[North Shore Nights] Chapter Three: Deepening Night.


"So what you're telling me is Gore financed a demonologist who may or may not be the cause of this."
To Valentine

"Gets better. Martin pulled a scam on this fucker. Unleashed a couple of nasty ghouls in the Boston domains that lead to a bitter fued that lasts to this very night some five years ago. I guess Gore cut him loose or something. No real details. But yeah, this boy was living the high life. God knows why he decided to summon the demon. That I don't know. Last time this kid was in Boston was...year ago at the earliest. We have a year long blank spot."

Night falls, and her eyes languidly open. She doesn't smile immediately into the darkness as she normally does, but instead rolls onto her side, thinking about the night to come. Things had gotten more and more tense over the last two months, and she had been, at first, nervous about walking the night the way she normally would. She has taken to carrying a larger handbag, her Magnum concealed inside. It does't matter that if she comes up against anything seriously nasty that it will do as much good as throwing rocks at a tank, but it is better than being defenseless.

There is a dance class tonight, and damned if she's going to let the kids wait outside the studio. She dresses in a black silk blouse and black swing trousers, and is out of the door in no time at all. On her way to the studio, she pulls her hair back in a high ponytail, and with a well practiced hand, applies her lipstick on the go. Her pace is quick and purposeful, the kind of stride that warns people off stopping her to talk. Though she still has time to flick a tenner to that same homeless man sitting on the corner, who flashes her a toothless grin.

"Good to know. You say he associated with the lower class of vamp, huh?" Valentine pauses to consider.

"I want you to cross-reference the names of all Unaligned come in from Boston in the last two years we have records for with any list of names of Martin's known vampiric associates. Can you do it?"
To Anna

That old man probably loves you. A bottle of Thunderbird a night keeps anything at bay. The walk is quick enough, the moon near half-full. Streetlights provide enough light, but its still odd without the stars. Even though cities block starlight, some always got through in Roanton. Now...almost nothing. Just a sky of black velvet. Peaceful in its own way.

But the kids aren't there when you arrive. A number of waiting cars with parents or concerned friends wait along both sides of the street. Keith was one of the people who died in whatever destroyed the corner grocer's back down the road and burned out the apartments. It's been a grim few months.
To Valentine

"Jesus...may take a night or two. There's a lot and we never get them all. We'll see." You hear Jimmy typing up a storm. "I'm on some conspiracy theorist websites right now. Some of them are actually following the shit going on upcounty. It's kind of fun to see human perspective on it."

She unlocks the door, reflexively pulling her reflection into focus, and throws a glance over her shoulder as if to say 'it's safe, come in.' The studio is usually a place of comfort for her, but it lacks the vibrant life it once possessed. Keith's death had rocked the class pretty hard. Sometimes the class just devolved into sitting around and talking; she had become an impromptu counsellor for these kids. They needed someone to confide in who wasn't their parent, and she was just the person for it. She gave them the music and the dance steps and the life that went with them, and so in turn, she now gives them comfort when they need it. The studio isn't just a sanctuary for herself...
Garrison Blake

Blake bows. "Thank you, Master Yuri. Unless you have anything further, I will take my leave."

The Gangrel heads upstairs, to use the computer. He's still uncomfortable with computers, but realizes it's a necessity in this day and age. Carefully, Blake constructs his missive.

"Honored Lovecraft is Missing,

I contact you this evening to inquire as to your progress involving the difficulties encountered in Roanton. How goes your research? Is there anything you can tell us? It goes without saying that the sooner we can resolve this issue, the better it will be. I look forward to hearing from you soon and I thank you for your efforts.


To Anna

The kids file in, quiet, some talking softly. Jarvis is yawning loudly, looking like hell warmed over. Studying for tests and no real amount of sleep. Cherry is looking alright, talking excitedly with Curly, now with her headful of hair. Only down to her ears, but she looks far different than she did. Happier to a degree. And she doesn't freak out AS much. Cherry has balanced her out some. The other kids look all right. The mood is slightly better than last time. Tina and Mary had just gotten a bit too strung out by the mood of town and the black veil thrown over the dance class. They seem better now.
To Valentine

"Like Weird New Jersey shit. Pictures of that old motel they demolished in mid-September. Pictures of blurry footprints. Probably one of the wolves. No real theories. Just that mystic bullshit on 'thin places' and relation to the stars going out. Aww, a quote of Lovecraft not used in ironic context. Tool."

"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents."

Valentine chuckles at the silence from the other end of the line.

"What? I read. Anyway, I gotta go. I think I'm going to drop by Jack's for a drink. Talk to you later, Jimmy."
To Blake

Well, unless he replies in the next few minutes, there may not be too much more. You've learned to refresh pages, so that's a plus. After a minute, you'll refresh. Nothing. A few minutes more, ding!

There it is.

To Dragon,
Hmm, you must be the second party. Dragon One wasn't so formal. Anyhow, my thanks. So, as to this...issue in Roan County. I've never really encountered this type. I mean...there's a lot of shit beyond the Veil that we do not see. Or know of. There's things around this city that would turn your hair white. Though I imagine the stars blinking out and current events would do thus. I hear Buffalo in New York is faring just as badly. Anyhow, following the Moloch trail, this little friend of yours is in fact mentioned as a god of fertility and war. Virility was a prominent thing in their culture, Carthage. Meant power, the power to prolong your line. And war for obvious relation. That's all for now.

LiM. ^_^
To Valentine

"Heh, have fun in the snake pit, man." The line goes dead.

Jack's is open for business and its been booming. At least on the kine side of things. People like staying in more and Jack's is nicely sequestered in a rare well-lit alley and safe. And quite noisy tonight by the sound of it.

Valentine strides into the bar, looking around at the crowds. Not usually so busy. Jack's here someplace, he's sure.
To Valentine

Christ, Aisha's here tonight. Little bitch probably wants someone to gnaw on her.

But your Beast will feel the twinge soon after. There. Like a shadow, Jack's slipping among the crowd, talking with patrons with that plastered smile of his. The dance floor is jumping, playing some tune from the '30s. Can't place it. Selene would know.

"Anything you want, dear?" Katy sweeps in, all smiles. Odd, another Beast suddenly creeps up on yours like.

"He'll have what I'm having." Selene says behind you. She's wearing her grin and eyeliner. Katy throws her a baleful look and goes to fetch a drink.

"You keep pushing yourself hard like this Jarvis, and you'll be fit to keel over soon enough." She smiles at him as she fits a record to the turntable. "How's things everyone?"

Grinning, Valentine turns, catching Selene and spinning her once to the music. "Selene, honey! You look fantastic, as always!"

Pulling her in for a hug, Valentine looks past her shoulder and grins at Jack. It isn't friendly.
To Anna

"Well enough," Tina says.

Olly yawns too, "Been a long few days. Track meets and shit. Er, things." Everyone chuckles. Olly did like to swear.

"You, boss?" Jarvis murmurs.

Your nights...well, some have been sung in Spanish.
To Valentine

Jack's face flashes, for just a moment, to the most devoid of emotion face you've ever seen. Then he grins, but it never reaches further than his teeth.

"Stop being catty." Selene murmurs, thudding you with her knee. "Bratty boy." She laughs, spinning around with you. Her hand slips down your jacket. Her grin goes lopsided. "Either you've been hiding a new...machete from me or you're hiding a machete from me." Her laughter fills the room.

"When I'm with you, darling Selene, there's always steel hidden in my clothes." He runs a hand down her side. The kukri's under the jacket, as expected. He casts her a roguish wink.
To Valentine

She winks back, "A lady never goes out without protection. You of all should know this. And I think you've got competition." She giggles. "Jack looks so sad. Or insanely pissed, I can't tell from here."

Disappointed, the clicking, skittering monster heads for the library instead. It will settle for reading through the night, if thwarted.
To Ourobouros

You'll be clicking and crawling your way up toward the library when you come across the stairs and sense the presence of the Asian Dragon. Seems to be working on a computer. Hmm...you know Yuri's in the library as well. Or at least, should still be.

Valentine grins. It's very cold. "Then by all means, let's go cheer him up."

Turning, Valentine assumes a happy countenance and waves Jack over. "Jack! Come over, you look upset! Times are dark enough. We must cheer you up."

As he does so, he stirs his Vitae, hoping for the flash of insight to say just the right words to cut Jack down publically...

Activating Turn of Phrase. Dicepool is Wits+Expression+Serendipity.

Results for 5 dice: 3 successes [ 1 9 4 8 8 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra). Inspiration will strike in two turns.

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