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Fantasy No Longer Human?

Deadly Darkness

All things lost in the shadows
Some time ago, never mind how long ago, a "mad" man began experimenting in the genetic gaps between humans and other species. After all many of the differences spanned from 2 to 20%. With much trial and error the scientist had created a variety of human-animal hybrids. Some had simple mutations such as antlers, tails, and slit eyes while others were more drastic, becoming more animal than human. The scientist kept his creatures in his lab to ensure their safety, but how long before they would grow restless?

(Character sign-up will be posted hopefully by tomorrow, or rather later today)
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The morning light shined in through the window of Kathleen's room. She squeezed her eyes shut tighter and rolled over as if to say, "more sleep please," but after a few minutes she let out a tired sigh and let her eyes open. It took her eyes a moment to adjust to the sunlight, but before long she was sitting up contemplating on how to spend her day. 

After getting dressed and putting her hair into its usual braids Kath made her way out of her room and towards the common area to see who else was up.

(I know it's short, but at least now you guys can get started!) @LuckyLucifer @Agirl1107 @Wick @WereFolf
Frank was already up and in the common room. In his massive hand he held his "bowl" which was actually a hastily renovated bathtub. He stood towards the back of the common area leaning against the wall watching television. Occasionally he would change the Channel with the tip of his trunk as his fingers had become too large for such delicate work. "Morning Kath..." he muttered through a mouthful of banana leaves. Since his change, frank found he couldnt eat meat anymore, a fact that irritated him every time he thought of it. 

@Deadly Darkness
There were several problems with breakfast. One of them was that although he wanted nothing more than to eat bugs, he felt as though his humanity had been taken from him enough as it was, so he ate toast instead, even if it didn't taste nearly the same as it used to. Another issue was the temptation to use his tongue in order to snatch up his food, but who did that at the table? Given his new claw-like hands, he managed to pick up a fork and stick some scrambled eggs with it. He peered over past Frank at Kathleen as she made her way into the loft. He spoke nearly at the same time as Frank, echoing his words a little.

"Morning Ka-" He closed his mouth as Frank finished the sentence.
Sin sat off in the corner of the room with a book and and apple. She loved apples and the book Sin was currently reading made her day even more pleasant. She saw people coming in so she buried her head into her book trying to block out any noise the others made. She wanted to turn invisible so she wouldn't get noticed by the others. They had more animal DNA than she did and Sin knew about the fights that happened between those who were arrogant and deemed themselves better than the others. She began to read once more to block out any troubling thoughts.
Kath smiled warmly at Frank. "Good morning." She turned at the soft sound of Occultus and offered him a smile as well. "Hi, Occultus." She went over to where he was sitting. "Mind if I sit with you?" She asked curiously, clasping her hands behind her back. He had always been rather shy, but he was great company. He was the only person he she felt relatively comfortable around.

@Jefferson @Wick
One of Occultus' eyes shifted, rotating to look at Kath while the other spun about wildly, looking around at the other side of the room.

"Er, yes. Go ahead." He moved himself over a bit, making space between him and Frank. Occultus wouldn't admit it if he was asked, but he was somewhat unnerved by Frank. He was huge, even bigger than Occultus was now, and he was over eight feet tall. He understood that he was a little grouchy as well, though he also saw him as a friend. His tail curled, and he smiled a bit with an excuse to put a bit of distance between them.

@Jefferson @Deadly Darkness
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Blue had just woken up as she always slept in the shaded areas of her room, unlike others she didn't sleep on a bed, hammock or anything like that, all she had was a nice simple soft patch of grass with a tree which she always climbed into to sleep in the branches of it. She didn't really trust the others all that much at the moment as she had only been with them for about a week as she did eventually get up. Blue would then swing her way down her tree before walking to the common area to eat her breakfast as she yawn and stretched while she was still half asleep a bit as she went to go grab her food, which was usually consistent of just meat and very little amounts of vegetables within the mix as she took hers and sat in the corner eating it with her claws and teeth. She didn't really mind eating alone most of the time as she yet to know anyone there
Dr. Kilgrave rarely slept through the night, and was sorting through various research papers and documents before the light shone through his window. 

"Morning so soon? How is a scientist to get anything done under such circumstances?" 

He sighed and slinked out of his room on all fours, gracing the common area with his presence. 

"A wonderful morning if I do say so myself!" He cried aloud, standing and cheerfully throwing his arms in the air. 

He took a proud look around at all of the healthy specimens, watching them converse and eat. 

He strolled past frank, giving him a wave, "good day!" 

He passed the table where Kath and Occultus were seated, "how do you do?" 

He cast a spotlight gaze on sin in the corner and chimed to her, "wonderful selection my dear!" 

Finally his eyes locked on Blue,the last of the specimens to enter the common area.

"and a good day to you!"

He was excited as usual, and looked forward to conducting some interesting tests.




@Deadly Darkness

She would look to Dr. Kilgrave as she would give a small smile to him, her tail did wag a tiny bit as to her when she woke he was the first face she had saw, so he was the only person she would trust at the moment. "good morning Sir, whats the plan for today?" She asked a bit as she stood up walking over to him as her tail wagged

His eyes lit up further, casting two large cones of light against the paper he had brought with him. 

"Glad you asked! Today we have your standard array of tests... treadmill... deadlift... endurance.. heat/cold... the Monday run of things." 

He beamed up at blue and gave her a reassuring smile, "I know the tests can be.... "arduous.." but they are for the betterment of all our kind! And human kind!" 

With that, he exited the common area and waited for a scientist to let him out. He donned a tiny lab coat and began preparing the laboratory for testing.


@Deadly Darkness



Occultus stayed silent as the doctor entered the room. His eyes rotated, watching him as he moved around greeting everyone. He was there. There when they told him he couldn't be of any intellectual use to their studies. That idea had pushed him into becoming what he now was. He chased down a slice of toast on his plate, before finally managing to pick it up and bite into it.

After the doctor left her tail would stop wagging a bit as she decided to return to her food to eat, she knew when it came to athletic abilities she would do well, but she didn't really like the rest of the things that they had to do, but she trusted Dr. Kilgrave so she would do it without hesitation. She started to finish her food before she would take her things to put away as she walked around the place to pass the time
She gave a small wave to the doctor before returning her gaze to Occultus. Kathleen didn't want to be rude, but she was afraid that if she held the doctor's gaze for too long he might start asking her how she was and those sort of questions always leaded to more personal scientific questions. She knew he had no intentions of embarrassing her, it was just his nature; Everything always seemed to lead back to his research. 

Kath smiled lightly at Occultus; "What are your thoughts on the endurance tests?" She asked politely, trying to make small talk.

@Wick @akumashioni
One of Occultus' eyes looked back down at Kathleen, his other following his food around the plate as his claw pushed it around in an attempt to pick it up.

"They're okay I suppose. Didn't like the other day when we had that muscle endurance test though. Chameleons don't exactly have super strength you know?"

@Deadly Darkness
She gave a slight nod, feeling the full weight of her horns in doing so. Even with being in this form for so long somethings still took her by surprise. "Yeah, that's how today will be for me. I'm not really built for running." She smiled anxiously. Cows and species of oxen were known for being weight bearing creatures so it wasn't a surprise to her when she was able to lift a considerable amount of weight (nothing in comparison to Frank). Running though, that was her weakness. She was the slowest out of all of them. She was in incredible shape for her mutation, but that didn't mean anything compared to the others.

Kilgrave returned after about half an hour, a team of scientists with him. 

"Right-O! Everyone line up! You know the routine!" He cheerily bounced around as he scribbled notes on his pad and examined everyone quickly before they were marched one by one to the lab. 

@Deadly Darkness




Kilgrave waited for the specimens to be contained before entering the containment area for frank, he was the closest to the door anyways. 

"My good fellow Frank! How are we feeling this fine morning?" Kilgrave greeted frank while he prepped the weight bearing machine. 

"You know this machine, it's basically a big hydraulic press!" 

He was giddy as he flipped switches and pressed buttons. 

"Please, step onto the marked area and prepare yourself. We will start at one ton."

Frank followed the others, thankful that the floor was reinforced, a few weeks ago he had fallen through the floor into the basement. It didn't hurt to bad but it was pretty damn embarrassing having to have the crane pull him out. He entered his containment room and the doctor followed him in. 

After hearing kilgrave give him the power explination Frank nodded to the doctor. "Right boss" 

he stood on the platform beneath the hydraulic press and placed his hands on the handles. "Fire it up doc, I got some stress to burn." 

The machine began to hiss as it applied a ton of force, pushing down on frank with the cold steel piston protruding from the roof. 

"Seems to be hunky dory so far, let's move to two tons."

this process continued until they were upwards of 35 tons. 

"My my, you seem to have no limit to your strength.." he scribbled down some notes and happily kept applying more pressure until franks knees began to wobble.

After getting to 35 tons Frank was breathing very heavily and he had to lock his elbows. At 37 tons frank let out a trumpet blast from his trunk and dropped to one knee. "Ow... doc can you send a intern with a mop and some bengay? I'm gonna have some back issues after this."  

Frank chuckled a bit. "possibly a bag of peanuts? A big one." 

The doctor seemed pleased, though a furrow set upon his brow. 

"That's only a two ton increase since last week frank.. we gotta get those numbers up!" He bounced over to the intercom and called for a few scientists, a clean up crew, and a "medium" bag of peanuts.

"we shall continue testing shortly! Enjoy your snack and have a rest." 

With that, he left franks containment area and moved to the one beside it. 


"Occultus!" He chimed happily. 

"How are we today?" Without waiting for an answer he began preparing the lab for testing.

"your first test is that of run speed! Bi- and quadripedally! Please assume your position on the marked treadmill."

The treadmill was oversized to accommodate the specimens stature, and was capable of treading at 120 mph. 

"On your mark." The doctor waited for occultus to signal he was ready. 

Dr. Kilgrave finished his tests with Frank and moved over to Occultus' containment unit. Occultus listened to the instructions given, and moved onto the treadmill. For the first time in a week, he was actually excited. He had always enjoyed running, but now that he was even quicker, it made the experience far more enjoyable. He turned both eyes on the doctor and gave him a thumbs up, signaling he was ready.

The machine began whirring as the tread spun.

"we will start at 12 mph, moving our way up..."

he carefully jotted notes and gradually turned up the speed until he had the specimen running almost 30 mph. 

"You're getting quicker! Grand display!" He let occultus wear himself out before calling in the scientists and giving him a treat. "Ask the scientists for whatever you'd like."


with that, he moved to the next containment area, Kathleen's containment. 

He nodded to her as he entered the area, smiling wide as he prepped the lab. 

"How are we feeling today Kath? Everything swell?" He was planning to test her reflexes today, and began a simulation. 

"Today's simulation is simple, stand in the marked zone by the wall over there and I'm going to fire tomatoes from this cannon at you. Dodge them if you can."

he strapped on some goggles and prepared himself behind the cannon, giving Kath a thumbs up.

@Deadly Darkness
Once back in his room frank payed on his belly enjoying the rookie scientist who was mopping the bengay across his back. 

"Put yer back into man I got thick skin." He chuckled through a mouthful of peanuts. 

His back had already stopped hurting but it felt good to have the scientist walking on his shoulders. 

"Wonder what the next test is?" He muttered.

"well Mr.rogers its..." the scientist started but was cut off by a low trump from his trunk."I wasn't asking you...and it's frank..." he said 

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