No Rest For The Wicked

Relen give a stare of disbelief at the phone after receiving the message on it. "Does he really believe me to be stupid? Sure, he has a network of spies I can't hope to match, but my ingenuity has won me every encounter I've willingly walked into. He must know that I'm known as Deus Ex right?" Relen shakes his head in his continued disbelief. It was a ballsy move, even for the great Hedir Sakario. The Deus Ex forced every situation to go his way, becoming a man-made god. He hardly fit, but his machinations left him closer to the role than anyone else. He used the phone to make some phone-calls. Relen didn't care if it was bugged or not, he plans would work regardless. So many plans with so many possibilities would leave lesser men in awe. "Revenge, money, power, alliances, or direct ascension leading in an Illuminati, tonight, my plans are set in motion. Ha, and the most vital pieces are left "safe in my mind. Sakario, you best hope that money and power are on my mind during this meeting, because if I want revenge... I'll have it at any cost." With that, Relen realized he was talking to himself once again, and promptly shut up. He walked to some beat-up, useless car, and hot-wired it. He drove off towards the location on the map. Even though he had many plans in motion, only one thought ran through his mind: Illuminati.
The place was exactly as he had described it: a large mansion. Behind it, was a cliff, which overlooks the ocean. Normally, it's difficult to find, even with the map, but Sakario had one of his cars lead him from a certain point to the mansion. They exit, and approach the mansion, opening the doors for Deus Ex. They also notice some of his men arrive, but pay no caution. They lead him in, and to the banquet room. And was there such a banquet. Sakario says, "Ah, Relen! Come in, and have something to eat! My treat!" He cuts into his steak, eating a bite.
Relen carefully takes a seat and starts to examine the food in front of him. He sniffs it, inspects it, tastes it carefully for any hint of poison. He then pulls out a small bag of vials. "I say plainly I don't trust you. I never trust anyone, and it's how I've survived more assassination attempts than I've had operations. If you have poisoned the food, it's not anything detectable, which would require a congratulations on my part. Know however this bag contains fast acting cures for most undetectable poisons." Relen delicately picks up the silverware, and cuts off a prime piece of the the steak. He bites into it, and savors the flavor. "Mm, my complements, regardless of our unpleasant feuding. Perhaps I was wrong about you, maybe you can appreciate subtleties and graceful execution."
Sakario can't help but laugh, "I never poison my enemies! Where would the fun be in that?!" His laughter is quick, though. "You also are right, not to trust me. I rarely even trust myself. Oh, speaking of..." He points to the three at the door. "You, and you are to leave." As the two leave, he points at the only remaining one, a woman. "You can come in, and have a bite to eat." She enters, and, after looking at Relen for a second, she smiles, and nods, at him. She then takes her seat.
Relen takes note of the woman, thinking she looked nice enough. He made a mental note to make sure he got her name. He stretched his arms out and yawned. He hadn't slept for almost two days now, as he was working out details on his plans as of late. The had spent the last 24 hours finalizing details that would have secured him the money held in that mall, in a way that would have left the bankers glad it was in Relen's care. Relen popped out some caffeine pills, and took them with a glass of wine he had already checked. He clears his throat and speaks, "So, now down to business. Why have you called me here? I'm sure it's not to brag, as my informants tell me you are the type of man who moves from plan to plan non-stop. Impressive and commendable, but it doesn't explain why you would call me out here." After he says this, Relen takes a quick glance at the woman.
The woman smiles, kindly. Sakario mentions, "I hope you don't expect Midora to say much. She's a mute, you see. She can't talk." The smile fades from her face the instant he says that... Sakario continues, "But, she's a great asset to the team, quick and nimble...anyways, you're right. I am about to depart from our luncheon. In this room are two suitcases, containing $7,500,000 each. But, you have to find them. And you have to avoid the sights of the hidden sharpshooters, who will shoot you if they so much as see you. But, don't worry, they will be staying still. My orders."

He nods, and smiles, "If you can find the bags, you can leave. Hell, you can even have Midora, you'd deserve her services. And, to add to your earlier comment, I do appreciate subtleties, and the elegant executions, but there are specific times for them to work for me. And this isn't really one of them." He takes his napkin, and wipes his mouth, then looks at his watch. "Time for me to go. You two, have fun." He turns the spoon on his table a little to the left, and a chute opens under him, making him fall directly into it. It leads him into a small mini-submarine, which in turn shoots out into the ocean behind the mansion...
Relen face-palms. "Guh, I should have seen something like this coming. Guy loves his little games." Relen shakes his head, and slowly drags his hand downwards until he drop it. He looks over at the mute girl. "Well that IS interesting. A mute, huh..." Relen had bad experiences with women before. He always fell for the nice ones, and it turned out his first was a spy. It was an experience that left him morbidly wary of women. "Hmm, a mute couldn't go run off and tell all my secrets to some rich buffoon. She wouldn't be able to tell me to choke on my own member before trying to slice my throat..."

He had somehow overlooked the fact she could kill him without talking, or write his secrets instead of say them. This blatant overlooking of obvious details was nothing like how Relen usually was, but he was tired from sleep depravation, and desperate for a nice girl that wouldn't try to back-stab him. "Well, Midora was it? If you'd like, I'd be willing to give you a chance. Do you think I have any chance at all of reaching either of the money cases with two bodies, and me with a limp?"
She thought for a moment, then pulls out a notepad with a pen, and begins writing. "There is a chance." She then takes her glass, and throws it at a nearby wall. The liquid, however, lands strangely; as if it had splashed on a camouflaged person. She continued writing, "He told me that there are six sharpshooters in here. You could use the food wine to locate them, as well as the money." She glances at her food...
"Oh yay, camouflage," Relen stated sarcastically. He sighs and packs his stuff up. He picks up his steak he had been eating, and threw it out a nearby wind: it was the signal for his men to standby for extraction, in case anything happened to him. He looked around, and noticed a punch bowl on a snack table. "Well, that seems a little... out a place?" He quickly braces his leg to help with his limp, which was only starting to go away. He cut away the strap from his bag, and used it as a sling to help hold the punch bowl. He fills the rest of it with wine, from the table. "Egh, my habit of talking to myself is happening again... and with people nearby. I must be really nervous... Ah come on, I'm doing it again!" He shuts his mouth. He walks back over to Midora. He thinks to himself for a moment, then speaks to her. "I'm a strong believer in equal splits, ya know, 50-50, one suitcase each? Sound good? 'Cause, we're about start looking..."
Midora nods, once, and begins looking around, but almost immediately, she spots one. It was right in front of the both of them. She puts her hand on her forehead, rubbing her temples, then she taps his shoulder, and points to a chair across from the table. In front of the chair is a case, hyper-realistically painted like the backing of the chair. She takes her food, and throws it across the room, behind the table, revealing the shooter behind it. She takes her coat off, revealing a rifle strapped to her back. She takes it, and blows the man away...
"Wow, she really knows what she's doing. I do not want to be on the receiving end..." He takes the scoop for the punch bowl, and nonchalantly tossing around the mixture of punch and wine across the walls, making sure not that it was covered completely, but rather that no-one would be able to undetected. After wetting down what he could without moving around to much. Then he climbs onto the table. "I can almost guarantee that one of them is gonna be under that table." He starts to wet down the ceiling, as well as what wall he could get the liquid to reach from the table. He took great care to not step on the food. Relen took another glance at the girl, to make sure it wasn't some hallucination. Here was a girl who seemed nice at the very least, and had no intent to hurt him. Relen shook his head in disbelief, and returned to casually tossing around the punch.
As he throws the punch around, with every person it covers, she puts one hole, the size of a tangerine in them. She then continues to search, when, suddenly, she hears a zipping sound. There was a shooter under the table, and he just grazed her heel. She put the barrel of her weapon down there, and fires two or three times, hitting the shooter once in the crotch, causing immense pain, once in the stomach, which nearly killed him, and once in the head, silencing him completely. That was five of the six men, killed. One more, and they could search for the money with no danger...or at least, that's what they hope...
Relen sighs as Midori shoots the man under the table. "Why do I always have to be right when I'm pessimistic?" He jumps off the table and starts to wet down the parts of the wall he missed, when he catches a bullet through his side. The force of the shot sends him reeling to the ground, and breaks a rib without even touching it from the sheer force of the high caliber bullet. As he lays on the ground in pain, he pulls out his gun and starts to shoot at where the bullet came from. He empties the entire clip, but misses all the shots. "Arg, I hate guns..." He pulls out a knife and focuses as hard as he can at where the shot came from, ignoring what he can of the pain. He feels another shot graze his leg, barely missing his knee. He takes the little punch left in the bowl and tosses it at around where the shooter is. He throws his knife at the man, and hears a groan of pain as it embeds itself into the shooter's chest. Relen unsure of if it was a kill or not, but at this point he didn't care. He doubled over on the ground, and writhed in pain as he took off his shirt and desperately tried to make a wrap to stop the bleeding.
She runs up to the shooter, and removes the knife from his chest. She then, promptly, plunges it into the side of his head, before using it to slice the sleeve of her coat off, cutting it into strips, and binding it to his leg. She gives him a "Don't you dare die on me, damn it!" look, as she tightens the knot. She then gets up, and looks around for something. Sakario was a heavy drinker, so he was bound to keep a bottle of whiskey around. Eventually, she finds it, and opens it. She returns to him, and pulls out her pad, writing "Brace yourself, this is going to hurt!" She shows it to him for a moment, before she pours the whiskey over his wounds...
Relen winces in pain as the alcohol hits his leg. Realizing the pain will make him shatter his teeth when it hits his side, he quickly finds something to bite down. He finds a shattered piece of wood from a chair that had it's leg blown off. He quickly bites down hard on the wood, just in time as the whiskey hits his side. He refuses to make a sound as the pain deepens. He comes close to passing out, but refuses to give in. Relen finishes tying a tourniquet around his waist, restricting his breathing, but stopping the bleeding. He was glad for the quick-thinking girl beside him. Most women, even in this anarchic dystopia, would freak out at such a wound, and would be found unable to react.
After she pours the rest of it onto him, she helps him up. She helps carry him, and the case down the hall, when she noticed something; Relen had been sitting up against the second case! She grabs it, holding both cases with one hand, and holding him up against her shoulder, and continue, where they come to a three-way hall, heading for the exit. But, the two men that Sakario ordered out of the room leaned up against the walls, where Relen and Midora can't see. One pulls a pistol out, and shoots Midora in the leg. She buckles, immediately, not making a sound, but showing facial expressions of immense pain...
"Like hell if I have more time for Sakario's fun!" As he drops to one knee, he pulls out a receiver, and flips the switch. Suddenly, an explosion occurs back from the dining hall. The antidote bag Relen had left in the room had a bomb in it, and that detonation was the signal for his men to extract him. Six of Relen's best men start to make there way to where Relen and Midori are. Relen pulls out his last two knives, and chucks them as hard as he can at the two men. The one blade knocks the man with the gun in the head with the handle, knocking him out. The other lands next to the second man, cutting his ear and embedding into the wall. "Tsk, the pain's distracting me." He leans over and grabs the woman's gun, and fires it into the second man's gut. The shot wasn't lethal, but the man would bleed out quickly if the wound wasn't attended to. The recoil of Midori's gun was more than enough to throw Relen off his knee to the ground, but then he crawled over to the bleeding man. He pulled out his final blade, a single bladed short sword he kept concealed in his pant leg. He held it to the man's head and asked, "How many others are left?"
The man said, "N-none here...just us..." Midora, weakened by the blast, slowly comes to, and spots the blade she used before right next to her. She takes it, and crawls up to him, plunging it into his crotch. The man lets out a loud "GAAAAAH!!!" She uses the wall, to try to get to her feet, though she was going through fifty-seven kinds of agonizing pain to do so..."This pain is more than what I've felt," she thinks to herself. But she continues to the other, unconscious man, and plunges the blade into their neck. With a sudden jerk, she rips it open. She then takes his gun, and aims it at the last man, who pleads, "P-please...Midora, don't!!"
Relen pulls himself up to his feet and steps back from the man. Just before Midori pulls the trigger and ends the henchman, Relen talks to the man in a tone of disgust, "Disgusting. No man should ever plead for his life." As the man dies, some of the blood sprays across Relen's shirtless chest. He sighs, and puts his blade back into the hidden sheathe in his pant leg. Then, Relen's men finally breach the complex. As they reach Relen and Midora, they instantly point their guns at Midora, perceiving a threat. "Stand down, I don't care to lose more personnel tonight. I owe her a blood debt, at the very least. Help her to the van." Relen had accumulated several injuries that day, all thanks to one man. Relen was not the type that preferred close and personal, and by what only seemed as an amazing coincidence that Sakario's plan took place on the final day of Relen's direct involvement with his plan.
At that moment, knowing that she's safe, she collapses...

Meanwhile, in the submarine, Sakario sat in a chair, watching the security feed from the house. He smiles, "Relen, you still entertain me... I almost cannot wait for us to meet face to face, again, my friend, my enemy." He makes the camera twitch, slightly, as soon as one of Relen's men looks to it. He looks at Relen, and helps the critically injured man up...
After the incident with the mall Aaron has been a wreck. He assumed that since Sakario never attempted to make contact after the crash, that Sakario was going to send one of his men to take him out. Aaron has sat at the top floor of some shanty remains of a skyscraper with a rifle pointed out the window taking out anyone he sees walk in front of the building. He has killed 3 people total and has hid the bodies, but the police have still caught on and will soon dispatch a unit to subdue him. Aaron knows that he can't stay here, without food, without water. And he figures that outside of his concrete fortress he will be taken out soon.

Aaron decides to take his chances and packs up his little remaining supplies.
Ditching the the gas vest, Spaceman was slowly calming down off the toxin. His tolerance for his gas has been since it took Spaceman a good 3 months to get the chemicals just right. He spent days upon days working in the constant high of the gas. He nearly killed himself four times. Still, the haze is lasting longer than he predicted. 'Hmm, maybe I should lower its potency a bit' he thought.

Well the gas was out and the panic is pretty widespread. He could go home and consider today to be a good day. He knows he cant do that. His blood jhas just begun to start pumping. He wants to have a bit more fun. It was time for him to adopt a new name. Something to represent the next part of his game. Only problem was that Spaceman has no idea what he wants to do next. It has to be something grand. Something awe worthy. He got into serious thought for a moment. He simply grinned and looked up across the street at the 8 story office building.

"I cant think of a damn name," he grumbled to himself. "Maybe itll hit me. Hit me like a blast to an office building.

The plan seemed to pain itself in his mind. He could destroy the building and then another and another till people think its an act of terrorism. Also, the next explosion will be near people that are still affected by his gas (though he was still pretty on it himself). He couldnt wait, he had to get to his "safe house" nearby. He needed a car.

He skipped along till he saw another cop on his knees begging for "the nightmare" to end. The now nameless saw exactly what he needed. After picking up the officers hat, he walked right into the drivers seat and BAM! Lucky for him, the keys were still in. "This guy mustve just showed up when my gas got him. How unfortunate for him" He mused. He checked the floor of the backseat and there stood a shotgun. 'Wonderful' he thought, and drove off speeding with the sirens on.

'Ok so three blocks from the school and make a right, or was it a left? I dont remember. Is there a shoe store near there,' He thought and nearly broke his consentration when he chuckled after mowing down a young teenage girl.

"What a wonderful day!" He sreamed out "HAHAHAHAHA"
[QUOTE="Isaac Templesmith]After the incident with the mall Aaron has been a wreck. He assumed that since Sakario never attempted to make contact after the crash, that Sakario was going to send one of his men to take him out. Aaron has sat at the top floor of some shanty remains of a skyscraper with a rifle pointed out the window taking out anyone he sees walk in front of the building. He has killed 3 people total and has hid the bodies, but the police have still caught on and will soon dispatch a unit to subdue him. Aaron knows that he can't stay here, without food, without water. And he figures that outside of his concrete fortress he will be taken out soon.
Aaron decides to take his chances and packs up his little remaining supplies.

Someone approaches the door, and knocks on it, in the "Shave and a haircut" fashion. It's Sakario, he's unarmed, and intends on offering Aaron his first mission. He begins to whistle a little tune~
As Relen was helped into the van, he sighed heavily. Most of his work till now was unraveling, forcing him to start back from scratch. Several of his men had already defected to other groups, and his presence as a contender was noted by Sakario. Sure, Midora had her uses, but the field Relen was entrenched in had few uses for brute force. Negotiations and infiltration were also out of the question. Relen winced in pain as his wounded side began to bleed anew. He ordered the driver to take them to the nearest hospital so he and Midora could have their bodies patched. Normally, Relen would use his personal physicians and medical teams fix the damage, but tonight held unforeseen twists that left Relen without them at hand.
Name: Alabaster "Archangel" Arterius

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Appearance: Six foot three inches. Pale skin. Skinny and bony. Brown hair,kept thick,but short. Brown eyes,sports a "Freeman" beard. Wears a plain dark blue t-shirt with a ballistic vest over top. Lashed thick pieces of metal (after wrapping them,fo course!) to his arms,for protection. Has a holster on his left thigh,which usually holds a .45 with scope and laser sight. Has two parallel bandoliers across his torso,one with rifle ammo,one with grenades (6 total,3 smoke,3 frag). Wears blue jeans. On his right thigh are three bandoliers,holding handgun mags. Wears combat boots,with velvet soles to silence footsteps. Has a knife strapped to his left boot.

Personality: Cold as an antarctic winter to his enemies,and fairly warm to friends. He takes pride in his work,and strives to perform at his peak.

Abilities and Traits: The man is a firearm GOD. He can land shots novices would deem impossible,and proffessionals would deem "lucky" on a regular basis. Left handed.

Affiliation: Officialy,he's a criminal. But,in actuality,he's out to end the chaos. If he sees a criminal,he blows ther effing head off.


-The rifle:

-The handgun with laser: Scope:

-The knife,scabbard,and applications therof:


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