[North Shore Nights] Chapter Three: Deepening Night.

To Anna

Jarvis shrugs, yawning loud, "Everyone needs someone. God, can I just take a nap tonight? I'm half-dead." He does appear that way. You've seen Nosferatu that look better than him.

Mary laughs, "Poor baby." To you, "But, well, that's good, boss. Is he really hot?!" Oh yes, the girls want to know. If you so much as mention Spanish some of the girls swoon and twitter in a wild over-the-top way and begin to salsa with one another, shouting things like "Maria!? POR QUE?"
To Valentine

Selene smiles, patting the back of your hand, "Good boy. Hmm, feels like he's moving off toward Jack's. Poor fool. Gangrel usually know to stay away from holes..."
To Gavin

Lucrecia smiles sadly, then catches you politely leering and chuckles. "Terrible boy." She taps your cheek.

"Yes, I'm sorry, we've been on edge recently. With all the issues with the Unaligned and the killings, we cannot be too careful. We're a rather high on the list target, if we want to be or not. Even being neutral means little in times like this. Cameras are working all over the grounds along with other things." She looks weary for a moment, that porcelain face belying its age.

"How are you?"

"Faring tolerably, you know me - I'd invite you and Belham over to my new place but I'm afraid it's a frightful mess still." He gazes at his pale figers. "These hands are entirely unsuited to housework; too much time thumbing pages, but no doubt I'll get around to it...eventually.

"And cameras? I must say, I'm impressed - and relieved. One can never be too cautious."
To Gavin

"This may the old President's House of campus, but the real inhabitants are no fools. We learned after the '40s. Learned a lot. Now, what brings you round tonight?" She motions for you to follow her to the kitchen.

"Just a social call, Lucrecia, nothing more, nothing less. I know the streets aren't safe but I for one go mad if I stay too long indoors. Well, depending on the reading material available, of course." He leans nonchalantly against the kitchen counter. "And we both know we would all of us just wither away with your ravishing company."
To Gavin

"You always were a charmer." Lucrecia chuckles.

"Indeed he is." Belham comes wakling in, smiling. "Hello, Gavin. How are you?"

"Can't complain sir," he answers with a smile. "Can't let the End get us down, and all that, got to stay optimistic, positive... etcetera, etcetera..."

She just shakes her head and claps her hands. "Come on kidlets, are we going to dance, or gossip?" She takes another look at Jarvis, dead on his feet, and the girls prancing about, and adds, "Looks like you'd rather gossip anyway." The kids cheer her up, and she doesn't mind their boisterous activity so much. She perches herself up on a window sill, throwing a momentary look at the office and immediately dismissing the paperwork that needed doing. She was in no mood for it tonight.
To Anna

The girls at least are dancing. Even if its while throwing horrendous Spanish at one another. Mary and Tina scoop up Anton, Amanda and Micah. All five are dancing around in a circle like pagans round the fires. Around the light. Hell, even bonfires sounded good to you of late. Adulio liked to click his tongue and say such fallacy is not good. He was old, but he'd slept most of his years away. Embraced sometime after Napoleon had finished rampaging through his native homeland. He never mentioned much beyond it.

But Adulio didn't care for fire, even more than most Kindred, even Mekhet, would.

Unsettling that the fire that claimed Keith and the grocers took place just down the road. So hot, watching the flames lick up the wall, curling and blackening the wallpaper. What did it feel like when their clothes finally caught? Their hair? When their skin started to blister and...


She shivered, or at least mimicked the motion, to rid herself of those thoughts. For a moment, the dead cold in her skin was temporarily comforting. Looking back at the kids, the class felt strangely empty without Keith. She hadn't spoken to anyone about his death; she had yet to confide in Adulio how much it saddened her.

The song on the record ends, and a slower, though still lively, one begins. She rises from her seat and drags Jarvis up. "Lets get you warmed up and awake. Maybe then the rest of them will join in." She smiles at Jarvis and puts his hand on her waist.
To Anna

Amazingly what supple, but maybe a little cold, female flesh can do to man's mind. Yawning once more and scratching his stubble with his free hand, the young man smiles and takes your hand with his free. "Let's."

For a good hour, you both waltz around the studio among the others in nice slow dancing. Cherry and Curly have paired off with boys, enjoying their time. Perhaps one of the quietest sessions you've had in a while.
Garrison Blake

Garrison pauses. He's not certain he wishes to face any new Kindred this evening. Then he mentally kicks himself. This vampire's with Valentine. How bad can he - or she - be? Besides, I have information to relate.

Blake heads in the direction his Beast tells him the Kindred are, walking purposefully. When he sees Valentine, he gives a little wave as he walks up. "Valentine. Good to see you." Blake bows with his customary fist in hand to Selene. "Greetings. Garrison Blake, at your service."
To Blake

She's much older than you, and quite potent in the blood...but you don't really feel the need to run and scream and gnash your fangs in terror. Always good.

Valentine nods as Blake bows; the formality always made him feel slightly awkward.

"Garrison Blake, this is my sire, Selene Marceau. Selene, Garrison Blake. He's the Gangrel newly arrived from the East."
To Blake

Selene smiles, nice and big. Fashion model kind of smile, but sincere. She holds out a hand of manicured fingers, "Lovely to meet you, Blake."
Garrison Blake

There is an awkward moment where Blake simply looks at Selene's hand, almost as if she will bite. With a small shake of his head, he inelegantly takes her hand and almost touches it with his lips. His discomfort is plain to see, yet he struggles to maintain some semblance of dignity. "Very pleased to meet you, Ms. Selene. Valentine has been very...accommodating, since I came to town. It is an honor to meet his sire." There is another pause. "I hope the evening finds you well."
To Valentine

To your amazement, Selene doesn't laugh in his face. Though, she does appear to be somewhat struggling, her nostrials flare for a second before composure returns.

To Blake

"It does. I think it just became a bit more interesting. I didn't realize Vally Val liked his friends so old fashioned." She gasps, her face touched by scandal and spins look to Valentine. "My God, Val, you ARE trying to get into Lucrecia's garters!"
The Ourobouros

Taking its leave of Yuri and Elderton, The Ourobouros returns to its room and begins a metamorphosis.

Tonight, it is male. A working man, a blue-collar poet. Striking jaw and sensitive brow.

It dresses accordingly - informally formal, if you will. Out for a drink with company, maybe, after a long day.

It keeps a signature now, though - various personal effects emblazoned or shaped as the Ourobouros of antiquity. In this case, a ring - and as an added measure, it has emulated a tattoo of the dragon on one shoulder, albeit out of sight under the shirt.

It breathes deeply, centering itself, before stepping outside.

It tries not to let the anxiety show, avoids flinched glances at every shadow. That kind of.. unseemly behaviour would be beneath it.

Valentine bursts out laughing. "We both know that'll only happen the night you get Belham distracted..."

Shaking his head, he continues "Blake's a buddhist monk, apparently. Well, trained in a temple there. He's big on philosophy and formality, but to say he knows his way around a fight is something of an understatement. Why, I'd say he'd even give you a run for your money, sweetie."
Garrison Blake

A look of confusion crosses Garrison's face for an instant. He looks from Selene, to Valentine, back to Selene, and then back to Valentine. "I have skills, yes. But those skills come from that philosophy you speak of. Some would argue I can be neither Buddhist nor monk. Being what I am. I do not...hold to that line of thought."

Blake cocks his head and quirks an eyebrow at Valentine. "Vally Val?" A smile seems ready to escape, but it is successfully corralled before it escapes...
Garrison Blake

Another smile threatens to break loose. There is a struggle before, finally, it actually does. "Defender of the Traditions, indeed."

Blake's smile flees from his face. "When you have a moment, Valentine, I do have some information you may be interested in hearing. Let me know when you're available and we can have that talk."

The Daeva shrugs. "I've been keeping Selene up to speed. You can tell me in front of her."

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