Nightmares Alive

Kink glared back at Xellos irritated but did not say anything,he just kept walking wishing this guy would say something more nice,or more like not say anything at all.
xellos: so, what kinds of foods do you have here? i know master rune would have my head if i didnt pick him up recipies of new dishes
"many different kinds from all over our world since the king tended to travel a lot..."Kink said as they got to the entrance where two guards were placed.once they saw Kink and the two princes they backed away and Kink opened the door for the three.
xellos: okay, if i can ill pick some up, hopefully not too many explode if done wrong...that makes lord rune too happy when they explode
Kink chuckled at this."Some won't."Cross and Eclipse had already gone in," all looks the same."Cross said as he looked around,Kink nodded.Well yes,it's the same castle,just moved...."
Kink smiled and walked in and walked across the large room they had entered and entered a hallway right across fro the door,the boys followed now seeming more happy to see home but still un-eased. there were pictures down both sides of the hallways as it was lit with torches that sat in there holders.
xellos: a long walk, maybe i should do a puzzle* a puzzle floats in the air and xellos pieces it together in minutes*
"it's not long,right there..."Kink once again pointed to a large door at the end of the hall,he stopped at it and turned back to the others."Behave...okay?..."The boys nodded.
Kink glared at Xellos,hoping he doesn't do anything stupid.He sighed and opened the door to reveal a large ball room,and at the other end of it sat a thrown up a couple steps.And there sat the king with his eyes closed as he leaned to the side,sitting slightly sideways.Cross and Eclipse walked in,now they looked a lot more serious then before.

(King: )
"No..."The king said as he peeked and eye open and looked at them,once he saw Cross and Eclipse his face lit up as he stood and walked to them."Long time no see,end of the world last time right?"He chuckled.Cross smirked at him."How's it been old man,haven't changed a bit is seems..."The king shrugged,"Family's never aged much,been passed down for decades."He stopped in front of the group about three feet from them,he looked at Xellos."I don't seem to remember this one,friend?"Cross and Eclipse nodded and the king smiled."Still testing or haven't gotten there yet?"

"I'm still testing..."Eclipse crossed his arms,he still wasn't sure about Xellos,Cross was okay with him since Rune was but he had his suspicions.
xellos: hello sire, my name is xellos*he bows* xellos: i am here in absence of my lord as i know he would have chosen the same given the cance but he cannot come at thiss time...i wish to speak with you if you will honor me.
The king crossed his arms,"Go on then."He smiled wondering what this man had to say,figuring it was about Cross and Eclipse no doubt.

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