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Realistic or Modern Northville High School

Lights flashed everywhere as cameras went off. Cheers and screams of entertainment roared everywhere as ty stood in the octagon with a guy, both of them bloodied and beaten in fighting stances facing each other with death glares. It has been one hell of a fight, ty nearly nocking his opponent out in the first round and his appoment nearly doing the same to him in the 5th. It was now the seventh round and both of them were ready to end the fight. His opponent threw a left and a right which ty both blocked before he struck back. Charging forward and grappling with his apponent before getting him down and getting on top of him. Quickly ty did as he was trained and started wailing on his opponent. Left right left right left right. He swung again and again down at his opponents head while he tried to block most of the hits with his fists. After about 9 seconds of this Ty's opponent made a move. Quickly grabbing Ty's left arm and wrapping his legs around Ty's arm as he pulled trying to put ty into an arm bar. Ty quickly locked his hands together to counter the arm bar as his coaches yelled things at him from his corner. "Don't you let go of that hand ty! Don't you let go!" They all yelled as ty stood there hands locked to prevent the arm bar from happening. Both of them grunted and groaned furiously as they struggled to get any ground against each other. But then ty took his chances. Widening his stance and making sure his arms were locked good he started to pull up. Slowly lifting his opponent off the ground as the crowd roared with excitement as ty lifted the massive man above his head then dropped him forward instantly nocking him out as the crowd all stood up screaming with excitement as the bell was rang. Guys rushing into the octagon, some to tend to the nocked out man others to cheer and congratulate ty, others with tv cameras that were broadcasting over local tv. The ref walking over to him once they got his opponent concious and pulling him to the center where he stood in a line with the ref and his opponent. "At 1:30 seconds left in the seventh round... by nockout, youuuuuuuuur victor!!! Tyyyyyyy!!!!" The commentators said through the mics as the ref lifted tys left arm up into the air the crowd going wild over it. After that him and his opponent hugged and exchanged a few good words about the fight before goong there separate ways to there locker rooms. Once there tys coaches sat him down on a bench and pulled over a table on wheels filled with medical supplies were they then started to tend to his wounds. A gash on his left eyebrow that they put a small bandage on, a busted lower lip that they cleaned out, a cut on his cheek that they babdadged and a cut on the bridge of his nose they also bandadged as well as a black right eye. After about half an hour they were done and then all congratulated him. "You did good tonight kid." His head coach said as he smiled at him making ty smile back.

After a little bit ty left the event center were the fight had taken place. Now wearing a pair of black shorts and a blue sweatshirt with some sneakers and a Nike duffle bag in his left hand. His hands were still wrapped up in the bandages from the fight but he didn't care about that. The few people that were still there congadulating him on the win or telling him that was an awesome fight which made him smile as he got to the parking lot and a car pulled up filled with some of his friends. "Get in man!" The driver said happily making him chuckle and ask why which one of his friends in the back responded with. "Because we are going to party!" He said excitedly which made ty chuckle and open the front passenger do and hop in before the car pulled away and drove out them quickly headed for the party that was only about 10 minuets away.

when they pulled up they could tell it was winding down but were still happy to go. All Ty's friends quickly hopping out and cheering as they started in. It took ty a little longer though to hop out because he was so sore. Grunting and groaning as he stood up and closed the car door he looked up to the house the party was at and let out a sigh before he started up the lawn towards the house
Jace was late, much to his disappointment. He'd heard there was going to be a party, memorized the time it was going to start, and promptly got completely distracted by something else. By the time he'd gotten bored of what he was doing and remembered the party it had already been going for a couple hours. Dashing out of the house without bothering to fix up his appearance, the boy sprinted through his neighborhood to the address the party was being hosted at. The Lockwood twins lived there, if he remembered correctly. Not people he'd ever interacted with, but he liked to make a point of memorizing names. Though he couldn't quite remember the brother's first name...

'Jade and...Rick? Riley?'

Regardless, he didn't live too far away, so there was no point in wasting gas on his car. Only a few minutes of jogging later he'd arrived at the party, panting heavily and noncommittally muttering that he needed exercise. Bright blue eyes locked onto a rather beat up looking guy pulling himself out of a newly arrived car. Well, several guys actually, but that was the most notable one. Not to mention the only one who's name Jace could remember off the top of his head. Ty Judge, the boy who always seemed to look beaten up in one way or another. Though that was probably just confirmation bias on Jace's part. As the group of cheering jocks made their way up the lawn, he remained out on the sidewalk, his piercing gaze focusing back on the house. It definitely seemed as if the party was losing steam, which meant everyone inside was likely drunk. Rather than head inside, Jace remained on the sidewalk, taking a few moments to decide whether or not it was worth it to join in so late.
Character Info: @queenofeverything


Derrick "King" Kingsman

Age: 19

Grade: Senior

Gender: Male







Derrick is basically everyone's best friend. He is insanely likable, and a huge teddy bear. He is very approachable, and always has a smile on his face. He loves people and being able to see other people succeed. He is willing to put in the extra mile when it comes to everything he does. He believes in if you want something done right, then you have to do it yourself. He is very stubborn, and when he says he is gonna do something he's gonna do it, and he isn't afraid of anything or anyone that stands in his way. 





+Working on his car




-Being woken up 

-ignorant people

-people who think they know what they're talking about but don't know a thing.

Which "Clique" Would They Be In?:



Football: Cornerback

Band: Tenor Saxophone

Drama Club


Pm Me


His car:
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She had pulled her silver hair into a ponytail as she opened up the door to the house. She opened the door with one hand as she held some gummy worms "How did that get in my hand?" in the other hand. closing the door behind her, she walked out of the house and across the lawn. passing by a boy who stood on the sidewalk seemingly thinking about whether or not he should go in.

"They have good drinks...." she said quietly as she passed by him to her red car that was parked a little further down the street.

Mentions: DrabberRogue 
// the creator of this role play isn't very active. i'd guess you were and it doesn't do much harm to to role play a little until she does accept you, right? //
(True, plus she could just delete it.)

Derrick was sitting in the parking lot of the Circle K in the middle of town. His phone lit up, it was a text from one of his linemen. It said that one of the other seniors was throwing a party. He looked up at the sky. "Why didn't I hear about this sooner..." He started up his baby and took a second to take in the sound of it purring. Derrick felt the engine for a second rattle as he began as he pulled onto the main road. He turned up his tunes and began to make his way to the party. 

After a few minutes, his phone's Bluetooth hooked up to his radio and began to blare his music. He switched from some alternative to country, then to rap. It took him about ten more minutes to make his way over to the house where the party was taking place. When he turned on the road where the party was he began to blare his song, Hail to the King By Avenged sevenfold. He pulled into the driveway of the house, the engine in his car could be felt from inside the house. That wasn't the loudest thing that could be heard. 

He revved the engine for a second before cutting it off. He turned the key and turned his baby off. He got out and made his way inside. He saw one of his lineman talking with one of the cheerleaders. He nodded and made his way over to drinks and took a drink. He looked around for a few minutes till he looked around for a few minutes, he couldn't help but notice a certain woman with pink hair. 

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I had just downed my third shot. I wasn't feeling anything, honestly. Maybe a little buzzed. That's kind of where I wanted to stay for now. The party was dying down and I didn't want to be 'that girl' who got shit faced and trying to party while everyone was leaving. My friend shoved another small glass in my hand full of more hard liquor. I raised and eyebrow and looked at her. "Come on, you're being me tonight and I would so take twenty more shots. Bottoms up, baby." She said, nudging the glass towards my mouth.

I rolled my eyes for what felt like the millionth time tonight and tossed it back. I slammed it down on the counter and shook my head, my face crinkled together. My friend cheered and through her arms up, acting as if she was the one getting drunk. A couple of other people hollered with her, not even knowing why. I just laughed and waved my hands in front myself.

"No, no more. Really. Just get me a beer or something." I started feeling bubbly and warm now. I needed to slow down. Someone popped a cap off a beer bottle and handed it to me. I nodded to them with a small giggle. I turned around, taking a sip from the beer. I needed to leave the kitchen before they kept shoving more random mixtures of drinks in my face. I pushed my hair out of my face and looked up, studying where I could go. My eyes landed on a guy that seemed to just walked through the door. He was staring and making it very obvious. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Can I help you or something?" I asked, taking another drink from my bottle, but keeping my eyes locked on him. "Didn't your mother ever teach you that staring is rude?"

Derrick was a bit obvious that he was looking at her. When she called him out it, Derrick couldn't help but smile. "I guess I was staring a lot." He took a small sip from the drink that he had. "I'm sorry about that, I just don't think I ever met someone with pink hair." He said with a smile. Another lineman came up and patted him on the back. It was a respect thing that the defensive line did. "I transferred here over the summer, I don't think I've ever seen or met you. What's your name?" He asked as he extended his hand out for a handshake. He grew up in a house where if you met someone for the first time you give them a handshake no matter who they were. "I'm Derrick, Derrick Kingsman. Nice to meet you!" He said with a smile that went from ear to ear.

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I raised my eyebrows and couldn't help but smile. "Pink hair is really that much of a surprise to you?" I laughed. Weird. I know pink hair wasn't normal, but I didn't ever think it was that much of an attention drawer. My eyes followed the guy that approached you and walked away soon after. I tilted my head and my vision focused back on him. "Here, as in the party or Northville? If you mean the high school, I'm a senior and gone there all four years, sadly. " I giggled yet again. The alcohol was slowly starting to affect me, but I was going to try and fight it off.

"I'm Arabella-" I stopped and looked down at his hand reaching out to me. I attempted to stifle another laugh, looking up. "A handshake?" I asked, silently judging the boy in my head. I have never ever met a teenager to offer a handshake when meeting another handshake. And this fucker thought my hair was weird. I hesitantly grabbed his hand with mine and shook it. Odd. "Nice to meet you too, Derrick..." I said as we shook, smiling. Dropping his hand, I continued to drink the sour tasting beer. "What brings you here? Do you come to parties a lot? I don't. I'm normally the DD." I was talking to much but I couldn't help it. 

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Derrick could start to feel the awkwardness in the air. "Wow, I guess I have just been living under a rock..." He said with a chuckle. He took another small swig from the drink that he had in his hand. "Normally I am usually at home, working on my car, or at the gym trying to get ready for the football season, or practicing my saxophone. But this is the first party of the year so I decided to come out and show face." He noticed the beer that she was drinking was a sour beer. He drank the rest of his drink." That beer must be really sour..." He said before walking over to the cooler and grabbing a couple Longbow hard apple cider. "This is a little bit sweeter." 

"Arabella, was it?" He said scratching his head. "... I'm sorry I'm not that great with names." He took a swig of the hard apple cider, it was a very sweet drink. "I'm a senior too!" He said realizing she was a classmate of his. "What about you? if you're normally the DD then what do you do, wait at home for someone to text you?"  He said as people began to make their way outside. 
I said nothing to his comment besides a small laugh. Was this awkward? Was it me or him? Or both? Couldn't tell. "I should've known you were a football player, you look the type, but saxophone?" I laughed. "That's a new one for me. Band geek and jock? You're just breaking stereotypes aren't you?" Maybe he was a douchey-sporty kind of guy, so definitely not my type nor anyone I'd normally be talking to, but he did play an instrument of some sort. He was just full of surprises.

I didn't notice him eyeing my beer until he spoke. I opened my mouth to say I was fine, but he was already leading back into the kitchen. I looked at him then to the drink he was handing me, both of my hands occupied with alcohol now. "Are you just trying to drunken  me up, too?" I accused jokingly. I chugged the last couple of drinks out of my first beer before opening the second. "Yeah, Arabella. It's kind of a different name so you're fine. You can just call me Ara or Arie." I said with a smile. I normally got a lot of questions or comments about my name for some reason. People expected a cute story or something because of it.

"Huh, that's weird that we haven't had any classes together. I only have two classes on my schedule right now, though." I shrugged. I can't lie and say I don't think I haven't seen his face before, but I definitely didn't 'know' him until now. "Uhhhmm.. all depends. I mean sometimes I might stay at the party and just have a beer or something so I'm not getting questioned and drinks pushed at me like I am now. Sometimes I'll stay at home or just drive around. I like to switch it up." I giggle and shrugged. "Not much of a partier, I'd much rather just sit on the couch and be antisocial usually." I joked, but I was also not lying. I watched another group of people leaving the party, biting my lip. I wasn't sure if this was my queue to go find M and get shit faced super fast, leave with him, or just leave in general. 

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Jace turned as the silver haired girl walked by him, kind of surprised she'd actually said anything. He definitely remembered the face, it wasn't exactly difficult to notice someone with such an odd hair color, but he could say with confidence that he'd never even heard the girl's name. He was about to say something in response when his train of thought was cut off by the sound of blaring metal from down the street. Bright blue eyes focused onto the source of the music, regarding its owner as he stepped out of the car. A member of the football team, if Jace's memory worked properly. Derrick Kingsman, he remembered because of the unique last name. He couldn't help but smile at the entrance of the jock, the song choice being especially entertaining. Though there was something he'd been about to do before that song had distracted him. Jace turned back in the direction of the silver haired girl, what he was going to say sitting on the tip of his tongue. But alas in the time he'd been distracted, she'd already made her way out of earshot.

The boy sighed, shrugging at nothing in particular. He turned back to the house, the girl's words echoing in his head. Long legs clad in black jeans carried him up the lawn and into the house. A piercing blue, inquisitive gaze regarded the inside of the house as he wandered in search of the kitchen. Once he found it he began to peruse the drinks available, figuring he'd at least fetch something for himself in the last minutes of the party. Mostly alcoholic drinks, unsurprisingly and much to his distaste. However there were a couple cans of Red Bull left over, one of which Jace took with little hesitation. Popping the can open, he took a sip from the liquid caffeine as he turned to regard the remaining few people in the party. A likely vain attempt to find someone interesting who wasn't completely wasted.
Alex King

Alex had turned up to the party with his friends. To many this was a normal party, but for Alex it was something more.

He had been texting with someone for a while now and things were getting serious. He knew about cat fishing but a 

part of him did hope it would not be the case.

Dancing with some of his friends, he drained his cup and decided to go get another drink. He made his way to the kitchen

and found a bottle of vodka. Mixing Vodka and Redbull, he used a straw to start drinking.

He sat down in the kitchen for a while to relax and gather his wits. He took out his phone for a while and looked at it wondering

if he should text his secret admirer to see if they were here or even if they wanted to meet

(if anyone wants to throw in a story line for this let me know :)  )
Kaira Had gotten into her red car and started the engine. Grabbing a couple of gummy worms from the bag, she popped them in her mouth.

having started the car. she sat back to wait for it to heat up. sighing she pulled out a book *Jurrasic Park. It was one of her favorites and she had read it already 19 times.

She quickly got immersed in the tale and forgot to drive off, though her car was finished heating up.
Name: Cassie Tran

Age: 15

Grade: Sophomore 

Gender:  Female



Personality: Cassie is an optimistic, cheerful and childish girl that is very friendly and helpful. She maybe sweet but if you don't support her causes (animal rights, womens rights lgbt+ she will turn sour, she can be very naiive and easily taken advantage off because of it. She tends to fall in love easily.  easily emotional and a bit too involved in her clubs she forgets her homework.

Likes: Helping people, making friends, protesting for causes, cats, anime/manga, funny jokes, nice people

Dislikes: insensitive people, meat eaters, horror movies, gore, bullies.

Which "Clique" Would They Be In?: She doesn't really belong in any "clique" as she has many friends outside of cliques but "Student Council"

Sports/Clubs: Anime/Manga Club, Music Club, Drama Club, lgbt+ club, womens rights club, animal rights club, debates team club sooo many

Relationship/Crush: Unknown she tends to fall in love easily

((Lol well since there are still people signing up to this...))

Name: Valentina Tejera 

Age: 17 (as of October 31)

Grade: Junior



❤️Things you can't see in the image: Valentina's eyes are hazel blue, she has a beauty mark above her mouth and little moles everywhere. Her natural hair is a lot more curly, though she straightens it sometimes.❤️

Personality: Valentina seems to be very secretive. She can run her mouth a mile a minute and its easy to see that she treats everything around her like a learning experience, but try and get to know her personally and she is likely to clam up. One thing is for certain, she has a very compassionate nature. She is the shoulder for anyone, stranger or not to cry on. When she's not holding amateur therapy sessions between classes, you can find her helping a teacher or messing around in the art room. Either that or in the bathroom reading tarot cards for love struck teens.

Likes: Creating art, staring at people, flirting, crying (releasing any emotions really), poetry, talking

Dislikes: Lazy people, uncooperative people, failing, negative people (it saps her energy), being needy

Which "Clique" Would They Be In?: The Art kids

Sports/Clubs: Willing to try everything once. Most likely will go for the Art club, or Computer club. Maybe both.

Relationships/crushes: Probably has had a crush on everyone at least once. Try and capture her heart if you dare haha. PM if interested.

Other: She's a new student.

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