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NinJa StYLe

"Uh yea, so if I die... What are you gonna tell Kane?" Jay asks anxiously as she was hauled up. "That I fell from a building and not by Ashe? Yea that's not going to work." She looks around but found nothing to take a hold of if she fell.
Xander stayed silent and focused on the wall. He moved his arms up lifting Jay a bit off the ground then ran toward the wall. Right when he reached it, he did a vertical wall run up and grabbed the roof. Xander pulled them both up and stood up. They needed to reach the higher roof. He saw two vertical walls parallel to one another then ran toward them..well one of them. He kicked off a wall then did that to the other. Xander repeated this action three times until he quickly wrapped his arms around the emergency chute at the top of the roof. The teen continued to pursue the top in silence. He lifted them up onto the roof and rapidly unwrapped the chains from the both of them. Xander was gasping for breath as he gestured to the view, "Va-va...vant-vantage point".
Jay patted his back and took water from her pack, handing it to him. "You did good," she complimented on his skills. She looked around on the roof overseeing almost every building in the clan. "So why did you bring us up here?"
Xander took the water and drank from it. He handed it back to her and said, "Thanks...vantage point. This is where we can keep watch if needed. It's a lot easier getting down from here than it is getting up. All you have to do is slide through this chute or jump into that hay stack over there". His arm gestured to the hay. "There are three main paths leading to our clan. There and there. As usual though not everyone takes those paths to get here" Xander said pointing to the paths. "Blacksmith, hideout, your quarters, my quarters, main kitchen, huge place...pretty obvious that's where my parents reside. I think that's it. Okay we can go now" Xander said lifting the lid off the chute.

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