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Realistic or Modern Nightshade. (IC)


  • mood


Veronika nodded silently, setting her fork onto the plate in front of her before Ezra had the chance to scoop it up. Her eyes followed him as he crossed to the sink, elbow coming up to prop on the tabletop and chin falling to her open palm. That heavy silence settled between the two again, broken only by the dull buzzing of Ezra’s shadow companion and the sound of running water splashing against the dish in the boy’s hand.

“That’s fine,” Veronika assured with a small smile that she could only hope came across as friendly. “Take your time.”

The look Ezra cast Veronika before entering his room didn’t go unnoticed, and she wondered if she should go—it was an oddly intimate situation for two near-strangers to be in, after all: Ezra changing with nothing but a thin wall dividing them. Did he feel weird about it? Should she?

The apartment was very similar to her own, though the layout was inverted due to the side of the hallway it fell on—a dark color pallet took up most of the space, books lining shelves in meticulously organized fashion, some laying open with dog-eared pages on the coffee table next to a bowl of Ferrero Rocher candies. She’d never understand why people liked chocolate—it was too sweet. As Veronika’s attention continued to roam, she found that the closer it got to what she assumed was Davina’s side of the apartment, where Ezra’s influence tapered out, the more lifeless it seemed.

How ironic.

The sound of a door opening drew Veronika’s attention back to Ezra, who now stood dressed in black and denim, an effortlessly casual yet put-together outfit, and suddenly, she was painfully aware of just how loose her well-loved sweater hung on her narrow frame.

“Right,” Veronika agreed, getting to her feet.

The walk to Veronika’s dorm was expectedly quiet, filled occasionally by short-lived small talk, but it wasn’t exactly unpleasant. She was getting used to Ezra’s silence.

Pushing open the door, Veronika led the way inside. “Make yourself comfortable,” she invited. She couldn’t promise she’d be as quick about picking out clothes for herself as Ezra had been.

It didn’t take long for the Hawthorne girl to realize just how clueless she was—she’d stared at her closet until all of her clothes started to bleed together into one black and grey blob, none of which seemed suitable for what would undoubtedly be a wild high school party. With a huff, she admitted defeat, timidly poking her head back into the living room.

“What do people wear to these parties?” Veronika asked, idly twisted the silver ring on her finger to distract from the embarrassing aspect of it all.

God, what was she doing asking Ezra Hearthstone, of all people, for fashion advice?


taylor swift

♡coded by uxie♡

Aspen Bates.

  • mood

    shots shots shots

To be honest…Aspen felt like the coolest guy in the world right now. With a group of friends all older than him in varying degrees—with Axel being 19 and Esme 17–it wasn’t often that he felt this way. While he didn’t voice it, being looked down upon because you were younger and dumber and whatever could be…really exhausting.

So this was nice.

A goofy, lopsided grin spread across his face as Shiloh spoke, and though she and the raven haired Hearthstone that had stormed away couldn’t be more different, he was sucked back in time, to last year. One of the first lunches he’d shared with the sophomore at the time.


”I don’t know what’s good yet,” Esme admitted, looking up from the menu. They hadn’t been to this particular Mediterranean restaurant yet, as it had just opened. Luckily for him, he’d snuck out and come here last night, before they’d closed, to bully the owner into making sure the experience would be good. He’d also broken one of the wooden signs that framed the doorway on the way out, but…

He’d paid him to make up for the damages, anyways.

They’d opted to sit outside, and thank god they did because the midday sun haloed her in a golden light, sorta distracting him from the matter at hand as a lazy grin spread across his face.

It was winter, but a spell he’d cast kept a bubble of warmth around the two of them, protecting them from the chill temperatures. Whether Esme noticed or not, he wasn’t sure, but…

“The gyros are to die for, apparently,” he said, pointing to the spot in the menu where they were. “And, they come with french fries, so, that’s a win in my book.”

Esme wasn’t impressed. She rolled her eyes and pursed her lips, shooting him a look that would’ve had most people turning on their heel and running, before drawling: “Everything here comes with french fries, idiot.”

Their waiter approached with two glasses, one full to the brim with a ridiculously large root beer float and a strawberry lemonade, and set them before them with a flourish.

Honestly, Aspen was just impressed the man didn’t spill anything. He certainly would’ve.

“Are you ready to order?” The waiter asked, shooting Esme a smile and eyeing Aspen cautiously, as he had been since they’d arrived. Perhaps the owner had given him a warning.

Aspen shot the man a wicked grin, before turning to Esme, about to ask if she was ready, but she spoke before he could.

“I’ll have the gyro. With extra french fries,” she said cooly. The waiter, his name tag reading Harry, nodded before turning to Aspen.

He wasn’t paying attention though, instead, his focus was solely on his friend as a wide grin contorted his features.

He felt like the coolest guy in the world.

There was a wide array of alcoholic beverages spread before them, and in the center of it all a stack of red solo cups that stood impressively high. Aspen grabbed two from the top, careful not to topple it, before turning to face Shiloh.

“You seem like someone who likes sweet things,” he announced, setting the cups down in the table and nimbly grabbing one of the large jugs of lemonade that dotted the space. Strawberry. “So we’ll take a classic—” he met her eyes, grinning, “—pink lemonade, and just….” he trailed off as he filled the cups half way with the lemonade before grabbing a bottle of cheap, probably horrid vodka. “Add some of this in there.”

He put about two shots in each, before grabbing a seltzer and presenting the curly haired beauty with both. “So the one in the cup is stronger, obviously, but that’s not for everyone,” he said, smiling. “The other one is good too, it’s just carbonated and takes a few to feel anything. I’ll leave it up to you though.”

He weighed the two in his hands dramatically.

“Your choice.”

objects in the mirror

mac miller

♡coded by uxie♡
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  • mood


The magic swelled around her, familiar and yet new at the same time. Despite both of them being celestials, attuned to the same constellation no less, James' own magic had always felt safe to her, reassuring and constant, but Andrew's was the opposite. It was wild and exciting. The winds rushed around them, whipping her hair and dried leaves about in a frenzy. Moonlight pushed the darkness further into the forest as Andrew raised his portal out of the ground.

James watched awestruck and couldn't stop her feet from moving foward on its own accord when he was done. "Fascinating." She muttered under her breath. Raising her hand to touch the swirling pools of dark energy, she was abruptly stopped by an invisible force. The force was cold beneath her touch, exceptionally so, and as solid as a brick wall.

Looking down at his outstretched hand, James hesistated briefly. Was she really going to this? Was she really going to follow Andrew Evernight through some random portal that she knew nothing about?

Cautiously reaching out, she said "I swear, Evernight, if this is another one of your pranks-" There was no time to complete her sentence as Andrew yanked her forward and through the portal that had denied her entry only seconds before. An impossible cold washed over her, like being thrown into the middle of an ocean, and she felt the world turn literally upside down for a moment before reorientating itself. Or did they reorientate themselves to it? Whatever it was, James' stomach felt like it had just done fifty somersaults in a row and she was immensely glad she had opted to skip dinner.

She didn't realise she had been holding her breath, but when she released it and tried to take another, she found the air thicker and muggier. It also burned her throat slightly, leaving James in a coughing fit. The silence of the forest was gone now, replaced by an incessant cacaphony of eerie echos, like a thousand voices all trying to speak at the same time. While it looked like they were still in the same forest they had been in, there was something strange and unnerving about it. The colors had been drained, leaving everything in greyscale. Like a distorted reflection, all the feature were there, but somehow you just knew it was wrong.

once upon a time

toby fox

♡coded by uxie♡
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Davina Jacobs | Shifter : Vamp

  • mood

    ready to party

Davina ignored the comments about the blood being too bitter, though she did make a mental note of it. It didn't make sense, anyone Dav had ever known said deer blood was too sweet, and yet... she wondered why it would be different for Liv. Then again, maybe she was just insane. That was very plausible here.

Her eyes flickered over to a group of girls when she noticed Liv's attention being pulled slightly. Of course, she'd heard it all. All the gossip surrounding her being back. It was Nightshade after all, it didn't take long for rumors to swirl.

Dav simply sent a wink their way, following it up with a wave to let them know she knew they were focused on her. That was all it took for them to grow wide-eyed and shuffle off in the opposite direction. Just the way she liked it.

"Actually, um, you’ve tried it though right? The animal blood."

Her focus returned to Liv, a brow raised at the question. "Sick?" she repeated, causing Liv to explain that she couldn't keep the blood down. First, it was too bitter, and now this? "No, no, that's not normal. I mean, have you been cursed or anything? Or taken any weird herbs or-" she paused as a memory washed over her.

"You know, I actually have seen this before. Once." she said, taking a drink from her flask and wiping at the blood that slightly stained her lip. "There was a woman in the group of vampires that I and my parents traveled with. She couldn't keep anything down unless it was human. No deer, no elk, nothing." she explained as she thought back to her days with the other rouge vampires.

Ella. She had been kind of a leader in the small circle of rouge vampires, a close friend of Dav’s mom. Eventually, when Dav became an orphan the woman took her under her wing and treated her as her own. She had explained to Dav once that her stomach didn’t take well to the animal blood due to some procedure or something but honestly, Dav couldn’t remember the details.

“I think it had something to do with some injections she’d had or a weird procedure,“ Roman waltzed up saying something about needing Liv on guitar before she could say much more on the matter. His arm extended and landed on the table, a move that shook the structure and caused her open flask to topple to the ground. The red, syrupy contents splashed across her black boots and she muttered a curse word.

Her eyes shot back up in his direction, the urge to lunge overwhelming. Sure, she didn’t mind Roman, in fact, she found him to be one of the more interesting people here but pure instinct and habit told her to rip his hands from his body and shove them down his throat. Luckily for him, a lot of eyes were on the right now and while Dav wouldn't have normally batted an eye at that, she kinda had to keep certain things in mind... at least for now.

"Go ahead. Before I change my mind," she didn't elaborate but she didn't really feel the need to. "We'll finish this later, babes. Make the first song a loud one," she winked, picking up the now empty flask from the ground and vanishing into the crowd. She sent another text to Riley, telling him she'd meet him soon, after she handled something and tucked her phone back in her pocket.

She'd actually planned on being behaved tonight, for once, but that was before Roman destroyed her only source of REAL blood. So, now she had to find a new-- perfect. A certain little brunette that everyone seemed to talk about but deep down, no one would actually probably miss. Dana. "Too easy," she smirked, stalking her like prey a few feet behind.

As she made her way into the dark, never-ending woods, Davina couldn't help but think about how the poor girl had no idea what was coming. And as wicked as it sounded, that made things even more fun. She's a bloodthirsty vampire. What do you expect?

raise hell


♡coded by uxie♡


  • mood

    baby’s first alcoholic beverage

Some people, whether they try to be or not, are exceptionally open and easy to read. Shiloh had always thought it was because of the company she’d kept—she’d known her mother and Khalani her whole life, and Malachi’s gift quite literally allowed him to see her emotions, no matter how hard she worked to stifle them at times. Now, though, she wondered if she was simply one of those people—everything about her was at surface-level. She’d only met Aspen that day, and already, he was well-acquainted with her sweet tooth.

Then again, that could’ve had something to do with the cookies.

“Are you…eating?”

Shiloh peered to her left, pencil stilling in her hand, hazel eyes wide and mouth clamped shut in a sad attempt at hiding the bite of dessert she’d just stuffed inside. She nodded with a sheepish smile, waiting until she swallowed to say, “Yeah. My friend, Khalani, made cookies.”

Khalani? That’s my roommate.”

“Oh, really? That’s so cool!”

The boy shrugged. “She has a cat.”

Shiloh hummed, pretending to know what he meant by that, then, reaching into her bag, produced a small ziplock of treats. “Do you want one?” she offered.

“No, I don’t like cats.” He wasn’t looking.

cookie.” Shiloh slid the baggie in his direction, biting back a laugh.

“Oh!” His tone changed suddenly, head snapping toward Shiloh. “Thanks.” He grabbed a cookie from inside, shooting Shiloh a grin. “I’m Aspen, by the way.”


As Aspen poured the drinks, Shiloh did her best to take it all in. She scanned the label of the second bottle—some kind of vodka she couldn’t pronounce—before meeting the boy’s gaze with a smile. She put a finger to her chin, tapping thoughtfully, eyebrows furrowed in faux concentration as she glanced between the two options offered up to her. “Well,” Shiloh decided at last, “since you put in so much work, we can’t have it go to waste.”

Taking the cup from Aspen’s hand, Shiloh tentatively brought the pink-tinted liquid to her lips. She’d heard her mother complain about how bitter alcohol was once—wine, to be exact, though she assumed vodka was a different story—but to her surprise, this was almost sweet, the pink lemonade canceling out whatever bite there might’ve been otherwise.

“Wow!” Shiloh said, turning to Aspen with raised brows and a bright smile. “This is really good. Thank you!”


blu detiger

♡coded by uxie♡


  • mood

    what the fuck.

Of course Esme could stand there so nonchalantly just moments after they’d been inches from death. Closer, if the faint splatter of Desirae’s blood on the stone floor of the cave was any indication.

Janelle had said the manticore was dead. And the dog, the hell hound the whatever the hell that was? Those weren’t supposed to be here, either. What the hell was going on in this school?

Des was too lost in thought, too far retreated into her own mind as she thought that she hardly noticed as Esme poured out the bag—Des’ bag—she’d had slung over her shoulder onto the cave ground, rummaging through it for gods knew what.

Her eyes landed on the large tome that slid out amongst the other items, but before she could open her mouth ask ask, Esme grabbed her arm and poured liquor from a metal flask all over the wound on her arm.

Des was unable to contain her hiss of pain as the alcohol worked to disinfect the cut, her blood already doing most of the work for her. Slower, in this form, but she was thankful for it nonetheless. A human would’ve bled out already.

Her mouth pressed into a scowl at Esme’s question, and she had to fight the urge to cross her arms over her chest as the younger girl wrapped her arm in the sweater she’d been wearing moments before.

“Of course I can heal,” she hissed against the pain, shooting the raven haired Hearthstone a glare. “And nobody’s supposed to know about the shifting thing, so if you could keep it to yourself that would be really nice,” she added, sticking her tongue into her cheek.

If anyone else were to find out and somehow, someway, word got back to Axel and his parents? Her father would never forgive her. She’d be ruined, in the eyes of the community. Desirae honestly couldn’t handle any more shame from them.

“I haven’t been able to since I was seven,” she admitted as she examined her hastily wrapped arm, before looking up and noting the gash across Esme’s own face. Des reached down and tore a scrap off the hem of her dress and reached towards the her roommate, rolling her eyes as she made to pull away before she grabbed her chin, turning it towards her firmly.

“Stop. It’s going to smell your blood and come right to us, spell or not,” Des told her, dabbing at the cut before she could move again. “What were you doing out here, anyways? And don’t give me some bullshit either ‘cuz I’ll know if you’re lying.”

A sigh escaped her. “Axel’s going to be so pissed.”

Cherry Hill


♡coded by uxie♡

Livanna Moore

  • mood

    a little chill

Davina didn’t get very far into her explanation before Roman had walked up.

“Hey, sorry to interrupt, but, uh, do you think you can you do me a favor?”

Knowing Roman— Liv was both intrigued and a little worried about whatever that favor was.


But spending enough time with Liv, he was quick to elaborate.

“Not that kind of favor, so don’t freak out or anything. Des is just MIA, we’re about to go on, and we need someone to play guitar. Your idiot boyfriend’s too dumb to ask, so...”

Her gaze fell back to where Des and Axel previously stood, watching her boyfriend roam around the party in search for her had placed a form of envy in her chest Liv wished didn’t exist at all.

“I mean…”

She hadn’t performed in a while— but she knew their songs and the chords by heart.

Sure, Axel wasn’t the one who asked but Liv did tell him she wasn’t interested in returning to music with a group.

But this was different. She was helping out and it wasn’t like she was joining the band.

Though Liv would’ve much rather have Axel ask her to be in the band instead of Des, but…

Roman’s arm extended towards the stage and he hit the flask that sat on the table beside them— it toppled to the ground and Liv was hit with the smell as soon as the first drip splattered.

The group of vampires across from her noticed it too, but they went back to their conversation while Liv’s gaze was unmoving.

The scent of blood wasn’t like the scent of food when you’re hungry. To vampires, the smell alone was practically intoxicating and almost anything else was completely out of mind.

"We'll finish this later, babes. Make the first song a loud one,"

Davina brought her out of the daze that she was in and Liv smiled, unaware of the fangs apparent and eagerly nodding at Roman for an answer.

Davina pointed to her own mouth— and at first, Liv was confused at the gesture until she felt the familiar canines beside her tongue.

A hand shot up to cover her mouth and she’d blame the reddened cheeks on the bonfire and the shots she’d taken minutes earlier.

Davina winked for a goodbye and she was as good as gone.

“Sorrysorrysorrysorry, yes, yeah, yes. I’ll fill in.” She gave Roman an audible answer with a hand still covering the front of her mouth.

All in all… not a bad first impression.

Though, the fangs were a total rookie mistake.

Liv mentally scolded herself— but you can’t blame her. She’s been feeding on toxic bambi blood for the last week.

And the thought alone? Just like that; appetite gone.

Roman extended a hand and she hopped onto the makeshift stage, reaching for the electric guitar she’d seen Des tuned earlier. (Liv definitely double-checked it. Sorry, Des.)

“You know… right about now would be the perfect time for those party favors…”

She swung the guitar around her shoulder, tightening the band and Liv smiled, looking up at Roman with what could only be described as puppy dog eyes.

“Favor for a favor?”

Livanna stuck her tongue out at him— fully confident in her friend, (aka, her dealer’s) ability to keep up his end of the agreement she just decided on seconds ago.

Neon Trees


♡coded by uxie♡

Esmeralda Hearthstone

  • mood

    anxious --> worried

She figured it wasn’t something Des told many people because of the backlash she’d receive. Esmeralda had just been told out of necessity— and she had no doubt in her mind that Desirae wouldn’t have entrusted her if they weren’t in a cave, hiding from not one, but two beasts.

“I haven’t been able to since I was seven,”

Her admittance sparked a sudden curiosity in the younger girl’s eyes. Mainly because Esme had some kind of obsession with the unknown and secrets— people are where she didn’t have much of an interest. But a shifter who couldn’t shift? The why was eating at her but for some reason Esmeralda couldn’t bring herself to ask.

In her hesitation, Desirae ripped a piece of cloth from her own clothes and for a moment, Esme was puzzled until Des reached out causing Esme to flinch away– and two fingers found her chin, forcing the brunette to face her. “Stop. It’s going to smell your blood and come right to us, spell or not,” Esmeralda had silently admitted defeat and stood still. Swallowing her words instead of pursuing yet another argument.

Esme took the chance to take in her features as the werewolf surprisingly gently dabbed at the wound. The slight squint to her amber eyes, the furrow in her brow and the way her lips were pressed together– she seemed so focused on such a small scratch.

“I didn’t want to die.” Rung in Esmeralda’s head on repeat.

She opened her mouth to say something when Desirae asked about why she was out here, Esme was already calculating a decent lie when she averted her gaze. “And don’t give me some bullshit either ‘cuz I’ll know if you’re lying.” Werewolves didn’t have a natural lie detector– but Esme knew she was hinting at her heart rate that had likely jumped during this conversation.

“I lost something.” Esme reached for the hand that held the cloth and pushed it away. “I’m fine, now.” She didn’t like being touched. She especially didn’t need to be by a shifter.

Esmeralda moved to sit beside her, her back against the cold, cavern wall. “I’m missing a spell page.” Her eyes dropped to the tomb beside the flask that she wound up reaching for. It was a shitty party, evidently.

“Long shot that I’d find it weeks later, but…” She twisted the cap and took a sip of the strong liquor that caused her to cough and Esme eyed her for a few moments before holding out the flask.

Desirae had bad taste in booze, too.


“So, it’s true then?” Rumors had been swirling around campus and normally she wouldn’t have believed them, though a part of Des was evidence enough. “You’re engaged to Axel?”

“Planning on making me a bridesmaid?”

A growl was heard outside of the cavern and Esme's hand instinctively found Des's arm.

If we survive.

spit in my face!


♡coded by uxie♡


  • mood

    proud of himself tbh

Roman’s eyebrows raised as he waited for Liv to give him a more definite answer, something other than “Um” and “I mean.” If he was Axel, he would’ve somehow managed to find meaning in those words—the two could probably communicate telepathically if they wanted—but Roman wasn’t fluent in Liv.

“It’ll be quick,” Roman assured. “Des even has her guitar set up already, so you don’t have to—”

As he was motioning back toward the stage, Roman had failed to take into consideration that anything sitting close enough to the edge on the table next to them would be in his hand’s line of fire, and his fingers brushed against cool metal before a flask toppled to the ground at their feet, spilling its contents onto the pine needles. All three of them stared down at it, watching the red ooze coat the dirt floor.

“Oh, shit,” Roman started. “Is that—”

Blood. It was most definitely blood.

He didn’t know the vampire well, but Roman had seen and heard enough to know that Davina wasn’t one to be fucked around with. He was about to stutter out a hasty apology, but before he got the chance, Davina was speaking to Liv again and picking up the flask as if nothing had happened. She dismissed the ordeal surprisingly swiftly and easily before heading off into the woods, leaving Roman momentarily speechless.

“That was…nice…of her,” Roman decided at last, but it came out as more of a question than anything. “So, you’ll do it?” He tore his eyes away from Davina’s retreating form, focusing his attention again on Liv.

Something was different about her.

“My, what big teeth you have,” Roman said with a laugh. “Want me to go find your big, bad wolf?” When he noticed how embarrassed Liv seemed about it, though, Roman was quick to change his tone. He held up his hands in surrender. “No worries,” he assured. “I’ve seen a lot worse, trust me.”

Roman led the way back to the stage, hopping up first, then turning to help Liv. As the vampire checked the tuning on Des’ guitar, Roman returned to his spot from earlier, picking up his water bottle and downing what remained of its contents. He was heading towards the makeshift trash can—a garbage bag tied to one corner of the drink table—when Liv stopped him in his tracks.

Humming in agreement, Roman nodded. “Right.” He tossed aside the empty bottle, making a mental note to pick it up later (which he’d likely forget), and crossed to where he’d dropped his backpack when he first arrived in the woods. Unzipping the main compartment, he produced a baggie from inside, which held a small collection of pills, all stamped to resemble smiley faces. “Here,” he said, passing it to Liv. “Have fun. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

“Yeah, so, I dunno where Des is. Sorry, man.”

Roman startled, spinning in place to see that Axel had joined them onstage. “Jesus, how do you sneak up on people? You’re a fucking tree.” He held a hand to his chest dramatically, as if trying to catch his breath. “Anyway, doesn’t matter. I found a replacement.” Roman gestured toward Liv with something along the lines of pride taking over his features. Despite how much he and Axel bickered, he knew the blonde wouldn’t have a bad thing to say about this.

“You’re welcome.” Roman patted Axel on the shoulder as he passed, closing his backpack and stashing it behind the speaker, where it could be out of sight and out of mind for the time being, and hopefully hidden well enough from anyone looking to get a freebie.

Those were for friends only.



♡coded by uxie♡

Riley Fitzgerald.

  • mood

    not again.

Riley wasn’t sure what sick twist of fate had the Council placing Callum and Ezekiel on security detail around the school this year. Perhaps it was the death of the shifter last year. When the school had closed.

They’d blamed that on the manticore, which Janelle had sworn she’d taken care of. While the Fitzgerald brothers were left to deal with…cleaning up the mess left behind.

What was odd about it all, though, was that Jason’s body had been found drained of blood. Normally, anybody with half a brain would immediately assume it was a vampire, but…

There were no bite marks.

No wounds at all, save for a gooey black substance under his nails and leaking from his ears and nose. It wasn’t anything he or Cal or even Zeke, the eldest of the brothers had ever seen.

Manticores dismembered and ate their prey, bones and all. They didn’t leave them bloodless.

They all shared a silent agreement to not talk about it. To keep their heads down and do their job. The brands on their wrist made sure of that, the permanent marker that they were Council property and any foot stepped out of line would be burned.

It was sort of ironic, really.

Riley pushed all that out of his mind now as he stood in the forest clearing, a sloppy smile on his face and a metal flask that was now only half full gripped in his hand.

Usually, parties weren’t his scene, despite his mostly easygoing and laid back personality. He was always on high alert, his head on a swivel, looking out for any signs of danger.

Boring, Liv had called him.

Riley sighed, checking his phone for what had to be the seventeenth time in the last ten minutes, waiting for a text from Davina.

When he’d arrived, she’d been talking to Roman and Liv, and now…he hadn’t a clue where the vampire was.

Riley was tipsy, and bored, and she’d promised him shots and now he was getting impatient.

Whatever was between him and the vampire was left largely unspoken—their friendship was unorthodox and unexpected, risen from the ashes of rebellion, each in their own way.

Riley stepped into an abandoned warehouse, blinking against the sudden darkness.

The walls were covered in peeling paint and graffiti, and some of the windows were boarded up with now-rotting wood. The front door hung off its hinges, creaking ominously in the gentle breeze. Riley shuddered, all of his senses on high alert.

The air was thick with the musty smell of mildew and mold. The floor was littered with debris, broken glass, and rusted metal scraps, and Riley had to watch his step to avoid tripping on the scattered rubble. The walls were marred with scratches and scuff marks, and the occasional spray-painted message.

Fuck you!! one read in bubble letters. Riley raised an eyebrow.

But as his eyes adjust to the dimness, he noticed a striking contrast - a hole in the ceiling, letting in a beam of golden sunlight that illuminated a small section of the warehouse floor. The light seems almost surreal, like a glimmer of hope in the midst of decay.

He strode towards the beam of light, crunching broken glass underfoot, and as he stepped into the warm glow, he could see dust motes dancing in the air. He lifted a hand, watching as the particles swirled around in his wake.

Then, the hair of his arms began to stand on edge, every cell in his body at alert. He wasn’t alone any longer.

Just like they’d planned.

Riley whirled around, hand gripped on the hilt of the dagger sheathed at his waist. Made out of white oak wood.

A tool to kill vampires.

He didn’t pull it out, though, when he beheld the vampire. She was his age, maybe a few years older at most, and looked at him with a dull boredom edged with a potent hunger.

She approached him and he held up a hand.


She laughed, a vicious smile spreading across her angelic features, but continued approaching.

Riley sighed.

“It’s a trap, you know.”

The vampire paused, tilting her head a bit as she considered. He o my stared back with steely resolve.

He could’ve killed her on his own, anyways.

“My brothers will be here in three minutes, and they’re looking for any excuse to take you out,” he said, laughing dryly. He took a step forwards, releasing the grip on his knife.

“So go ahead, take a bite. The Council isn’t picky—they don’t mind if you’re dead or alive.”

She scoffed, but didn’t make any move to attack. “And you guys swear they’re your saviors,” she spat, arching a brow at him.

Riley shrugged, and then rolled up his sleep, exposing the brand in the shape of a Orion’s constellation. Each of his brothers had different ones, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor respectively.

“We just do what we’re told,” he offered her plainly, before rolling the sleeve of his grey crewneck back down. “The government’s hunting dogs, if you would.”


“But we’re good at it.”

Broken glass crunched behind him, and in the doorway stood his brothers, knives at the ready. Riley through an arm out as the vampire whirled around.

“She agreed to come with us,” he told them, stepping forward. Never mind that she could grab him and kill him in an instant at the distance. Then, he turned to her.

“What’s your name?” He asked, shooting her a smile.

“Davina,” she growled, but slowly all three of them relaxed. Slightly.


Another smile.

“I’m Riley.”

Without thinking, Riley set off through the woods, following a trail he hadn’t realized he’d picked up. A size seven footprint here, a lingering cloud of perfume there.

A sloppy smile spread across his face as he took another swig from the flask.

Drunk Riley was very nonsensical. He’d discovered this at the age of 14, the first time he’d ever drank with his brothers.

He made his way through the dense undergrowth of the forest, the twigs and leaves crackle and crunch beneath his heavy feet. The darkness envelopes him, and the only light comes from the distant glow of the full moon, casting eerie shadows through the trees.

The woods are eerily quiet, with only the sound of his own footsteps and breathing breaking the stillness. The air is thick with the scent of pine needles and damp earth, and Riley's nostrils flare as he tries to pick up any trace of Davina.

Like some hound dog.

Then, there was movement out of the corner of his eye and when he whirled around he saw her, walking back his way. Licking her fingers clean of….blood. Was that blood?

It was too hard to tell in this light but he stepped towards her nonetheless, the smile growing.

“Davina, darlin’ there ya are,” he greeted her warmly. Blood leaked from the corners of her mouth and his smile slipped into a frown.

“Dav, doll, what did you do?”

Golden Hour


♡coded by uxie♡

Davina Jacobs | Shifter : Vamp

  • mood

    oops i did it again…

Roman's clumsy mistake was one that normally would provoke a more violent or aggressive response from Davina. On a bad day she would have just torn his heart from his chest and feasted on it in front of the whole party to make an example out of him and on a good day she would've at least threatened to do just that. The temperamental vampire had been known to snap for way less.

Shockingly to Liv and Roman, Dav simply shrugged the incident off this time though. No use in crying over spilled...blood, right? Besides, she was surrounded by plenty of it and it gave her an easy excuse to have a little fun. It didn't take Dav long to set her sights on a particularly injured cheerleader and before she could give a second thought to the fact that it was likely not in her best interest to act on her blood lust, the hunger combined with the pure boredom took precedence.

With each step further and further into the woods, the brunette stalked the girl like prey into the dark of the night. The music faded further and further out of earshot and for a moment Dav began to wonder why Dana was even going so far out here all alone, especially given the recent death of a fellow student by what the school staff had said was a monster from this very area. When Dana came to a stop, so did Dav, laying in wait to be sure this wasn't some trap or that she wasn't meeting someone before making her move.

"You reaaaaally shouldn't be out here all alone," Dav chirped as she finally stepped out into the open, making her presence known. Her eyes met with the younger girl's as she swirled around to face her. "God! You scared the hell out of me. I was- uhh..." Dana stuttered, struggling to find a reply. "Haven't you heard? There are monsters lurking around every corner. Never can predict when one might get hungry," she added, a mischievous grin forming on her face. "Yeah, no. I mean, I was just... curious-- well, Jason, where he..." she trailed off but she didn't need to finish anyway.

"Where he was murdered? How morbid of you. I like it. It's too bad no one taught you the golden rule though," she took a few steps closer, her fangs poking through her gums as she heard Dana's heartbeat pick up speed. The pesky thing was practically beating out of her chest as she took a step back, cracking a tree branch underneath her shoes. "Wha-what rule?" she asked, trying and failing to mask the sheer terror in her voice by crossing her arms over her chest. "You know? Curiosity killed the witch."

Dana moved to run and opened her mouth to scream for help but Davina was too quick for her. The vampire firmly grabbed Dana's jaw, holding the girl's face to her own. "Don't make a sound. It's way easier that way," she demanded as if the girl had a choice but to listen. If she was smarter, she would've been taking something to make her less subjectable to compulsion like Khal was rumored to do but then again, she supposed there was no reason to when they were mostly surrounded by the type of vampires who actually had a moral compass and stayed in the councils stupid little box.

"Be sure to let Roman know you were his sacrafice when you see him on the other side, yeah?" she added, sinking her fangs into Dana's neck and allowing the metallic taste to fill her mouth.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< incoming flashback >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Amber eyes moved back and forth, back and forth, following the blonde-haired boy as he shuffled around the dusty, abandoned building. It reeked of stale water and stray animals, dust particles floating around the air as he moved through. The mere fact that he was even here in this place confirmed her suspicions were right. He'd been following her in hopes of luring her here and it worked in a way. She hadn't thought too much of their first encounter, at that coffee shop where he'd held a door open for her but after the third "chance sighting" of him at a bar, she had kinda caught on.

Still, even now as she came to the conclusion that she was being set up, she didn't realize who he was or even who he was here on behalf of. What she assumed was that he was just a crazy tourist who'd read one too many supernatural beings books that had no clue what he was getting himself into. There wasn't even a part of her who thought that his family was waiting to move in from the woods nearby and he was acting as a distraction or bait of sorts.

"It's a trap you know..." he spoke, holding up a hand as she stepped into the moonlight to reveal her presence. "A trap? Is that was you call this? You got some salt you want to use to trap me in a circle next?" she scoffed, clearly amused at what she assumed was his attempt to intimidate her. He went on to explain that his brothers were moving in from the shadows, waiting to take her out and another laugh escaped her ruby-red lips. Soon, two more heartbeats came within earshot though and she realized he wasn't bluffing.

"What is this? Toddler vampire hunters club? You guys watch waaaaay too much tv," she questioned, raising an eyebrow. "I am so shaking in my Louis Vuittons," she added with an amused grin. As he closed some of the gap between the two of them though, she tilted her head a little. Was it a brave move or a stupid one? She couldn't decide but something about him...his entire vibe felt different than anyone else she'd met before. -- "Go ahead and take a bite." So stupid it was. "The Council isn’t picky—they don’t mind if you’re dead or alive.”

Of course. He'd been sent by the council to come after her, she should've known after the raid on the rogue vampire's coven that they would be sending their hound dogs after any stragglers that they missed. "I don't take too kindly to threats, pretty boy. You and the rest of the council's puppets might have me outnumbered but you know damn well I am more than capable of taking quite a few of you down with me," she warned. Before he could respond, the sound of glass crunching beneath a pair of boots hit her ears and two older boys appeared in the doorway with weapons drawn.

Davina's attention was redirected towards the new additions to their little meeting and her fangs protruded through her gums in defense. Her honey eyes darkened and red veins flashed underneath them. "She's agreed to come with us!" the blonde shouted, his eyes darting from the two back to her. She hadn't. As if she would've ever just agreed to that.

Dav could've easily ripped his head off right then and used it to take out tweedle dum and tweedle dee here but their weapons were no doubt laced with poisons strong enough to subdue or even kill her given who they were associated with. She would've normally just made an escape but she could hear through the chirping of crickets that they really did have the place surrounded. Davina was a lot of things but stupid was not one of them which was why self-preservation kicked in when he spoke again. "What's your name?" to which she growled an answer, "Davina."

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ending flashback >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Davina hadn't even bothered to clean up her mess when she was through. Was that really shocking though? When did she ever? Besides, it wasn't like anyone would even think twice about it when they found poor Dana drained and lifeless, this wasn't the first time a kid had ventured to far into the woods and wound up dead. No one would ever suspect her, and even if they did they couldn't prove it and she would just blame the manticore bullshit like the school counselors had or whatever.

She licked her index finger, the remaining blood smearing across her bottom lip as she did. "Davina, darlin', there you are!" she heard the familiar voice and her eyes returned to their normal shade, traveling up to meet his. "Riles, I’ve been waiting for you,” she shot him a smile. "What did you do...?" — Dav raised a brow at this, swiping her thumb at the corner of her mouth when she noticed that was where his eyes were focused.

“Oh that. I got bored,” she shrugged. “Did you bring the shots?" she added, trying to push the whole thing under the rug before she earned a lecture. “Come on. Don’t make a big deal of it. It was only a tiny bite and totally consensual, swear,” she held up a hand as if she was giving some scouts honor. She wasnt lying, Dana hadn’t protested…after the compulsion anyway. “I’m sure she’s fine,” the girl added, moving to his side.

“You coming, babe? There’s a party going on and you promised a good time,” she purred, “I’m in the mood for body shots,” the vampire added, tugging at his arm to lead him away from the crime scene she’d just created. Hopefully her attempts at diverting his attention would work and another bottle and would stop him from even giving this whole ordeal a second thought. She already knew he didn’t approve of her ‘lifestyle’, she didn’t need to hear it again.

raise hell


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  • mood

    slightly annoyed, sorta content

There were too many people doing too many substances and talking about too many different uninteresting & uninviting subjects; the first mental note that Khal jotted down as she tugged her friend through the unrelenting crowds of people. How a clearing in the middle of the woods could feel so much like an awkward high school reunion in some shitty hotel conference room was beyond her, and yet, here she was.

“Christ,” She huffed under her breath as they broke the wall of students at the liquor table, dusting off the front of her sweater to rid it of the invisible reek left by tequila stained breaths. She too eyed the table in harmony with Kai, his question breaking her train of thought. There was nothing but plastic bottle vodka, half drank and surely half spilled on it’s side as a perfect twin to what seemed to be a bottle of tequila, though that was only a guess. The smell that lifted off the table and into the air was enough to clear her sinuses, and yet, she knew the stench’s source wouldn’t be enough to get her as drunk as she needed to be to continue being at this party. “Look for something brown,” Her voice was low & disheartened, almost edging on whiny before black eyes followed Kai’s tanned arm reaching for something on the wreck of a display before them. She saw it as his hand folded around the unsullied bottle, her shoulders visibly relaxing at the sight and a smile peeling back her lips. Dark eyes shined a bit as the now content secular heard the break of the scotch's seal tear in unison with the cracks of the fire behind them, the two harmonizing in a way that almost made her forget where she was and why she was there…

She was too sober to actually forget, but at least there was a light at the end of that tunnel.

“It’s not like you’ll see them taking advantage of it,” Khal easily plucked the bottle from Kai’s grasp, the fire reflecting off of the drop that missed his mouth in his earlier swig and making her chuckle as she reached out to swipe it away with the corner of her sleeve before giving him a light flick to the chin. Though it didn't seem to disturb his oncoming peace. She too could see her friend’s shoulders dip down his back as he reveled in the liquid comfort, the way he took a second longer to blink and how his jaw seemed to finally give. Even the tensed muscle lingering underneath a river of black ink that peeked from the collar of his shirt seemed to nestle back into place, no longer pushing against skin in panic. It was a portrait of calm that Khal wished to replicate, pressing the mouth of the bottle to her lips and inviting in the fire that hissed as it slid down her throat. “It’s only fair it stays with us.” Her voice pinched as she spoke, the remnants of scotch lingering at the back of her throat as she hugged the bottle close, turning back to the party and stepping closer to her friend in search of some sense of security.

“I don’t know how they do it Kai,” She sighed, fingers locked around the bottle’s neck as she brought it to her lips once more, eyes squinting as the rush of heat poured into her stomach once again. Black hair fell to one side as she rolled her neck once before settling an unhidden gaze of judgment mixed with confusion back on the group before her. “Why go out into the middle of nowhere to drink and try to find your way home when they could just drink at home? Even worse, some of them are going to wake up on the ground of this clearing, or draped over their cars, or in someone else’s car, or on the campus lawn- it’s ridiculous.” Another gulp, another squint as the liquor burned at her throat, cutting off her rant and replacing it with something to help her annoyance drown. "This is why I like drinking with just you... at least I know where we're going to end up for the night and we aren't going to make asses of ourselves." If there was one thing Khalani could never be around her childhood friend, it was embarrassed... drunkenly blubbering about absolutely nothing, tripping over her own feet, it wasn't something she felt ashamed of in front of the Ward boy... but in front of a group of her peers? It would never get to that point. Luckily in all of their late night drinking practice, the two knew how to hide their intoxication level like pros.

Half heartedly, Khalani's eyes searched for Shiloh once, twice, before sighing and pushing the bottle into Kai's stomach for him to take. “The things we do for that girl, Kai… I hope she’s having enough fun for all three of us.”

cry for love


♡coded by uxie♡

Aspen Bates.

  • mood

    shots shots shots

Aspen was full of smiles today it seemed, as he handed Shiloh the cup in his right hand. The muscles in his cheeks were beginning to hurt, but how could he complain? He was in the company of a beautiful lady, with a cup in his hand and good, live music about to go on.

“Thanks, made it myself,” he told her, though his smile faltered a bit. It was a bad joke—obviously he’d made it, she’d been standing right there! He shook it off though, and took a sip of his own drink, mouth puckering a bit at the tang of the lemonade and vodka.

The fire at their backs was beginning to get just a little too hot—the Elementals controlling it must’ve gotten bored and decided to experiment—and suddenly Aspen was glad he’d given his jacket to Shiloh. He shuffled further away from the blazing circle, grabbing Shiloh’s hand once more as he led her towards the stage.

“There,” he stated, stopping promptly as if they’d stopped in some special sort of place. Aspen gestured towards where Axel was just finishing setting up, though he so no sign of the other band members like Des or Roman. “We can see better from here.”

He pointed at his best friend, grinning proudly. “That’s my best friend, Axel. He’s a werewolf, a Shifter like me,” Aspen informed the curly haired sophomore enthusiastically. “‘Cept I don’t turn into a dog, I’m a raven.”


“And before you ask, no, I don’t eat out of the bird feeders.” He rolled his eyes. “That’s like asking Axel if he sleeps in a kennel—which he doesn’t. Unless that’s something he and Liv are into that I don’t know about, which would be pretty weird, but that would be a them thing, not a Shifter thing.”

He was rambling, but Shiloh didn’t seem to mind. Something about her presence was calming, free of the harsh judgments and condescension others in the school tended to carry around with them. Aspen took another sip of his drink, and then two more just for good measure, tilting his head as he thought he heard a roar from the forest.

Nobody else seemed alarmed, however, so he decided to forget about it, turning the majority of his attention back to the younger Ward sibling. “I forgot to ask, by the way. What house are you in? What’s your magic?” He laughed. “I know it’s a super basic sorta question but I’m curious. Shifters aren’t really known for being good at magic so I make it my mission to prove those asshats wrong.”

He shot her a wink.

“So what’s your thing? Maybe you can teach me.”

objects in the mirror

mac miller

♡coded by uxie♡
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  • mood

    showing off

Shiloh giggled. “I can tell you put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into it,” she said, taking another sip. Then, noticing her mistake, was quick to correct: “Not that it tastes like blood, sweat, or tears! I just—never mind.” Shiloh looked down with a sheepish smile, hazel eyes suddenly eager to look anywhere but at Aspen.

For a moment, Shiloh thought the suddenly heightened warmth was a result of embarrassment, but when Aspen’s hand slipped into hers again, pulling her away from the fire, she realized it was more than her emotions at work. As they passed, the flames looked bigger and brighter than they had been earlier, and a group of what she assumed to be Elementals could be seen on the other side of it, looking especially mischievous.

At Aspen’s announcement, Shiloh’s gaze flickered to the stage from their new position, now much closer. She nodded enthusiastically, grin breaking across her features. “It’s perfect,” she agreed.

Axel—the tall blonde; Shiloh had been right in her previous assumption—must have felt them watching or somehow overheard their conversation (werewolves could do that, right?) because he turned in their direction. He looked at Aspen first, sending him a crooked smile and a wave before glancing to Shiloh. Just as quickly, his attention returned to Aspen, his brows raised as if to send some silent message. He gave the younger boy a wink, then hopped off the stage, disappearing into the crowd.

Shiloh opened her mouth to speak, but before she could, Aspen cut her off. She tilted her head, curls cascading across her shoulder and amusement dancing in her gaze as she listened to her companion’s rambling.

“Don’t worry,” Shiloh assured at the first break in the boy’s train of thought. “I wasn’t going to ask.” The edges of her lips curled upward. “I actually think it’s really cool.” She paused. “Maybe not the whole kennel thing, but that’s none of my business.”

It might’ve been nothing beyond the girl’s imagination, but a sound echoed from deep within the woods, almost undetectable over the sound of the music echoing through the speakers and the raucous chatter of their peers. No one else seemed to take notice, or if they did, they didn’t deem it worthy of their acknowledgment, so Shiloh chose to follow suit, paying it no mind as she sipped distractedly on her drink.

“I’m a Psyche,” Shiloh explained. “It’s not nearly as fun as being able to turn into a bird, but I can create illusions.” She raised her free hand to demonstrate. A fuzzy, peach-tinted light shimmered above the girl’s open palm before it swirled to form a small swarm of butterflies. They flitted a couple of loops above Shiloh’s outstretched fingers before trailing towards Aspen, encircling his figure, their warm glow illuminating his face as Shiloh studied him, the corners of her eyes crinkling with mirth.

Shiloh’s expression soon fell, however, as the illusion fizzled out, hand dropping back to her side. “I wish I could teach you, but I can’t. I don’t know how I do it, really. It just sort of…happens.” She shrugged, frowning thoughtfully.

Movement on the stage caught Shiloh’s attention, and she glanced over to see that the brunette from earlier had come back, this time joined by Axel’s girlfriend, who picked up the guitar. “Aw, is she in the band too? That’s so cute!”


blu detiger

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Ezrael M. Hearthstone

  • mood


Ezra wasn’t sure if he should bother to tell Veronika that he was just as out of touch with the styles of his classmates as she was. He’d been wearing vintage designer and the newest runway trends since he was out of diapers, courtesy of a mother who was all about appearances.

He shrugged.

“To be honest,” Ezra drawled, a sort of smirk taking over his stony features, “most of the people at this school are going to look like they’ve just joined up with the circus the town over, so, you’ll look more than fine in anything with them around.”

He blinked as the words settled, his eyebrows creasing as he realized how what he had said could be interpreted. Still, he wouldn’t take it back now. Even if she was supposed to be his sworn enemy.

He rolled his eyes at the thought.

“There’s this outfit you wore a few times last year,” Ezra stated, biting the inside of his cheek. “A yellow skirt, and this black, like…” his eyes narrowed as he tried to get a clearer image in his head, “a tank top, maybe.”

You’re blushing, a shadow crooned.

He ignored it.

“It might be too cold, for a tank top, though. You could always borrow a jacket of mine, if you want.”

God he didn’t know what he was doing here. If Esme knew, she’d kick his ass and then have his mom do the same. His shoe clad foot nudged the carpeted ground anxiously.

Judging by Veronika’s face, she was feeling very much the same, though it did little to make him feel any better. He slipped the flask he’d stuck in the front pocket of his jeans out and unscrewed the lid. He took a long, slow pull.

You look so stupid right now, don’t you tough guy?



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  • mood

    so confused

Veronika’s laugh died in her throat as Ezra’s words set in, a blush slowly crawling across the otherwise pale skin of her cheeks. She was certain he hadn’t meant anything by it, but people didn’t say stuff like that about her, intentional or not. Even her own mother refrained from such compliments—the best Mrs. Hawthorne could offer was a tight-lipped smile and affirmation that her daughter looked “presentable.”

It was weird, but Veronika didn’t entirely dislike it—not that she could let Ezra know that, of course.

“True,” Veronika agreed. “If people like Emersyn are the standard for how to dress, I’m sure I have nothing to worry about.” Except for the fact that she was nothing like her cousin, and she hated herself for wishing that, for once, she had even an ounce of the girl’s devil-may-care attitude about what she put on her body—maybe then, she wouldn’t stand out like a sore thumb, but was that such a bad thing? At least Veronika would be walking away with her dignity still intact at the end of the night.

With a raise of her brows, Veronika couldn’t help smiling at Ezra’s inadvertent admission—he took note of what she wore? This was getting ridiculous.

Veronika pursed her lips to hide the grin, nodding thoughtfully as she pondered the boy’s suggestion. She knew the exact outfit he was referring to, and he was right—the past few days had been chilly, especially after the sun had gone down, so she’d have to modify it a bit, but it was a good starting point.

“Oh,” Veronika started, attention darting downward bashfully. “Thank you. I mean, I probably have something that could work, but if not…” The pride her parents had instilled in her wouldn’t let her finish the sentence, but she didn’t need to—Ezra was a smart boy. He could read between the lines.

Veronika retreated into her bedroom, back resting against the door as soon as it was closed. Her fingertips found a home on her temples, neatly-manicured nails digging into the flesh there as her pale eyes squeezed shut.

Things could not possibly get any stranger.

Rifling through her closet, Veronika retrieved the main items she needed—black sleeveless turtleneck slipped over her head and knit lounge pants replaced by pleated skirt—but when she reached for her black tights, she came up empty. She’d worn her last pair with her uniform that morning, she realized, as she grabbed a pair of thigh-high black socks instead—anything to help ward off the cold air that was sure to be lurking in the forest. Veronika took a seat on the edge of the bed to lace up her boots before standing again and returning to Ezra in the living room.

“I couldn’t find my coat,” the Hawthorne girl announced, sheepishly running a hand down her bare arm, which was already littered with goosebumps. She could’ve sworn she had a denim jacket somewhere, but all she’d seen on her hunt were cardigans, none of them thick enough to do any real good. Honestly, after seeing Esme with her brooch earlier that day, Veronika wasn’t all that surprised to find something else of hers missing, whether it was correlated or not—she should just open up her closet to the entire school at this point, let them have free range.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───​

When Veronika and Ezra arrived at the party, it was already in full swing. Subconsciously, she found herself sticking close to the Hearthstone boy’s side as they picked their way through the boisterous crowd, tucking her hands into the long sleeves of his jacket. While the halls of Nightshade were her domain—her surname’s reputation preceded her; wherever she went, people moved out of Veronika’s way, avoiding her stoic gaze and saving the whispered gossip for when she was out of earshot—she was in their territory now. Either no one knew who she was because they weren’t expecting her to be there, or they were too inebriated to care.

Almost on cue, someone bumped Veronika with their shoulder as they stumbled past, knocking her into Ezra’s side. She clutched onto his arm for balance before realizing their proximity and stepping back. “Sorry,” she muttered, quickly looking away.


taylor swift

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