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Realistic or Modern Nightshift - A God-Machine Chronicle


Dialectical Hermeticist
Shouldn't technically be legal, this shift - officially it's midnight to 8AM, but more often you're still on the clock by eleven. But the pay is alright. This is a busy stretch of highway, even late at night, and people need gas. Or a sandwich, or whatever. There's enough of a gap that if one person stays up, the other guy gets a nap. It's kinda peaceful, really - little island of light, way out in the dark desert. Sometimes it's almost like there isn't another living, waking thing for miles. Like you're all alone in the world, or between worlds.

Not a line of thought you want to pursue - hopefully another customer comes by soon...

This is being offered as a tutorial to those interested in learning about RP systems.

This would be a horror RP with three players. It will use World of Darkness: The God-Machine Chronicle for mechanics. I will be handing out pre-generated characters, but the players will be welcome to edit them as long as certain elements remain consistent, and I'll cover mechanical generation for them.

Naturally I'm leaving a lot vague here - it wouldn't be creepy if you had all the answers.
Anyone interested should PM me with three character traits. This is often easier if you pick two positive, one negative.

Examples include

Scholarly, excitable, curious.

Stoic, strong, vengeful.

High-strung, obsessive, clever.

And so on.

Two slots remain open as @Runcible Spoon has completed that step.

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