[North Shore Nights] Chapter Three: Deepening Night.

To Valentine

Oh, if looks could kill. There'd not be a molecule left of you. Though he does turn on the charm. Selene's eye twitches, but she smiles back at him anyhow.

"Jackknife Slick. How's you?"

"I'm quite good, dear." Oh, he even kisses her hand. And she smiles more! Though there's a bit of anger in her eyes.

Valentine claps the Daeva on the shoulder. "Jackie-boy. Business is booming. Good to know you can always take advantage of troubled times."
To Valentine

Without missing a beat, Jack turns with a smile, those vibrant green eyes shining. "Oh God, it's the easiest part of being a business man." He looks at your hand and smiles wider, gently brushing it off. "Troubled times make for good business. People want solace and I give it to them how they like it. Wine and song. The women they bring themselves."

Valentine meets those eyes. In his peripheral vision, he sees one of Jack's barmaids walk past, glancing at the snake-bastard nervously. Inspiration strikes.

"Good thing, too. I know you find women bloody hard to hold on to, eh Jack?"
To Valentine

Jack doesn't even really move and you hear the bones in his neck pop. Something dead in his eyes flickers to life. The grin gets sharp, his lips nearly stretching to his ears. "Katy, dear, see to Selene's and Valentine's needs. Hop to on those drinks." He tips a non-existant hat to Selene and saunters off, going right back into talking with guests.

Resolve (3) + Composure (2) = Five dice. Results for 5 dice: 2 successes [ 5 0 9 7 7 ] (TN: 8 ) Re-roll ten: Results for 1 dice: **BOTCH** [ 1 ] (TN: 8 )

Valentine's grin becomes genuine as he turns back to Selene. "Always such a pleasure to distract oneself from the night sky..."
To Valentine

Selene rolls her eyes. "Let's get those drinks, smartass." Looking left and right, she gives you a hard pat on the ass, that sends a few couples into twitters and hearty laughter. She smiles sweetly. "Oh yes, very nice to get one's mind away from such thoughts." Laughing, your sire saunters up to the bar. "It'll come up painfully later, but fuck it." She toasts you with her vodka and lime.
Garrison Blake

Blake purses his lips, then heads back downstairs. Now to track down the Castellan. That could be an issue, at times. The man has an infuriating habit of being exactly where you are not looking....
To Valentine

"I believe it," she mutters. "But I burn them quicker when I put my hair up." Her odd manner of talking about her Malkavia.

Valentine puts the drink down, untouched as ever. "Let's blow this popsicle stand. Wanna take a walk with me? We might get lucky and run in to trouble."
To Blake

The man is such a strange bird. Mongolian, you're pretty sure. Elderton is not his name. He fought in China during the World War. Against the Chinese and Japanese alike. And the Russians during the Quiet War with Japan in '39. Studied in Chapter Houses all across Asia and formally studied in Vladivostok when the Russian Empire still stood.

He's a quiet Mekhet. But, ah! Finally, after an hour of looking, oddly back in the library where you looked twice. He loves practical jokes too.
To Valentine

Selene shrugs, taking the drink down. "I swear, I'd love to see if you mellow out with age. But I doubt it." Both of you take your leave, Selene leaving a few bills. "Like a bottle rocket. Short and brilliant life." She smiles, walking alongside you. "What do you think it means?" Nodding toward the sky. "The End?"
Garrison Blake

"Sifu Elderton." Blake gives his customary bow, but bowing lower to show respect for his mentor. "If I might have a word? I am looking to get in touch with those who reside in Buffalo. New York. Do you have a contact I might speak with in the Chapter House there? I would be most grateful for any assistance you might provide."

"I'll surprise them all yet, Selene. No worries."

Glancing up at the inky sky, Valentine shrugs. "I don't know. The Ordo may know, the Crone could tell you, even the Sanctum will wail and gnash their fangs... but they don't know either, I think. maybe nobody does. I don't let it slow me down, though. Eyes forward. I deal with the problems I can handle, avoid or ignore the ones I can't, and live eternity one night at a time. I can't do anything else."

Glancing over, he says "What do you think it is?"
To Valentine

Her eye twitches, just so, but you see it. "Kinda looks like the inside of my head when I dream." She shudders. "Like waking up at night and thinking you're not alone. Like the shadow on the wall detached and is slowly drifting toward you, two hard points for eyes. And that's it, no features, just a shape...comin' toward you waiting to take you away..."

Valentine smiles sadly and takes her hand, for all the world like a mortal couple walking. If they were armed to the teeth.

"Through me. And no sooner."
To Blake

The old Dragon raises a pencil thin eyebrow. "Buffalo...mm, maybe. If he's still not mad for the...bad way I left him in on my way out. I left one of his ghouls in the trunk of a car and used my own powers to disconnected a few things in his mind. He cannot see red nor green anymore. But I shall make some calls in an hour or so, student."
To Valentine

Sighing and with a shake of her head, she squeezes your hand. "You know, thinking back on when we slept together gets all Freudian in my head sometimes when I use that...term our kind use for our...descendants."

'Childefucker' is an oft used and incredibly discomforting term in Kindred society. Selene said she was called it once, and she cut the man's heart out.

The Ourobouros meanders through the library, not interrupting Elderton. It's noted the Kindred over the last two months, chatted occasionally. It likes him; appreciates his sense of humour. But assumes everyone hates to be disrupted whilst working as it does.

It looms from the top of a bookcase as it looks for Yuri.

Ouro's current facial configuration:


"Well, if this was an Anne Rice novel you'd be my mother as well as my childe and when I wasn't fucking you I'd be buggering the serving-boys and waxing lyrical about the moonlight. So it's not all bad."
To Valentine

Selene shakes her head, "I knew I burnt those books for a reason." Making a gagging face, your elder sniffs the night air. "Where to? Seems like a mostly nice night, as long as the Unaligned stay in their little hovels on Cunningham."
To Ourobouros

Ah! There's Yuri, sitting at a table pouring over piles of books and one old looking tome quite intently, ignoring viturally everything around him. Seems to be muttering to himself.

OOC: Always the charmer, eh? :P

"Where my lady bids." Valentine bows floridly. Suddenly, he presses the back of his hand to his brow. "Oh, woe is me! Cursed with superpowers and eternal life, I must alleviate my shame via pederasty and angst....."

Tragic pose.

Deigning not to startle him, Ouro sidles up on the ground and waits patiently for a few moments.

OOC: Fucks on first dates, too.

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