No Rest For The Wicked

Aaron raises his rifle to his eye and quickly opens the door. He sees Sakario and immediately starts to fire, in his haste he misses 3 times and then his rifle jams. He topples to the ground and begins to pray for a swift death.

"Oh god.... please make it painless, I haven't done you any harm!"

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Lol Aaron and Archangle should have some sort of shooting contest, or maybe we have to compete for people to kill and save since ur working for good and im not)
Sakario says, "Heh, that's the good thing...and the bad thing, about fear. It keeps you alert." He slips his hand into his pocket. "To be honest, I came to deliver your first assignment, but since you wanted to fire point blank potshots at me..." He pulls out a semi-automatic Glock, and aims at him. He fires once, it misses his head, but is so close, he can hear the whizzing sound of the bullet. He fires again, another miss, this whiz is closer. He fires one more time, and, without it even breaking skin, the bullet skims a small part of his ear. Sakario holsters his gun. He laughs, and says, "Don't do that again~" before he pulls out an envelope, and sets it down on Aaron's petrified body, before walking off...
Aaron angrily grabs the envelope and opens it. Inside is a green sheet of paper. It reads:

Your first assignment is to scratch out an itch I've had for a very long time, Deputy Hevober. He's almost taken down a few of my plan and is getting too comfortable with me as an enemy. I want him dead. You'll need to take him out quietly, or else everyone will know I sent you. His adress is 46 Jefferson Ave. I assume you don't want a paper trail so I suggest you tear this note up, or better yet, burn it.


He commits the adress to memory and then begins to rip up the paper and checks his bag for all his supplies one more time. 3 boxes of ammo, 2 cans of French-Cut Green Beans, 3 water bottles, and 1 packet of cherry drink mix.

"Well, no time like the present."

He walks out and begins to think of his next step... he needs a car.
(OOC: My first post vanished. I assume it was deleted. It's alright;I got another idea. Also,the shootout would be a fun idea...You just KNOW we're both gonna get hurt bad.)

Alabaster Arterius,known as "Archangel" to the criminal underworld,was at his home,in front of his computer. He was checking his notes on the various criminals in town. He had a network of contacts,feelers,and informants. As a vigilante,he'd sooner blow a criminal's head off than apprehend them. The police hated him for it,since they needed to apprehend the criminals;to interrogate them. They lacked the resources he had.

He opened the file on his latest "project",a crime boss named Sakario. There was very little information,besides latest activities,and known enemies. The activities section was always outdated;It's always populated with what he DONE,not what he will do. So,he looked over the enemies list. "Which of you would be high priority...?" The list was extensive,most of it law enforcement. However,there was only one deputy. Hevober. He had a feeling in his gut. He learned to trust it implicitly;it never steered him wrong before.

Alabaster shut down the system,and left the chair,heading to the bookshelf beside the computer. He pulled out a Hemmingway novel,and opened it,revealing a paper pocket on the inside cover. He removed a key from it,and returned the book,"Farewell to Arms". Alabaster used the key to open a trap door underneath the rug near the middle of the room,and opened it,revealing his arm plates,vest,bandoliers,knife,rifle,holster and handgun in the booty box below. He retrieved his equipment,locked the booty box,and returned the key. He left his home,locked the door,and hid the key under the false bottom of his mail box,which was mounted to the wall beside the door.

Alabaster began to walk towards the deputy's home address,46 Jefferson. He used the back alleys,because,quite frankly,he looked like some sort of elite mercenary,and that would attract undue alarm and attention.

(OOC MkII: He's still en route)
Relen stares down at his wound hazily. "Damn it... this is why I stay hidden." He starts to becomes dizzy, and becomes lightheaded. "Its just not fair..." He passes out in the back of the van, his upper body landing with a thud. The bodyguard in the front seat quickly turns around. "Hey! Dekko, wake up! Goddamn, Fren, are we there yet?!?" "Here it is! Let's get Relen in there quick!" Fren quickly pulls up to the emergency room, and parks in the middle of the street. Gellen and Fren carry Relen into the Emergency Room. Fren yelled out, "We have an injured man in critical condition here! We think he passed out from lack of blood, someone help, quick!" As Fren tried to call for help, Gellen talked soothingly to the unconscious man. "Hold on Dekko, we'll take care of you."
Suddenly, two more of Sakario's men, disguised as doctors, shoot and kill the bodyguards. They then get Relen onto the slab, and begin working on him, as two more doctors get Midora from the vehicle. It's not until the next morning before either of them wake up. There is a note, along with some flowers, on oneside of the room. It reads,

"What's a game,

without its players?

-Hedir Sakario-"
As Relen wakes up, he sees the note, and scowls in disgust. "Sakario again... what the hell. It's like he already is in control of the Illuminati. Geh, whatever. Hey, Gellen, you there? Gellen, yo, ya here?" Relen gets up, looks at Midora and shrugs. He walks out into the hall, and starts to walk down it. "Oi, Gellen! Fren! Folio!, Simon! Kane! Gen! Are any of yo-" Relen stops in his tracks when he saw the two bodies on his body guards. He flipped over the body on his right first. "Oh god, Fren? Man, he just started a while ago... Looks like I'm down 2 more men." He sighs and shakes his head at his predicament. He turns to the other body and turns it over. One looks at the body, and Relen breaks down. "No, Gellen, it can't be. No no no. It's impossible. We started this together remember? You can't be dead! You're the only one left!" Relen falls over onto the body in despair. For the first time in more than 6 years, since he was a child, Relen cried. For the first time since he killed his parent, he felt an emotion that marked him as human. This distinction only made Relen far more dangerous, however, as humans are those capable of the greatest cruelty, and the most dangerous feat of all: Revenge.
Midora woke up just as he began to cry. She leans up, looking around. When she sees him, she gets off the bed, and goes to his side. She begins to wipe his tears away, completely unaware of his past with Gellen. She does what she can to calm him. She wants to tell him that it'll be alright, but she can't. She wants to tell him that his death will be avenged, but, she can't...all she can do is be there for him, during this dark time...
When Midora starts to comfort him, Relen suddenly realizes what it is he is doing. He stops crying, and quits ranting. He refused to let people see this side of him, and yet here it was a girl he had just met the night prior saw him in this state. He felt like the world had just shut on him, and there would be no-one left to help him reach his goal. 6 years, 6 long, hard, painful years he had worked his way to the top. With one fell swoop, the great beast Sakario came down and rained judgements upon the mortals who envied him. To Sakario, Relen wasn't even really a target. He was just another upstart that got caught in his warpath. Relen was one of the few who neither died from nor joined Sakario. However, to Sakario, it would seem that it only made him a plaything. "Midora, that is the first time anyone has seen me cry. I mean to ensure it will be the last. I owed this man my life several times over, and I must pay my blood-debt to him. I would like to ask that you help me take down Sakario, at any cost. If you don't want to, I won't hold it against you." Relen quickly regains his composure, gets off his knees, and stands up. He gives an evil grin, and says quietly to himself, "You want to play games Sakario? Let's play."
Solemnly, she stands up. She nods her head, giving him a look as if she also has something against him. She pulls back her right sleeve, and right below her wound, is a Japanese word, the word for "Slave." She goes to get her clothes, only to realize her weapon was gone. She started looking around... Suddenly, she spots something in her pants pocket. It's a picture of her, as a child, with her family behind her. She closes her eyes, feeling the same rage he did. She notices her notepad and pen are still there. She takes it, and writes down, "Where are your weapons? Mine's missing..."
Relen looks down, and notices his knife bag is gone. He also quickly realizes his sword he keeps at his waist is missing along with the sheathe. His gun is nowhere to be found, as well. He sighs, "looks like my weapons are gone too. Not that they do ME much good, I've already proven I'm fairly incapable with a gun, and a knife only goes so far." He looks around a bit, noticing that the hospital was fairly empty. It was strange, but held no importance this late anyways. "Well, no sense staying around here. He should find something for you and me to use as weapons." As they go to leave, he braces himself for what he already knows was inevitable for those that stayed in the van.
She nods, before she takes her clothes into the bathroom, and changes back into her original clothes. When she goes to change, she looks out of the window. She turns to Relen, motioning him to approach her. She points out the window, showing what happened to three of the others that stayed in the van. They were hanging off the side of the far hospital building, from one rope with three nooses...Now they have a better idea as into what happened.
"Ahw hells no. Are you kidding? He's after my title too?" Then he glances at Midora, and realizes she probably doesn't realize what his nickname is or how he got it. In a strange move of self pride and wanting to hide his bad side, he quickly replies, "Ya know what, whatever. We should probably get out of here and get rearmed pronto. If we don't, he might get bored and start something new. I won't out do- eh never mind, lets just get ready." Relen looked away and shook his head slightly, and clamped his hand in rage. What was wrong with him? Why should he care what a girl he just met yesterday thinks of him? This was unlike him, it was unbecoming. Maybe it was because she was sympathetic, or she was all that he had left that was familiar, but regardless, he was perturbed at this change within himself.
She gets into the bathroom, and changes her clothes. She exits, wasting no time, and gets ready to leave the hospital, waiting for him. She waits a moment, just to recollect what's been happening in the last 24 hours. Even to a criminal, a lot has happened for her in twenty-four hours: her faction has changed, she almost died, she's met someone... She doesn't spend much time recollecting, though, as she makes sure she's ready to leave when he is.
Relen doesn't have clothes to wear as his pants and shirt were ruined, and the only two other pairs of clothes are in a pool of blood. He decides while Midora was changing that he would get out of the hospital gown he was in when he found a random civilian to take them off of. While he waits, he searches and finds a scapel. "Eh, a blade is a blade. Better than nothing right?" When he comes out, Midora was outside and waiting for him. As they walk out, Relen says, "I don't know that any bases of operations I hold would be safe... I honestly don't have anyone left, other than a handful of unreliable new guys, and my medical team, who is out of country. I'll let you lead, cause I don't know what to do." Although he said he didn't know what to do, he was scheming quietly in the back of his head, not on what was next, but rather how he could get back on his feet.
She nods, "leading" him down the hall, to the stairs. As soon as they enter, they start running down to the lobby, and when they enter the lobby, they find the van, just outside. But, on the way out, were tripwires. Once triggered, boom. She looks around, for another way out, and finds a room with a window, heading outside. She motions it to Relen...
Relen followed Midora throughout the building until they finally came to a room with a window, where they could leave the building without triggering the Relen walks over to the window. "I'll go first, in case it's trapped. I do owe you my life." As he climbs out the window, he takes in a deep breathe, and says a prayer, hoping he hasn't come as far as he has to leave debts. He swore upon his name and title, and began to climb out. He made it safely out the window, but made no self assurance that they were safe yet. This was still Sakario's game, and it would seem he knew all their moves before they did.
The window was not trapped, and not guarded, so as soon as Relen exited the window, Midora followed soon after. She kept watch for any of Sakario's men, as they head for the vehicle. She gets into the driver's seat, and waits for him, when a vehicle, full of Sakario's men approach. She honks her horn in repetition, trying to warn Relen, when she finds something she can use: a handgun. She takes it, and starts firing at the men, just as they begin to fire at her and Relen...
As Relen is getting ready to climb into the vehicle, he hears the honks. He leans and looks out past the van only to have bullets whiz past his head. He quickly goes back behind the van. Knowing it is unsafe in the car, but realizing they have little chance to survive with no way to retaliate, he opens the passenger side door, keeps his head down, and climbs in. As he does, Relen notices the gun in her hand, and is relieved. He looks down at the scalpel he has, and scoffs at his own audacity. How was he really supposed to fight Sakario's armed men with only that? Sure, he could throw it, but it wasn't weighted for it the way his knives were. Plus, all his knives were able to do damage if they hit with the handle due to the weight. This small thing couldn't possibly help him unless he was able to get close. Knowing he also had no marksmanship or driving ability, he realized how useless he really was. Once Sakario had drawn him out, he had no way to protect himself. It was if he was a king with Midora as a queen on a chess board, and Sakario was still fresh with all his pieces. He shook his head in shame and asked out loud to no-one in particular, "What should I do?"
Midora immediately began to drive, passing the gun to Relen. She tries to duck down, where they bullets wouldn't hurt her. Going as fast as the vehicle possibly can, she careens past the gunmen's car, as she drives away. After a long distance, she gets back up into her seat, checking up on Relen. She puts it on Cruise Control, and pulls out the notepad, and pen, and writes down, "Are they gone?"
May I still join? *holds out a jar or cookies*

Name: Alice Chapelle

Age: 23

Appearance: A wide, sun-burnt face, small and pointed nose, brown eyes and a brow which is wrinkled despite her youth. Coffee-stained teeth and breath which permanently reeks of cigarettes. Somewhat thin and rather tall with long, too-dry hair the color of rotten apples, although friends always tell her it's like caramel. She wears an officer's uniform, but not without a mocking smile.

Personality: Greedy, rude, immoral...but not really a bad person. Good sense of humor, loyal to people she likes, can cook a decent sandwich when the situation calls for it. Loves her hamster, Rudy, but not as much as coffee, alcohol, nicotine or dough (money). Secretly likes ballet, plays the keyboards...who am I kidding, I could write for a year and still not be done with her. I guess you'll have to figure Alice out for yourselves as the RP progresses.

Abilities: She's got connections, that Alice, and lots of 'em. Dead aim with a pistol. Sort of ugly but has enough equipment to be attractive, when she wants to be. A good dancer, decent cook, passable musician. Uses her greed to its fullest potential.

On whose side: She's a corrupted cop, but that doesn't mean she has no values. Mess with Alice or her loved onse (Rudy included),and don't expect her to let it slide.
ooc: Oooh, I'm in? :3 Wicked!

bic: Alice took one last puff of her cigarette as the police-car skidded to a halt.
Such a nice day...she thought to herself, peering out the window and into the dirty-laundry colored sky. Yes, nice indeed. A nice day to make dough. Perhaps she could finally buy some new toys for Rudy or maybe even retire and watch ballet all day long. Unlikely but possible, if she played her cards right, if she gave them all a big toothy grin as she asked for her bribe-money.

She got out the car, made towards the building knocked on the door. Hugged herself from the cold as she said "Police! Open the e**ing door!"
As she did so, she heard someone running about inside. Suddenly, she hears gunfire, as the front end of her car gets riddled with bullets. Another gunner just barely clips the tip of her nose. Then, someone answers. It's the bandaged maniac, Sakario. Sakario says, "Hello, Officer Chapelle. Come on in. And, don't worry about the car, we'll fix that right up..."

He steps out of the way for the female officer...

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