any given school. 
I was contemplating making a female character for this at first, and now I regret not doing so because this is turning into somewhat of a sausage fest. An unrealistic one too, becuase IRL there are usually more women teachers in pretty much any given school. 

Very true. (Is my character the only female?) Mmmm, I might ask that all remaining characters are female to balance it out.

Anyway, I'll wait for a few more sheets before beginning. ^_^  
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Da hoype is real doe

(hopeng that all the peeps that haven't made cses yet will make female characters xD )

Yeah. It's almost done! :D  

I'm dropping so many references to my current fandom addiction, its not even funny. They're painfully obvious to spot if you know what you're looking for. x3

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