No Rest For The Wicked

The man said, "This whole plan was more thought out than you think. You believe he's doing this for no reason, right? Well, you see, the bombs are actually a last resort. The real reason why we're here, is to rob the bank in the south-eastern part of the mall, the part that was blown to pieces. And, as for Sakario, he's both the planner, and the distraction. The money's already loaded up. So, to answer your question, yes, I plan on getting out alive. We all do."
Rose polished the barrel of her gun as the officers filed out of the headquarters. There was another problem going on at the mall everyone assumed it was some meaningless bomb threat but she knew better. There was a bank in that mall and if she remembered correctly one of the richest banks in the area. No one listened to her when she tried to explain this but that was there fault.
Aaron knew the back of this squad car well. He looked at every crack, crevise and mark. The police driving the car were screaming, which he supposed was a nice addition to the norm.

"Bomb threat? I've never seen one work, but I'd love to." said Aaron

"This isn't some kind of field trip you idiot. This is serious, and don't think this means you're not going away for a long time."

"I know that, but could you do me a favor? Could you, maybe, itch my nose? Kinda hard with the cuffs on."

The officer in the passanger seat turned around and punched Aaron in the nose. This sent Aaron into a frenzy of laughter and pain for the rst of the ride.

(I'm excited about this RP :) )
(I love how my character is the only one on the laws side but on the other hand it doesn't provide me with many people for my character to Rp with :)
All of a sudden, he looks to his watch, and says, "Too late!" He hits the button, making the rest of the bombs go off, all the while shooting the hostage in the back three times, killing them. He then turns, and bolts out the door, before the bomb closest to the entrance goes off. He dives into the waiting parked car outside, leaving the fates of the rest of those inside to their selves.
A huge boom shakes the police car. The car rolls up to see a burning building scattered with hundreds of bodies. The police jump out and start calling on their radios. Aaron decides that he needs to get out, he knows what's going on isn't going to end well so he attempts to wriggle out of the hand cuffs.

--- Merged Double Post ---

The attempt is to no avail and he is left in the sqad car awaiting what he figures will be his last moments.
One of Sakario's men shoot the cops, and hops in, taking off with Aaron in the back. They follow Sakario's car out of there, as he counts the cash that was put in the car before he blew the place to Hell and back...
"Well hello there, stranger. Here's a question for you, am I an accomplice or a hostage now?" Aaron asked

Sakario's man continues to drive, only looking back once to check for the incoming onslaught of police.

"Or you know, you could NOT talk to me, that's okay too."

"The more you talk the more I'm thinking hostage. Keep your mouth shut and I won't shank you." said the driver

The car is smashed in the side by a police car and spins off the road into a telephone pole. The driver is badly wounded but alive and Aaron has suffered major head trauma. He walks out the hole that used to be the door to the car and stands outside the car to make sure the man is okay. Aaron slowly starts to feel Stockholm syndrome set in... wierd. He clears his mind and continues to stand.
Sakario's car rides up next to them. He opens his door, and exits the vehicle, looking at the driver. He says, "Couldn't you keep your eyes on the road? You could have injured this man!" He then hears a police car approach, but fires at it with his machine gun, peppering the officers before they could even get out...
Aaron smirks. "I appreciate your concern, good sir. But your marksmanship leaves much to be desiered. Let's grab this guy, bandage him up, and then I could show you how to hit everytime. All I need is a bed and a little wrist freedom."

Aaron walks up to Sakario and offers him an enchained hand to shake.
Sakario takes his gun, and puts it to the chains, aiming downwards. He says, "A handshake is better when the other hand isn't joining in, don't you agree?" He fires, breaking the chain. Then, he shakes the guy's hand, revealing some broken handcuffs he was wearing. "I think we can work you into the group." he said, as he shook the guy's hand...
"I really can't wait." Aaron smiles. "Now let's get your friend over there. We need to fix him up cuz he might die."

The man in the car begins to panic and squirm in his seat, appearently not liking the idea of dieing.
Relen ducks under his stool when the bomb goes off. Rubble falls around and some smashes onto the stool. Luckily for Relen, he had chosen one of the uncomfortable metal stools, so it survived the smash. However, when it rolled off the side of the chair, a chunk of it landed on his leg, which was barely hanging out from under the stool. He screamed in pain, and although his bone didn't break, it was worse for wear. When the building finally quit trying to kill him, he pulled himself out from the rubble. "Hot damn, doesn't he have any reservations about fallout damage? There must of been something valuable in this dump... Me thinks it was that money I was after. God, three more months and I would have had it!"

Relen continues cursing as he watches Sakario stop off in the distance. He looks back over at the cop cars, stalled in place, and laughs. He looks back over and sees a muzzle flash. Relen guesses that he shot off chains or handcuffs, as the other guy did come out of the back of a police car. He shakes his head and realizes he lost another potential recruit to Sakario. His covert war against Sakario wasn't going as well as he hoped, and without Sakario out of the way, he couldn't form his Neo-Illuminati group. Everyday he came closer to detection by Sakario, and it was possible that even now that Sakario's network knew with Relen realizing it. Relen considered the hopelessness of it, and considered joining Sakario as he limped towards his car in the back of the complex.
Sakario nods, and says, "Get into the car, I've got it taken care of." He begins to unwind his bandages on his arm, revealing heavy scars, covering the whole extent of the arm. Each scar shows that he has been around for years... He rips it off, at a certain point, and begins binding the wounds on the driver. Seconds later, he puts the man into the back of the car.

--- Merged Double Post ---

One of the survivors of the blast called out to Relen. "" Their foot was completely gone, and they had already lost a lot of blood, but they crawled up to him in hope that he could help. The building began to crack above them, though, as if it could fall, and crush them at any given time. The survivor reaches out for him...
Relen turned around when he heard the call for help. "I do not have time for this!" He pulls out a gun, cocks it, and points it at the survivor. "... Screw it." He uncocks the gun, and shoves it back in his pants. He flips out his knife and cuts off several strips of his shirt. He limps towards the survivor and quickly drags the man from the immediate danger. "Damn this building! It still might collapse even now... I barely made it out of the coffee shop, but there's still more to go, and with my leg in this condition!" He looks to the man he just dragged away from the rubble, and looks back to where the man was as some more of the ceiling falls. He speaks to the survivor, "We don't have much time. After I get this leg of yours wrapped up and stop the bleeding we are leaving. Make no mistake, I'm no different than the man who did this. But if you survive this, you'll owe me a blood debt." He quickly wraps the leg and starts to walk while dragging the man over his shoulder.
The man utters, "" The building then begins to crumble faster, with large pieces of concrete barely missing the two. One almost smashes the man's head in, but it misses him by mere inches. Finally, they make it outside, where someone is pulling out. It appears to be one of Sakario's men! He pulls out a machine gun, and fires. One bullet clips Relen's ear, while other puts a hole in the survivor's head, wasting all of that time back there...
Since the explosion in the mall, things began to get hectic, as if they werent already. The explosion had knocked poor spaceman to the ground. Frustrated that he wasnt able to conduct his first joke succsefully, he was almost about to give up hope and go home. But the screams. The screams of the scared civilians running all about him.

His humor was restored. "Oh how scared would you really be if your wickedly insane thoughts sprang before you?"

Too bad he had lied about the bomb on his chest. He was hoping for more of a scare before he let out his little toxin. He waited until he was able to stand in the part of the crowd where most of the scared rats were. The perfect spot. Right next to a group of the boys in blue.

Jumped right into the group of them screaming "SURPRISE!!!!" as he hit the switch and pouches attached to his chest began to let out a heavy mist of yellow smoke. The smoke was a batch Brugmansia mixed in with other hallucinogens and chemicals, making this a powerfully, awesome drug. If breathed in the victems concept of reality becomes severly scewered. The human perception becomes one of pure fantasy and the poor sap wont be able to tell if the giant rat with pig eyes is really going to eat it or not. A normal persons mind would crack under such pressure.

Luckily spaceman wasnt normal. He quickly launched three hallucinogenic, smoke-filled grenades into three different locations. One into a group of mothers trying to cuddle their children, another into the exploded mall, and the final he launche straight into the sky, all the while, the smoke continued to pour out his chest with him taking in the worst of it.

"Now the games begin."
The man with the gun to Spaceman's head took in a large amount of the chemicals, but decided to aim for his legs, when, to him, Spaceman's legs turn into jell-o, as it begins raining cats and dogs, literally, behind him. He screams, "No, leave me alone!" He turns to run, but sees his pathway blocked off by a large minotaur with an axe. It swings for him, meant to kill...but it's all in his head. Right now, he's just laying on the floor, right in front of the twisted Spaceman.
The Spacemans vision has gone into a frenzy trying to process to the illusion before him. Everything seems a blur of colors never even seen to him. He knows this is the effects of his drug but didnt expect them too work this well. After one large breath, Spaceman tries his best to work with the illusion. He see;s one bizarre thing after another. To his left a yellow gorilla is feeding on a large meatball made of sand. To his right he see"s a police officer who's face is distorted to the point where his eyes are below his chin and his nose is nowhere to be seen.

He looks away trying not to laugh. He aims his eyes at the ground and see's nothing but a purple floor. He shifts his eyes abit till something catches his eye. He see's a black cat sitting infront of his with a gun. Those eyes seem familiar. Now to work out if his mind is playing tricks on him or did he get lucky. He reaches for the back of his pants and pulls out his pistol. He aims the gun at the cat. He tries to hide his smile as best he could. He couldnt hold it in and busrst into laught as he aimed the gun toward the cop and let off two shots. The first hit the cop right on his eye (which was where his chin is supposed to be) and the other on the chest. He then shot at the gorilla.

He began to skip along with the rest of his wicked imagination singing "~If I see the little kittie again Ill shoot it in the head. Ill shoot the kittie dead."

but he left the cat a surpise as he tossed another smoke grenade over his shoulder. This time only normal smoke emerged.
Relen casually pulls the corpse in front of him to use as a shield, even as the bullet passes through the poor man's brain. He feels the bullets whiz past him, and one nicks his ear. "Holy hell! You kill my new man, and try to kill me twice in one day! How unexquisite, unrefined, ugly plan, horrible failure, no no no! This is how you ruin a man, Sakario!" He pull out a small knife, and throws it, embedding itself in the other man's chest. Then he notices the yellow fog engulfing the air back from where he came, and a cloud of it descending slowly from above. "Just how many imbeciles are going to try to take me out with such brutish plans!?!"

He drew his gun and walked up to the squirming man with a knife in the chest. He fires a bullet into the man's right eye, and puts his gun back. Relen quickly takes his shirt off and wraps it around his head, so as to protect the smoke that is now invading the area. He looks in his hand, and notices he is still holding the dead civilian. He scowls in disgust. "Ugh, consider your blood debt paid." He tosses the man to the side and walks up to his car: a vintage DeLorean. He walks up to it and finds it in ruins. "Someone will pay for this. I will take out every last man Sakario has. I will deny all of them my normal offer to convert. I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!!" As he says this, the car blows up in front of him, almost theatrical. However, in his rage, Relen was unable to appreciate such beautiful irony and wonderous scene. He was all too busy plotting revenge.
A cellphone nearby him receives a message. It's for Relen, from Sakario. It reads,

"Relen. I've been watching you for quite the long while, and I have to admit, it's entertaining, watching you squirm. But, I also know that you're down one vintage car, and a $30,000,000 bank heist job. I am willing to compensate. Come by my mansion, tonight, at 7:30, and I will give you a fairly large portion of the money. Hell. You might even have a chance at killing me. Isn't that, alone, worth the trip? Attached to this message is a map, with the location of my place. Unless you're too pissed to go...or too chicken..."

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