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Realistic or Modern Ninja Academy

Got what it takes?

  • Yes, sensei

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  • Walk of shame.

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Despair :3
A new school year has come for the Kunai Academi and 7 brave new student will be put through rigourous training. Do you have what it takes? (Deciding whether it should be a delinquent class, quick learners or total noobs.) Whoever proves worthy will be trai ed by their sensei in ancient arts that is forbidden to teach regular students.
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(If you got what it takes then why don't you make an application? >.> Oh boy I might as well do a one to one about ninja training. People just aren't excited about ninjas like they used to. sigh.)
Trint stood atop the academy looking down at the school grounds with a look of annoyance on his face. Bending down he petted Kyoto's head, "The student prospects are late this year aren't they Kyoto?" He stated looking at her and then back at the fence in annoyance. He then stood up and stretched, "It just means I will have to whip them into shape now doesn't it."


"Nyan, Sensei, let me greet them, I will whip them into shape!" She exclaimed transforming from her cat form to her human form. ""Is that ok nyan?"

Smirking to himself he nodded, "Be sure to to use your paint to discipline them." He said with a nod of approval. He then waved Kyoto to go and she jumped from the roof, landing gracefully onto the ground without a sound, her giant paintbrush in hand. On her hip she held a ninja scroll written in another language from another world. No one could translate it but it is said it contained ninjutsu from a different plane.

How she is viewed in combat

Vajra was taking his time to get to the academy. While he normally would have rushed he couldn't help but admire the scenery on the way there. It wasn't as beautiful as his home town but it was most certainly something to admire. He had his hand rested on the hilt of his blade and he smiled slightly as he walked calmly and quietly. Nothing could possibly ruin his gracious and peaceful walk to the academy. Unless of course they wanted to tempt fate and feel his wrath though it would have to wait as Vajra wouldn't dare damage the surroundings right now. About a good five minutes later, he had finally reached the academy, staring at the entrance with a semi-bored expression. It wasn't anything too grand but that was fine with him and without another word he ventured inside, curious as to what will await him.
"Nyan welcome to the Academy," Kyoto said from what seemed to be above the new student. "My master told me to test you, Nyan so welcome to the first day in training." The background began to get runny and colors began to fade around the student until the entire area become pure white and nothing had any depth. Then it changed to that of a forest,which spanned a good many miles in all directions. He had most likely been transported to another plane? "Don't die, nyan. Master would get upset with me if you did that." With that the voice disappeared.
Vajra's peaceful state of mind was suddenly intruded by the introductory voice of 'Nyan', followed by a brief welcoming. He shook his head lightly and was ready to draw his blade despite the fact that he sensed the source of the voice to be rather powerful. He suddenly took a defensive stance when the area around him began to distort itself and began to change. Suddenly, he was no longer at the academy but rather a seemingly expansive forest. Suddenly the voice seemed to fade away but it's last words were 'Don't die, nyan. Master would get upset with me if you did that.' So, this was a test then. Very well, Vajra swung his blade a few times before venturing further into the forest, ready for anything that may come at him.
Watching him froma distance was a pair of eyes. "So a human has appeared in my Forest. It looks like its time to eat again." It grumbled to itself.


The over sized Oni watched the human from afar with its haunting blue eyes, its extremely hefty battle axe sitting on its shoulder ready for blood. Due to its size it would make a lot of noise and decided to stay still hiding its presence. Its armor plated skin had very few weaknesses and a weapon would normally just bounce off with no effect. Few have ever fought and survived this beast and fewer still would kill it. "Nyan, you have only to survive for 10 minutes. You dont have to do anything else." She spoke once more and her presence faded for good.
Vajra kept his eyes and ears peeled as he walked through the forest. So, he'd only have to survive for ten minutes. While it sounded like such a short time, he knew for a fact it would be no easy task. Suddenly he felt his blade shake and he froze in his tracks. His blade, Yato, had sensed an evil presence and it was fairly powerful. While it was great that Yato could sense the evil and purge it should it pierce their heart allowing even demons to ascend to heaven, it couldn't tell him where it was so he was still at a disadvantage. Vajra closed his eyes. If it came down to it, he'd fight and he'd do his best to win. Even if it is a test for newcomers they don't like the type of people to relent, wanting to see if the students are worthy of being here. He prayed that he would be, otherwise his parents would have sent him here for nothing and he'd be nothing but a wanderer.
Growing impatient the Oni roar into the air to announce its presence. Swinging its massive weapon it broke through thw trees with little effort. Stomping toward the smell of human flesh it shook the ground as it came his way. It was at least a good 9 feet tall, fat, ugly, armored, spikes and a colossal appetite.
Vajra turned to face the Oni who was on a rampage and most certainly on its way towards him. "A-An Oni?!" Vajra asks out loud. He stared at it wide-eyed for a moment before he suddenly leapt into a tree and held Yato tightly. "I had a feeling this wouldn't be easy but an Oni? Really?" Vajra shook his head. No need to dwell on the fact that they chose such a creature. No matter. As long as Vajra can stab it, just once in the chest. He would be fine but this is Oni wasn't going to let Vajra just stab him. He had to find vantage points, all possible ins and outs. "You'd best be careful, foul demon of the underworld! For I....!" He began before he pointed Yato at the Oni. "Vajra Hakurei, will exterminate you!" He declared, taking his fighting stance.
As Cassidy entered the school, she was hit with a wave of distress. What am I DOING? She thought. I've never even done this, and I'm probably going to die.
It laughed and stoppednto aim its weapon at him, "you think a weapon like that will hurt me? Come and try human. I will enjoy eating your flesh off of those bones."

Cassidy would also find herself in the forest as well. (Enjoy that Oni. Lol) "I smell another human... a female? I havent eaten a female in forever. You wait here," it turned from him and went for the new appearance.
Vajra leapt towards the Oni and quickly flipped his sword so he was holding back hand and slashed at his arms before switching his sword back to normal and swinging his legs. He needed to end this quickly or at least survive a little longer. He didn't even know how much time had passed nor how much time he had left so he needed to be on edge more than usual. Vajra lept back and saw that the Oni ignored the wounds he had just received, which wasn't all that surprising, before he just wandered off. While normally Vajra would have let it leave for the sake of the test, he couldn't bear the thought of someone else getting hurt when he could prevent it. Though he knew he shouldn't underestimate a fellow ninja's skills, it was in his nature to worry. Without another word, Vajra began to pursue the Oni but quickly passed it in an attempt to get to the female before him.
Laughing it called for her. "Little lady where are you?" Sniffs the air, "you are near arent you?" I can see it now, your flesh falling off the bones. It licked its lips with a grisly smile.
As Cassidy saw Vajra approach, she waved. "Hey!" She said. "Are you here for the academy too?"
Vajra didn't bother reply and he restrapped Yato to his waist before scooping up Cassidy and fleeing with her, not even bothering to explain anything to her. Instead he leapt tree to tree, increasing the distance between the Oni and himself alongside Cassidy. He would check back every so often to make sure the Oni wasn't right behind them. While it was unlikely, he had seen Oni who move rather quickly but that was rare. Given the Oni's side, speed doesn't seem to be on his side, something Vajra was grateful for. He didn't need a strong AND fast oni on his heels.
"W-What are you doing?! Put me down!" Cassidy screamed. She would've punched him if she knew he was a part of her classes.
Slowing down it roar in angry, "damn it I will get you next time." The scenery began to fade to fade away and the school began to return to normal.
Vajra felt his eye twitch slightly and he just kept going, ignoring her demand to be put down. He growled lowly in frustration. "We're running from an Oni, If I put you down now, he's going to come after you and he will most likely catch you. It's for that very reason I have you here now. If don't want to die, you'll be quiet and just let me keep going." Vajra was normally calm with woman but in the heat of the moment he wasn't having any of it. After all, Oni's don't go around chasing people everyday. They would much rather be drinking as they are a rowdy bunch. As he kept running, the area slowly began to distort again and suddenly Vajra was back at the entrance where he came in. He set Cassidy down and sighed lowly. It would seems he had passed the test.
"Master said you passed and can enter the class now. Its in room 3-A. Nyan, good luck." A cat instead of a female ninja said at their feet. It then ran toward the building, jumped wall to wall and lept into the window of the class with ease.
Cassidy let out a huff. "We'll, he's fucking gone now, ok? And, I think I can fend for myself, thank you very much."
Vajra said nothing more to Cassidy and instead made his way to the assigned class. He was happy that he had passed the test and it only made him more excited for the rest of his time here. He was very curious about what he would learn here. He was really eager but he wouldn't let it show on his face at all. His expressions was rather cold despite having been told he had passed the entrance test or at least, what he presumed to be the entrance test. Either way, he did very little to express his excitement.
Trint Hazama watched the students from the top of the building watching carefully. He wanted to know if they would work together or be enemies or not. "I wonder what they will become when I am done with them." He laughed a bit heading inside, his ponytail moving behind him.
Cassidy went to her first class, assuming that Vajra was a student, since he was going the same way.
Inside the class he sat on the deak whistling to himself, the cat sitting in his lap waiting for them to arrive. He wondered how they would take the next news he would give them.

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