• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Location: Shirotome High School, computer lab
Date: April 4th, 2030
Time: 3:20 p.m.​

Roka (Regalia) + Kami_X (God)
Roka’s eyebrows rose in surprise when the mask wearing boy glanced in his direction upon voicing his final words, as if addressing him and not Benjiro. Could ‘Ryotaro’ see him? Was he like Hiroki Niwa then? Tossing the rest of his donut into his mouth, Roka dusted his hands as he watched the boy leave with Hiroki’s physical body before moving to one of the empty computers in the room. No one looked his way even as he worked the keyboard. That was what it meant to be dead. To pass on. His presence in the near shore was diminished to the point where even if living looked his way, they didn’t necessarily see him.

The boundary between the two shores.

That was the way Kami_X described it. Even if the boy, Hiroki Niwa, could bypass the barrier for a short period, the longer he remained the far shore, the weaker his connection to the other shore would become. The body needed the soul. Without it, the human body would grow weaker until it eventually died. That was the way it was supposed to be. Humans that defied the laws of death would only draw the ire of the Heavens.

Roka sighed. The idea that Heaven’s soldiers could possibly come after a high school kid was worrisome to say the least. Hopefully, Kami_X could figure out a solution. Roka had chosen to work for Kami_X, the god of hackers, not because of any deep love for computers or technology, but because the job ad appealed to him. He liked kids. Even if he was dead, he wanted to be useful. To help someone. To protect those in need of protection—like children. That was why he didn’t mind staying behind to guard a school.

Even as he checked the school forum for posts related to Kami_X,, and read up on basic cybersecurity, Roka kept his attention on the members of the computer club as they gathered, referencing the list Kami_X printed for him and committing their faces to memory. If they were in trouble, he was to help them. If he couldn’t do so, his task was to bring the problem to Kami_X’s attention. Along with transforming whenever Kami_X called his name, the job itself seemed to be to involve covering for his god whenever needed, whether it was keeping an eye on worshippers or answering requests on Kami_X’s behalf. The god had no idea how long he’d be investigating Lilium Resort, after all.

Nodding at the dark haired girl who addressed him after leaving Kami_X’s closet for a short break, Roka rolled his eyes when he heard Kami_X back had fallen back asleep. He appreciated Hakuka’s compliment, but he wondered how much of it was deserved. After all, he hadn’t started working for Kami_X since a couple of days ago. Therefore, he couldn’t have protected Shirotome High for as long as she implied. As for his god…

Pushing his seat back, Roka walked to the door marked ‘Kami_X’s Personal Space’ and slipped inside. Unlike before, Kami_X was curled inside his futon rather than within the laptop he always carried with him. Perhaps he should just let the god sleep. Since last night, Kami_X did seem a bit more exhausted than usual. Was it really only lack of sleep that put a god in that state? Roka picked up several empty cartons lying from last night’s take-out. From action figures to water bottles, Kami_X seemed to have a lot of objects in his closet for someone who seemed to lack skills in organization.

“Should I invite the god of cleaning back?”

“Please don’t,”
the bundle of blankets mumbled. “I don’t want them touching my things.”

“So you’re awake,”

“I’d rather not be,”

And yet he was. Roka tossed the trash into the closest garbage bin. “Is it blight again?”

“Not exactly.”
Kami_X stuck his hand out from under the futon and reached for his phone. “I guess I’m just not used to keeping 3 regalias at a time. Mad respect for the ones that can name an army.”

“Is it that exhausting?”

“I’ll get used to it,” Kami_X scrolled through his phone from the comforts of his sheets, munching on a bag of chips from under the covers, as he spoke. “Just part of being a god. You worrying about me would only make me feel worse.”

“Hakuka wanted me to tell you she’s only stepping out for a moment and that she’d be right back.”


“You don’t sound surprise,”

“She’s got a lot to deal with right now, so it’s only natural she’d want some space. Make sure you learn as much as you can from her while she's here. She's way older than me you know. Heck of a lot more experience to boot.”

“Aren’t you going to help her find Susanoo?”

“Should I?”
Kami_X didn’t look away from his phone, his thump tapping rapidly as if texting. Or responding to a text. “I feel like whatever that’s going on between her and her god isn’t something I should interfere with.”

“But you’re her god too,”

“I know.”

Roka didn’t press the issue. Instead he changed the topic. “One of the students, Rika Murakami, left post for you in the school forum: To Kami_X – if you’re real, I want to meet with you.

“Pinky’s friend did?”

“Very straight-forward, right?”
Roka folded his arms and leaned against the closet wall. “A boy called Ryotaro came in to take Hiroki Niwa’s body, but I think he wanted to talk with you as well. In addition to Hiroki’s situation, there’s your investigative job for Nana, the cybersecurity work you do for some rice companies, and the Shirotome computer club wants your blessings for the app challenge they’ll be competing in.”

Kami_X groaned, crawling out from under his futon and grabbed his toiletries. “Guess there's no helping it.”

“Are you normally this busy?”

“It depends. Strays don’t exactly have a consistent job influx so some days are better than others.”

“What will you do?”

“Whatever I can. I’ll leave you to schedule whatever meetings I have. So long as I’m free my 6pm, I don’t care.”

“For your date?”

Kami_X slipped on his glasses. “It’s just a meal.”

“With a girl?”

“…you’re welcome to join us. I actually wanted to introduce you to her since she’s the other person I wanted you two to protect whenever I'm not around. Like Niwa, she can see us so she'll probably draw phantom attention like a magnet.”

Roka nodded, remembering the albino college student Kami_X told them about in addition to Momo. “I’ll inform Senka so he knows what’s going on.”

“Already did,”
Kami_X smirked. “Don’t want him to start attacking our new phantom buddy, Nox, as soon as he sees him, do I?”

“Are you sure this is okay?”

"You mean about Nox?"


“Why? Do you have something against him?”

“Not really…”
Roka hadn’t been dead long enough to have grudges like some spirits at SSA seemed to. “But isn’t he dangerous? Didn’t you yourself say that phantoms are ‘horrifying parasites that spread a deadly disease which will degrade my skin, rot my brain, and turn me into a monster’? Can you really trust someone like that? What if he eats you while you’re sleeping?”

Kami_X laughed. “You have good memory.”

“That’s not something you’d easily forget. ”

“I don’t trust him. We’ve only just met, after all.”
Kami_X answered easily. “But the alternative in that situation was to make him an enemy and I don’t feel like burning my bridges needlessly. I’m used to living with danger. Besides, if the newly evolved phantoms could ‘harvest’ negativity without causing problems for the humans around them, I want to see it. Scaring away other phantoms is a nice bonus.”

“And if it does cause problems?”

Kami_X shrugged. “That's a breach of our deal and we handle it then. There’s always a risk involved in making deals. Doesn’t mean we should avoid them—especially if they are advantageous to us. So long as he’s not causing problems for me or those I care about, I don’t typically make it my job to hunt down the phantoms living in the city anyway. Though…I don’t intend to interfere if he makes an enemy of other gods either.”

“That’s a rather hands-off approach,”

“It’s how I’ve lived for this long,”
Kami_X poured a box of cat food for the feline curled at the corner of the closet. She sniffed before approaching. “If living like this makes you uncomfortable, you don’t have to stay. Just answering your calls and showing up for work during working hours is enough.”

“Wouldn’t that put you in danger whenever I’m not around?”

“I might not look it, but I’m still a god. I’ve already lived 40 years without a consistent regalia so I like to think I know what I’m doing.”

“I don’t know about that…,”
Roka uncrossed his arms. “What if a phantom as strong as Sakda shows up again? Or the Monarch of Desecration manages to find you? Or Nox causes trouble while haunting the school? If you intend to live like this, we both need to get stronger. I’m not scared of danger and have no intention of giving up on you or this startup. That said, if the business is to prosper, the boss needs to get himself into shape. That’s why I think adding gunmanship practice and daily exercise routines to your schedule will—"

Kami_X teleported away before his regalia could finish. Roka’s sighed, scratching his head as he looked to his senior at Kami_X enterprises, Koko-chan. “Was I pushing too hard?”

The cat only meowed and continued eating.

(mentioned: Dante Verren Dante Verren Haze- Haze- Lucem Lucem The Secret Archives The Secret Archives VeiledPariah VeiledPariah Takumi98 Takumi98 )

Location: Shirotome High School, Rooftop
Date: April 4th, 2030
Time: 3:25 p.m.​

On Shirotome High’s rooftop, where Ame trained, her phone started to vibrate before picking up on its own. Kami_X’s voice sounded from her device. “It’s not good to overwork yourself, Hakuka-chan. It you have any problems, I’m more than happy to lend an ear.”

VeiledPariah VeiledPariah

Location: ???
Date: April 4th, 2030
Time: 3:25 p.m.​

Text message to Eliyahs from Kami_X:

Would you prefer Daitan or Eliyahs? I know I promised a courtesy text, but things got a bit hectic so I’ll be brief. I met a phantom who seems to know the Herald of the Flock. He calls himself Sakda, the Weaver. What can you tell me about him and Daishin? Please and thank you~

The Secret Archives The Secret Archives

Location: Shirotome High School, nurse's office
Date: April 4th, 2030
Time: 3:25 p.m.​

Rika Murakami (Human) + Momo (free spirit)
“Ryo? What are you doing in here?” Stepping into the nurses office, Rika immediately caught sight of her fellow far-shore-seeing classmate eating a candy of some sort atop a rolling chair. Behind her, Momo followed, though the pink haired spirit remained half-hidden behind the doorway. Rika rolled her eyes. Seemed her friend was still skittish around guys. “Did your fever worsen?”

She’d come to ask the school nurse for stomach medicine on his behalf anyway. Perhaps the old lady had some stuff for flu symptoms as well.

Her eyes drifted from Ryotaro to the pink haired shorty he hovered over. “And what happened to him?”

“That’s the boy I was telling you about,”
Momo whispered from the doorway. “The one who fell asleep in the computer lab and spoke with Kami_X.”

Rika nodded, not taking her eyes way from Hiroki Niwa’s prone body. Ironic how one was sleeping when they shouldn’t be while the other did not sleep even though they should. “Do you know what about?”

Momo shook her head and hid herself further. Knowing how the spirit felt about boys, and her misgivings towards Ryotaro, Rika was surprised, but grateful her friend hadn’t left yet. Momo had always been a little strange since Rika first met her 2 years ago. The ghost of the girl’s bathroom rarely ever seemed to leave the girl’s bathroom, yet knew a lot about the school. Rika had long suspected that the spirit calling herself Momo might’ve attended Shirotome High in the past, but it couldn’t be confirmed because Momo did not remember. Nor did she seem to want to remember, avoiding the topic whenever it was brought up. Even though Rika shared much of her life with Momo, found comfort in the girl’s supportive ears, there were many things Momo didn’t share with her.

The same could be said of Ryotaro, though Rika didn’t share much with the detective either. What with his work, his studies, and tutoring Kenji, her classmate seemed busy enough without her unloading her problems on his plate.

“Whichever the case, if he can see the people of the far shore and talk to a god, that means he's like us, right?" She wondered why she hadn't noticed.

Lucem Lucem Takumi98 Takumi98
Last edited:
Karcen Karcen Azani, Dante Verren Dante Verren Miu

  • Location: SSA Office, Kyoto
    Date: April 4, 2030

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    When Azani released him from his weapon form, Chuujitsuu waited until the goddess had said her to-do list quietly. She seemed like a bit of a busy god, something that he could help tone down, if she wished... although that will likely not end up as his job, being sent to stay at her shrine in the future. He wouldn't complain, of course, because being in the shrine could help her, too. When she was done listing what they were to do, he bowed to Miu. "Thank you for welcoming me to my service," he said to her, and rose quickly when the goddess and regalia started to leave. He followed behind the two, noticing how the phantom regalia stayed close to the goddess. He hoped that she would learn that he would learn soon that there was no reason to worry about him trying to do anything such as steal Azani from her.

    He smiled at the phantom regalia's relief at being outside of the SSA Office. He himself didn't have the same joy of getting away from the clean air of the building, but he was not bothered by leaving it, either. He was used enough to the air of the city, both the phantom scent and the people, that leaving the place where those two smells weren't present didn't bother him at all. He turned to Azani to ask, "What might I need to do during these different tasks?" He didn't know what they might be doing with the mentioned Yoshio and "red headed brat," but anyone could easily tell that seeing Inari about shrine land would be to purchase an area.

Location: Convenience Store, Kyoto Streets
Date: April 4th, 2030
Time: 3:28 p.m​
Eliyahs (Human) & Herald of the Flock (Phantom)
Interactions: QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel

There wasn't much to do, Eliyahs was frequently well informed, and up to date on the most ridiculous bits of information. As it stood, as the host of the Herald of the Flock, he had access to these things, and it certainly made things quite boring. After all, what was the point, his spiritual ability was more of a nuisance in situations like these. There was no real way to manipulate his Emotional Balance, it was as it is, and that was permanently active. A human incapable of experiencing the highest of highs, or the lowest of lows, overall, nothing more than moderate feelings ever escaped Eliyahs. It sometimes left him feeling a bit lost, and quite frequently just wandering in search of something to do.

Eliyahs walked the streets with no real care, even as a bird sat atop his shoulder with its eyes scanning the crowds. Though, it mattered little for him, it wasn't as if any normal human could see this, after all, it was merely the Herald of the Flock. This was Eliyahs' normal, an average everyday occurrence as the very host of this phantom. He glanced towards the bird, and shook his head, "Would it kill you to be..." He pondered for a moment, "I don't know know- - normal for a change?" He made a vague gesture to the bird, and ducked into a nearby connivence shop. Immediately upon entering, the Herald's bird leapt off his shoulder, and flew onto the light fixtures above to maintain the highest point in the room. Eliyahs merely ignored the Herald, even as the bird began to make some horrific calls to... something? Truthfully even as the host of the Herald, Eliyahs wasn't too sure why the Herald did what it did sometimes. Just like himself, the pair of them were a kind of enigma, and neither of them complimented each other all that well too. It was like two pieces of the same halves, they could never become whole, instead just overlapping with one another. That was the best way to describe their relationship, though, Eliyahs certainly did wear the pants in this pairing.

Unlike the Herald, Eliyahs could actually touch, manipulate, and influence some amount of control over it. While from the Herald's point of view, it couldn't really do anything to Eliyahs, he as solid as can be, and his emotions never wavered to give the chance. It never wanted this circumstance Eliyahs, but here they were, two peas stuck in the same pod.

Just as Eliyahs was about to chew out the Herald for making such an inhuman racket, he felt a buzzing in his pocket, and blinked. A caller?... He reached down removing his phone from his pocket, and looked at the single notification. "A-ha, This makes for a more interesting day then..." He looked up at one of the Herald's birds, and let out an annoyed sigh as it leapt from light fixture to light fixture. He turned his attention back to the text, and read it, letting out an audible 'hmm'. He fiddled with the volume on the phone, up then down, up... and then down once more. "So, Kami_X had a run in with The Weaver?" He ran his hand through his hair as it fell into his eyes, "That's unique, there must be more to the story."

Ah Sakda, bit of a narcissistic prick isn't he. Though, who isn't these days. He, and the Herald, let's just say they are acquainted with each others line of work. Sakda dabbles in sorceries, dangerous curses and Soul tampering of sorts. While the Herald is...

He looked up to the Herald's bird as it seemed to be bending over backwards trying to escape through the ceiling vent to get outside.

Well, I would compliment the Herald, but I can't bring myself to do so 👎. But, since you asked, Sakda & Daishin are two in the same. Think of one as a better half of the other... without the Narcissistic prick, and psychotic portions. Daishin is a Great Shaman, and a damn impressive one for his time. Though, his own extraordinary power is what led him to branch into territories he couldn't return from via Astral Communions & Projections. He unintentionally went to the World of Kamuy, though, it'd be easier to refer to it as simply far-shore here. That's where he was found by Kamuy-Huci, and granted her blessing of an undying flame... in other words immortality. However, that very blessing severed his connection with his here & now, and brought a sort of instability to him. Hmm... I guess he became like you Kami_X, like a sort of god? No, that isn't right. Either way, he was no longer able to be remembered by Near-Shore Denizens, family, friends, and all others, poof. Gone, in a blink of an eye, or a turn of the head, just like that. I'm not shocked he went crazy, it'd be a miracle if he didn't. Oh, and call me Eliyahs, keeps things simple.

Eliyahs clicked the lock button on his phone after sending the message, and looked up to see the Herald had gotten up into the vent. "I'm not getting him back down... Should have brought a leash." With that, Eliyahs walked out the door, leaving the Herald to have to catch up on his own.
Hiroki Niwa (Human)
Location: Shirotome Computer Club
Date: April 4, 2030
Time: 8:25 am
Mentioned: QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel

Hiroki blinked as the god spoke, a bit taken aback by the info being dumped at once. When asked what he needed the pinkette scratched the back of his head.

"Ah, well I originally came in here to nap without Mirai or my sister finding me before classes. Since this happened though, I was hoping you knew what's going on? Or how to fix it, if it even can be fixed?" He replied, deciding that mentioning how he assumed it was astral projection until now wasn't worth the embarrassment.

Location: Shirotome Computer Club
Date: April 4, 2030
Time: 3:20 pm
Mentioned: QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel Lucem Lucem

For a god, the pinkette found that Kami_X was pretty fun to play cards with as they spoke, even if the conversation matter was kind if boring and some of it ended up forgotten. With the god falling asleep at some point, Hiroki simply shrugged and spent some time near his body waiting for that familiar tug to pull him back together again.

Hiroki watched as Benjiro tried to wake him, rolling his eyes momentarily at the blonde. From what he could tell, the other boy couldn't see him whatsoever, which meant he wasn't like Hiroki. Maybe that was a good thing. Perking when Ryotaro entered the club room, the boy's blue tail twitched as he watched the exchange go on and if he had matching dog ears they'd have likely done the same motion. Upon noticing that Ryotaro seemed to be aware of his presence outside of his own body made Hiroki blink. His tail bristled when called a princess though.

"Princess?" He pouted, following after the taller male. Well, wasn't he cheeky today. Then again, as far as Hiroki was concerned Hirai always seemed cheeky to whoever he talked to no matter how brief.


Location: Shirotome Nurse's Office
Date: April 4, 2030
Time: 3:26 pm

Ryotaro's wording made it clear that he could definitely see and likely hear him in this form, and the pinkette wasn't sure he wanted to have a chat about his problem right now. Too bad someone else happened to come into the nurse's office but at least it wasn't the nurse or Ayumu.

"Y'know, it's kinda rude to talk about people like they aren't there and can talk back, but if you mean see and hear things I probably shouldn't then yeah." The half-phantom spoke up as he made himself known to the two girls from where he sat across from both his body and Ryo, leaning over to see around the taller boy. Pout still on his face and tone somewhat teasing his blue tail twitched as if it wanted to wag. Whether it was out of joy (unlikely) at being noticed or irritation he wasn't going to make it easy to tell.

"Also, sorry about that?" He directed the last bit to Momo with a tilt of his head. If he had driven her out of the club room before he hadn't been aware that he had done so.

He could feel a brief tug, like a pull to his body, letting him know that it was time to go back and wake up. Given that he physically slept all day, he hoped he wouldn't still be tired when he woke up, else his mood would be worse than that morning.

While Ryotaro answered Rika's questions, or not, Hiroki simply placed a hand on his body's shoulder and after a moment felt a shift. The overwhelming sense of being half-awake was there, and with a grunt the boy was awake and in his own body again.

Hiroki squinted and rubbed his eyes before sitting up. Then clutching his stomach as it growled audibly.

'The only downside to sleeping all day is missing lunch.' He thought.
Location: Shirotome Highschool
Date: April 4th 2030
Time: 3:25pm-4:30pm

Hakuka stumbled a little a mild squeak exiting her lips from the scare and losing her focus at the sudden voice emanating from her mobile phone which stopped her exercises as she tried to catch her breath sweat dripping from her face as she wiped it away with her sleeve before answering the gods question.​
“It would be wasteful to not take the time to practice, after our fight with Sakda it is apparent that I will need to be stronger in order to protect you when we leave, besides it helps to clear my head...don’t worry I won’t push myself too far I know my limits Kami. Although I must say”
The girl readjusted her clothes as she held the phone awkwardly unsure if the god was presently inhabiting the device or simply speaking to her through it. Hakuka moved towards the fence to scan the setting that laid out before her.
“It seems all to coincidental, more orchestrated as for my concern... are we walking into a trap. Kamuy Huci, Sakda, this herald are obviously in league with one another and have been watching us for some time”
She was referring to the fact that Sakda knew every name she had received except the one she purposely hid to prevent her being bound.
And his method of knowing their location and that she was meeting him and had arrived earlier than required.

“but I fail to grasp the reasoning for their assault. What would they gain from my corruption, your death...it’s not like your”
The regalia stopped her words before she said something she would regret quickly diverting to another subject.
“I will be fine, Just let me know when you are ready to leave and I will accompany you as you asked. I appreciate your concern but I am not so easily dissuaded from my tasks. But tell me X”
Hakuka turned from the view and started back towards the stairs making her way into the halls for the girls facilities hoping they had showers or a wash room for the female students.
“Why didn’t you revoke my name after the fight was over? You didn’t necessarily need me for the battle seeing as you have two regalia of your own. Granted one is rather inexperienced and Nana requested I accompany you for this job but don’t you find it strange that you would be asked to retain me specifically? Any other god would have released me afterward....”
Hakuka stopped just shy of the showers sighing before she shook her head.
“I have no reason to make assumptions or burden you with inessential thoughts. I can tell you have been strained by my addition is all. Just...make sure you don’t overwork yourself”
The Nora finished the tone more light hearted a gesture of his own words offered to her at the beginning of the conversation.
Hakuka removed her hoodie she had found in the libraries lost and found she had changed into last night since her jacket had been reduced to tatters. It was a shame since it was rather stylish and expensive.

“Just be careful, I will not stray from the school for the time being. You have my word.” She replied curtly before hitting the red key prompt effectively ending the conversation between them as she finished undressing and stepped into the shower allowing the water to wash away her exertions, worries, and pains.
The bruising along her side still prevalent from Sakda’s attack which was still sore to the touch and every movement felt like a nagging sharp pain. She felt like the chalkboard that had the screeching chalk drug across it.

Hakuka winced as the water raced over the wound steadying herself against the tiling as images flashed through her mind once more of Sakda’s intense eyes and laughter. His words echoing within her mind.
"You bitch, that's right, you would rely on a GOD!" “I'LL ENGRAVE MY NAME UPON YOUR FLESH IN BLIGHT!”
The regalia shook the thoughts from herself as she stepped back from the images the water still rushing over her. Even now it felt that he was still holding her in his grasp. Her breathing becoming heavier as she wrapped her arms around herself and attempted to calm herself before it’s effects caused any of her gods to feel what she was at this moment.
“I won’t break, When we meet again...I will destroy you Sakda this I swear”
She stayed in the shower for a little longer before exiting and changing back into her clothes after finding a towel a student had left to dry off. She started back towards the computer club to check in on Roka and to see if there was anything more to eat seeing as she was still hungry after everything that had occurred in such a short time. Entering the club room she hoisted herself onto a desk that was relatively clear as she simply watched any ongoing events.
“What are you doing?”
She asked with a raised brow having only been gone for about an hour or so. As she bayed the cat to come sit with her scratching the feline betwixt it’s ears as it nestled into her lap.
Interactions: QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Mentions: The Secret Archives The Secret Archives
Location: Outside SSA Office
Date: April 4th, 2030
Time: 1:06 pm
Mentions: Dante Verren Dante Verren CheshireMitsu CheshireMitsu QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Azani-Omikami Goddess of Vengeance, grudges, and redemption

Azani was not blind to how Miu acted, and for now she didn't feel the need to bring it up, that was just part of her. Azani guessed at some tiny level Miu did worry abotu being cast aside as all regalia did, though Azani could not think of anyone to replace her even Ame would lack what Miu. One day Azani would have to sit her down and try to correct this minor habit, as if Azani wanted to grow she would need more Regalia like Chuujitsuu who were just around to let Azani have power and do minor tasks. Most major gods had large clans and while Azani was no fan of it she would have to gather more to grow. Then Chuujitsuu asked about what he would be doing and really was standing around looking pretty or paying with other regalia a good answer? Well finding kami_X was likely to include some unpleasantness. That god had sent up his home in a place so filled with negative energy Azani almost felt at home there. there had somehow been pure spirits there and it was a wonder they had not been snapped up. So she would need the pair to be ready to face god or phantom at the school if her old friend was still playing pretend with that human.

" With inari just try not to be to awkward and do not bow to anyone, regalia should only do so to their gods" Azani explained as she had not needed to tell Miu as she would not bow to any other god or if she did it would be the same way Azani herself did in order to mock others. " hopefully her shrine will be less blessed, few are as heavily protected as this place. As for finding Kami_X The school he lives in is some kind of Nexus so be ready for a fight against phantom or god" She finished putting emphasis on the word god, she would not run away from other gods. " Now lets go" She said teleporting with her regalia.

Location: Inari's shrine
Date: April 4th, 2030
Time: 1:10 pm​

The trio would arrive a short distance from the main shrine of inari, it was nice to not have to use vents to move around, though the vents were far more dramatic. Azani knew Inari liked to help other gods, mostly younger help build shrines. It was almost wounding her pride that Azani was doing the same as some young no name god. Azani did not need money like the young, or even advice about construction companies, but what she needed was advice on land and perhaps a deed to a nice plot that was befitting her new status. Miu would likely have an easier time here as while it was holy ground and had a barrier, it was not fueled by the power of Amaterasu or as meticulously made as the SSA office. Though there might be problems with the little fox if she felt like having a drink as Azani did worry about Miu staying to long on holy ground, but her was a regalia so it should be fine.

" here we are the shrine of the little fox" Azani said remembering the first time she had met Inari long long ago. Azani had only met her once she could remember and back then Inari had been young not even fully grown and had only been a minor rice god. Azani doubted Inari would remember there little encounter after all it had been short and Regalia had told Azani to leave being a bad influence on a young god. It must have been one of her early lives, there was no way Inari would remember. " Lets head in" Azani said as if convincing herself as she had a slight sad tone to her words as thinking about how many people she had met and how they had forgotten her stung in a way no blight ever could. With that Azani would step into the grounds of the shrine lettign her regalia follow and half expecting regalia to come rushing out thinking they were under attack.
Konjin (God) + Miname & Ezume (Regalias) & Kaguya (Goddess) + Astushi (Nora)
Ation: Shirotome High School
Date: April 4, 2030
Time: 12:39 am
Mentioned: QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel VeiledPariah VeiledPariah Haze- Haze- The Secret Archives The Secret Archives

Kaguya had released Shino, Atsushi, and Masuyo when it turned out that the phantom wouldn't become a threat, a wise decision given the fact that he was outnumbered on top of the fact that the Sakda The Weaver was exorcised not too long ago.

Hello to you too, Konjin-sama. Kokki. If any of you know how to purify blight, I’d love the help—though Hakuka needs it more than me at the moment.”

At these words, Konjin nodded while the spirit in the war fan waved even if no one else could see it. Even if the spirit in question had already left the roof to do whatever she planned to do, Konjin at least wanted to heal Kami_X's blight as well. If Hakuka allowed him, he'd help heal any blight that might be missed or replenish Kami_X's stash of purified water before leaving. Not because he was a big softie or anything, but with how much shits hit the fan the last ten years gods needed to be working together these days. Also the redhead would be an idiot not to have any holy water somewhere in this school right?

"If you ask me, a blighted god is no good to their regalia if they make them worry by letting it stay too long." He replied, walking forward to take a good look at the blight in question by holding one of the redhead's forearms and raising it to examine how bad the blight was by now. After being blighted by Hisame, Konjin had let the blight linger for too long after revoking the boy's name and sending him off to the SSA at Kyoto and it hurt like hell.

If neither of you mind takeout, you’re free to join us. This offer naturally extends to the lovely Kaguya-hime as well.~ Consider it a thanks for showing up to help. As you can see, we’ve been getting a lot more phantom visitors at this school lately…and not all of them are friendly.”

Reminded briefly of the Phantom standing and speaking rather casually (despite the tone of his voice not exactly sounding so casual) not to far away, his fingers twitched at the feeling of eyes staring at him still lingered and eventually came the sound of impact with the roof.

"Oh." Miname spoke up, blinking at the sight of the phantom in question slapping one of the lesser ones hard enough to damage the roof to such a degree. Even Kaguya didn't seem to know how to respond to such a scene, so instead the Princess decided to answer her fellow Kami.

"We don't mind takeout…" Kaguya replied, though her gaze flickered to Atsushi momentarily in slight worry. She knew that the Nora was a student at the school in life from the memories she'd seen when naming him, and while he had wandered the halls sometime after his death he likely hadn't wandered into any familiar room then but there was no guarantee about it now. That was a risk that just needed to be taken, she supposed. While a potentially stupid or dangerous one, she reasoned that if he had wandered into the school even for a short while back then and remained pure she had faith he could still do so now. So with that strengthening her resolve and faith in the Nora she wouldn't back down from the offer. Perhaps they'd get a new ally or friend from it.

Red eyes flicked up from the blight to the redhead's face at his words, before returning to the blight and ignoring the Phantom temporarily to focus on the fact that this redheaded child didn't seem to mind inviting a chaotic god so close to a god of calamity to dinner on his turf, though given where he lived it made some sense, kind of. Invitations for things such as dinner were not common for him, at least outside of a few interactions here and there years apart. Letting go, he made a motion for Miname, who simply nodded before pulling two small water bottles from her robes. Whenever they were out late in the day or at night she usually had a few small water bottles hidden on her just in case they needed it for any minor blights until they could return to Konjin's shrine.

"We're down for a meal." Konjin spoke up, the Kōki glowing as he began the task of purifying the water to deal with the blight before it got any worse. While he was considered a deity more connected with the earth element having some connection with divination and being a divine spirit made such a task a bit easier.

With a short chant similar to calling the wind to his aid, he instead called to the waters aid as he simply tapped both bottles with the Kōki, then once the weapon stopped glowing carefully put him away before uncapping both water bottles.

"Hands out." He ordered sternly, and from there poured the bottles contents on the afflicted areas. Even with the worst of the blight gone if not gone completely, the pain would likely linger for a short while, but it probably wouldn't last since it was minor. Giving another look over to ensure there was no blight remaining he might have missed he nodded in approval before handing the two empty bottles back to Miname for potential reuse later after being refilled.

Once things had settled and they all had dinner after some brief introductions to the the clans of both Bamboo Princess and Deity of Metal respectively, Konjin had offered to help Kami_X with restocking any supply of water he had before him and his Regalias left as a simple favor. While left unsaid is was technically a way to thank the other for the meal in a small way, something he wouldn't have said out loud or else he'd probably explode from the sappiness. So he instead once everything was said and done he gave a wave and a "See ya 'round, yeah?" before teleporting to his shrine to sleep for a few hours before Miname would inevitably nag him to the SSA.

Kaguya had left a short while after, standing and stretching before thanking Kami_X for the meal and wishing him and Hakuka luck in working together, while also hoping that they'd feel better after some rest, though gave Kami_X a quiet considering look before saying one last thing.

"If you need any more help with anything, let me or Konjin-Sama know. As gruff as he is, he's rather dependable." And with those parting words she and her clan were gone in the blink of an eye.

Atsushi (Nora) + Kaguya (Goddess)
Location: Kaguya's Shrine
Date: April 4, 2030
Time: 2:30 am
Mentioned: QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel VeiledPariah VeiledPariah The Secret Archives The Secret Archives

"Kaguya-Sama?" Atsushi called. After they had returned to her shrine, everyone bathed and did their usual nightly routines. No matter which god he served at a time, he always had a similar nightly routine when with them. He watched as she was halfway asleep, and frowned at realizing he had interrupted it.

"Oh I'm--" he started to apologize, but stopped when she held up a hand.

"It's fine, did you need something?" She asked rather groggily as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"What do you plan to do next?" He asked. She stared at him for a moment before giving a tired smile.

"Perhaps return to the heavens for a day or two to ensure things haven't gone awry while gone." She replied. She was also sure she missed a few heavenly meetings as well, but wanted to check on her Father, knowing he'd fill her in on anything important or note worthy he may have heard about.

"Then I'd like to check on Omoikane-Sama for a bit, if that's okay." He replied, just wanting to ensure the Goddess of Wisdom wasn't overworking herself.

"You don't need my permission, you know. You can go where you please and to whichever one of your gods you wish." She blinked, frowning softly.

"I know, but I think it's best to at least let you know." He said almost sheepishly.

"Mm." Kaguya hummed thoughtfully, growing distracted. She'd likely return to Kyoto sooner rather than later however, since there was many things that were rather worrying.

Such as what seemed to be Sakda 'enslaving' a god, from the ramblings of an enraged Phantom before being exorcised. It didn't sit well with her, and while it probably wasn't something she should involve herself in it bugged her. So, she would return to Kyoto and provide any aid if asked. Though she wondered...with Sakda gone now, what would the Nora and her current god do? Her blue eyes glanced to Atsushi and the names that were visible, knowing if it was her or any of his other gods in such a situation he would ask to see them and ensure they were alright.

She hoped that things worked out for Hakuka and Kami_X, as it seemed that they're involved in something big and dangerous. She was, however, willing to help the fellow god in anyway she could. Her regalia felt the same as far as she could tell, especially young Atsushi.

"That was all, so... sleep well Kaguya-Sama. I won't keep you any longer." Atsushi replied, giving a small nod before he turned to leave the room.

"Hey Atsushi?" She called softly, causing him to turn to her.

"Yes?" He replied and she gave him a nod back.

"Rest well." She spoke, earning a nod from him before leaving the room to get ready to sleep himself.
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Location: Shirotome High School, nurse's office
Date: April 4th, 2030
Time: 3:25 p.m.
Ryotaro Hirai
"Oh, long time no see." Turning the chair towards Rika, Ryo raised a hand in greeting. He was relieved to see that it wasn't the nurse who arrived, but he wasn't sure how to feel about Rika showing up instead. Despite what he said earlier, it was starting to look like the two of them really were attached in some way.

"Don't worry, I'm not here for me." Pointing at Hiroki's unresponsive body, Ryo glanced at the pink-haired spirit behind the door before returning his attention to Rika. "Like your floating friend said, this guy passed out in the computer lab, so I brought him here." Leaning over the back of the chair, Ryo rested his chin on his arm. He considered rolling closer, but decided to do the opposite and moved further away from the two girls.

"Looks like we both brought a pink-haired friend here. Crazy coincidence, isn't it? I'm assuming she's the spirit who lives in the girl's restroom. I've always wanted to have a nice chat with her. Too bad she doesn't seem to like me very much. I doubt she's staying that far away because she's worried about getting sick." For some reason, the girl seemed very reluctant to enter the nurse's office. At first, he thought it may have been due to Hiroki's astral body possessing phantom-like qualities, but that didn't seem to be the case. He was curious, but he didn't plan on broaching the subject. There were plenty of things spirits didn't like to talk about, and he didn't want to risk asking about something sensitive. He knew better than that.

While he was pretending to be dejected after receiving the cold shoulder from Rika's ghost pal, Ryo noticed Hiroki rousing from his deep slumber. Wiping away nonexistent tears, he quickly spun around to face the groggy teen. There was a lot he wanted to ask him, but before he got the chance, a loud growl came from Hiroki's stomach. "It's angry."

With his mask concealing his smirk, Ryo reached into his bag and pulled out his lunchbox, presenting it as if it were a marvelous treasure. "Here, you can eat this while we talk." He didn't have much of an appetite today, and he spent most of the lunch period looking after Kenji, so he barely touched any of the food. "I don't often let other people enjoy my cooking, so this is a rare opportunity. It should be more than enough to satisfy you, but if you don't believe me, just ask Murakami. She can tell you just how impressive my culinary skills are. Oh, and just to be clear, this is a bribe."

After placing the lunchbox on Hiroki's lap, Ryo looked back at Rika. "Speaking of food, did you come here because you have an upset stomach?" He wouldn't be surprised if she got food poisoning from the phantom soup she made last night, but he doubted that's why she was here.

QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel Takumi98 Takumi98
Location:Shirotome Highschool
Date: April 4th 2030

Interactions: Takumi98 Takumi98
Hakuka stepped forward as Konjin offered to assist in the removal of the blight.
“Your assistance is most welcome, I must admit I let him get the upper hand on me a little more than I had wished”
The regalia spoke offering a slight nod in appreciation to the god and his regalia for helping also tossing a look of admiration Kaguya’s way. Most gods would have either watched with no inclination to interfere or left KamiX and the Nora to fall if they had faltered in their fight against the phantom. Gods were often not prone to helping others unless it profited them. Why put their own lives or regalias lives at risk for another’s. This key concern often left blighted regalias unable to be given an ablution ritual and saved from otherwise falling into the pits of despair and rage turning into the thing they stood against.
She did as instructed holding her blighted hands and wrists forward so the water could be applied as she inhaled sharply at both the sting and the chilling bite the temperature of the water provided to her body.
The meal that followed was a necessary one, although she had eaten dinner prior the alcohol had left her in a starved state but she kept herself in check and assisted in helping with distribution and ate rather conservatively.

“This was nice, should you visit us again I will have to treat you both and your regalia on me of course”
Hakuka spoke respectfully the offer to host the gods at a later time more cordially than just some takeout. As they left she leaned back in her seat letting out a contented sigh.
This was when the briefing began about the task they had both been given by Nana.

Location: Yaksha Base unknown location
Date:April 26th 2030
Time: 16:45pm


The girl walked down the corridors of the base that was established amongst the crashing and rolling ocean waves. She found herself in the chow hall slowing making her way through the line in orderly fashion. She always thought it odd how similar school and the military were especially for meals.
Once she got her tray she managed to find an open circular table that had a reinforced glass window. The view wasn’t much but it was something.
She wished she could be back home, well the orphanage at least. She had made a friend there, here everyone just stared or experimented on her.
The thought of another needle made her groan tiredly as she began to tuck into her meal. The rapping of the plastic tray in front of her drew her attention to Tamaki as he sat across from Retsuko.

“Oh the profits of being in the military huh?, hey Re...you gonna eat that?” He asked pointing to her small square cut piece of cake with his fork.
All the was offered was a roll of her eyes which he had learned meant go ahead. To which he stabbed the confection and brought it to his mouth eating it in one go. His satisfied exclamation caused her to raise a brow before speaking.
“Your easily won over”
“Yup, Re you give me your desserts and I would die for you”
“That a promise?”
Tamaki gulped his drink forcibly as her dead looking eyes settled on him with malcontent.
“Well maybe not die, die”
His explanation only met with a scoff before his eyes widened and expression mouthed a yikes. Retsuko had always been like this with him and especially other men, except the captain.
Retsuko stood her bench screeching as it slid across the floor a bit from her movement.

“Where ya going?”
“The captain has asked we be at the deployment lab by 1700”
Tamaki’s eyes closed at the realization they had to descend again today. “Well wait up!...Retsuko?, Retsukoooo!!”
The college student called after his teammate as he shoveled food in his mouth walking with the tray after her.
Location: Hakuka's phone
Date: April 4th, 2030
Time: 3: 25 pm

Kami_X (God)

“Haha, Is that so?” Sitting in an empty space, surrounded by walls of code, Kami_X listened as Hakuka expressed her thoughts through the device he currently occupied. He knew there was more she wasn’t telling him—he could feel her stress after all—but didn’t push for answers. Were the thoughts plaguing her mind so powerful that even an experienced regalia like her still couldn’t fully filter them out? She seemed to be in pain as well, but whether it was physical or mental, he couldn't say. Either way, he figured taking about whatever issues she had would reduce the burden she bore, which was why he found his way to her phone. Just plain calling her might’ve worked…but where was the fun in that? “I’ll trust your instincts in that regard then.”

Chuckling to himself in memory of the cute squeak his prank elicited, Kami_X considered her answer and observations. It certainly fit with information Eliyahs revealed, what with Sakda and Herald sharing the 'same line of work'. Daishin worked as Huci's immortal eyes and ears from what he could tell of the memory he'd seen. Was that the same as Daiten? The human clearly wasn't ordinary at any rate...and their names were awfully similar. Coincidences did exist, of course, but only within a statistical margin and Kami_X, like most skilled hackers, was good at noticing patterns. Barely 3 minutes since their discussion started, Kami_X’s own digitalized phone vibrated, alerting him a reply from Eliyahs. A phone message within a phone. Kami_X would’ve found that amusing, but for the fact that he was used to it.

Eyes briefly scanning the block of text, which was actually more information than he’d expected, Kami_X answered Hakuka’s question. “The reason I didn’t release the name I gave you is simple—I had no reason to. You do know that a regalia revoked of a name can’t be named by the same god again, don’t you?” Of course she did. She was older than him and had much more experience, after all. Then again, he wondered if a famous Nora ever like had one of her names revoked. Considering the meaning of a name amongst the Japanese gods, such events often came with negative connotations. “I don't like to close my doors. Nor am I not so much of a jerk that I would abandon you just because of a small sting that isn’t even really your fault. Not unless you seriously betray me would I resort to such drastic measures—least of all in front of Kaguya and Konjin. I do have some degree of pride as a god, you know. I wouldn't take back a name I’ve given to someone without reason. I don't have anything against Noras either.”

Not Noras, phantoms, nor humans playing host to phantoms either. Kami_X couldn’t say he was incredibly picky about who his allies were. They were comrades if they helped him and enemies if they tried to harm him. It was as simple as that. Overthinking things would only needlessly close doors of opportunity. He couldn’t say he entirely trusted Eliyahs, for example, but if they could form a working relationship where both benefited from using each other, it was good enough. Besides, the human was funny, if not a bit a bully. Kami_X, at the very least, was flexible enough not to let it bother him and greedy enough that he even wanted to make enemies into friends. Whether Hakuka left at the call of other gods that needed her or he ended up in a fight with one of her gods for whatever reason, Kami_X would have no complaints. He knew Hakuka was a Nora who served many gods when he named her just as he knew the Herald was a phantom when he’d struck the deal with. To a god like him who generally fought his battles indirectly, who—like most hackers—enjoyed tricking people to gain access to their accounts, traditional ideals like loyalty and honor were less practical. Besides, he too did jobs for multiple people and gods so it wasn't as if he could tell anyone not to.

“You’re skilled regalia. You have a wealth of experiences. You’re diligent. You worked well with Roka last night, were seriously impressively given how well you managed to hold off against the evolved phantom on your own, and I rather liked the spiffy pair of gloves you became. Since I'm not a mind reader, I can’t say why Nana gave me your business card specifically…” He’d like to think it was because Nana didn’t want him to die by sending him with a competent regalia, but he doubted the death goddess would be too affected if he did. “…but she seems to trust you and, from what I’ve seen, the benefits of adding you to the team outweighs the cost. That said, if at any point you decide you don’t want the name Hakuka anymore, I’ll remove it without asking questions. You don’t need to make any promises either. If you’ve got places to go and things to do, there’s no need to hold back on my account. It’s as you said, Huci and Herald don’t have much reason for wanting my death,” Sakda, if he was still alive, might out of sheer annoyance given last night though. “I’m probably not a very important god in the grand scheme of…whatever they’re planning…and I really only work as hard as I’m paid. ”

Nana only wanted him to look into Ayame. Period. There wasn’t even that many hints that Ayame had any connection with Huci…except that they were both goddesses from the Jōmon period—before Heaven or Shinto took its roots in Japan. Even then, that sort of connection hardly satisfied the burden of proof required to warn Heaven of anything.

"Rather than going after me, I'd say Sakda was more invested in corrupting you...or, at the very least, he seems to have a personal vendetta about how you live your life. Worrying about how crazy people think will only drive you crazy. If they want to watch, let them watch." Kami_X shrugged before smiling proudly. “I'll give them a show to remember~ Besides, I also have two other regalias to protect me and I intend to name even more as the Kami_X business expands. For a god that’s only been around for 40 years, I'd say I'm doing pretty well for myself, don't you think? A shrine should be coming as well.”


Hakuka hung up on him before they could discuss when they’d both be free to start Nana’s request, or talk about her pay, seeming to leave the decision up to Kami_X. The god sighed. Well, it was no skin off his back, but he figured someone like her would have a full schedule of work given all the names that marked the school last night. He also doubted she was indifferent towards Susanoo given the past he saw…but, then again, that had been a really long time ago. A time she probably didn’t even remember. The soul might not change, but different experiences could certainly alter relationships and who knew if the gods that named her even called on her that much. Freelancers were typically called on an as needed basis, especially by those who didn't have the means to maintain their own permanent employees, though every contract, both in length and duration, was different.

Shaking his head, Kami_X decided not to pester the showering girl and simply began his research from the cyberspace of Hakuka’s phone. Or, at least, dig up whatever he could find on the net in regards to Ayame and the Lilium resort. Articles. News reports. Online rumors. Various screens of floated in front of the him as he utilized the search engine built into her phone to bring up information. Humans might not know much about the far shore, but tales of suspicious or supernatural activities were clues to gods and phantoms. ‘Footprints’ so to say. His job was to make the connections. Nana might not be satisfied with reports from secondary resources, but it was enough to let the death goddess know that he was still on the job…even if he technically was delaying it until he got his own affairs sorted out first.

His day to day cybersecurity tasks for Inari’s companies mostly just involved monitoring firewalls, simple penetration tests, and resolving the rare problems that crop up anyway. A computer was all he needed in most cases. Other times he just rested directly in the company’s systems itself. It wasn’t like humans remembered him whenever he showed up to meetings anyway even if he was technically on their payroll. Inari’s payroll, really. Once Roka and Senka got the basics down, even they could do the mundane job. Or, at the very least, do the simple stuff and alert Kami_X when he was needed for the difficult god-required parts. That was his main job. People didn't pay him to fight phantoms. He was the god of hackers. People paid him to hack. To fix their computer needs. Therefore, those that wanted to get involved in the business beyond simple bodyguarding needed to have at least a basic grasp on computers. That's not to say he didn't take on other jobs as well...but he doubted the name of Kami_X would ever be known for baking or cleaning.

Location: Yuto Mori's apartment
Date: April 4th, 2030
Time: 4: 00 pm​

Checking his email from Hakuka’s device around the time he knew the club meeting would end, he was surprised, but pleased that Roka already sent him the details regarding the app challenge the club would be participating in. Designing an app to win a high school competition was child’s play for a god like himself so he could leave that for later. He could also possess one of the kids and have them ‘do’ it themselves. Either way, it was the club that would get credit not him since, as a god, he wouldn’t even be remembered for it except by his worshippers. Someone like him participating in challenge for kids was practically cheating anyway, but, well, competition wasn’t always fair and victory came those that pray to the right gods.

Kami_X left a simple ‘ttfn’ message on Hakuka’s phone before teleporting back to the apartment his father used to live in grab a coffee, check in on Senka, and text a different god using one of other phones - one that might, or might not, know something about Hiroki’s problem. As the Lord of Information Larceny, his job was to acquire information for the client. If it was something he didn’t know, he looked it up using whatever means he had available. He didn’t just give up…though, it wasn’t as if he’d ever seen cases very many cases of half-phantoms ‘fixing’ themselves.

“Everyone’s different, so I can’t tell how you’re able to do the things you do—not unless you want me digging in your past—but people who’ve become like you are generally those who’ve touched the edges of death and lived to tell the tale. Surviving cancer patients. Those who miraculously survive getting hit by a truck or falling off a cliff. Those who have been touched by gods at one point in their lives—or past lives. Due to such experiences, their spirits are more drawn to the far shore. Then, there are some that are just born like that because their ancestors got cursed or something. As far as I’m aware there isn’t really a cure…” Kami_X shrugged. “…but I have no idea to be honest. Can’t say I’ve ever had many half-phantom friends. If you want me to look into it, I will... for 5000 yen. I’ll refund the money if I can’t give you an answer. Alternatively, I’ll take on your request if you can beat me in a game of cards~”

Takumi98 Takumi98

Kami_X sighed, a wry smile on his lips. He had no idea what craziness possessed his tired brain in the morning to make such an offer, but it had been an enjoyable game nonetheless. Living in a school Kami_X played many games with kids, interacted with many students, though few ever remembered meeting him. Rika Murakami was one such student. He wondered if her sudden desire to meet with him was due to sudden memory jog, but he he doubted it. She likely just heard about him from the detective. Or Pinky. Sipping his coffee, the god opened his laptop and got back to work. Whoever had to watch him would probably be bored out of their minds since most of his jobs didn't have him moving much other than his hands. With the exception of last night, he lived a fairly boring life, at least in the eyes of others. Besides, even if he was being watched, he could certainly use that fact to his advantage. Gods like him were specialists when it came to giving, receiving, and manipulating information...and the game had only just begun.

Location: Shirotome High, computer lab
Date: April 4th, 2030
Time: 4: 30 pm

Roka (regalia)

“You’re back,” Roka looked up from his monitor at his co-worker. He could tell she had just taken a shower so, either she liked to be exceptionally clean , or she'd just finished some sort of sweat-inducing exercise. “The students have just finished their meeting. There wasn’t anything too exciting. Club president just talked about the contest they’ll be participating in and divided the teams. The rest of the time, they just had their faces glued to their own pc—too busy with whatever they’re working on to talk to each other much.”

Some played games. Some seemed to be practicing with writing code. As for others…he couldn’t pretend to even know what some were doing. It didn’t look especially interesting though. He just jotted down some notes for Kami_X, memorized some faces, and made sure no fights broke out between kids or something. “As for me, I’ve been mostly just reading up on basic cybersecurity. Seems that’s what I’ll be doing for our tech god while you guys investigate that resort.”

Roka tilted his head as he observed the girl who coaxed Koko to her lap. X told him he should learn what he could from Hakuka, but, if he were completely honest, he wasn’t even sure what he was supposed to learn. SSA didn’t have time to teach him much since he got himself hired by a god pretty quickly. Fortunately, X seemed like a chill guy, if not a bit irresponsible.

As for the girl, she was a bundle of mystery herself. Attacked by Sakda. Related to Susanoo. Roka might not know much about being a regalia, but even he knew of the famous god of storms who killed a big eight-headed snake. Certainly more awe-inspiring than his own god who he’d have to somehow drag to gunmanship practice …though he wasn’t entirely sure if Kami_X was messing around or not. The red-head seemed friendly and open, but he also lied with a straight face and his conversation with the Herald, which Roka had been privy to, was certainly telling of his character…probably. Roka didn’t know. However, Kami_X was the one to give him his name, his paycheck, and something to protect. Hakuka was named by the same god. For someone like him who didn’t have much else going for him, there wasn’t much else to think about. He passed her the bag of chips he'd snagged from Kami_X's closet.

While he didn't exactly feel right taking stuff from the cafeteria he hadn't paid for, the things that belonged to his god were free dibs...at least until he got his first paycheck. Besides, he doubted X minded all that much and he did read through the SSA forms he signed. Not being starved was one of rights.

“Are you interested?” The girl looked to be around the same age as some of the high school students, but he couldn’t exactly be certain. According to Kami_X, she was much older than even the 40-year-old god...but, then again, X didn't look much older than early twenties. Late teens was believable as well. “Not much else to do around here but study and watch kids study unfortunately. I'm pretty new to the job myself, but from what I can tell, this is pretty ordinary high school - minus the god and his neighbor, of course. Not sure whether you have a place to stay or not, but X has an apartment a couple of blocks down from here if you prefer that to the, uh, closet." He always figured girls needed a bit more space. At least she didn't appear to be claustrophobic. "Any belongings you have can be brought with you as well..." Not that the dead had very many belongings in the first place, but he wasn't sure how that applied to those with many names. Did she live with Susanoo? Was that too rude a question to ask? Shouldn't the god be the one to discuss living arrangements with a new regalia in the first place? "I've got no idea where X went, but he’ll probably be back by 6pm because he’s got dinner plans...You’re welcome to join us if you want.”

He was rambling a bit, but he wasn't sure what else to say. Hadn't X mentioned something about her being stressed? She looked fine to him. Koko-chan seemed to like her as well, so that probably was a good sign.

VeiledPariah VeiledPariah
(mentioned: Dante Verren Dante Verren )
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Location: Shirotome High School, nurse's office
Date: April 4th, 2030
Time: 3:28 p.m.​

Rika Murakami (Human) + Momo (free spirit)

Long time no see? They were in the same class weren’t they? Not to mention the fact that he had ‘dinner’ at her house last night made it obvious—to her at least—the statement was a lie. Or a ruse to keep others from being aware of their relationship. It reminded her of what Akira told her that morning. Either way, it annoyed her. Was their friendship so embarrassing that he felt he had to keep it hidden?

Arms folded, Rika chose not to voice her irritation and, instead, let her gaze flicker to the tailed doppelganger that made itself known, watching with interest as it slid itself back into Hiroki’s body. “That’s good to know.” She replied to Niwa’s answer, though she was fairly certain she couldn’t do what the pink haired boy did so ‘same’ might not be entirely accurate. Momo, on the other hand, simply stuck her tongue out at Hiroki’s confused apology and hid herself further as Ryotaro referenced her.

“There’s no need to apologize. Momo’s just shy.”

Shy was an understatement. The spirit kept herself in the girl’s bathroom to keep away from boys from what Rika knew, though she had no problems kicking them out if they happened to wander into the wrong lavatory either. Momo wouldn’t tell her why and Rika didn’t deeply question it when they first met since everyone had their own tastes. However, now that she’d become friends with Ryotaro, it bothered her that her friends didn’t get along.

As Ryotaro shared his lunch with Niwa, Rika took Momo by the hand and coaxed into the room. “It’s alright. I’ll punch anyone that hurts you, Momo. You have my word.”

Blushing, the pink-haired spirit reluctantly nodded and followed Rika inside, though she still kept close to Rika and didn’t let go of the dark-haired girl’s hand.

“I’m grateful for your concern,” Rika retorted dryly to Hirai’s reminder of her culinary skills. It actually drove determination to do better next time. Or, at the very least, consider Home Ec class. “But I didn’t eat much of it. I came here because I was worried you might have an upset stomach,” Like her father who pretty much downed her first attempt at cooking. She studied Ryotaro. “You seem fine though…” Her eyes drifted to the rest of office. “I don’t see the nurse anywhere here either...”

Rika didn’t feel right taking anything from the medicine cabinets without the school nurse’s consent. Therefore she simply reached into the front pocket of her shirt, pulled out a piece of gum, and gave it to him, knowing that chewing them sometimes helped her with stomach problems “So consider this a thanks for your signature.”

She saw it on her way to the nurses office. It was the first one—not that Rika was terribly surprised. Most students wouldn’t be interested in a memorial service for a teacher they barely knew. Rika wouldn’t have cared if she hadn’t met Azani and learned the woman was suffering in Hell either. She could even understand Akira and Ryotaro’s logic. Deep down, Rika knew she was acting out of guilt. Azani gave her, of all people, a chance to save Suda-sensei and she’d refused because of her own selfishness. "Suda-sensei would appreciate it as well."

“Are we done here?”

Rika frowned. “You’re being rude, Momo.”

“I can’t help it.”
Momo pouted petulantly as she looked between Hiroki and Ryotaro. “I don’t like them.”

“They’re my friends.”
At the very least Ryotaro was. She wasn’t entirely sure about Hiroki Niwa, but if the detective went through the trouble of helping and trying to bribe the pink haired student, it was probably something important. Niwa being able to make himself a ghost was also a subject of curiosity to her and she wondered what he could've talked about with the infamous Kami X. “If you want to be my friend, you can’t treat them like that.”

“B-But, But…”
Big tears welled up in Momo’s eyes before she flew out door, turned a corner, and disappeared from sight. “Rika you DUMMY!”

Rika sighed, glancing back at the hungry pink-haired boy and the detective who was attempting to bribe his smaller schoolmate with lunch. Good-looking lunch. Mentally swearing to herself that she would work towards improving her culinary skills, Rika rubbed the back of her neck. “Sorry about that,” Seemed she pushed a bit too hard. “but I don’t think I can leave her alone. It was nice to meet you Niwa. I’m Rika Murakami from class 2B and I can attest to Hirai’s cooking skills, if not his personality. If you’ve got the time later, I’d like to talk to you about how you managed to get a hold of Kami X…cause I kinda need him for something too. Also,”

Reaching into her backpack, she pulled out one of the flyers she’d printed and gave it to him, practically shoving it in the shorter boy’s hands, before exiting the nurses office in search of her friend. “Help Suda Kiyomi’s soul rest in peace with a memorial service. Your prayers make a difference.”

Lucem Lucem Takumi98 Takumi98
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Location: Inari's shrine
Date: April 4th, 2030
Time: 1:12 pm​

Kintaru (Regalia) + Usagi? (Regalia)
Wooden fox-shaped talismans, hung decoratively along the edges of one of the shrine’s rooftops, suddenly began to rattle, interrupting the conversation of the two inside.

“What’s going on?”

“…It would seem a phantom has step foot on our sacred grounds.”

“Hm, is that so?”
The female occupant reached for the sword at her hip first. “Would you like my assistance in dealing with it, Kintaru-san? We are allies now, after all, and I don’t think my lord would be very happy with me if I leave an ally’s regalia to fight it alone.”

“We’ll see. I don’t sense much aggression, so let’s observe it for now.”

She slipped the fox mask she’d bought while touring the shrine grounds on her face. “I hope this won’t take too long. Since I’m here in Kyoto, I was kinda hoping to attend the Go’o Taisai Festival after this.”

“I thought you'd come to pick up Kaguya-hime...”

“That too~”

The two, who had been drinking tea in the room, vanished. By the time they reappeared, they landed deftly atop the torii guarding the entrance to the shrine where they could see that Mamaru, holding a broom and looking a little scared, had drawn a borderline between herself and three others, stopping them from going any further into the shrine. There were a couple of humans in behind her in the background as well, but the living ones seemed to neither know nor care about the events between spiritual beings, and only continued to snap pictures of the elaborate temple dedicated to Inari.

Mamaru gave the two arrivals a grateful look. “You’re here!”

Kintaru nodded before directing his gaze at Miu, then Azani, a passive smile on his face. His eyes, however, were cold as they in took the phantom and the goddess that smelled of phantoms and Yomi. Corruption sealed under a name was still corruption. He only knew of one legendary goddess that named phantoms beneath the soil of the Rising Sun…though she was forever trapped there from what he’d been told. Only her foul henchmen could escape from beneath the depths. He cleared is throat, his voice taking on an authoritative tone. “To the goddess that dwells within the land of the dead, we, the messengers and guardians of Inari Okami, ask that you state your purpose for treading these sacred grounds which—,”

“Oho! I think I recognize her.” The rabbit eared, pink-haired girl removed her fox mask, interrupting Inari's regalia and revealing curious blue eyes that looked down at the three visitors. “It’s the one who claims to be her twin.”



“…are the rumors true then, Usagi-san?”

The rabbit girl shrugged, attaching the kitsune mask so that it hung on her hip and altering her position so she sat atop the torii instead. “God relationships are weird. Either way, I’m sitting this one out because I don’t think he would be happy with me if I fought with a possible sister of his.”

“S-Should I drop the boundary?”

“Not until we hear their purpose,”
Kintaru answered firmly. He was responsible for protecting Inari-sama’s main shrine in the near shore and he wouldn’t be able to face his goddess if the Fushimi Inari Taisha ended up like many other shrines did 10 years ago. If necessary, he would hold his ground until help arrived. Kuzunoha-san and Seimei-dono shouldn’t be too long and, while he didn’t want to interrupt Lady Inari’s meeting with Lord Tsukuyomi, he wasn’t one to underestimate gods from Yomi either—least of all one that came with two other regalias in tow. To his knowledge, a goddess like Azani wouldn’t have much reason to visit Inari’s shrine…yet she didn’t seem to give off much a fighting aura either.

That was the only thing that stilled his blade-hand. That and the innocent tourists that may get caught up in the fighting if it were to break out in their current location. The popularity of his goddess was both a blessing and a curse. “Well, Lady of Yomi? To what do we owe this pleasure?”

Kintaru addressed the child-like goddess, but he didn't take his eyes away from the other two either, prepared to defend if they acted uncouthly.

Karcen Karcen Dante Verren Dante Verren CheshireMitsu CheshireMitsu

(mentioned: Takumi98 Takumi98 )
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Location: Sumiko's Apartment
Date: April 4th 2030
Time: 5:00 pm
Yuya Sumiko (Spiritual Human)
Mentioned: Susanoo ( VeiledPariah VeiledPariah ) Kami_X ( QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel )
Director of Europe.jpg

Despite her plans and best attempt to alternate between doing her own studying for classes and her own personal studying of coding she found that it was almost impossible to do so. The ever increasing crowd that took the trains made it almost impossible to focus even with earbuds on and music playing. It didn't help that she wasn't focused on her own studying even if she didn't have the crowds to distract her. The encounter with the grumpy Susanoo into a slightly less grumpy, yet more sociable god was still fresh in her mind despite her best attempts to put it out of her mind for now. She had told herself that she was going to descend further down a rabbit whole she probably didn't want to go down once she had closed the tab on Susanoo's sword, but the nagging urge of curiosity kept it in the back of her mind.

A small shiver went down her back as a snake like phantom slithered across her boot on it's way further down the train. "Gross" she thought, but pretended to be examining her footwear as to not draw the phantoms attention. Clutching her belongings closely to make sure that no one could take them, she leaned back in her seat and shifted around trying to get comfortable. You would think that a nation that could make the fastest trains in the world could also make comfortable seats for said fast train. Well you would be wrong, very wrong. Still it beat the hell out of walking or taking a cab or something like that. Sometimes speed was preferred over comfort. If only she had the ability that Kami_X had to travel via phone or what ever it was he did. That would be super coinvent. Thinking about that she started to wonder if it was only phones he could do that with or any piece of technology. A question to ask for later.

When the train finally arrived at her stopped she followed the horde of people getting off. Navigating the train stations was always the worst, trying to move between people without being shoved into anyone or shove any one. Once she got out of the station she sighed in relief, it was nice to have some elbow room again, even if it wasn't too much room. Satisficed that she had all of her stuff still she set off for her apartment, while it was a bit of a walk it was a usually nice one. As she passed by she caught a quick glance of a television talking about a freak storm that had hit a local school. She saw something about that this morning as well. Was it really a freak storm or something more? Continuing her walk she would eventually make it back to her apartment.

Unlocking the door and stepping inside she took her laptop and books out of her bag and placed them on her desk. Once empty she dropped the bag on the ground next to the desk before plopping down in her chair. Deciding to get some work done she opened up the laptop and began to take a crack on her studying, only to be quickly distracted again. Somehow she found herself looking through various different occult sights as the question of how the heck she was supposed to find a regalia for this god stayed in her head.
Location: Inari's shrine
Date: April 4th, 2030
Time: 1:10 pm​
Miu (Reglaia)
Interactions: Kintaru ( QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel )
Mentioned: Azani ( Karcen Karcen ) Chuujitsuu ( CheshireMitsu CheshireMitsu )

Miu's love of the outside air was cut short as they were off to another shrine. Although upon their arrival the boundary that she could feel before them was much weaker the gaudy Sun princess's shrine, and less annoying then the boundary of the SSA. Still it was a boundary meant to keep her out and it certainty tried to. Crossing her arms before her she pushed up against the invisible wall she stepped forward feeling the resistance and annoying pricks of pain wash across her body but she got through. Stepping out onto the other side she shook her head with an irritated growl. "This whole walking through barriers thing is getting really old really quickly" she muttered to herself as she quickly caught up to Azani and Chuujitsuu.

As they headed up the steps and reached the Tori gate entering to the greater shrine the three were stopped by a borderline thrown together by a regalia before them. Irked by the Regalia's interference she was going to say something but looked down to see no hostility from Azani so Miu made sure to reign her own in. It wouldn't do for her too lose her cool on such a lowly creature anyway. That being said her patience was not infinite, and after the appetence of the rabbit and the other regalia tested it quite a bit. Between the SSA fiasco and the insolence of this new regalia she snapped a bit, returning his own cold gaze with a defensive glare of her own. "That is Queen of Yomi, not lady. As a servant of a goddess as prestigious as the fox who owns this shrine I would have assumed you had better manners. I see her servants do not live up to Inari's high reputation." she said in stern defiance to the blatantly ignorant regalia hiding behind the other one's borderline.
Location: Inari's shrine
Date: April 4th, 2030
Time: 1:13 pm
Mentions: Dante Verren Dante Verren CheshireMitsu CheshireMitsu QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Azani-Omikami Goddess of Vengeance, grudges, and redemption

Azani sought to get this over with and be free of dealing with with boundaries and barriers, it was annoying to deal with the paranoid gods of heaven thinking their walls did anything but allow them to hide from the reality outside. The extra boundary wall was not exactly unexpected, though it was far more annoying than it should be. The gods that worried about their pretend purity were so paranoid about a simple visit from one phantom that no longer was one. It would be nice if some regalia would treat Mui as a fellow, but the servant of an outcast was an outcast as well. it might also do well for them to be impressed as to name a phantom would kill a normal god and had never been really done, they could at least act surprised. Chuujitsuu might start having second thoughts about working for her seeing how others regalia would treat him with how they treated her with hostility just because Miu was around, they extended little respect to her not even pretending to welcome her.

" I claim nothing my dear twin sister and i both agree that we are such" Azani explained to the regalia with a sigh " And here i had hoped the gods would have better memory than humans, well they die about as much as those the shepherd so forgetting a few facts is expected" Azani said with a shrug and shook her head seemingly not at all worried. She was not going to bow and beg to other gods she would never do so to regalia. Still it was sad those meant to serve in a way as living memory storage would be uncertain of who she was, they would no doubt know her traitor brothers and one would think a goddess of yomi would be more famous in heaven with how much they feared it.

Azani then looked to miu " Do try to forgive them Miu if they can't even remember who I am how could they ever know my status or that i hold one of the mandates of hell " She said her tone a bit smug as she was speaking of things others gods could only dream of and held something that made the heavens shake if fear. " Though I do agree i would think the little fox would teach her regalia how to receive guests " she continued pretending to be disappointed. " Speaking of which " she said turning back to the regalia " Where is the little fox I have not seen her in ages and I need to speak with her on matters of land for my shrine?" She asked a little curious why Inari was not here yet Azani had not seen the fox in ages and knew she had changed and wanted to see how much.
Ekibio ~~ god of Pestilence, Disease, and Sickness
QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel Kami_X (mentioned: VeiledPariah VeiledPariah Ame)

  • Location: SSA Office, Kyoto roof
    Date: April 4, 2030
    Time: 4:06 pm​

    Ekibio groaned and sat up as he finally woke up from his "nap," almost four hours after he'd went to sleep. It was pretty normal for him, but he was also a bit irritated, because he still hadn't texted Kami_X about a job offer. Then he started questioning how much a job might cost him. He didn't have any money to pay someone, he didn't even have a house. He had to spend the last of his money to buy a map and find a hotel when Tsugusa drank too much. He growled a little bit, hoping that this go would still help him out. He could fight some phantoms on his own, so maybe he could do that...?

    He pulled out his phone as he dropped down from the roof smoothly and smiled as it turned on like a normal phone. The poor, ancient thing shouldn't be able to work anymore, yet it did! He texted as he walked to no real destination, constantly writing and deleting his messages as he did, not really knowing how to text another god. He'd still never talked to any, besides Hachiman, but that was years ago, and texting was a bit different. Finally he decided on a text that he liked and sended it.
    Hey, I'm not doing some prayer because I'm a god (Ekibiogami, god of sickness) but I was wondering if I could give you a job? I was told about you at the SSA office, and I really need a priest. I was wondering if you could get me one. I don't have any money right now, but I can get you it once I'm a bigger god. Or I can do tasks for you.

    Ekibio sighed and looked around the street. Nowhere to grab some food at the moment, or to do anything other than sit around and watch the people and phantoms. He decided that he could be productive and kill a couple little ones, phantoms, not people, and started with a rat-looking one the size of a cat on someone's shoulder.

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Location: Inari's shrine
Date: April 4th, 2030
Time: 1:16 pm

Kintaru (Regalia) + Usagi? (Regalia)

Kintaru’s eyebrow rose slightly when Miu corrected her goddess’s title, but his expression didn’t otherwise change when either goddess or regalia spoke. Usagi, on the other hand, threw her head back and laughed. “pfft-hahahahaha! It’s like I’m listening to another Ryuujin from the pompous attitude to the insinuation that most other gods are sheep!”

“I see.”
Inari’s regalia didn’t share his companion’s humor, but he didn’t let the passive smile slip either. “You’ll have to forgive my ignorance on such matters. I wasn’t aware the depraved lands of Yomi even had a hierarchal structure let alone that you’ve risen in it, Azani of Yomi. In the 500 years I’ve faithfully served as a blade to Lady Inari, I can’t say I’ve ever had reason to break the seal and enter the World of Darkness.” Like she was attempting to enter Inari’s shrine. There was a fine line between guest and unwanted visitor. At the very least, he could attest that in the 500 years he’d been named, he’d never once seen Inari-sama interact with the obscure goddess of vengeance that he’d only heard of through whispers. Compared to the three precious children in popular creation lore, she’d never been featured in literature. Never been seen or mentioned—openly— at any meetings between the gods either. It was as if her existence itself were being denied. A black stain on an otherwise pristine record. “However, a queen of the mud still rules naught but mud.”


The Tsuki no Usagi shook her head, laughing even harder, though what exactly the rabbit found funny, Kintaru couldn’t say. He continued nonetheless. “I don’t know you goddess…but I’ve heard the rumors. If they are true, then I have even less reason to believe you are guest of Lady Inari’s. She is loyal to the Heavens.”

The final words, though directed at Azani, were mostly meant for the rabbit’s ears. A spawn of Hell believed to be carrying out the vengeful wish of the Queen of the Underworld was hardly someone Inari would want to be seen associating with—least of all in front of Tsukiyomi’s regalia. It was hard to say exactly where the moon god’s loyalties lie given his views, but there was no doubt that he still Heaven’s dirty work even after being banished to the moon. The Tsuki no Usagi was present every time the defiant dragon god raged, after all, and the moon god supposedly fought quite valiantly on the side of the side of the Heavens during the period of darkness.

“Oh, don’t worry me Kintaru-san. We’re allies after all~” Wiping the tears from her eyes, the rabbit girl waved dismissively before slipping from her perch on the Torii to get a closer look at the named phantom from the across the barrier of light. Miu. Beautiful feathers. Well, the black wings atop her shoulder blades were cute if nothing else. It was obvious, looking at the dimensions, that they couldn’t fly. A pretty, boastful peacock full of empty pride. Usagi tilted her head, gaze alight with interest. “Mandate of Hell, huh? That certainly explains it.”

She glanced at Azani amusedly. “Izanami’s reputation isn’t very good in Heaven, you know—especially after the war against phantoms 10 years ago. I’m surprised that Amaterasu would even acknowledge a relationship with you since it only adds another weapon to her enemies’ belts…” Shrug. Gods decided their own families. “But far be it for me to guess what a goddess like her thinks. Whether she lives or dies, I don’t care either way.” It would suck to see Tsukuyomi sad, but, for her, it would only mean her biggest love rival was eliminated. Temporarily at least. The only thing imperfect about her beloved moon god was his taste. “Heaven is cutthroat~ Those that have seen its darker side“ like her lord. “know that the queen—the name Amaterasu—is only a figurehead. The spider will still live without its head and if she were to betray it, she would be sliced off in place of a new, more malleable queen without much hesitation. That’s the sort of place Takamagahara is—pretty to look at though~”

“You shouldn’t be talking so brazenly about ugly things like that Usagi-san,”
Kintaru blocked Mamaru’s ears.

“Why not?” Usagi placed her hands on her hips. “I’m only telling as it is and the little queen here is the one who brought up the topic of gods dying first. Though I can assure you, my Lord hasn’t died once since I came to his side…and I don’t think I’ve ever seen Inari die?”

Kintaru shook his head. If she had, he wasn't aware of it.

“What’s a Mandate of Hell?”

“One of the authorities of Izanami, the Queen of the Underworld,”
Kintaru answered Inari’s newest regalia—the one who’d been left in his charge. “You’ll know if you keep up with your studying.”

Mamaru nodded. It was what the young fox spirit had been doing until the phantom and evil-looking goddess from Hell had arrived. She looked back at the two ‘visitors’ warily. The bird-girl phantom didn’t seem as corrupt as some others, but she couldn’t be sure; She looked to Kintaru.

The violet haired regalia sighed. Even if he had never seen Azani, and didn’t like his goddess interacting with those of ill and less-than-honorable repute, there was no denying that Inari Okami leaned on the greedier side and it was very possible she had a ‘friendship’ he didn’t know about. Lady Inari, first and foremost, was an opportunist. “You can lower the borderline, Mamaru. She’s stated her purpose for coming here…and if she wanted to attack us, she probably would’ve done so by now. If she speaks the truth about having been acquainted with Lady Inari in the past, then Lady Kuzunoha would know. ”

Inari’s oldest regalia and best friend. It was said that the goddess even challenged Heaven’s authority when Kuzunoha broke one of Heaven’s rules and married a human.

“You realize Her Majesty, the great divinity illuminating the Heavens, ordered phantoms—evolved or not—to be killed on sight, don’t you? Are you gonna defy her orders~?”

“That sounds strange coming from you Tsuki no Usagi.”

“My allegiance is only to Lord Tsukuyomi, not the court that banished him.”

“As is mine to Lady Inari.”

Mamaru lowered the borderline. “Inari-sama isn’t here right now. Usagi-san came to tell us that she’s at the Moon Palace with Lord Tsukuyomi…so she probably won’t be back until the Sangyo-sai.” Time flowed differently from Earth to the other side of Heaven, but Lady Inari wasn’t likely to miss a festival dedicated to her.

“Ah, that’s right! It’s almost April 8th in the near shore, isn’t it? That explains why the Fushimi Inari’s been looking more lively as of late~”

Mamaru replied happily. “The humans have been working hard at their dances. There’ll be tons of offerings and Kintaru-san is making his signature udon as well!”

The fox and the rabbit spirits drooled while Kintaru, the only human spirit present, rolled his eyes before once more directing his gaze back at the three visitors from Yomi. Or, at least, two from Yomi. Kintaru couldn’t say who or where the di-chromic spirit came from, but he clearly wasn’t a phantom. It wasn’t as if Lady Inari closed her businesses to calamity gods. However, he couldn’t blame Mamaru for immediately drawing a line between herself and the phantom either. He probably would’ve done the same, especially since they decided to drop by unannounced. Even that Hacker god would’ve been polite enough to give the shrine a call before hand…

…no, knowing him, maybe not.

“It’s as Mamaru stated.” Though divulging the whereabouts of their goddess wasn’t entirely necessary in Kintaru’s opinion. Dangerous information in the wrong hands. “If you wish to have a discussion with Lady Inari, I’d suggest making appointment beforehand. Guests are those who’ve been invited to someone’s home, not those who drop by unannounced. However, I will inform Lady Inari of your need.” The shrine did have a connection to Heaven, after all. “If it’s true that you’re an old acquaintance of my Lady and that you mean no ill to those within this scared house of worship, you may stay as long as you wish. If your words are lies, then please leave. The truth will reveal itself either way.”

Once Lady Kuzunoha and Seimei-dono returned. It didn’t take long to purify a bloody forest.


“If you don’t trust her, why don’t you just perform a resound spell on Miu? She has a name, after all, and it’s the quickest and easiest way to ascertain the truth.”

Because most regalias wouldn’t subject themselves to such a thing and he had no intention of starting an unneeded fight. However, Kintaru didn’t voice that answer. He simply gave Tsukuyomi’s regalia a ‘really?’ look instead. Given the time period of her legend, the Moon Rabbit was older than him, possibly as old as Lady Kuzunoha, but she seemed quite childish as well. He wondered if it was a thing with animal spirits. They didn't seem to have many human worries.

“We'll all be watching. I'm impartial to all this and I wouldn't shame my Lord by acting dishonorably so I’ll be here to restrain you if ask invasive questions~”

“Kintaru-san isn’t dishonorable!”
Mamaru pouted.

“Whaddya say, Miu?” The rabbit spirit gave Azani’s bird phantom a playful, challenging look. “Wanna give it a try to prove Kintaru-san wrong about you?”

Karcen Karcen Dante Verren Dante Verren CheshireMitsu CheshireMitsu
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Location: Inari's shrine
Date: April 4th, 2030
Time: 1:20 pm
Mentions: Dante Verren Dante Verren CheshireMitsu CheshireMitsu QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Azani-Omikami Goddess of Vengeance, grudges, and redemption

Azani's stance became something more angry and far more annoyed when she heard herself compared to her traitorous brother, those that would go against their word were scum to her and each had given their word to their mother. The gods of heaven only saw they had defected from what they saw as evil, but Yomi was far more than they knew it had so many souls and so many sections to it. Still her brother was a traitor that because he screamed and ranted about his hate for the one that gave him life was trusted. Azani had long wished to send him to mother so she could deal with the rebellious son. The regalia despite their insults did tell Azani far more then they likely meant to with their chatter, the others gods knew not of her work or any other of the many works of yomi. Azani had seen awhile back some buildings being made by what she had guessed where phantoms in distant second of yomi. She had not been interested in them and never really revisited them on purpose, they existed and what that meant she didn't really know but heaven didn't know Yomi could organize.

" Do not compare me to the traitors, we all gave our word to our mother, unlike them I remember that I made a deal with her and I do not go back on what I say I will do or promise" Azani said holding back shouts of anger just barely as she had that running in the back even as the regalia revealed how ignorant heaven was. " Unlike other gods be they of heaven, earth, or Yomi I keep my word and do not break the deals I make" She continued having that pride she would let be trampled her mother was her first deal and that was what kept her an ally of Yomi not some fact of her nature, though she liked Yomi and found it nice so likely would stay there even if she did not need to seek out father.

The regalia spoke of Izanami as if she was some commander some leader of phantoms. She knew of them but no one but those phantoms she named listened to her. Azani had never got that her mother did not care about heaven, about humans, about anything but father, she didn't hold some evil court and plot against others. The talk of how amaterasu could be removed oddly concerned Azani and as it was explained her expression softened an odd worry going through Azani. She might hate most of family but she really only had a grudge with two of them. The kill phantoms on sight thing was already broken. " Mother really shouldn't have much of a reputation in heaven. The gods make her some boogey man plotting against heaven with an army of phantoms. She had nothing to do with the last war, she has nothing to do with the greater phantoms, and she has no desire for anything but father. If he would just come to her then heaven would be down one so called enemy" Azani explained finding it annoyed to have to explained that Izanamai wasn't some direct threat she was the queen of yomi but really she ruled very little and tried to rule even less.

The regalia continued their chatter showing they didn't know of the old days back in the beginning that was when Aznai had met others, back before the order of heaven had truly been set, when they wared against to old gods of the land for the soul of japan. They would know so little of those chaotic days when almost every god had died and come back at least once, but not her Azani had endured unlike all of them. It seemed that Amaterasu had defied her own law as they had met yesterday and she had not tried to do anything against Miu even when Azani would have been unable to fight. " I doubt you would know of our meeting it was brief back when heaven was young and we made war against the gods of old, almost every god of heaven and earth died at least once back then. I wonder if perhaps I am the lone survivor from those long forgotten days, if the little fox has never died then perhaps we will have plenty to talk about" Azani explained she was no old friend she was an acquaintance from a forgotten age and a war none wished to revisit. " The order is news to me despite the fact i saw my dear sister just yesterday right after I named Miu it seems my sister doesn't obey her own rules" Azani chuckled the idea amaterasu had spared miu because of her popped up but easily squashed there was no chance of that after all.

Azani had only come because she wanted to get the work done fast, if she had to wait for nearly 2 weeks there was no way she would bother with revisiting this shrine. Azani did not wish to be around such rude regalia again not even her brother's who seemed to want to make Azani dislike the only one in heaven she might just have a soft spot for. This little moon bunny was the most unruly of them even daring to say Miu should be subjected to their resound. That honestly was the greatest insult.

" Moon rabbit " Azani said looking to the regalia of the moon god " I will tell you this I can take myself being being insulted, that much I am used to, but do not insult either of my regalia. My brother might not have told you but he and I aren't on the worst of terms, so do not make them worst because you can not hold your tongue. Miu does not lie for she would not be so low as to do so, if anything she should bring your master joy for I know he speaks kindly for the greater phantoms, and Miu is proof some greater phantoms could be used to better the world." Azani explained with barely held back anger. Few gods would get so mad about their regalia being insulted, but Azani didn't view them as tools like heaven did and when it came down to it Azani would rather herself take a lethal blow than Miu take one.

Azani turned back to the regalia of Inari " If she is going to be gone that long I will just do things myself then, I only came out of courtesy, I have done everything myself from the start so I will just continue to do so." Azani explained calming down a little she wasn't going to attack this bunch over words she had been through worse and she knew how to really mess with regalia as she had in the past. " Well then I must go at least you all have told me more about the state of heaven than any other god has for ages, hopefully they aren't planning another raid on Yomi the last one got basically everyone killed and this time they will be ready" She said giving them some information of her own before turning " " Lets go we are done here"
Konjin (God) + Miname (Regalia)
Location: SSA Office
Date: April 4, 2030
Time: 4:07 pm
Mentioned: CheshireMitsu CheshireMitsu

Konjin wasn't in a very good mood after being woken up by Miname. She had insured that he slept enough and that after they'd eaten they would head to the SSA Office to check up on Hisame if allowed. While he didn't know all of the rules the SSA had, he wouldn't be surprised if they kicked him out if his former Regalia simply said he didn't want to talk to him. Miname was an angel, and no doubt the kid would be ecstatic to see her. Brat almost always clung to her like a little sibling when he was with them. He had no doubt Miname would of visited more if she didn't have to make sure Konjin didn't get into something he likely shouldn't, and while she wouldn't blame him for such a thing he'd likely apologize to her for it.

He felt like he could have slept for another hour as he trailed after his regalia as she told him not to be mean or something along those lines as they grew closer to their destination. He wasn't paying attention, thinking about what they'd eat for dinner to distract from not wanting to go through hoops to see the kid just to say a few words and let Miname and him talk for who knew how long. He stopped noticing a god that seemed focused on a rather big rat phantom on someone's shoulder. At least the size of a small dog and rather ugly on top of it, in the red eyed god's opinion anyway. One thing stuck out to Konjin, and unless the god he was speaking to was wearing an armament of any kind, the divine spirit decided to address it.

"Hey, you got a regalia or something?" He asked, raising a brow as he placed his hands in his jacket pockets. This guy really wasn't going to risk pesky blight dealing with the thing was he? It was odd. Not completely unheard of probably, but still a little odd.

Miname had stopped walking and turned to watch the exchange, tilting her head slightly. She eyed the blue haired man a moment, noting that the scent she picked up from him, while it smelled nice, had a slightly sharper hint to it than her own god's. Maybe it differed between regalia and spirits when interacting with the same god, but from what she knew Konjin had a hint of citrus to him that she still didn't quite understand.

"If you don't have a regalia, is that why you're here at the SSA?" She asked, gaze landing on the Phantom temporarily in case they caught it's attention while they spoke. The moment her god gave the command, she had no problem taking care of it.
Location: Shirotome High
Date: April 14th 2000
Time: after school

Azani Goddess of Vengence and grudges And Ayaka Sato (spiritual human)

Yeas before the AFAH or the phantom war, back before darkness had fallen over Japan in a rather new Shirotome High a girls stood on the roof looking at the people leaving. Ayaka should be leaving with all of them but she didn't, or rather she couldn't. A school had teachers and some teacher had kids, and she just happened to be a child of one of those teachers. Clubs were not for her, Ayaka would rather just go home if only to get away from her school life. Ayaka could generously be called awkward around others and her grades were abysmal. This left her rather open to the ridicule of other students, those that were better with people than her and those that were smart. her home life was little better her house only had her father, her and her little brother who was everything she wasn't. Well he did lack something that their father wanted, but he was lucky with that and Ayaka had grown to hate the man that had once been kind. She now just saw a monster behind a mask that her brother ignored, she was the big sister so she should protect her younger brother from their father after all. There was one solution Ayaka could think of, or she thought there was one being she had turned to. Ayaka had been able to see things from a young age and in time she had learned they were gods, thus when life had gone bad she had started to pray to them and seek help yet they were always silent and nothing changed. if not normal god would help her then Ayaka had one last hope.

Location: Shirotome High
Date: April 14th 2000
Time: Near sunset

Ayaka had stayed even latter than her father had, latter then clubs, so late no student should honestly be here anymore. She had to stay shew could not do what she needed to at home. If her father found out what she planned then he might kill her. While he was no violent man like some there had been times where he had not held his temper back and Ayaka had needed to hide a bruise or two. No god would answer her prayers and thus she would make a deal with one that actually responded. Azani was a rumor most people knew a god that could be summoned if you hated someone and would give you revenge for a cost. Ayaka was turning to this god as a last resort she had to do something before things got to even worse.


Azani had been alone for many years, she went from job to job, the days always the same after the latest resurrection of her love had died. She didn't need a regalia to do her job and anytime she tried to keep one they were corrupted. Her grey days had returned, that long trudge from resurrection to resurrection. Thus when she felt another summon Azani almost didn't answer it, but she had a duty, they called she came, they spoke a name and she took a life. Humans were such petty beings and in truth Azani hated it.

Azani soon manifested in a darkened room at what seemed like twilight. That wasn't normally when most summoned her as she had the story set for a night time summoning, but well that was just to set a mood. Looking around Azani could see an empty classroom, so it was a school kid that called her. Azani had seen to many kids throw away everything to get back at a teacher or a bully or even a victim they hated that much. Still they called and she came they knew the cost of what they were doing and if they summoned her and made the deal they knew it was real. Azani then focused on the girl before her. She didn't seem special, brown hair and brown eyes like who knew hoe many other girls.

" You have called with hate in your heart and a grudge unfulfilled" Azani said pausing for a moment to let it sink in and the girl to stammer something as most did. What Azani did not expect was what happened next. The girl started to cry and hugged Azani.

" You came i didn't think you would come the gods never answer me" Ayaka cried happy at least someone had listened to her. She had half expected to be ignored like all the other gods that ignored her.

Azani was not used to humans even those that summoned her being happy to see her, they were desperate or angry never happy. Azani was so shocked she didn't realize her arms had wrapped around the girl returning the hug. " Yes well that is the deal you have called me and i come so who is it you wish to curse?" Azani asked feeling and sounding rather akward in all this.

" Well umm can we talk a little first?" Ayaka asked. She had meant to say who she wanted dead the instant Azani showed up yet the joy that finally someone had come to her, that finally she had someone to talk to, some that could listen to her life was enough to make her want to push this all back.

Azani found the request a bit odd normally humans just wanted to get it all over with, but well the situation was already less than dignified. She could kill a little more time talking with this girl besides sometimes the story of what the people who called her went through was entertaining " Just for a little while " Azani said in a defeated sigh she was no good with people like this.
Location: Shirotome Highschool
Date: April 4th 2030
Time: 4:35pm

The regalia listened to Roka intently her attentions on Koko with a soft smile as she scratched the cats fur betwixt the ears. Out of the corner of her eye she watched as he spoke and how he carried himself. He was a good man, a honest assessment of his time before and even now for as much as that was worth. She felt nothing from him that could be considered as out of place. That was good, so he had managed to survive the bout unscathed. She shook her head as he asked if she were interested in the students mulling a and activities.
“There was a time I found it compelling to learn of things I never had the chance to in my time it was not necessary for women to learn more than working the land for rice and to bear children for their husbands, but I have since lost interest in academics. I rarely spend time on things that others would consider fun. Still I can see the apparent fixation they have with the craft.”
By this point Koko was settled amidst the girls lap letting out a content purr as its soft fur pressed against her soaking in the warmth she put off happily.
Now her eyes rested on Roka
“It would not be a good idea for me to stay elsewhere especially if my enemies which have now become KamiX’s do not know if this alternate location. I can manage here, besides if I left before it was necessary I would be putting you all at risk. We don’t know enough about our adversary to say with certainty how they will react to Sakda’s defeat.”
She explained listlessly describing that she would rather keep his apartment a secret from others if the others needed it later and the enemy did not know about it currently.
To be truthful though she just didn’t feel the need to stay at an entirely separate place. At least not now. Besides her belongings would only serve to loiter around her gods space and provide an inconvenience.
“But to keep it short, I am fine where I am. If he requests me to leave then I will do so, although I am not sure of the appeal of that futon compared to an actual bed.”
She allowed a giggle to part from her features as the closet seemed to disturb the regalia a bit. She could understand how the prospect of living out of a closet would bother some but she found it interesting to say the least.
After all she had lived on the street or in the wilderness most of the time rarely laying her head in a comfortable place. Still her indifference was not simply to ease Roka into conversation, the gods words echoing in her ear.
She had an auxiliary task given by the young mans words expressed more through non verbal offerings than mere words.
Though he stated that he had no intention to remove the name Hakuka, there was the mention of one day naming many more regalia. It seemed that Roka was one of the first. That held some importance for the Ka clan that had been irrevocably created.
The lesson whether Roka knew it or not had already begun. Interaction was a skill many regalia had to understand and carefully thread themselves in and around. Any slight or misjudgment could start a fight between two gods or cause his own to drop their guard.

“I was not enlisted to be his keeper. I will do the job asked of me no more no less until necessary, he may do as he likes and although the offer is welcome i will not be attending Roka. Should you leave the school grounds it may be rather prudent that I remain and protect it in your place”
Her words left her lips so chilled as she continued.
“I have nothing to hide you know?. Curiosity albeit innocent can build and manifest itself in negative ways if one is not careful. What do you want to know?”
QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Location: Inari's shrine
Date: April 4th, 2030
Time: 1:22 pm​
Miu (Regalia)
Interactios: Azani ( Karcen Karcen ) Kintaro/ Tsuki no Usagi ( QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel )

To say Miu was seething was a bit of an understatement. The smug looking human spirit whose name wasn't even worth committing to memory continued with his insutls to the glorious duo of the two. All while that rabbit looked down upon them from the gate and the smaller fox spirit cowered behind the borderline. Her rage lessened a bit when the rabbit hopped down from her post and began to come closer to herself. Up to this point she had no real issue with the rabbit besides her insult of referring to Azani as Little Queen. It was the other two that her rage was directed towards and so she let the Rabbit woman's eyes wander as they pleased. On reflex her back muscles flexed causing the decorative feathers to puff out in a sign of Miu's own irritation and frustration.

Her rage was furthered cooled by Azani's own interjection. Although quiet short and admittedly adorable like that of a small bear, the goddess could have quite an intimidating aura when she was angered. Although she found that anger too be satisfying enough, it was a different emotion hidden beneath Azani's anger towards the other three regalia that Miu had noticed. It was impossible for the phantom not too notice it, it was the emotion of pride. Miu wasn't sure what Azani was feeling pride towards, whether it was her regalia she was standing up for or something about her past with the fox goddess or the moon god. To her it didn't really matter either, all Miu needed to see was that bit of pride and see that there was a chance that the pride her goddess was feeling was directed towards Miu. In that one instant her rage cooled and her body completely relaxed, her wings drooping on her back and her head tilted forwards as her eyes stared into the ground.

As Azani turned around with all the intention of the world to leave, Miu's right hand shot up to cover her own mouth and her body was racked by a fit of laughter. The wings although stiff and useless for flight in an instant spread to their full length scattering a few loose feathers across the ground. Moving her hand away from her mouth the phantom regalia raised her head and locked her eyes on those infront of her, a firece flame present in those blood like crimson eyes. "Manmaru...." she said as her eyes locked on the regalia cowering behind the borderline, "Kintaro..." she said as her gazed moved to the most annoying one, "Tsuki no Usagi..." as she moved her glare finally to the rabbit. "Normally I would never care enough to remember the names of gravel." she said turning her glare at the two still at the gate. "But today is a unique day worthy of remembering. I did not suffer through three barriers, lose my status as the one and only regalia, and have to put up with that prideless priest to be find myself empty handed and my friend at the end of the day. " Her wings began to relax as did her expression returning to a calmer posture

Reaching down to her side she placed her right hand on her hip and looked straight at Usagi "Tsuki no Usagi if you say that you will stand as a honorable third party to ensure the integrity of the spell then I will trust in the pride you have for your liege. To do something shameful here would reflect poorly on him, something I believe you wouldn't be able to stand. As for him" she motioned with a side jerk of her left hand towards Kinatro, "If he is brave enough to cast the resound spell on me then I will let him. I have nothing to hide nor would I lower myself to such a level to lie like a common rat." Turning her head to look straight at Kintaro she gave him a smug smile, and her eyes showed that she wasn't joking. "What do you say regalia of the fox? Are you brave enough to test the integrity of the prideful regalia Miu? Or will you join your younger companion in cowering behind that line?"
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Location: Shirotome High, computer lab
Date: April 4th, 2030
Time: 4: 35 pm​

Roka (regalia)
“You sure?” Roka pulled back the bag of chips, thinking Hakuka must not like junk food. “That’s…uh, very logical of you…”

Her listless answers sounded rather sad to him given how young she looked, though he said nothing those thoughts aloud. She drew clear line between them with her chilled words and Roka didn’t know enough about the older regalia to cross boundaries of politeness. “We’ll be sure to bring you back something.”

Or at least, he would. Personally, he would rather not intrude on X’s date with the living college girl either, but the god had wanted to introduce them and Roka was curious about what she was like as well. Basic information about where she lived and what school she attended was easy enough to find, but face to face interaction was still the best way to get to know someone. Besides, he wanted to avoid possible misunderstandings—like being labeled a stalker—while keeping an eye on her like the god requested. He didn’t know whether the duties were the same for Hakuka, since she seemed to be hired for different reason than he and Senka.

Roka blinked at Hakuka’s sudden question, before scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. “Was it that obvious?” Either she was a mind reader or he’d been caught staring. “Since you asked though…”

Roka glanced to the ceiling as he organized all the questions in his head. “Are you really the famous blade, Kusanagi? Why do you have so many names? What’s Susanoo like? What was your scuffle with Sakda about? How many enemies do you have and what do you think we should prepare for? Would you say X is fairly normal as far as gods go? What’s Heaven like? How did you manage to do that cool blade thing you did when you fought Sakda last night? As an experienced regalia, what advice would you give to a regalia that's just been named by his first god 32 hours ago...?”

Location: Shirotome High
Date: April 4th, 2030
Time: 5: 00 pm​

Kami_X (God)
Hey, I'm not doing some prayer because I'm a god (Ekibiogami, god of sickness) but I was wondering if I could give you a job? I was told about you at the SSA office, and I really need a priest. I was wondering if you could get me one. I don't have any money right now, but I can get you it once I'm a bigger god. Or I can do tasks for you.
Nice to meet you Ekibiogami! I have no idea what SSA is saying about me, but I’m not a magic god. I can’t conjure up a priest for you nor turn humans into disease-worshipping fanatics. What I can do for you is give you the numbers of some spiritually inclined humans I know – some of whom may be decent fit. Convincing them into the path of priesthood is up to you though. I can totally relate to the difficulties gods like us are facing these days, so I’m fine with an IOU .

CheshireMitsu CheshireMitsu

Phone in hand, Kami_X typed his reply to Ekibiogami as he teleported into the near empty grounds of Shirotome High. He was surprised that someone at SSA actually recommended him for a job, but he certainly didn't mind. It was a simple enough task and the more connections he made, the more job opportunities would be available to him. On one hand, gods like him needed all the exposure they can get so they don’t fade away. On the other hand, there was a god-killing god after his life so too much exposure wasn’t good either. Kami_X sighed. While he could certainly complain about his miserable life to anyone willing to listen at a bar, the truth was that his life wasn’t that difficult compared to some other strays. He had money. He had backup plans in case a big, bad god came after his life. He had Inari’s number on speed-dial. Even Kaguya offered to help him out should he ever need it and Kami_X wasn’t so prideful as to not request help when he did.

He knew his strengths and he knew his weakness. While it would be nice if he had the martial talent some fighting gods possessed, the fact that Camulous had centuries upon centuries of more experience than he did made it unlikely that he would win in a bout between them even if he did decide hole himself in a mountain fighting bears for the next century or so…assuming the fight was straightforward at least. What Kami_X had was information. And connections. Depending on how wisely he used the tools he had in his disposal, he was confident in his ability to survive…

“But I guess it wouldn’t hurt to do a bit of training if it’d make them worry less…”

He was pretty much done with his work for today—minus a couple meetings, but that could wait until after dinner—

“Momooo! Where are you, Momoooo?”

Ahead of him, Rika Murakami—who hadn’t yet returned home—seemed to be searching the school grounds for Pinky. Was it a trick of fate? The work god telling him he wasn't done yet? Kami_X rolled his eyes. Well, he did have an hour before he was supposed to meet with Sumiko.

“Do you need any help?” Slipping his phone into his pocket, Kami_X approached the girl searching behind the garbage bins.

She stiffened before quickly swiveling around with a reddened face. “Er, no. Not really. I was just looking for my cat.”

“I see.”
Kami_X smiled. “Well, why don’t we look for her together?”

“I don't thi—”

“My name is Kami_X. I heard you wanted to meet with me~”

The gobsmacked expression on her face was just far too funny.
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Location: Shirotome Highschool
Date: April 4th 2030

Hakuka smiled as the regalia blushed in embarrassment his face gave away too much when he was overthinking things, and although that trend continued regardless of her words the questions poured out like one of Ryuujins Tsunamis hitting her one after another and another Hakukas eyes widening trying to keep track of the growing roster of inquiries before she held a hand out to stop him her features looking a bit bothered.
“Aya aya one at a time Roka, wow you are like a child when it comes to questions. too curious for your own good.... A good fit for him.” Hakuka laughed showing she meant no disrespect with the comment, more a harmless observation.
The female referring to KamiX who was the lord of information and larceny. Their curious minds would no doubt get them into trouble but then again so had hers many times over.
She pet Koko as she attempted a moment to reorganize her thoughts before clearing her throat to begin.
“To your first question yes I am known as Kusanagi the grass cutting sword. Although the history of well me, is altered a bit to fit better into the narrative of Japan as a whole. I heard I even have a replica on display somewhere alongside the two other sacred regalia of Japan.”
Not that she had ever seen this replica of herself but she never found it necessary to do so. Her travels often took her far and wide even leaving Japan itself in the company of gods and goddesses. The world was so much bigger than most spirits knew.
Roka’s next question caused her to raise an eyebrow as he wondered about her many names. She began to unzip her hoodie allowing it to slide down her arms but not be removed completely. The names received by others on display along her arms and shoulders. She had names but as far as a Nora went she had far less than most. That was partly due to the fact that many had fallen before or removed her name after the battle ten years ago.
“I’m known as a Nora, a regalia who takes on the many names given to me by different Kami. For each name I receive it means I offer my service to that god. KamiX is now my tenth Kami I have contracted with. As for how I got them it actually coincides with your third question. Susanoo is my original Kami but our relationship has since been strained. He....struggled to accept me but his honor kept him from removing my name or taking on another. In those days spirits were more of a rarity than they are today. However I became a Nora the day Susanoo abandoned me and left me to Amaterasu’s care. She is the one who named me for the second time Tsurugi.”
Hakuka placed her fingertips on the crimson kanji spelling on her skin for Tsurugi.
Ame cries to the retreating Susanoo ignored, the memory replayed in her mind as the Mother of all Kami recited the words of the ritual forcing her to become a stray, something seen at that time as less than but her words after rung out bringing Hakuka back to the present.

“She then gave me a task and I do it to this day”
The regalia stretched a little before holding out a hand for the chips so she could take one.
After eating it she continued.

“Basically he is a stubborn arrogant jerk and a Baka, but he is mine. Gods have no morals they are bound by. No need to follow right and wrong. At its base sense gods are always right no matter what they do. That is our primary function as regalia. We serve as moral compasses to steer the god in the right direction among the thin line of what is acceptable and unforgivable. Being human once and having the capacity to sin allows us to make those decisions, although the god could simply deny our advice it can come with consequences. The blight you saw last night.
Phantoms can cause it but so can we, our human emotions if targeted in specific ways can harm our Kami. Many believe it best to simply mask them but those are the older ways. It is usually best to voice them so together you and your KamiX can work through the problem. Kami can see being blighted as a slight against them and most don’t tolerate it, either exiling them or destroying them outright.”

Her explanation began to run off track so she inhaled for a second and calmed herself showing Roka a way to cope with the surmounting emotions for when they eventually became too much.
“Sakda’s attack was not warranted as far as I am concerned, nor do I know his true intentions other than throwing some harsh words my way and testing my skills. I was asked by KamiX not to overthink it but I believe he simply wanted to corrupt me so he could be the one to say he did. As for enemies I have very few although that number seems to be growing as of late. It was not my intention to get either of you dragged into this.”
Another bout of laughter hit her as he asked if KamiX was normal. It was sweet that Roka had asked such a question b it she wondered if it held some other meaning as to why he asked but she didn’t the problem in answering.
“No he isn’t, but it’s a good thing. I have known him a short time but I have a knack for these things. Just remember what I said earlier, If X was considered normal I would be dead now, or the name Hakuka would no longer be on my hand” Hakuka patted Koko gently awakening the cat so she would clamber out of her lap. The Nora stood sighing as she looked out the window. The sun beginning it’s descent but still
“I have only been to Takamagahara a few times but each time it was as beautiful as anyone has promised, still it’s a political cesspool of turmoil. As much as KamiX wants to go there one day he may be surprised of what he inevitably finds himself dealing with. Still it is the home of the gods”
Hakuka turned motioning with her hand as Roka asked one of his final questions.
“It was simply a borderline Roka, here I will show you”
Hakuka turned forming a halberd with her fingers and drawing a line on the floor of the club room.
“This is a traditional borderline defensive in nature and one of a regalias only means of defense against a phantom, like the one I used on the rooftop to block the rubble. Now this one is the one I used the variation is not much different”
As she spoke the woman sent another borderline through the room slicing through multiple computers and even club members.
However instead of like last night no damage had occurred.
Turning back to Roka she continued her instruction.
“My intent and conviction changes what the borderlines effect has, using them in this way requires a lot of focus and without practice leaves you open for attack. Another effect you have on your abilities is how much damage you do to your target and the surrounding area. It requires that same focus so you do not cause unnecessary death or damage”
With her lesson done she leaned once more against a desk a fished another chip out of the bag Roka had.
“Advice? I could have sworn that’s what I was already doing, well it depends on the god but for now I could say your doing alright. Just keep by his side and be yourself he hasn’t asked more of you.”
QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel
Hiroki Niwa (Human)
Location: Shirotome Computer Club
Date: April 4, 2030
Time: 8:28 am
Mentioned: QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel

Everyone’s different, so I can’t tell how you’re able to do the things you do—not unless you want me digging in your past—but people who’ve become like you are generally those who’ve touched the edges of death and lived to tell the tale. Surviving cancer patients. Those who miraculously survive getting hit by a truck or falling off a cliff. Those who have been touched by gods at one point in their lives—or past lives. Due to such experiences, their spirits are more drawn to the far shore. Then, there are some that are just born like that because their ancestors got cursed or something. As far as I’m aware there isn’t really a cure…” Kami_X shrugged. “…but I have no idea to be honest. Can’t say I’ve ever had many half-phantom friends. If you want me to look into it, I will... for 5000 yen. I’ll refund the money if I can’t give you an answer. Alternatively, I’ll take on your request if you can beat me in a game of cards~

Hiroki crossed his arms and leaned on one of the many computer desks as he listened, face unreadable as he thought things over, trying to remember what may have triggered the whole out-of-body-sometimes experience, before mentally checking back in once more when he realized Kami_X wasn't finished talking. 5000 yen or a game of cards? Well, at least one seemed more fun than the other.

Grinning, all teeth as he pushed off the desk he placed his hands on his hips.

"Cards, eh? Let's give it a try." He spoke up. Why not have some kinda fun while he was stuck like this for a while? It beat being bored and even if he lost he wouldn't really mind since he at least got something out of this exchange. Any information he got made him feel like he was taking a shot in the dark just a little less than before.

Location: Shirotome Nurse's Office
Date: April 4, 2030
Time: 3:29 pm
Mentioned: Lucem Lucem QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel

Hiroki snorted as Ryotaro presented his lunch box almost like some kind of offering, then was quick to tell him it was a bribe of all things. Hiroki could have waited to get his own lunch box from his own backpack, and rolled his eyes before pouting as the taller boy placed it in his lap. As much as he wanted to make a teasing remark about the whole sharing food with Rika bit of information, Momo being there made him keep his mouth shut. So far, she didn't seem to like either boy. So, he focused instead on the 'bribe'. He'd quickly found out said bribe tasted good. Anyway...

"Yeah yeah, Ryo-kun. Thank you anyway.~" He replied, resisting the urge to stick his tongue out right back at Momo as he did so. He watched as she made a scene and fled, before waving away Rika's apology nonchalantly as he shifting to sit cross legged on the infirmary bed with lunch box nestled more securely in his lap now and rested an elbow on one knee to rest his cheek in his hand.

"Ah, you don't gotta apologize to those left in the room, talk it out with her soon or after she's taken time to cool off." He spoke up, the playful tone in his voice gone and holding a more serious tone to it. He's had enough fights with his sister over things to know when he's pushed too hard or crossed a line, and whatever Momo's grievances with them, or boys or whatever in general, wasn't Rika's fault nor should she apologize to them about it. Well, he couldn't speak for Ryotaro anyway. When Rika introduced herself and mentioned his earlier talk with Kami_X he made a thoughtful sound as he pulled out his phone from his pocket for his fellow student to input her number.

"Nice to meet ya Ri-chan, if ya don't mind trading numbers then I don't mind sharing with you what I'll likely share with Ryo-kun here, since he wants to chat so bad he was nice enough to give me food first.~" he greeted a little lazily with the same bubbly tone if not a bit less cheery, but had no real intent to come off as rude. Then he snapped his fingers of his free hand, as if a thought just occurred to him. Which one definitely did.

"Hey, hey; you too Ryo-kun. Might as well all stay in touch, right? You don't even gotta contact me much, but it might come in handy or something down the line." He spoke up with a shrug. He didn't really see how it would, but it's the thought that counts.

The pinkette blinked as Rika shoved a flyer in his face shortly after. Taking it from her his lips pursed at her--admittedly kinda cheesy--parting words. He had seen Ryotaro stop and sign it when carrying his sleeping body to its current location, and while the him of ten years ago would've shrugged and said 'ok' no questions asked, he had met a few gods and he knew of a few from legends and knew that some gods weren't so benevolent. Besides whatever was happening these days due to AFAH's influence there was no telling what something like this would cause between a few of the little shits at this school.

"And who exactly, do you want us to pray to?" He asked in a teasing manner, but his brow furrowed slightly as he spoke. There was a lot to consider with this memorial service, but he'd add his name to the list anyway.

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