No Rest For The Wicked

It took all the self-control she could muster not to drop to the into a fetal crouch, like the wheeny drug-addicts she still arrested unless they shared like good little civilians. But then it ended as quickly as it had began, the sound of gunfire, still artificial after six long years of work - and suddenly she felt something else pierce her heart...a thing much more dangerous than some silly, man-made bullet. Mustn't be afraid, ​she fiercely commanded, yet Chapelle always did have a rebellious spirit, and the adrenaline did not leave her veins till she saw who coming towards her. She'd had dealings with Sakirio before, and knew that she had enough leverage to be back in her safe, if crummy apartment by nightfall. Her mood lifted instantly.

"Sakirio, my man!" she trumpeted, and gave his shoulder a friendly punch - a cherry on top to a greeting which was, given the circumstances, about as crazy as the bandaged criminal. "I'm not turning my back on you", she added, finally regaining her wits. "After you, Mums."

ooc: Mums is short for mummy :P
Sakario slightly tilts his head to the side, which, to him, was the same as a nod. "You're the cop," he says. He turns, and enters, leading her inside, but his cautiousness made him prepared; if she tried anything, he had a hidden pistol up his sleeve. He walks into the living room, and took a seat on the chair, sitting at an angle, with one of his legs dangling off the side. He says, "I need your assistance for a job of mine. Want to make a little extra dough?" The smile he bore grew, maliciously...

Meanwhile, outside, they had carried away her destroyed vehicle, replacing it with a complete duplicate, fitted with a tracking device...

Ooc: Yeah, I kinda figured. xD
ooc: Heh, my apologies :P Better safe than sorry, right?

bic: "Well, that depends. How much dough we talking about?" As his smile grew wider she began to wonder if it wouldn't be better to just put this bugger out of his misery and sell his organs to the black market. It's not like anyone would miss him, Alice thought. But the maniacal curve of his mouth was a little intriguing...she hadn't had the chance to do something really crazy in ages, and, frankly, what's the use of taking drugs if there's nothing to get away from? Speaking of which - she fumbled inside her pockets for a ciggy, put it in her mouth and let out a groan when she realized that she left her lighter in the demolished police-car. A moment or two passed. She had the feeling that Sakario was enjoying her predicament, the d**kwad. "You got a light?", she finally asked, and could have shot herself for doing so. How pathetic - to be reduced to asking for a light? From Sakario? She decided it would take a lot of money to get her to agree to help him.
Grinning, he snaps his fingers. One of his men approaches, holding a napalm flamethrower, and turns it on, watching as a small stream of flames fire out of it, without burning the entire house down. He looks at her, fighting back a laugh, something hard for even him to do, as he normally laughs at other people's expense. He says, "In about three days, the World Mall will be robbed by my men. I need to make sure you can both provide a distraction from the police, as well as drive by the mall, making them get false hope. I will pay you bountifully. Can you do it?"
Alice fought hard to keep her mouth from twitching as she watched her cigarette catch fire in the most spectacular fashion she had seen since one of her comrades used his ignited fart as a lighter. Sakario may be a crazy bastard, but he is also one with a taste for theatrics, she decided. And then she had an epiphany - this was exciting! The henchmen, the abandoned buildings used as hideouts for terrorist mobs, flamethrowers acting as cigarette lighters...even in this city, even with her job, it was not something Chapelle got to see on a day to day basis. She wanted to do this, Alice suddenly realized - the only trouble was that she wasn't one hundred percent sure she'd live to tell the tale.

I need leverage.

Yes, there was no other way - Alice Chapelle, the corrupt, drug-addict cop who liked to watch the ballet on cable while feeding her hamster pizza would have to clash heads with one of the most notorious criminal masterminds of the city.


The only thing she really had to her advantage was her abundance of connections - Sakario wasn't the only psycho in the city. A few of them were actually people she considered friends. But they weren't good people, she still wouldn't feel comfortable without a firearm around them, and Sakario knew it. Another thing she knew about Sakario was that he'd easily turn against her to start a fight with the other mobsters. Alice would have to be very careful if she wanted to remain alive after this day.

"I'm in", she finally said. "But you so much as scratch me, and there will be consequences. I'm going to help you, but don't think it's because I like you - I expect money, and lots of it." She held out her hand - it may just be a gesture, yet a handshake's still a handshake. And even in this sorry excuse for a city, it holds some power over people's minds.
Sakario, nearly immediately, shakes her hand. "You've got it. You've got two days to get something together." One of his men enters with a briefcase, containing $1,000,000. Sakario continues, "Take this. Consider it a small taste of what's coming. Use it as you will." Then, a car alarm sounds off outside. Grinning wickedly, he says, "You may want to go, and see what's going on..."
This time Alice's self-control slipped, and she momentarily gawked at green, green money - sxrew grass, and trees. Who the hxll needs nature when you've got a briefcase full of ONE THOUSAND FREAKING GRAND! She realized that she was still holding on to Sakario's hand instead of the suitcase, and quickly let it go, reaching greedily for the black leather portmanteau which was, at the moment, decidedly the best thing in her life. Sorry, Rudy.

A moment later and she would have begun to appreciate just how scrxwed she was if she did not work well, but that moment was all it took for the car alarm to bring her out of her trance and away from the possibility of rational thought, into the bleak survival mode she'd been forced into so many times before. Sakario, whom she could have hugged that moment ago, was yet again an enemy. She curled her lip in anger and cast him a suspicious glare before her will caved in and she went outside to investigate, just as he'd suggested. She would later reflect that Sakario's advice was not something worth following, as the moment her foot crossed the door-frame a bullet whizzed past it and killed a poor, innocent tabby-cat who had been sniffing at the cigarette Alice'd put out before going on this idiotic venture.

"What the fxck?!", she screamed, and one of Sakrio's henchmen pushed her out the door entirely, laughing as he locked it on the too-young-to-die officer. Even in her confused state Chapelle's police-training kicked in, and rather than face-plant to the ground she skillfully rolled behind a trash-can which had been situated near the building. She let out another scream when the dxmn thing blew up, almost in her face, and sent her reeling straight to the middle of the road.

Have to get to the car, she thought, and scrambled towards the vehicle, gun on the ready to dispose of anybody who might be inside.
Name: Ethan Hardwin

Age: 23

Gender: Male


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Personality: Ethan has never been much of a hard worker. He is clumsy and often makes ridiculous mistakes; nobody really trusts him with anything important. While he might not be very devoted to the law, he actually has a pretty good sense of moral. He works as a cop, a juvenile and inexperienced one at that. He is not the most intellectual and is certainly naive, but he's also optimistic and forgiving in a world of chaos like the one he's living in.

Abilities/Traits: While Ethan is not the brightest, he certainly is handy with a gun. His father (whom he hates) was a criminal, so he's been around guns ever since he was little. Now that the man is dead, he lives with his mother and has in his possession a few pistols as well as a rifle.

Can I join, pretty please?
(Sorry for the long wait! Yeah, Pleba, you may~)

Sakario looks out the window, as she scatters to the car. He talks into his walkie-talkie, "She's one of my favorite players, so don't hurt her. Just...rough her up a bit~" As she got into her vacant car, a LOUD rev can be heard nearby. Sakario looks at her, and thinks, "Let's see your skills in action, Chapelle..."
It rained, and Ethan watched droplets of water hit the window of his car. The bright red light lasts for only a short while before it disappears, and he speeds off. It's been a long day of work, loads and loads of papers pouring down on him endlessly, and all he wanted right now was a drink and his bed. With that in mind, he drove his car towards a local bar near his house. It made a weird noise every time he speeds up, makes a turn, or breaks. He was sure that the metal-junk he calls a car was going to break down anytime now, but he doesn't have enough money to buy a new one. Being a cop doesn't pay very well, especially not a new, inexperienced cop. He doesn't really fancy his job, but it's better than committing crime like everybody else does now. He has his mother and himself to take care of, and it would surely break her heart if he turns into a criminal like his father. The arrival to the bar broke his train of thoughts, and he hopped out of the car, anticipating a nice drink before he heads home.
Name: Drake Williams




Personality: Drake is a layed back kind of guy never saying much and is pritty much on along for the ride. He although he gets a bit insane with certain events

Abilities/Traits: Drake is skilled with knives and very agile. being a very active kid back in the day of drug running he is really good at
(Haha, that'd be awesome.)

Once in the bar, Ethan breathed in the musty smell of the place. Taking a seat on one of the stools, he recognized a few familiar faces. Most of them were like him, grumpy and tired from work and rain and a nagging wife. Ethan didn't have a wife, not even a girlfriend, but he wished he did. It would make him feel so much safer in a time like this, where the world was so chaotic that it confused him. Then again, who would want to marry an idiot like him? He downed his glass of alcohol, imagining that it would wash away that kind of thoughts. It has been a long day, and he wasn't in the mood for sulking right now. The liquid burned his throat and he wondered if he will ever get a promotion this year.
Drake sat at the end of the street looking at the entrance of a hospital. He watched as people entered and left the hospital most in tears, some with just sad looks. Looking around he put some sunsglasses and pulled out his phone calling nine one one, almost immediately a lady picked up the phone "nine one one whats your emergency". Drake spun around and flipped the hood on his hoodie up then pulling out a small detonater "yes i would like to report a bomb explotion"."PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR LOCATION SIR AND WE WILL HAVE UNITS THERE IN NO TIME". Tightening his strings on the hood he put the phone on speaker "Don't worry about sending units here just send a clean up crew" he threw the phone behind him and cupped his groin "and boom" pulling the trigger instantly the first three floors of the hospital exploded sending rubble and body parts everywhere. Drake was seny flying back a couple of feet. After regaining himself he stood up and looked at people running out of the hospital wounded and screaming "Well i'll call that a job well down" he dropped the detonater into a street trash can and walked away from the site whisling
Ethan was silently nursing his third (or was it fourth?) drink when his phone rang. Taking a quick glance at his watch, he wondered who would call him at such a late hour. Maybe his mom wanted him home to fix a stove or something (not that he knew how.) He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, surprised to see that it was from his work place.

"Hello?" He wasn't sure what they'd want from him. Was there an emergency?

Before he could ask, a frantic male voice on the other end boomed through the line; sirens and screams and intangible voices were in the background. "An explosion at the local hospital. First three floors bombed. Better get your ass here real fast, Hardwin. A whole bunch of dead people and not enough alive. It's pure chaos here and we need-"

"Yeah, sir. I'll be there." Ethan didn't wait for him to finish, slurring his acknowledgement and bolting out of his seat (and almost forgetting to pay for his drink.) He jumped into his pathetic excuse of a car and began speeding with all the junk's might. There were fire and smoke in a distance, and his head ached with the knowledge that he wouldn't be there in time to save anyone.
Ethan reached the hospital, breathless. Eyes wide, he began stumbling around, unsure of what to do. There was smoke and fire and limbs and people screaming -- it's making him dizzy. He passed an officer and vaguely heard the guy demanded him to get moving and do something, but the fire was everywhere and his hands were shaking. Gosh, whatever sick b*stard did this? And what for? A woman was screaming for help, and he began running for her, his jaw tight.
drake spun around and brought out another phone recording the building while he laughed in the backround. "hello everyone". pointing the camera back at himself he smiled and waved "the hospital you just saw burning was my work...thank you i know its amazing BUT that's not the point you see the reason for this crime was because of this guy" he held a picture of a middle aged man wearing a nice suit "this man did something to me unforgivable" Drake paused for a second and started to get choked up "HE....HE.....cut me in line at Mc donalds" he bust out laughing then glared at the camera "This just teaches you that even the smallest thing can brake a human being of his mental stability to where he bombs the hospital while that J@ck@ass is visiting his mother" he threw the phone down and walked away as the upload complete light flashed. He threw a brick threw the window of a car and hot wired it driving off to where he would finally meet Sakario
Ethan felt like crying. All these deaths... it was overwhelming. These were innocent people; that woman over there could have been his mom (she might had a son, too, who knows.) The thought made him choke a little, but he fought back the lump in his throat. They were trying to bring out survivors now. There was blood everywhere, and he was trying to find a clean enough spot to put this crying girl down where she wouldn't freak at the sight of blood and wounds. She wasn't injured, thankfully, but her mom was nowhere to be found. Ethan was about to put her down at a safe spot (where it wasn't too bloody) when he heard the sound of glass breaking. Instinctively, hour spun around, finding that someone had thrown a brick into his car window. A mix of anger and confusion rose to his throat, but he set his jaw tight and ignored it. He was in his uniform, and there were more people to save; no point moping around about an old car.

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